Certificate No: 10031-2005-AQ-MCI-RvA Initial certification date: 19 December 2011 Valid: 25 November 2014 - 25 November 2017 This is to certify that the management system of Universidad de Guanajuato Lascurain de Retana No. 5, Col. Centro. Guanajuato, Guanajuato C.P. 36000, México and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate has been found to conform to Quality Management System standard: ISO 9001:2008 This certificate is valid for the following Scope: Services, support and stimuli to students and academic personnel; and administrative services Servicios, apoyos y estímulos a alumnos y personal académico; y servicios administrativos Place and date: México, D.F., 25 November 2014 For the issuing office: DNV GL – Business Assurance Av. Paseo de la Reforma No. 404 Piso 9, Col. Juárez, México, D.F. Tel: +52 55 1253 6700 Beatriz Adriana Zaragoza Madrigal Management Representative Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV GL Business Assurance B.V., ZWOLSEWEG 1, 2994 LB, BARENDRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS. TEL:+31 10 2922689. www.dnvgl.com Certificate No: 10031-2005-AQ-MCI-RvA Place and date: México, D.F., 25 November 2014 Appendix to Certificate Universidad de Guanajuato Locations included in the certification are as follows: Site Name Universidad de Guanajuato Rectoría General Site Address Lascurain de Retana No. 5, Col. Centro. Guanajuato, Guanajuato. C.P. 36000, México Site Scope Sevices, support and stimuli to students and academic personnel; and administrative services Servicios, apoyos y estímulos a alumnos y personal académico; y servicios administrativos Universidad de Guanajuato Campus Guanajuato Fraccionamiento 1, Col. El Establo S/N. Guanajuato, Guanajuato. C.P. 36250, México Sevices, support and stimuli to students and academic personnel; and administrative services Servicios, apoyos y estímulos a alumnos y personal académico; y servicios administrativos Universidad de Guanajuato Campus Irapuato - Salamanca Universidad de Guanajuato Campus Celaya – Salvatierra Carretera Salamanca - Valle de Santiago, Km. 3.5 + 1.8, Comunidad de Palo Blanco. Salamanca, Guanajuato. México Sevices, support and stimuli to students and academic personnel; and administrative services Prolongación Río Lerma S/N, Col. Suiza. Celaya, Guanajuato. C.P. 38060, México Sevices, support and stimuli to students and academic personnel; and administrative services Servicios, apoyos y estímulos a alumnos y personal académico; y servicios administrativos Servicios, apoyos y estímulos a alumnos y personal académico; y servicios administrativos Universidad de Guanajuato Campus León Universidad de Guanajuato Colegio del Nivel Medio Superior Blvd. Puente Milenio No. 1001, Fraccionamiento del Predio de San Carlos. León, Guanajuato. C.P. 37670, México Sevices, support and stimuli to students and academic personnel; and administrative services Manuel Doblado No. 18, Col. Centro. Guanajuato, Guanajuato. C.P. 36000, México Sevices, support and stimuli to students and academic personnel; and administrative services Servicios, apoyos y estímulos a alumnos y personal académico; y servicios administrativos Servicios, apoyos y estímulos a alumnos y personal académico; y servicios administrativos Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV GL Business Assurance B.V., ZWOLSEWEG 1, 2994 LB, BARENDRECHT, THE NETHERLANDS. TEL:+31 10 2922689. www.dnvgl.com Page 2 of 2