MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA OBLIGATORIA Y BACHILLERATO, FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL, ENSEÑANZAS DE IDIOMAS Y ENSEÑANZAS ARTÍSTICAS. ESPECIALIDAD INGLÉS Número de plazas ofertadas: 117 Modalidad 1: Trabajos de investigación de naturaleza básica o aplicada relacionados con la enseñanza Líneas de trabajo propuestas Posibles tutores Máximo número posible de tutelas por línea de trabajo 5 Mar Vilar • Analyzing classroom Purificación Sánchez activities (learning and Aquilino Sánchez motivational issues) Raquel Criado This research line comprehends TFMs related to the analysis of activities designed and implemented by Secondary teachers of English interested in presenting important or problematic aspects of the language components (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation) or the receptive (listening / reading) or productive skills (speaking / writing) from a communicative humanistic approach. In order to do so, the students will carry out quantitative research procedures via classroom observation to collect and analyse videoed, written and/or interview data to explore some research questions related the nature and role of these activities in the development of some learning processes and intrinsic motivation. Some necessary pedagogical implications of the results obtained from the students’ studies will be accounted for. Julio Roca de Larios 2 • Strategies in integrated reading-writing tasks We will explore the strategies used by ESO and Bachillerato students to integrate source texts into their own writing. Questions to be formulated may include (i) the role played by copying and paraphrasing in the completion of different integrated reading-writing tasks (argumentative versus summary writing, for example) by students at different proficiency levels; (ii) the different uses of paraphrasing in L1 and L2 summary writing; or (iii) the analysis of the relationship between the reading strategies activated by the students and their resulting texts. Rosa M. Manchón 2 • Learning and teaching writing in the EFL classroom: L2 learning via writing The students will explore the language learning potential or writing tasks and activities, including the analysis of modality effects (i.e. outcome of task performance in speaking and writing). • Analyzing the use of ICTs in the FL classroom • Analyzing the reliability of Lourdes Cerezo 3 Juan Solís Teresa Marqués We will learn to use different needs analysis techniques to identify students' learning difficulties with a view to improving the EFL teaching and learning process bearing in mind students’ individual needs. Mar Vilar 8 • Analyzing/designing Flor Mena teaching materials Purificación Sánchez Moisés Almela Aquilino Sánchez Raquel Criado The TFMs of this research line should provide a critical evaluation of the current nature and/or roles of EFL textbooks and materials in Secondary-level classrooms. Among the main issues that could be arisen in these research works, we could include textbook analysis and design, text authencity, potential and limitations of materials for guiding students through the practice of the language components (grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation) and the four communicative skills along the pre-, while- and post- stages, analysis of methods of presentation and practice of activities, etc. In order to do so, the students will put their research questions to the test by means of providing some thorough analysis and interpretation of data (from questionnaires and other observation tools) and clear explanation of the pedagogical implications extracted from the research results. Lourdes Cerezo 1 MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA OBLIGATORIA Y BACHILLERATO, FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL, ENSEÑANZAS DE IDIOMAS Y ENSEÑANZAS ARTÍSTICAS. testing procedures in the secondary FL classroom In this type of paper, the candidate will have to choose a language assessment procedure (a test, a portfolio entry or set of entries, an oral presentation, etc.) that is used by the secondary EFL teacher to measure the progress or achievement of the students and decide whether it is or not a reliable instrument, and why. Previously, the candidate will have to provide a working definition of the concept of reliability as it relates to second/foreign language assessment. 1 • Designing instruments to Lourdes Cerezo measure the face validity of criterion-referenced testing in the secondary EFL classroom In this type of paper, the candidate will have to create a language test (or part of a language test) from scratch which is face valid (i.e. which really appears to measure what it claims to measure). Previously, the candidate will have to arrive at a working definition of the concepts of validity, which includes face validity as well as other types of validity, and criterion-referenced testing (as opposed to norm-referenced testing). The tasks included in the test will have to be explained and justified according to these concepts. 5 • Assessing lexical content Camino Rea Moisés Almela in coursebooks Aquilino Sánchez The lexical content of a foreign language coursebook can be assessed on a wide range of criteria, including learnability, size and coverage (for example, the proportion of “survival vocabulary” and lowfrequency words), and relevance to students’ needs, among others. The candidate will be requested to analyze the lexical content of a coursebook based on these or related criteria (Modalidad 1), or to review previous research on the topic (Modalidad 2). 3 • Needs analysis in Camino Rea Purificación Sánchez vocational English This TFM proposal refers to vocational English (Inglés en ciclos formativos o cursos monográficos en EOI) as any branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or a chosen field of professional career. In this study we will complete a number of activities amimed at collecting information that will serve as the basis for developing a specific teaching programme that will meet the needs of a particular group of students. Camino Rea 4 • Analysing/designing Moisés Almela teaching materials in Purificación Sánchez vocational English This TFM proposal refers to vocational English (Inglés en ciclos formativos o cursos monográficos en EOI) as any branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or a chosen field of professional career. The study is focused on vocabulary and can be approached from two perspectives: i) analyzing the lexical content of an ESP course book in terms of word frequency bands and terminology, ii) designing an activity meaningful for ESP learning. ICT and Technology Enhanced Linda Castañeda 2 Learning in the Secondary School (Departamento de Didáctica y organización Escolar) Analysis of the impact, posibilities and implementation processes of information and communication technologies in the secondary school. A number of alternative learning process can be studied including teenagers informal learning and social development. Skill development in the FL Raquel Criado 3 classroom (speaking, Aquilino Sánchez listening, reading and writing) The student should apply and expand his/her knowledge acquired about skill teaching in the module titled as El Inglés en la Enseñanza Secundaria y Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas (1). For that purpose he/she will investigate the treatment of the activities from the point of view of the skills dealt with in several EFL textbooks. This analysis will be carried out from both from a pedagogical perspective –which instructional devices are used to develop skill learning/acquisition in such textbooks– and a cognitive perspective –whether the pedagogical implementation is or not correct as considered within a human skill learning framework. It is recommendable to choose a single skill and instructional context (Secundaria, MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA OBLIGATORIA Y BACHILLERATO, FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL, ENSEÑANZAS DE IDIOMAS Y ENSEÑANZAS ARTÍSTICAS. Bachillerato or Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas) per TFM. Designing activities for the Raquel Criado 2 teaching of the 4 skills in Aquilino Sánchez ESO, Bachillerato and Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas The learning of each skill can vary depending on the type of students who intend to acquire them (age and motivation above all). Accordingly, the student must devise suitable activities to teach and learn the skill on which he/she wants to write the TFM. The activities will be presented as to be used in class while simultaneously explaining in detail the reason and procedure of what has been devised. It is recommendable to choose a single skill and instructional context (Secundaria, Bachillerato or Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas) per TFM. A critical analysis of the Raquel Criado 2 application of Task-Based Aquilino Sánchez Language Teaching (TBLT) to the teaching of English in secondary education Students will undertake a critical analysis of “Task-Based Language Teaching” (TBLT), a very popular approach in the specialized literature for teaching and learning foreign languages. The analysis should include the clear and reasoned statement of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach in relation to its potential for the learning and teaching of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and the four skills, both from pedagogical and cognitive angles. Afterwards, students will exemplify the conclusions reached at in the previous analysis with real-life teaching materials. Mercedes Ferrando 2 • High abilities • Emotional intelligence (Departmento de Psicología • Multiple intelligences Evolutiva y de la Educación) • Creativity • Programmes for the improvement of intelligence Alta habilidad (superdotación y talento). En el grupo de investigación de Altas habilidades de la universidad de Murcia hemos venido trabajando la identificación de los alumnos con alta habilidad (superdotación o talento) desde distintos modelos. Así como el tipo de respuesta educativa diseñada para este tipo de alumnos. Modalidad 2. Revisiones bibliográficas que conduzcan a un análisis crítico sobre aspectos disciplinares relevantes a la práctica docente. Líneas de trabajo propuestas • Exploiting the textbook/ teaching materials Posibles tutores Purificación Sánchez Aquilino Sánchez Raquel Criado Máximo número posible de tutelas por línea de trabajo 3 We will analyze differents sorts of materials with the ultimate aim of switching the emphasis from ‘teaching’ materials to ‘learning’ materials. Pascual Pérez Paredes 9 • Focus on form in the FL Moisés Almela classroom (theoretical Aquilino Sánchez principles and/or Mar Vilar applications to the Raquel Criado teaching of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation). Critical analysis of theoretical and/or empirical studies, dealing with the teaching of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of English as a foreign language, especially in ESO, Bachillerato and EOI. Lourdes Cerezo 1 • Testing and assessment issues in the FL classroom In this paper, the candidate will do a literature review on an issue of his/her interest in the field of second language assessment (e.g. portfolio assessment, computer-based assessment, washback, etc.). The MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA OBLIGATORIA Y BACHILLERATO, FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL, ENSEÑANZAS DE IDIOMAS Y ENSEÑANZAS ARTÍSTICAS. specific guidelines for the completion of this particular type of paper will be provided in due time. Pascual Pérez Paredes 11 • Learning and teaching Mar Vilar vocabulary, grammar Flor MENA and pronunciation in the Purificación Sánchez FL classroom Laura Esteban Teresa Marqués Aquilino Sánchez Raquel Criado This type of TFM refers to the study of any aspect which concerns the process of learning and teaching vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation in the FL classroom by means of a literature search and analysis. The student needs to search suitable and interesting bibliography about any of these aspects and compare and contrast what the authors have found out about them to reach relevant conclusions. This means, for instance, finding articles, chapters, books, etc. written by different researchers about the effects that the vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation activities have in the learning process and analyse certain aspects mentioned in the studies. Similarly, this research line also includes all the works about the methodology used to teach vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation in the classroom (which activities are selected, how they are sequenced, which criteria are taken into account to teach these aspects, etc.). Again, the student has to find interesting literature about the topic, and once the aims and the questions of the student’s research have been clearly established, to analyse the studies, reach conclusions and offer didactic implications. Applications of CALL Pascual Pérez Paredes 3 approaches to the FL context El alumno revisará estudios teóricos o empíricos relacionados con los enfoques más importantes en el campo de la enseñanza de lengua inglesa asistida por ordenador (ELAO). Esta revisión tendrá como fin que el estudiante profundice de manera crítica en aquellos enfoques para la ELAO más sustantivos dentro de la literatura científica actual en el campo de la lingüística aplicada. Purificación Sánchez 4 • CLIL approaches in Camino Rea instructed SLA Rosa Manchón (secondary education) Julio Roca de Larios Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual-focused educational approach that in the last years has gained increasing recognition in this multilingual world. CLIL aims to introduce students to new ideas and concepts in traditional curriculum subjects, using the foreign language as the medium of communication. The content subject should always be the primary focus of any materials used in the CLIL classroom. Laura Esteban • Translation in the EFL classroom Revision of theoretical and/or empirical studies relating to the usage of translation/translation strategies/translation techniques in the classroom (applying L1 knowledge to L2 learning, for instance) for the teaching and/or learning of English as a foreign language, especially in ESO, Bachillerato and EOI. 5 • Assessing lexical content Camino Rea Moisés Almela in coursebooks Aquilino Sánchez 3 • Needs analysis in Camino Rea Purificación Sánchez vocational English This TFM proposal refers to vocational English (Inglés en ciclos formativos o cursos monográficos en EOI) as any branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or a chosen field of professional career. The study will consists in performing a literature review on the subject of needs analysis (the activities that are involved in collecting information that will serve as the basis for developing a curriculum that will meet the needs of a particular group of students) for the teaching and learning of a particular specialized language, or/and the development of the concept and its implications to meet our current society’s demands. Camino Rea 4 • Analysing/designing Moisés Almela teaching materials in Purificación Sánchez vocational English This TFM proposal refers to vocational English (Inglés en ciclos formativos o cursos monográficos en MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA OBLIGATORIA Y BACHILLERATO, FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL, ENSEÑANZAS DE IDIOMAS Y ENSEÑANZAS ARTÍSTICAS. EOI) as any branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or a chosen field of professional career. The study is focused on vocabulary and can be approached from two perspectives: i) analyzing the lexical content of an ESP course book in terms of word frequency bands and terminology, ii) designing an activity meaningful for ESP learning. Analyzing the use of ICTs in the Juan Solís 2 classroom Teresa Marqués Modalidad 3: Diseño reflexivo y crítico de actividades de innovación vinculada a la materia prácticas de enseñanza (práctica docente). Purificación Sánchez 1 • Developing motivational strategies in the FL classroom Regarding the subject of motivation in the foreign language classroom, there are a wide variety of techniques, strategies and macrostrategies which teachers can employ in order to motivate their students. As Dornyei (2001: 116) notes, "teacher skills in motivating learners should be seen as central to teaching effectiveness". We will focus our study on the use of techniques and strategies for motivating foreign language students. Julio Roca de Larios 2 • Exploiting the learning potential of feedback approaches (written language) We may explore the impact of different types of corrective feedback on students’ writing: (i) direct versus indirect (the teacher provides the student with the correct form or only indicates that an error exists), (ii) explicit versus implicit (the teacher provides metalinguistic explanations or s/he does not), and (iii) focused versus unfocused (the teacher corrects all errors or only some error types). We may also look at what students do with the corrections they are given. Pascual Pérez Paredes 8 • Implementing Mar Vilar innovative techniques Flor MENA in/approaches to the Purificación Sánchez teaching of vocabulary, Juan Solís grammar and Laura Esteban pronunciation. This line of research includes all types of TFMs related to the design of innovative strategies to teach voc., gram., or pronunciation and its implementation. Consequently, the students need to be familiar with the latest teaching methods and techniques. They are expected to design any activity, technique or approach to teach one or more of the previously mentioned language components using sound foundations, and once they have implemented the technique, approach, activity etc. in the classroom, expecting to get specific results, to analyse its effects and to study whether the expected results have been obtained. Finally, the TFM must include interesting pedagogical implications derived from the research carried out. • Lourdes Cerezo 1 Implementing alternative assessment procedures in the FL classroom In this paper, the candidate will describe an alternative assessment procedure (e.g. portfolio assessment, interviews, questionnaires, etc.) that he or she has implemented in the language classroom during his/her Practicum, as well as the actual implementation. The description must be based on the theory that supports the use of such assessment procedures in the secondary foreign language classroom. Pedagogical implications of the use of such instrument must also be drawn and presented. Lourdes Cerezo 2 • Implementing self- and Fernando Gea peer-assessment in the secondary FL classroom We will analyze different tools aimed to develop autonomous processes of assessment by students in the EFL classroom. We will also explore how and when to use those tools, the difficulties faced by teachers and students when trying to use them and how these problems may be approached. Lourdes Cerezo 2 • Developing and Fernando Gea implementing portfolio assessment in the MÁSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO DE EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA OBLIGATORIA Y BACHILLERATO, FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL, ENSEÑANZAS DE IDIOMAS Y ENSEÑANZAS ARTÍSTICAS. secondary EFL classroom We will study the different elements that the European Language Portfolio offers to students and how to use them in the assessment process. We may design and implement activities to introduce EFL students in the use of this tool to develop a sense of autonomy and self-control in the learning process. 6 Lourdes Cerezo • Exploiting ICTs in the Pascual Pérez Paredes FL classroom Juan Solís Teresa Marqués En este trabajo el estudiante contestará unas preguntas relacionadas con la enseñanza de lengua inglesa asistida por ordenador (ELAO) mediante la implementación de una acción de innovación educativa que el propio alumno debe diseñar e implementar en el propio centro donde realice las prácticas. 1 • Exploiting translation in Laura Esteban the EFL classroom The work relating to “Exploiting translation in the EFL classroom” will focus on the use and subsequent application of various translation approaches and techniques available to promote the knowledge of the L2 on the part of the EFL learner regarding both receptive and productive skills. Some cases in point may be loan words, cultural concepts and differences, grammar or vocabulary. Camino Rea 2 • Analysing/designing teaching materials in Purificación Sánchez vocational English This TFM proposal refers to vocational English (Inglés en ciclos formativos o cursos monográficos en EOI) as any branch of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or a chosen field of professional career. The study is focused on vocabulary and can be approached from two perspectives: i) analyzing the lexical content of an ESP course book in terms of word frequency bands and terminology, ii) designing an activity meaningful for ESP learning. 2 • Literature in the EFL class Pedro Férez Purificación Sánchez Literature in TEFL aims to analyse the use of literature in the teaching of English as a foreign language. Literature will be looked at as a powerful and flexible tool to implement a holistic approach towards the teaching of all the skills involved in the acquisition of a language. Special attention will be paid to literature and poetry for adolescents.. ICTs and Technology Enhanced Linda Castañeda 1 Learning in the Secondary School (Departamento de Didáctica y organización Escolar) Within this line we will be exploring the possibilities and realities around the use and implementation of ICT in new ways of learning at secondary schools.