CAPITULO 2 DIVISIÓN DEL ESTADO DE SONORA PARA SU ESTUDIO 2.1 DIVISION DEL ESTADO DE SONORA POR ZONAS El estado se dividió para su estudio en zonas prácticas para el estudio de sus permeabilidades. 15 Evaluation notes were added to the output document. To get rid of these notes, please order your copy of ePrint 5.0 now. 2.2 ZONAS, PORCENTAJE TERRITORIAL EN CADA ZONA Y SU PRECIPITACIÒN ZONA 1 Municipio Porcentaje de Precipitación Precipitación territorio % (mm) (plg) 100 27.4 1.07 Puerto Peñasco 93 84.258 3.3108 Genaro Plutarco 15 58.14 2.2875 Caborca 50 82 3.225 Pitiquito 74.8 120.9 4.756 Hermosillo 5 12.5 0.492 San Luís Río Colorado Elías Calles Tabla 2. ZONA 2 Municipio Porcentaje de Precipitación Precipitación territorio % (mm) (plg) 85 329.46 12.9625 Caborca 50 82 3.225 Altar 100 278.3 10.96 Átil 100 332.3 13.08 Oquitoa 100 278.2 10.95 Saric 90 330.57 13.014 Tubutama 100 332.3 13.04 Magdalena de Kino 95 375.915 14.7915 Santa Ana 100 332 13.07 Benjamín Hill 100 194 7.63 Trincheras 100 306.1 12.05 Pitiquito 25 60.4 2.3775 Hermosillo 5 12.5 0.492 San Miguel de 80 235.2 9.256 General Plutarco Elías Calles Horcaditas 16 Evaluation notes were added to the output document. To get rid of these notes, please order your copy of ePrint 5.0 now. Rayón 100 424 16.69 Carbó 100 294 11.57 San Felipe 100 468.8 18.45 Aconchi 50 225 8.86 Cucurpe 15 70.02 2.7555 Baviacora 60 192.9 7.59 Villa Pesqueira 5 25.4 1 Ures 40 172.04 6.772 Puerto Peñasco 7 6.342 0.2492 Nogales 2 9.216 0.3628 Banámichi 10 42.4 1.671 Opodepe 95 402.8 15.855 Tabla 3 ZONA 3 Municipio Porcentaje de Precipitación Precipitación territorio % (mm) (plg) Nogales 98 451.584 17.7772 Santa Cruz 100 460.8 18.14 Cananea 100 545 21.45 Naco 100 4666 18.34 Agua Prieta 100 334.6 13.17 Magdalena de 5 19.785 0.7785 Imuris 100 413.1 16.26 Cucurpe 85 396.78 15.6145 Arizpe 100 421.5 16.59 Opodepe 5 21.2 0.8345 Banámichi 90 381.6 15.03 Cumpas 100 460.8 18.14 Nacozari de 100 516.7 20.34 Bavispe 100 426.9 16.80 Bacerac 100 560 22.04 Villa Hidalgo 100 508 20 Kino García 17 Evaluation notes were added to the output document. To get rid of these notes, please order your copy of ePrint 5.0 now. Huachinera 100 427 16.81 Huásabas 100 490.8 19.32 Huépac 100 424 16.69 Aconchi 50 225 8.86 Baviácora 40 128.6 5.06 Villa Pesqueira 5 25.4 1 Moctezuma 100 460 18.11 Granados 100 485.9 19.12 Divisaderos 100 490.8 19.32 Bacadehuachi 100 490.8 19.32 Nácori Chico 80 392.64 15.456 Tepache 25 96.9 3.8125 San Pedro de la 13 50.388 1.9825 Sáric 10 36.73 1.446 Bacoachi 100 444 17.48 Fronteras 100 427.5 16.83 Porcentaje de Precipitación Precipitación territorio % (mm) (plg) Hermosillo 70 175 6.888 La Colorada 3 10.491 0.4128 Guaymas 65 151.385 5.954 Empalme 100 200.6 7.89 San Ignacio Río 100 ND ND Bácum 100 487.1 19.17 Cajeme 25 74.75 5.3625 Etchojoa 80 163.6 6.44 Benito Juárez 90 920.7 36.243 Huatabampo 70 228.9 9.009 Cueva Tabla 4. ZONA 4 Municipio Muerto 18 Evaluation notes were added to the output document. To get rid of these notes, please order your copy of ePrint 5.0 now. Pitiquito 0.2 0.4836 0.0219 Navojoa 2 7.79 0.3066 Tabla 5. ZONA 5 Municipio Porcentaje de Precipitación Precipitación territorio % (mm) (plg) Hermosillo 25 62.5 2.46 San Miguel de 20 58.8 2.314 Ures 60 258.6 10.158 Villa Pesqueira 87 441.96 17.4 San Pedro de la 17 65.892 2.5925 Mazatan 100 508.8 20.03 La Colorada 97 339.209 13.347 Guaymas 35 81.515 3.206 Bacanora 7 36.428 1.4329 Soyopa 70 427.7 16.835 San Javier 100 569.45 22.41 Suaqui Grande 100 611 24.05 Onavas 100 611 24.05 Yécora 40 409.2 16.108 Cajeme 75 224.25 8.8275 Rosario 99 603.999 23.7699 Quiriego 100 640 25.19 Navojoa 98 381.71 15.0234 Etchojoa 20 40.9 1.61 Benito Juárez 10 102.3 4.027 Huatabampo 30 98.1 3.861 Alamos 96 626.208 24.664 Horcaditas Cueva Tabla 6. 19 Evaluation notes were added to the output document. To get rid of these notes, please order your copy of ePrint 5.0 now. ZONA 6 Municipio Porcentaje de Precipitación Precipit ación territorio % (mm) (plg) 70 271.32 10.675 Tepache 75 290.7 11.4375 Nàcori Chico 20 98.16 3.864 Villa Pesqueira 3 15.24 0.6 Sahuaripa 100 587.7 23.13 Bacanora 93 483.975 19.0371 Soyopa 30 183.3 7.215 Arivechi 100 565.7 22.27 Yecora 60 613.8 24.162 San Pedro de la Cueva Tabla 7. 20 Evaluation notes were added to the output document. To get rid of these notes, please order your copy of ePrint 5.0 now.