Money is Available To Help Pay Your Heating Bills

Funds are available to lower heating costs
If you are struggling to pay for basic needs like housing, food, medicine,
transportation, and heating, the Minnesota Energy Assistance Program
(EAP) can help. EAP has funding available to help pay home heating
costs for income-qualified households.
Renters and homeowners are encouraged to apply
EAP serves both renters and homeowners. If you rent, you may be
eligible if you pay for heat directly to an energy vendor or indirectly to a
landlord. If you own your home, you may also get help repairing or
replacing a furnace.
Eligibility is based on income
Eligibility is based on the past three months of income. Assets like your
home are not considered in deciding eligibility for EAP.
Examples of maximum annual household incomes are:
Household with 1 person: $23,949
Household with 2 people: $31,318
Household with 3 people: $38,687
Household with 4 people: $46,056
Grants range from $100 to $1,400 depending on family size, income
and energy consumption, with an average grant of about $500.
For help call 1-800-657-3710
¿Les cuesta llegar a fin de mes? Se está poniendo difícil con el
costo elevado de las necesidades básicas como la vivienda,
comida, medicinas y transporte. EAP le ayuda a pagar un poco
de sus cuentas de gas. La ayuda puede variar desde $ 100.00
a $ 1,400.00. La ayuda media es de $ 500.00.
El Programa de Asistencia de Energía de Minnesota (EAP)
ayuda a los propietarios o inquilinos a pagar sus cuentas de
gas. Los propietarios de viviendas también pueden recibir
ayuda para reparar or reemplazar su calefacción.
Ejemplo para calificar:
de Familia
máx. Anuales
$ 23,949
$ 31,318
$ 38,687
$ 46,056
Llamen al 1.800.657.3710 para contactar con el programa
más cercano.