descargar el fichero - Horizonte 2020

Lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015
Estimados amigos:
Contactamos con vosotros desde la División de Programas de la UE de CDTI, para informaros
sobre las últimas novedades del Reto Social 7 – Sociedades Seguras:
RECORDATORIO: Brokerage event Europeo sobre el topic SEC-05-DRS-2016-2017CBRN cluster. París, 15 de enero de 2016.
El Punto Nacional de Contacto francés organiza, junto con otros Puntos Nacionales de
Contacto, un brokerage event Europeo para trabajar en posibles propuestas al topic
SEC-05-DRS- CBRN Cluster. La jornada está co-organizada por la Comisión Europea,
tendrá lugar en inglés y os recomendamos a todas aquellas entidades que trabajéis en
el ámbito de las amenazas NBRQ (Nuclear, Biológico, Radiológico y Químico) que
participéis en ella.
La inscripción es gratuita y ya se encuentra abierta. Recomendamos encarecidamente a
las empresas/entidades españolas trabajando en el ámbito de la Seguridad NBRQ que
participen en esta interesante jornada.
Más información e inscripciones en los enlaces siguientes:
RECORDATORIO: Sigue abierto el registro para el brokerage event de la convocatoria
2016 SMI2Gs (Security Missión Information and Innovation group), organizado por
diversas asociaciones sectoriales y grupos de interés en el ámbito de la Seguridad.
26 - 27 January 2016
Brussels, Belgium
The Security Mission Information & Innovation Group meetings (SMI2G) is a unique brokerage event
bringing together representatives from industry, academia and end-users from all Member States to
identify partners for responding to calls of the EU Security Research Programme.
The registration for the SMI2G in January 2016 is now open.
For more information and registration, click HERE!
Kind regards,
The SMI2G Team
Últimas novedades y próximas reuniones sobre la Community of Users on Disasters
and Crisis Management:
A continuación os adjunto información recibida recientemente por parte de la Comisión y el
equipo que organiza la Comunidad de Usuarios sobre Gestión de Crisis y Desastres: nueva
documentación actualizada e información sobre las 3 reuniones previstas para el año 2016.
In the first place, I am happy to share with you the updated CoU Membership (Ref.
CoU.doc1_Membership-Dec2015) list which is constantly growing. This gives me the opportunity to
welcome the new members who have recently joined the network and to share with you all the different
CoU objectives (Ref. CoU.doc2_Objectives) with annotations about achievements so far and
This brings me to provide you with general information about the 2016 planning of events. In relation to
the meetings below, please note that the plenary ½ day information sharing events will be as usual
limited to a maximum number of 120 participants, while being web streamed to enable an external online participation. Side-events will be envisaged back-to-back to the plenary sessions according to
interest shown by FP7 / H2020 projects:
29 February 2016 – Reprogramming the (cancelled) Nov. 2015 CoU meeting (with CBRN-E
focus). As a reminder I enclose the agenda of the cancelled meeting (CoU.doc3_2015-11-24
Agenda) which will be used to set up the agenda of the reprogrammed meeting (speakers to be
confirmed). Registration for this meeting is readily opened until the 15 February using the
attached registration form (CoU.doc4_Registration Form). CBRN-E project side-events might
take place on the 1 March, which will be confirmed before the 15 January. Please fill in the
form, specifying if you wish to attend in person or via web streaming, if you will join the lunch
(scheduled from 12h15 until 13h45) and/or the evening social gathering event (scheduled from
19h00 until 22h00 – limited to 45 participants), and if you are interested in participating in the
side event(s) the following day.
22 June 2016 – The meeting will focus on natural hazards at the plenary (web streamed) ½ day
meeting. A side event will be organised on the 23 June with a focus on climate extreme events.
Registration for this meeting will be opened from the 15 April onward.
11 October 2016 – The meeting will be linked to a CBRN-E Fair organised by the EDEN project.
The same format will be kept (½ day plenary meeting) and participants will have the possibility
to participate in the EDEN Fair (gathering a range of FP7/H2020 projects) over the 10-12
October. Registration for the CoU meeting will be opened from the 15 August onward.
Registration to the EDEN Fair will be managed by the project (details will be communicated in
due time).
As you know, we are now in the 2 year of Horizon2020 and information on starting projects (as well as
on-going FP7 projects) will hence be provided to the CoU network. I enclose a link to the Work
Programme 2016-2017 for reference:
Last but not least, I have the pleasure to send you herewith an advanced draft of the CoU Mapping
Report (Ref. CoU.doc5_Mapping Report). This document requires additional work to finalise some
sections. It has the ambition to become a common reference for all of us as it sets the general
architecture of science-policy-industry-practitioner's interactions in the disaster risk and crisis
management area on the basis of which networking with starting and future H2020 projects will be
greatly facilitated. Please note that a dedicated website based on this report will soon be developed by a
contractor to facilitate access to project information. We would greatly appreciate your possible inputs
to improve this report with comments/remarks/ corrections to be sent to me by the 15 February. A
final draft version will then be circulated to the CoU network prior to the next meeting, further edited in
March/April and published in May at the latest as a publicly available EUR Report.
Acceso a la documentación sobre la CoU on Disaster Risk and Crisis Management:
Inscripciones a las distintas reuniones y a la Comunidad de Usuarios:
[email protected].
Información sobre el proyecto EUCONCIP (red de colaboración para la protección de
infraestructuras críticas):
Presentación sobre la participación del JRC (Joint Research Centre) de la Comisión
Europea en proyectos del Horizonte2020:
Más información en el enlace siguiente:
Información sobre la conferencia QED de Ciberseguridad, que tuvo lugar el día 19 de
noviembre de 2015 en Bruselas:
Download the memorandum
Watch the speeches
Información sobre la empresa SYNYO, PYME austríaca que ofrece su perfil para
participar en diversas áreas de la Seguridad:
Esperamos que esta información sea de vuestro interés.
Aprovecho el boletín informativo para desearos a toda la Comunidad de Sociedades Seguras
unas Felices Fiestas y que el año 2016 sea estupendo y muy seguro para todos.
Un cordial saludo,
Maite Boyero Egido
Secure Societies Spanish Delegate and National Contact Point
HORIZON2020 Framework Programme
Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial
C/Cid, 4. 28001 Madrid
[email protected]
+34 91 581 55 62