Appendix II Consolidated Associated Companies Name Abalnor T&D, S.A. de C.V. ABG Servicios Medioambientales, S.A. Aguas del Tunari, S.A. Aguas y Gestión Servicios Ambientales, S.A. Cogeneración del Sur, S.A. Cogeneración Motril, S.A. Consorcio Teyma M&C Deydesa 2000, S.L. Dragados Ind.-Electric Trafic-Indra-S.Tráfico, AIE Ecología Canaria, S.A. (Ecansa) Expansión Transmissào de Energia Eletrica, Ltda. Expansion Transm. Itumbiara Marimbodo, Ltda. Krasbilmet Línea de Transmisión de Comahue, S.A. Líneas Sistemas Nacional, S.A. de C.V. Líneas y Subestaciones 506, S.A. de C.V. Líneas y Subestaciones de México, S.A. de C.V. Mogabar, S.A. Nap de las Américas – Madrid, S.A. Residuos Ind. de la Madera de Córdoba,S.A. Subestaciones 410, S.A. de C.V. Subest. y Lineas Bajío Oriental, S.A. de C.V. Subestaciones y Líneas de México, S.A. de C.V. Tenedora de Acciones de Red Eléc. del Sur, S.A. TSMC Ing. y Construcción Tuca, AIE Tuxpan TXD, S.A. de C.V. (*) Registered Address Mexico D.F. (MX) Biscay (ES) Cochabamba (BO) Seville (ES) Seville (ES) Seville (ES) Santiago (CL) Álava (ES) Madrid (ES) Las Palmas (ES) R. de Janeiro (BR) R. de Janeiro (BR) Krasnoyarsk (RU) Buenos Aires (AR) Mexico D.F. (MX) Mexico D.F. (MX) Mexico D.F. (MX) Cordova (ES) Madrid (ES) Cordova (ES) Mexico D.F. (MX) Mexico D.F. (MX) Mexico D.F. (MX) Lima (PE) Santiago (CL) Barcelona (ES) Mexico D.F. (MX) Amount in thousands of € % of Nominal Capital 75 2,384 260 1,403 8 6,743 3 68 5,573 137 639 94 1,111 257 2 2 2 4,864 10 3 2 - 25.00 20.00 25.00 45.00 39.00 49.90 40.00 22.75 45.00 25.00 25.00 32.00 22.50 33.30 25.00 33.30 48.00 20.00 49.94 33.30 33.30 33.30 33.30 33.30 50.00 33.30 25.00 Parent Company Abengoa México Alianza Medioambien. Abensur Trading Com. Befesa M. Ambiente Abencor Suministros Abener Inversiones Abengoa Chile Befesa Alum. Bilbao Telvent T. y Transp. Befesa Tratam. Esp. Abengoa Brasil Inabensa Befesa Alum. Bilbao Teyma Abengoa Abengoa México Abengoa México Abengoa México Abengoa Telvent GIT Alianza Befesa Egm. Abengoa México Abengoa México Abengoa México Abengoa Perú Abengoa Chile Telvent T. y Transp. Abengoa México (*) (*) (*) (*) - Art. of R.D. 1815/91 Activity 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 5º 3 (4) (2) (2) (4) (4) (4) (2) (3) (2) (4) (4) (2) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (3) (2) (4) (4) (4) (5) (4) (3) (4) (4) Companies incorporated during the year. The consolidation of these companies represented practically no aggregated sales, since these companies are, in general, in the phase prior to commencement of operations. Article 5.3 of Royal Decree 1815/91, whereby the Rules for the Formulation of Consolidated Annual Accounts were approved, states that when one or more companies belonging to the group hold an interest of at least 20% in the capital of another Company which does not belong to the group, said Company shall be deemed to exist as an associated Company. Said percentage is reduced to 3% if the Company held is admitted to official listing on a stock exchange. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Bioenergy Business Group. Environmental Services Business Group. Information Technology Business Group. Engineering and Industrial Construction Business Group. Holding Company. A, C y E: See page 5 of Appendix I. Auditor Shareholding C E E E A A