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“solitude vivifies, isolation kills”
Mexican Biodiversity
Joseph Roux
Home > Corridor > To learn more > References
“Dawn on the river and I crossed naked
and the dawn pouring over all the mountain I split.
And the taste of the raw cocoa was bleak
when the tapir’s teeth chew it and grind it. “
Carlos Pellicer, Tabasco
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Contact: [email protected] | México 2009
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“solitude vivifies, isolation kills”
Mexican Biodiversity
Joseph Roux
Home > Corridor > To learn more > References
“Dawn on the river and I crossed naked
and the dawn pouring over all the mountain I split.
And the taste of the raw cocoa was bleak
when the tapir’s teeth chew it and grind it. “
Carlos Pellicer, Tabasco
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Hudson, W.E. 1991. Landscape Linkages and Biodiversity.
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Pulliam, H.R. 1988. Sources, sinks, and population
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Contact: [email protected] | México 2009
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