Eating disorders and diet management in contact sports

Nutr Hosp. 2015;32(4):1708-1714
S.V.R. 318
Original / Deporte y ejercicio
Eating disorders and diet management in contact sports;
EAT-26 questionnaire does not seem appropriate to evaluate eating
disorders in sports
Alejandro Martínez Rodríguez1, Néstor Vicente Salar1, Carlos Montero Carretero2,
Eduardo Cervelló Gimeno2 and Enrique Roche Collado1,3
Instituto de Bioingeniería, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche. 2Centro de Investigación del Deporte, Universidad Miguel
Hernández, Elche. 3CIBEROBN (CB12/03/30038) Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain.
Introduction: there is a growing concern in the appearance of eating disorders in athletes, especially those
that practice sports grouped into weight categories. This
affects the way athletes eat, using frequently unhealthy strategies to control weight, especially during the
pre-competition period.
Aim: this study analyses the prevalence of contact
sports athletes in developing eating disorders, and how
a controlled diet plan can reduce this risk. At the same
time, it evaluates the use of the EAT-26 questionnaire to
detect such disorders.
Methods: a randomized frequency study was performed on 244 athletes (158 men, 86 women), who were separated into two groups: those that followed a diet plan
given by a nutritionist, and a control group on a free diet.
The athletes completed an EAT-26 questionnaire while
participating in the University-level National Championships.
Results: the free diet group scored significantly higher
on the questionnaire. Also, the female athletes controlled
diet group scored significantly higher than their male
Discussion: the results of the questionnaire indicate that an adequate nutritional program circumvents
the use of unhealthy habits to control body weight and
therefore avoids developing particular eating disorders.
EAT-26 questionnaire does not seem the most appropriate tool to detect these disorders.
(Nutr Hosp. 2015;32:1708-1714)
Key words: Body weight. Contact sports. Combat sports.
Healthy habits. Sport nutrition.
Correspondence: Enrique Roche Collado.
Instituto de Bioingeniería, Servicio de Nutrición Deportiva.
Universidad Miguel Hernández, Avda de la Universidad sn.
03202 Elche (Alicante), España.
E-mail: [email protected]
Recibido: 7-V-2015.
Aceptado: 26-VI-2015.
Introducción: existe una preocupación creciente por
los desórdenes alimentarios en deportistas, especialmente en aquellos que practican deportes agrupados en categorías de peso. Esto afecta a la manera de comer de
los deportistas, usando con frecuencia estrategias no
saludables para control del peso, en especial en periodo
Objetivo: este estudio analiza la prevalencia de desórdenes alimentarios en deportistas de deportes de contacto, y cómo una planificación dietética controlada puede
reducir el riesgo. También valora el uso del cuestionario
EAT-26 para detectar dichos desórdenes.
Métodos: ha sido realizado un estudio aleatorizado de
frecuencias en 244 deportistas (158 varones, 86 mujeres),
que fueron separados en dos grupos: los que seguían un
plan dietético proporcionado por un nutricionista y un
grupo control con una dieta libre. Los participantes rellenaron el cuestionario EAT-26 mientras participaban en
los Campeonatos Universitarios Nacionales.
Resultados: el grupo con dieta libre puntuó con valores
más altos en el cuestionario. Al mismo tiempo, las deportistas que seguían una dieta controlada puntuaron de forma significativa en el cuestionario respecto a los varones
del mismo grupo.
Discusión: los resultados del cuestionario indican que
una adecuada planificación nutricional evita el uso de
hábitos poco saludables para controlar el peso corporal,
evitando desarrollar desórdenes alimentarios particulares. El cuestionario EAT-26 no parece la herramienta
más apropiada para detectar estos desórdenes.
(Nutr Hosp. 2015;32:1708-1714)
Palabras clave: Peso corporal. Deportes de contacto. Deportes de lucha. Hábitos no saludables. Nutrición deportiva.
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AMDQ: Athletic Milieu Direct Questionnaire.
BEDA-Q: Brief Eating Disorders in Athletes Questionnaire.
BULIT-R: Bulimia Test-Revised.
C: Control group following free diet.
CHRIS-73: College Health-Related Information
D: Group following a diet plan.
EAT-26: Eating Attitudes Test-26.
EDE-Q: Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire.
EDI: Eating Disorder Inventory.
FAST: Female Athlete Screening Tool.
J: Judo competitors.
K: Karate competitors.
K-S test: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
M: Men.
PST: Physiologic Screening Test.
SEDA: Survey of Eating Disorders among Athletes.
T: Taekwondo competitors.
W: Women.
Eating disorders generally appear when a person´s
body image is distorted, mainly due to social and cultural factors1. Eating disorders are subdivided into
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and atypical eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by
severe food restrictions supported by purgative behaviours1. Bulimia nervosa combines food restrictions
with episodes of compulsive binge-eating followed
by induced vomiting. Finally, atypical eating disorders might take account of those profiles that do not
match the previous two cases, such as eating disorders
associated to weight control in sports2.
There is a growing concern in the appearance of
eating disorders in athletes, especially those that practice sports where they are divided into weight categories. This method of categorization affects the way
athletes train and eat, who aspire to possess very low
fat content and high muscle mass. Recent studies have
indicated that many athletes use unhealthy strategies
to control their weight, especially when a competition
is near3. The strategies include vomiting, severe water
and food restrictions, and induced sweating4. Therefore, it is of vital importance to identify and prevent
the appearance of these eating disorders. This is especially true in female athletes, due to the higher prevalence of eating disorders in women5. However, there
is very little information regarding unhealthy weight
control habits in male athletes6. Unlike other populations where eating disorders appear due to negative
social and cultural influences, athletes adopt these
unhealthy strategies in order to compete in a desired
weight category7. In many cases, these strategies are
not seen as potentially harmful by the athlete, and are
Eating disorders and diet management in
contact sports; EAT-26 questionnaire does
not seem appropriate...
042_9214 desordenes alimentarios y supervision dietetica.indd 1709
even recommended by their trainers. Therefore, it is
crucial to educate the athlete and their trainers as to
what are adequate methods of weight control, including adopting proper eating habits.
The objective of this study is to verify if an adequate diet plan can decrease behaviours related with
eating disorders in contact sports athletes. To this
end, a group of male and female athletes following a
controlled diet plan were analyzed using the EAT-26
questionnaire and compared with a control group on
a free diet.
This study was performed with 244 volunteers
participating in the University-level National Championships of judo, karate-kumite, and taekwondo. To
facilitate comprehension, the study groups were referred combining the abbreviations: J for judo competitors, K for karate competitors, T for taekwondo
competitors, M for men, W for women, C for the control group following free diet, and D for the group following a diet plan. Weight and age of each group are
indicated in figure 1. Competitors participating in the
categories with no upper weight limit (heavy weights)
were not considered for this study.
Procedure and measurements
A modified version of the EAT-26 questionnaire
(Eating Attitudes Test-26) was used in the study8. The
questionnaire indicates the risk or presence of eating
disorders. It is comprised of 23 items divided into 3
scales: dieting scale, bulimia and food preoccupation
scale, and the oral control scale. The dieting scale evaluates food restriction and obsession for losing weight. The bulimia and food preoccupation scale evaluates the use of binge-eating/induced vomiting conducts
and thoughts about food. Finally, the oral control scale evaluates food intake self-control and the pressure
of the environment to lose weight. Items 1, 6, 7, 10,
11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, and 25 pertain to the
diet scale, while the values obtained in items 3, 4, 9,
18, 21, and 26 account for the bulimia scale. The remaining items correspond to the oral control scale (2,
5, 8, 13, 15, 19, and 20). The answers and value for
each item (except for items 1 and 25) include: never
(0 points), rarely (0 points), sometimes (0 points), often (1 point), usually (2 points), and always (3 points).
The answers and score for items 1 and 25 were inverted. A score of 20 or more (out of a total of 78)
Nutr Hosp. 2015;32(4):1708-1714
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Sampling of participants
Study group
N = 244
M group
n = 158
74.2 ± 12.3 kg
21.2 ± 2.8 years
W group
n = 86
62.6 ± 9.9 kg
20.8 ± 2.4 years
MD group
n = 20
75.8 ± 8.5 kg
21.8 ± 3.1 years
MC group
n = 138
74.3 ± 12.4 kg
21.3 ± 2.9 years
WC group
n = 76
62.2 ± 10.1 kg
20.9 ± 2.5 years
JMC group
n = 52
79.0 ± 14.4 kg
21.8 ± 3.3 years
JMD group
n = 10
75.7 ± 15.3 kg
21.9 ± 1.6 years
JWC group
n = 31
65.0 ± 14.6 kg
22.7 ± 4.3 years
KMC group
n = 39
73.9 ± 11.3 kg
23.2 ± 4.2 years
KMD group
n= 10
75.9 ± 10.6 kg
21.7 ± 4.6 years
KWC group
n = 25
62.5 ± 7.1 kg
21.1 ± 1.9 years
TMC group
n = 47
70.2 ± 11.3 kg
19.0 ± 1.1 years
WD group
n = 10
69.8 ± 12.4 kg
21.3 ± 2.4 years
JWD group
n = 10
TWC group
n = 20
59.0 ± 8.8 kg
19.0 ± 1.4 years
Fig. 1.—
indicates a risk of developing or presenting an eating
disorder8. The analysis of internal validity and consistency of the questionnaire (Cronbach’s alpha) for the
3 factors was: dieting (= 0.78), bulimia (= 0.82), and
oral control (= 0.84)9.
This study was conducted according to the guidelines written in the Declaration of Helsinki and APA
Ethics Code. All procedures were approved by the
Ethical Committee of the University. A written informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Anonymity was preserved for all participants.
Research Design
The study consisted in comparing the EAT-26 scores of the athletes following a diet plan (JMD, KMD,
and JWD) with the values obtained in the control
group. The last group was randomly recruited during
the University-level National Championships of judo,
karate-kumite, and taekwondo where the groups on a
controlled diet plan also participated.
JMD, KMD, and JWD groups initiated the diet plan
2-7 months before the tournament. The athletes that
required more weight loss commenced the diet plan
earlier than the rest of the athletes. Caloric expenditure was estimated and divided into 3 components: resting metabolic rate, thermal effect of feeding and physical activity expenditure. Resting metabolism was
Nutr Hosp. 2015;32(4):1708-1714
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calculated according to the Harris-Benedict equation
taking in account in each case gender, the weight in
kg, height in cm, and the age in years. Corrected body
weight was taken into account for the calculations,
considering as ideal weight the upper limit of each
weight category in the corresponding disciplines. The
thermal effect of food was estimated as the 8.50% of
the sum of the resting metabolic rate plus physical activity expenditure10. Physical activity expenditure was
estimated from previously published tables11.
Daily food intakes were adapted according to activity and frequency taking into account training and
resting days. For weight reduction, a 10-15% calorie
restriction was applied in meals far from the training
sessions. The diets were adjusted to 1.60-2.00 g of
protein/day/kg of body weight, 1 g of fat/day/kg of
body weight, and 5-6 g of carbohydrates/day/kg of
body weight. The software used to design the diet plan
was DietSource® 3.0 (Novartis, Barcelona, Spain).
Data Analysis
Software SPSS® version 20.0 was used for data
analysis. Different descriptive analyses were performed: ANOVA, post-hoc tests, one-sample K-S test
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), and T-test for independent samples to compare means between different
groups. The results in table I were expressed as mean
Alejandro Martínez Rodríguez et al.
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and standard error of the mean. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.
The scores obtained from the EAT-26 questionnaire
are indicated in table I. In the case of the male athletes, the control group (MC) scored higher in all the
scales than those following a diet plan (MD) (Table II:
line 1). Similar results were obtained in the female
groups, except for the Dieting scale where differences
with WC group were not significant (Table II: line 2).
In the control group, the female athletes presented
significantly higher scores than males (Table II: line
3). This difference was not observed in the group following a diet plan, although the scores in the female
group were slightly higher (Table II: line 4).
In the case of the male judo athletes, significant differences were only observed in the Dieting scale and
total score (Table II: line 5). As for the female judo
athletes, higher scores were observed in the Bulimia
and Oral control scales as well as total score in the
JWC group (Table II: line 6). Finally, KWC group
presented higher scores in all scales except for the
Bulimia scale (Table II: line 7).
Several interesting differences were observed when
comparing the sports disciplines (Table II: lines 8-12).
In the case of male athletes, KMC scored lower in the
Bulimia scale than JMC and TMC (Table II: line 8).
No differences were observed between JMD, KMD,
and TMD. Regarding the female athletes, the Dieting
scale scores were significantly different in the KWC
group compared to both JWC and TWC (Table II: lines 11 and 12). On the other hand, the JWC group presented significantly higher scores compared to both
KWC and TWC in the Oral control scale (Table II:
lines 11 and 12). Finally, and taking into account the
total score of the EAT-26 test, the KWC and JWC
groups presented significantly higher scores than the
TWC group.
In conclusion and considering the answers in the
EAT-26 test and the final score reached, three judo
competitors (one man and two women) and three tae-
Table I
Scores obtained from study participants after answering the EAT-26 questionnaire
Group (n)
Oral control
Eating disorders
MC (138)
4.46 ± 4.24*
1.59 ± 1.55*
2.00 ± 2.25*
8.04 ± 6.04*
MD (20)
3.25 ± 1.52*
0.95 ± 0.83*
1.40 ± 0.88*
5.60 ± 2.01*
JMC (52)
4.81 ± 3.90*
1.69 ± 1.65*
2.36 ± 2.33
8.87 ± 5.37*
JMD (10)
3.20 ± 1.55*
1.10 ± 0.88
1.60 ± 0.97
5.90 ± 2.28*
KMC (39)
5.16 ± 3.33*
1.13 ± 1.06*
2.21 ± 1.70*
8.49 ± 3.67*
KMD (10)
3.30 ± 1.57*
0.80 ± 0.79
1.20 ± 0.79*
5.30 ± 1.77*
3.49 ± 5.09
1.85 ± 1.71*
1.43 ± 2.48
6.77 ± 7.94
WC (76)
4.64 ± 4.04
2.37 ± 2.13*
2.89 ± 2.18*
9.91 ± 4.88*
WD (10)
3.80 ± 1.48
1.20 ± 0.92*
1.90 ± 1.10*
6.90 ± 1.59*
JWC (31)
4.29 ± 4.28*
2.77 ± 2.39*
3.87 ± 2.25*
10.94 ± 4.88*
JWD (10)
3.80 ± 1.48
1.20 ± 0.92*
1.90 ± 1.10*
6.90 ± 1.59*
6.96 ± 3.82*
1.84 ± 2.12
2.28 ± 1.81*
11.08 ± 4.95*
2.30 ± 2.00*
2.40 ± 1.64
2.15 ± 1.98*
6.85 ± 3.49*
M (158)
JM (62)
KM (49)
TM (47)
TMC (47)
W (86)
JW (41)
KW (25)
KWC (25)
TW (20)
TWC (20)
Results expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean. Dieting, Bulimia and Oral control correspond to subscales of the EAT-26. Eating disorders
correspond to the total score of EAT-26. See Method section for abbreviation combinations. *Results significantly different (see Table II).
Eating disorders and diet management in
contact sports; EAT-26 questionnaire does
not seem appropriate...
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kwondo competitors (two men and one woman), presented risks of developing eating disorders (EAT-26
score > 20).
Athletes that compete in contact sports, particularly
those that are placed in weight categories, are at risk
of developing particular eating disorders. The current
study demonstrates that an adequately-controlled diet
plan is capable of reducing this risk. Furthermore, the
results of this study reveal that female athletes on a
free diet scored higher on the questionnaire than men,
and therefore are more susceptible to use unhealthy
eating strategies. This observation has also been commented in previous studies12, 13. In this context, the
highest level of risk was detected in female judo and
taekwondo competitors on a free diet (6.5% and 5.0%,
respectively). In the case of male athletes, 4.3% of the
taekwondo competitors and 1.9% of the judo competitors on a free diet were at risk, according to EAT-26
Several recent studies have shown that women practicing highly-demanding sports are at a high risk of
developing eating disorders, being twice as prevalent
as in men14. This has also been observed in our study
(3.5% in women vs 1.8% in men). Interestingly, karate
competitors, including those on a free diet, did not present eating disorders. In this respect, karate is the only
discipline that is not an Olympic sport. Thus, it is possible to hypothesize that weight control in karate may
not be a conditioning factor for the development of inadequate eating habits as in the other sports analyzed.
Athletes that practice contact sports may represent
a very particular population in the context of eating
disorders. For this reason, several authors have questioned the use of EAT-26 in these types of sports disciplines, despite its frequent use15-18. These authors argue
that the majority of the strategies used by competitors
are not reported in the questionnaire, even though they
are very harmful for the individual´s health. These
strategies give rise to dehydration and glycogen depletion, compromising electrolyte balance and energy
storage, resulting in a loss of concentration and premature fatigue during the contest. Indeed, contact sports
athletes commonly use strategies to lose weight that
are not included in the questionnaire, such as water
restrictions and induced sweating, as well as exercising or sleeping with anti-perspiration wear. In addition, these strategies are generally practiced only when
a competition approaches. This greatly differs from
other so-called typical eating disorders (anorexia and
bulimia nervosa), which are generally practiced on a
regular basis. The strategies used by these athletes, if
performed during a prolonged amount of time (such as
during the competition season), can eventually result
in severe health problems.
The EAT-26 questionnaire, despite not being the
most adequate for this type of study as previously indicated, was used in the present study for three reasons.
First, the lack of a specific questionnaire for contact
sports. Second, the time and circumstances necessary
to complete the questionnaire. And third, the target population. Indeed, alternative questionnaires to detect
eating disorders or aberrant nutritional habits are available, but are not adequately adapted to contact sports
athletes. For example, BULIT-R (Bulimia Test-Revi-
Table II
Subscales of EAT-26 questionnaire displaying or not significant differences when comparing different groups
Oral control
Eating disorders
Comparison / Significance
Comparison / Significance
Comparison / Significance
Comparison / Significance
MC > MD / 0.017
MC > MD / 0.008
MC > MD / 0.033
MC > MD / 0.001
WC = WD / ns
WC > WD / 0.005
WC > WD / 0.031
WC > WD / 0.000
WC = MC / ns
WC > MC / 0.006
WC > MC / 0.005
WC > MC / 0.022
WD = MD / ns
WD = MD / ns
WD = MD / ns
WD = MD / ns
JMC > JMD / 0.034
JMC = JMD / ns
JMC = JMD / ns
JMC > JMD / 0.007
JWC = JWD / ns
JWC > JWD / 0.004
JWC > JWD / 0.001
JWC > JWD / 0.000
KMC > KMD / 0.016
KMC = KMD / ns
KMC > KMD / 0.010
KMC > KMD / 0.000
JMC = KMC / ns
JMC > KMC / 0.050
JMC = KMC / ns
JMC = KMC / ns
JMD = KMD / ns
JMD = KMD / ns
JMD = KMD / ns
JMD = KMD / ns
JMC = KMC = TMC / ns
TMC > KMC / 0.045
JMC = KMC = TMC / ns
JMC = KMC = TMC / ns
KWC > JWC / 0.044
JWC = KWC = TWC / ns
JWC > KWC / 0.014
KWC > TWC / 0.008
KWC > TWC / 0.000
JWC > TWC / 0.012
JWC > TWC / 0.008
Dieting, Bulimia and Oral control correspond to subscales of the EAT-26. Eating disorders correspond to the total score of EAT-26. See Method
section for abbreviation combinations; ns = not significant.
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Alejandro Martínez Rodríguez et al.
09/09/15 23:21
sed), EDE-Q (Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire), EDI (Eating Disorder Inventory), or the revised
version of EDI-2 are mainly centered on bulimic habits and related to self body-image interpretation19-22.
In athletes, weight loss is not related to body image but
to be able to compete in a certain weight category. In
this context, EAT-26, although with limitations, is the
most adequate tool to study this population. Several of
the questions in the EAT-26 questionnaire target strategies that competitors occasionally use to lose weight
such as induced vomiting. In our report, these answers
have been detected even in cases where the athlete scored below 2023. This can be possibly due to the social
environment, which greatly differs with those affected
with anorexia nervosa or bulimia. In this context, it is
especially surprising that the use of inadequate weight loss strategies is not hidden by the individuals. In
fact, these habits are generally performed publicly and
in many cases supported by the coaches, family, and
other competitors, a situation which is unthinkable in
people affected by other eating disorders.
The second aspect previously commented of the
EAT-26 questionnaire is in regard to the time necessary
to fill out the survey. In this context, the volunteers of
this study completed the survey while competing at the
University-level National Championship. The EAT26 questionnaire has 26 items, which is shorter than
other possible surveys (36 in BULIT-R, 64 in EDI,
91 in EDI-2, and 36 in EDE-Q). The FAST (Female
Athlete Screening Tool) and AMDQ (Athletic Milieu
Direct Questionnaire) questionnaires have 33 and 19
items, respectively, but are specifically for female
athletes only24, 25. The PST (Physiologic Screening
Test) contains 18 items, but requires 4 physiological
examinations26 that are impossible to perform during
a competition. The SEDA (Survey of Eating Disorders
among Athletes) questionnaire initially would seem a
more adequate tool for this survey, but has the drawback of being more limited in identifying risk factors27.
The CHRIS-73 (College Health-Related Information
Survey) questionnaire has 32 items, but has been used
in very few studies and remains to be validated28. Finally the BEDA-Q (Brief Eating Disorders in Athletes Questionnaire) has been developed exclusively for
high school elite female athletes29.
Interestingly, a specific questionnaire for judo athletes exists30, addressing the evaluation of key questions
such as the use of techniques for rapid weight loss, inadequate diet strategies, induced vomiting, or the use of
laxatives. However, subsequent studies from the same
group have opted to use the EAT-26 questionnaire31,
forfeiting their previous questionnaire. Therefore, considering all the possible questionnaires, the EAT-26
seems to be appropriate to perform this study, but with
key limitations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop
a more specific questionnaire for contact sports athletes that more adequately addresses the environment in
which they compete as well as the strategies used for
weight control.
Eating disorders and diet management in
contact sports; EAT-26 questionnaire does
not seem appropriate...
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In conclusion, a controlled diet plan helps to minimize the risk of using unhealthy strategies to reduce
body weight, decreasing the risk of developing eating disorders that may damage the athlete´s health.
The athletes on a controlled diet scored lower in the
questionnaire, independently of gender and sport discipline. The addition of an educational program for the
athletes and their trainers would be very useful in further improve the results of the diet plan.
To our knowledge, this is the first interventional
study indicating that an adequate nutritional program
in contact sport athletes decreases the risk of developing unhealthy habits that could evolve into eating
disorders. This finding reinforces the figure of a Nutritionist to advise coaches and competitors on healthy
eating habits, as well as to design a diet plan. In addition, this study alerts about the necessity of developing
a more specific questionnaire and screening tools to
address the particular aspects of contact sports.
This work was supported by Generalitat Valenciana
under Grant PROMETEO/2012/007 and by Instituto
de Salud Carlos III (Spain) under Grant CIBEROBN
Conflict of interest
Authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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