2015 Plant Pathology Joint Meeting

2015 Plant Pathology Joint Meeting
LV American Phytopathological Society-Caribbean Division (APS-CD)
XVIII Latin American Phytopathological Association (ALF)
XVII International Congress and XLII National Congress of the Mexican Society
of Plant Pathology (SMF)
Congress Venue
Hyatt Regency Mexico City Hotel
(Campos Eliseos: Polanco-Chapultepec)
19 - 23 July, Mexico City, Mexico
Pre – Congress Courses
International Conferences
Graduate Student Paper Competition
Sunday, July 19
08:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m. Registration at the Hyatt Regency Mexico City Hotel
09:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m. Seed Health Symposium (Simposio sobre Sanidad de Semillas)
Coordinators: Ing. Mario Puente-Raya (AMSAC), Dr. Javier Trujillo-Arriaga (SENASICA), MC. Enriqueta MolinaMacías (SNICS), Dr. Rafael Mora-Aguilar (SNITT) and Dr. Hilda Victoria Silva-Rojas (COLPOS).
Granada room
See program….
09:00 a.m. - 18:00 p.m. Workshop on Relevant Aspects in the Taxonomy and Evolution of the
Oomycetes: Phytophthora, Pythium and Phytopythium (Taller sobre Aspectos Relevantes en la
Taxonomía y Evolución de Oomicetes: Phytophthora, Pythium and Phytopythium)
Coordinators: Ronald David French-Monar, PhD. Assistant Professor and Diagnostician, Department of Plant
Pathology & Microbiology, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Amarillo, TX, U.S.A.; and Gloria Abad, PhD. Senior
Plant Pathologist, Oomycetes Program Leader, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-Center of Plant Health Science &
Technology (CPHST), Beltsville, MD, U.S.A.
Regency Room F
To be announced….
Pre – Congress Courses
Morning Sessions
Eight pre-congress courses (4 h each one):
09:00 a.m. - 13:00 p.m. Epidemiology
Gustavo Mora-Aguilera, PhD1.
Regency Room G
09:00 a.m.- 13:00 p.m. Emergent Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
Nematodos Fitoparásitos Emergentes
Dr. Alejandro Tovar-Soto2.
Ángel Ramírez-Suárez, PhD3.
Regency Ball Room A
09:00 a.m. - 13:00 p.m. Handling equipment for applying
Dr. Fernando Urzua-Soria4.
Regency Room D1
Manejo de equipo para aplicación de
09:00 a.m. - 13:00 p.m. Molecular phylogeny
(Diversity, ecology and evolution of
microbial populations)
Gerardo Nava-Morales, PhD5.
Regency Room D2
Filogenia molecular
(Diversidad, ecología y evolución en
poblaciones microbianas)
13:00 p.m. – 14:00 p.m. Lunch Break (ticket holders only)
Regency Ball Room B
Afternoon Sessions
14:00 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. Molecular techniques in Plant Pathology
Técnicas moleculares en Fitopatología
Dra. Reyna I. Rojas-Martínez1.
Dr. Daniel Ochoa-Martínez1.
Regency Room G
14:00 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. Successful preparation of manuscripts
for high impact journals included in
international publishers
Ángel Bravo-Vinaja, PhD6.
Regency Ball Room A
Preparación exitosa de manuscritos para
revistas de alto impacto incluidas en
editoriales internacionales
14:00 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. Plant Pathogenic Fungi
Hongos fitopatógenos (teoría y práctica)
14:00 p.m. - 18:00 p.m. Contemporary methods for data
analysis applied to Plant Pathology
Métodos contemporáneos para el análisis
de datos aplicados a la fitopatología
Dr. Gerardo Leyva-Mir7.
Regency Room D1
Paul David Esker, PhD8.
Ángel Rebollar-Alviter, PhD9.
Regency Room D2
Profesor Investigador, Campus Montecillo, Colegio de Postgraduados (COLPOS), 2Investigador, Escuela
Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 3Nematólogo, Dirección General de Sanidad
Vegetal, Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASICA), 4, 7Profesor,
Departamento de Parasitología Agrícola, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (UACH), 5Profesor-Investigador,
Facultad de Química, Departamento de Investigación y Posgrado de Alimentos, Universidad Autónoma de
Querétaro (UAQ), 6Profesor Responsable de los Recursos y Servicios Digitales de Información Científica y
Tecnológica, Campus San Luis Potosí, Colegio de Postgraduados (COLPOS), 8Profesor de Fitopatología y
Estadística, Escuela de Agronomía, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) y 9Profesor, Centro Regional Universitario
Centro Occidente, Campus Morelia, Michoacán, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (UACH).
Monday, July 20
07:00 a.m. – 18:00 p.m.
Registration at the Hyatt Regency Mexico City Hotel (First floor)
07:00 a.m. - 08:30 a.m.
Poster Set-Up
07:30 a.m. - 08:30 a.m.
Breakfast, by invitation
Morning Sessions
Regency Room E
Auditorium - Regency Ball Room C
08:30 a.m. - 08:40 a.m.
Conference attendees must take their places in Auditorium
(Conferencistas deberán tomar sus lugares en el Auditorium)
08:45 a.m. - 09:15 a.m.
Welcome address
(Palabras de bienvenida)
Dr. Miguel Angel Mancera, Head of Government of the Mexican Federal
District (Jefe de Gobierno del Distrito Federal)
09:15 a.m. – 09:30 a.m.
Opening of the 2015 International Plant Pathology Joint Meeting
(Inauguración de la 2015 Reunión Internacional de Fitopatología)
Lic. Enrique Martínez y Martínez, Agriculture´s Secretary, SAGARPA,
Mexico (Secretario de Agricultura, SAGARPA, México)
09:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Opening Lecture
(Conferencia Magistral)
Regulated pests in the phytosanitary context of Mexico and Latin
Plagas reglamentadas en el contexto fitosanitario de México y América
Dr. Javier Trujillo Arriaga, Director of the National Service of Agro
Alimentary Health, Safety and Quality (Director General de Sanidad
Vegetal, SENASICA, México).
SPECIAL SESSION (Sesión Especial)
10:00 a.m. - 13:00 p.m.
Coordinator: María de Jesús Yáñez Morales, PhD (COLPOS).
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Are cryptic species real?
Las especies crípticas son reales?
Prof. Dr. Pedro W. Crous. Professor of Utrecht, Wageningen (NL),
Melbourne (AUS), Stellenbosch, Pretoria & Free State (SA) Universities;
and Director of Evolutionary Phytopathology group and the Centre of
Fungal Biodiversity in CBS-KNAW, Holland; General Secretary of
International Mycological Association (IMA).
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Coffee Break
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Generic concepts in Nectriaceae.
Conceptos genéricos en Nectriaceae.
Dr. Lorenzo Lombard. Evolutionary Phytopathology. CBS-KNAW Fungal
Biodiversity Centre, Holland.
12:15 p.m. - 13:00 p.m.
13:00 p.m. - 14:30 p.m.
Lunch Break (ticket holders only)
Regency Ball Room B
Afternoon Sessions
14:30 p.m. - 16:30 p.m.
Oral Technical Sessions
Fungal Taxonomy
(Taxonomía de Hongos)
Regency Room D1
14:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Coordinators: María de Jesús Yañez-Morales, PhD (COLPOS) and Francisco
Javier Plasencia-de-la Parra, PhD (UNAM).
14:30 p.m. – 15:00 p.m.
Current outline of Colletotrichum systematics.
Esquema actual de la sistemática de Colletotrichum.
Dr. Ulrike Damm. Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz.
Head – Section of Micology, Germany.
15:00 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Other oral presentations.
Sugarcane Diseases
(Enfermedades de la caña de azúcar)
Regency Room D2
14:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Coordinators: Dr. Hilda Victoria Silva-Rojas (COLPOS) and Dr. Carlos FloresRevilla (CIDCA).
14:30 p.m. – 15:15 p.m.
Impact of pathogen genetics on breeding for resistance to sugarcane
Impacto de la genética de los fitopatógenos en el mejoramiento para
resistencia a enfermedades de la caña de azúcar.
Dr. Philippe Charles Rott. University of Florida. Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences. Plant Pathology Department. U.S.A.
15:15 p.m. – 16:00 p.m
Detection methods of Plant-Pathogen regulated in sugarcane around
the world.
Métodos de detección de patógenos reglamentados en caña de
azúcar en el mundo.
Clarissa Maroon-Lango, PhD. Plant Quarantine USDA-APHIS,
Beltsville MD, U.S.A.
(to be confirmed)
16:00 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Other oral presentations.
Nematodes Biodiversity
(Biodiversidad de nematodos)
Regency F
14:30 p.m. - 16:30 p.m.
Coordinators: Dr. Alejandro Tovar-Soto (IPN) and Ángel Ramírez-Suárez, PhD
14:30 p.m. – 15:00 p.m.
Diagnostics of Plant-parasitic Nematodes in the Era of High
Throughput Sequencing.
Diagnóstico de nematodos fitoparásitos en la era de la
secuenciación masiva.
Dra. Dorota Porazinska. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Department. University of Colorado, U.S.A.
15:00 p.m. – 15:30 p.m.
Diversity of lesion and root-knot nematodes parasitizing coffee in
Latin America.
Diversidad de nematodos lesionadores y agalladores parasitando
cafeto en Latinoamérica.
Dr. Luc Villain. Instituto de Ecología A.C., México/CIRAD-France.
15:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Other oral presentations.
Virus and Gene Silencing by Plant-Pathogens
(Virus y Silenciamiento de Genes por Fitopatógenos)
14:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Coordinators: Dr. Daniel Ochoa-Martínez (COLPOS) and Héctor LozoyaSaldaña, PhD (UACH).
14:30 p.m. – 15:00 p.m.
Detection of viruses and viroids in potato: from the classical to the
Detección de virus y viroides en papa: de lo clásico a lo molecular.
Jorge Abad, PhD. Lead Plant Pathologist, Potato, Sweetpotato and
Cassava Quarantine Programs, USDA-APHIS-PPQ, Beltsville, M.D.,
15:00 p.m. – 15:30 p.m.
Virus replication mechanisms.
Mecanismos de replicación de virus.
Xiaofeng Wang, PhD. Assistant Professor. Department of Plant
Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science. Virginia Tech University,
15:30 p.m. – 16:00 p.m.
Gene silencing as a defense system against viruses.
Silenciamiento génico como sistema de defensa contra virus.
Hernán García-Ruiz, PhD. Assistant Professor. Department of Plant
Pathology. Nebraska Center for Virology. University of NebraskaLincoln. U.S.A.
16:00 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Systems of defense against bacteria and fungi by gene silencing.
Sistemas de defensa contra bacterias y hongos por silenciamiento
Hailing Jin, PhD. University of California-Riverside. U.S.A.
16:30 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.
Poster Viewing
18:30 p.m. – 20:00 p.m
Welcome Reception
Regency Room E
Regency Ball Room AB
Tuesday, July 21
07:00 a.m. – 18:00 p.m.
Registration at the Hyatt Regency Mexico City Hotel (First floor)
Morning Sessions
Auditorium - Regency Ball Room C
Plant-Pathogen Interaction
(Interacción Planta-Patógeno)
09:00 a.m. – 13:00 p.m. Coordinators: Emma Zavaleta-Mejía, PhD (COLPOS) and Sylvia Fernández-Pavia,
PhD (Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo).
09:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Subversion of host transcription by microbial effectors.
Alteración transcripcional del hospedante por efectores microbianos.
Dra. Susana Rivas. INRA, Laboratoire des Interactions PlantesMicroorganismes (LIPM), Castanet-Tolosan, France.
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. How Plant Pathogenic bacteria induce disease?
¿Cómo las bacterias fitopatógenas inducen enfermedades en plantas?
Dra. Selena Gimenez-Ibanez. Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, Madrid,
11:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m
Coffee Break
11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. How plant pathogenic nematodes induce disease?
¿Cómo los nematodos inducen enfermedades en plantas?
Dr. Janice De Almeida-Engler. Institut National de la Recherche
Agronomique; UMR 7254 ISA/ Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis; UMR
ISA; Sophia-Antipolis, France.
To be confirmed
12:15 p.m. – 13:00 p.m. Conclusions
New Molecules of Agrochemicals Used for Control of the Plant Disease
Regency Room D2
(Nuevas Moléculas de Agroquímicos Utilizadas para el Control de Enfermedades de las Plantas)
09:00 a.m. – 13:00 p.m.
Coordinators: Dr. Gerardo Leyva-Mir (UACH) and Dra. Bertha Tlapal-Bolaños
Dr. Alberto M. Garcia Mungia. Univ. Autonoma de Aguascalientes.
13:00 p.m. - 14:30 p.m.
Lunch Break (ticket holders only)
Regency Ball Room B
Afternoon Sessions
14:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m. Oral Technical Sessions
Regency Room Ball A
14:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Coordinator: Gustavo Mora-Aguilera, PhD.
14:30 p.m. – 15:15 p.m.
Integration of meteorological, GPS and computer tools applied in
disease and pest management in Brazil
Integración de herramientas agrometeorológicas, geotecnológicas
y computacionales para el manejo de enfermedades y plagas en
Dr. Rodrigo Yoiti Tsukahara. ABC Fundaçao-Brasil, Brasil.
15:15 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Other oral presentations.
Detection and Molecular Diagnosis of Oomycetes
(Detección y Diagnóstico Molecular de Oomycetos)
Regency F
14:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Coordinator: Sylvia Patricia Fernández-Pavia, PhD (Universidad
Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo).
14:30 p.m. – 15:15 p.m.
Identification and diagnosis of species of Phytophthora of economic
importance to agricultural crops.
Identificación y diagnóstico de especies de Phytophthora de
importancia económica en cultivos agrícolas.
Gloria Abad, PhD. Senior Plant Pathologist, Oomycetes Program
Leader, USDA-APHISPPQ-Center of Plant Health Science & Technology
(CPHST), Beltsville, MD, U.S.A.
15:15 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Other oral presentations.
Plant Pathogenic Bacteria and Phloem-Restricted Prokaryote
(Bacterias Fitopatógenas y Procariotes Restringidos a Floema)
Regency G
14:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Coordinators: Ronald David French-Monar, PhD (Texas A&M) and Dra. Reyna
Isabel Rojas-Martínez (COLPOS).
14:30 p.m. – 15:00 p.m.
Current methods of detection and identification of Plant Pathogenic
bacteria on rice.
Métodos de detección e identificación de bacterias fitopatógenas en
Dr. Valérie Verdier. Director UMR. Interaction Plantes
Microorganismes Environnement IRD-CIRAD-U. Montpellier, France.
15:00 p.m. – 15:30 p.m.
Detection and diagnostic methods for Candidatus Liberibacter
Métodos de Detección y Diagnóstico de Candidatus Liberibacter
Ronald David French-Monar, PhD. Department of Plant Pathology &
Microbiology, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Amarillo, TX, U.S.A.
15:30 p.m. – 16:00 p.m.
Towards understanding the pathogenicity of Candidatus
Liberibacter solanacearum, a vector perspective.
Entendiendo la patogenicidad de Candidatus Liberibacter
solanacearum, una perspectiva del vector.
Cecilia Tamborindeguy, PhD. Texas A&M University, U.S.A.
16:00 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Plant-Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum interactions: effect of
bacterial haplotype and transcriptomic analysis.
Interacción Planta-Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum: efecto del
haplotipo y el análisis transcriptómico.
Julien Levy, PhD. Texas A&M University, U.S.A.
Graduate Student Paper Competition APS-CD
Regency Room D2
16:30 p.m. – 18:00 p.m
Coordinators: Dr. Ronal D. French-Monar (Texas A&M), Dr. Aaron J.
Palmateer (University of Florida) and Dr. Oscar Alberto Moreno-Valenzuela
(Cicy, México).
16:30 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.
Poster Viewing
18:00 p.m. – 18:30 p.m.
Poster Take-Down
Regency Room E
Wednesday, July 22
07:00 a.m. – 18:00 p.m.
Registration at the Hyatt Regency Mexico City Hotel (First floor)
Morning Sessions
Auditorium - Regency Ball Room C
Food Safety: Human Pathogens on Plants
(Inocuidad Alimentaria: Patógenos de Humanos en Plantas)
09:00 a.m. – 13:00 p.m. Coordinator: Ana María Hernández-Anguiano, PhD (COLPOS).
09:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Role of plant pathologists in a multidisciplinary mitigation strategy.
El papel de los fitopatólogos en una estrategia de mitigación
Dr. Jacqueline Fletcher. Regents Professor and Director, National
Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity
Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology. Oklahoma State
University. U.S.A.
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Salmonella interactions with plants and their associated microbiota.
Interacciones de Salmonella con las plantas y la microbiota asociada.
Dr. Maria Brandl. Lead Scientist. Produce Safety and Microbiology
Research Unit, USDA, ARS, WRRC, Albany, CA, U.S.A.
11:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Coffee Break
11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Barcoding quarantine fungi: Lessons from the European QBOL project
and Q-bank database.
El código de barra en hongos cuarentenados: Lecciones del proyecto
europeo QBOL y base de datos Q-bank. Fitopatología evolutiva.
Dr. Johannes Z. Groenewald. Evolutionary phytopathology. CBS-KNAW
Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Holland.
12:15 p.m. – 13:00 p.m. Conclusions
13:00 p.m. – 14:30 p.m.
Lunch Break (ticket holders only)
14:30 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Afternoon Session
14:30 p.m. – 15:15 p.m.
Closing Lecture
Regency Ball Room B
Auditorium - Regency Ball Room C
Coordinator: Gustavo Mora-Aguilera, PhD (COLPOS)
Phytophthora infestans: An epidemiological retrospective from
Vanderplank to the present.
Phytophthora infestans: Una retrospectiva epidemiológica desde
Vanderplank hasta el presente.
Dr. William Fry. Head of Phytophthora infestans Biology and
Management of Late Blight Section. Department of Plant
Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology. Cornell University, Ithaca,
NY. U.S.A.
15:15 p.m. – 16:30 p.m.
Honors Ceremony
Award Winners APS-CD, ALF and SMF
17:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m.
Societies meeting APS-CD, ALF and SMF.
19:00 p.m. – 21:30 p.m.
Final Night Celebration
Regency Ball Room AB
Thursday, July 23
09:00a.m. - 15:00 p.m. Departure from Main Lobby of Hyatt Regency Mexico City Hotel
Field Trips: Jardín botánico-UNAM, Las Chinampas-Xochimilco, Zona de pirámides,
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo´s greenhouses and Capilla Sixtina.
Bilingual Congress (with simultaneous translation symposia)
NOTICE: There will be shuttle service daily from Chapingo to Hyatt Regency Hotel and viceversa
(Courtesy of UACH-Parasitology Department)
NOTA: Habrá servicio de transporte todos los días de Chapingo al hotel sede y viceversa
(Cortesía de la UACH-Parasitología)
Dr. Hilda Victoria Silva Rojas
María de Jesús Yáñez Morales, PhD.
American Phytopathological Society
Sociedad Americana de Fitopatología
Caribbean Division, President
División Caribe, Presidenta
Latin American Phytopathological Association
Asociación Latinoamericana de Fitopatología
President (Presidenta)
Dr. Santos Gerardo Leyva Mir
Mexican Society of Plant Pathology
Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatología
President (Presidente)