1. We are kindly request if it is possible to include in the

Brussels, 14 February 2013
(for questions received in one of the languages in which applications may be submitted (EN, FR, ES),
answers given in the language in which the question was received, for questions received in other EU
languages, answers given in EN)
Restricted Call for Proposals Thematic Programme for Environment and sustainable management
of natural resources, including energy
As per section 2.2.4 of the Guidelines, in the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the
European Commission cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, a partner,
an action or specific activities.
I. Modification of elements of the proposed action between Concept Note and Full
application stage
1. We are kindly request if it is possible to include in the full application as partner
an actor that in the concept note was indicated as associate, after having analyzed
its role and commitment in the intervention?
Can the composition of the consortium be changed at this stage of the process?
We would like to add new institutions not previously listed in the Concept Note.
These institutions are one NGO in Portugal and/or local NGOs in Guinea-Bissau.
As stipulated in section 2.2.5 of the Guidelines for grant applicants, the elements contained in
the concept note cannot be modified in the Full application form. In exceptional cases, when it
is indispensable to modify an element (such as adding or replacing partners, associates or
activities), this modification should be clearly stated in the Full application form and due
justification should be provided in the Declaration by the applicant (see table of contents in
the Grant application form). Such justification will be taken into consideration during the
evaluation of the full application. (See also question 34 from FAQ Global Calls
Si durante el desarrollo de nuestra propuesta hubiéramos identificado una
entidad con la que se podrían duplicar o solapar actividades, con el fin de
optimizar esfuerzos y recursos, ¿podríamos incluirla como socio en esta segunda
fase aunque no hubiera estado incluida en la fase del documento de síntesis?
Si esto no es posible, tendríamos que coordinarnos con esta entidad para el
desarrollo de alguna de las actividades que esbozábamos en nuestro documento
de síntesis, por lo que es probable que tuviera que cambiar algún aspecto, ¿se
consideraría que estamos cambiando los elementos del documento de síntesis,
como se establece en la sección 2.2.5 de la Guía para los solicitantes de
Como estipulado en la sección 2.2.5 de la Guía para los solicitantes de subvenciones, los
elementos contenidos en el documento de síntesis no pueden ser modificados cuando la
presentación del formulario completo de solicitud. En casos excepcionales, cuando es
indispensable el cambio de algún elemento (tal como el añado o la sustitución de socios, de
Call for Proposals 2012 – EuropeAid/132763/C/ACT/Multi – Frequently Asked Questions
entidades colaboradoras o de actividades), dicha modificación debe mencionarse claramente
en el formulario completo de solicitud
y ser debidamente justificada en la Declaración del solicitante (ver índice del Formulario de
solicitud de subvención). Dicha justificación era examinada durante la evaluación del
formulario completo de solicitud.
(ver también Pregunta nº 34 http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/funding/documents/faq-globalcalls_es.pdf)
2. Nous avons noté que les éléments figurant dans la note succincte de présentation
ne pouvaient être modifiés dans le formulaire complet de demande (page 26 des
règles à appliquer au dit appel). Cela dit, nous aurions souhaité avoir
confirmation que nous n'avons pas le droit d'ajuster la dénomination des
objectifs, résultats et activités. En effet, à des fins d'harmonisation et de
précision, nous aurions aimé réaliser quelques changements de forme et non de
Comme stipulé à la section 2.2.5 des Lignes Directrices à l'intention des demandeurs de
subvention, les éléments contenus dans la note succincte de présentation ne peuvent pas être
modifiés lors de la soumission du formulaire complet de demande. Dans des cas
exceptionnels, lorsqu'il s'avère indispensable de modifier un élément (tel que l'ajout ou le
remplacement de partenaires, d'associés ou de modifier des activités), cette modification doit
être mentionnée de façon claire dans le formulaire complet de demande et une justification
doit être dûment fournie dans la Déclaration du Demandeur (voir table des matières du
Formulaire de demande de subvention). Ladite justification sera examinée lors de l'évaluation
de la proposition complète.(Voir Q 34 FAQ POUR LES APPELS A PROPOSITIONS
1. In the guidelines of applicants it is stipulated under section 2.1.4 that"costs
declared by the beneficiary and covered by another action or work programme"
are ineligible.
Can you confirm that those costs are ineligible only if covered by another EU
funding source? It does not target actions covered by other donors?
As a source of co-financing we are planning to use the funding coming from a
member state aid agency allocated to a project which would have overlap with
the current ENRTP project we are developing. Is this feasible?
As stipulated in section 1.3 of the Guidelines for grant applicant, any grant requested under
this Call for Proposals may not exceed 80% of the total estimated eligible costs of the action.
The balance (i.e. the difference between the total cost of the action and the amount requested
from the European Commission) must be financed from the applicant's or partners' own
resources, or from sources other than the European Union budget or the European
Development fund.
As per section 2.2.4 of the Guidelines, in the interest of equal treatment of applicants, the
European Commission cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, a
partner, an action or specific activities.
2. Cash management: Can the financial resources from EUAid be distributed
directly from the source (EU) to each consortium members in Brazil and
Portugal? Or it must be allocated fully to the consortium coordinator and from
Call for Proposals 2012 – EuropeAid/132763/C/ACT/Multi – Frequently Asked Questions
the consortium coordinator to other consortium members? We are specially
interested that the cash disbursements that will take place in Guinea Bissau be
managed by a consortium member in the European Union since Brazilian law
stablished high taxes over money send abroad.
Sub-contractors: From what contract values competitive bids must be
undertaken for the contract of services (in special local NGOs)? Can subcontractors be predicted in the Full Proposal so competitive bids don´t need to be
undertaken to those previously established sub-contractors?
As stipulated in sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the Guidelines for grant applicants, if the proposal
is selected, the applicant will act as the only contracting party to the EC (the "beneficiary")
and will be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with their
partners. Therefore, it will be up to the applicant (the contracting party) to manage the EC
grant and to decide how the funds advanced by the EU are allocated and distributed to and
between the partners in line with the objectives of the action.
If the grant beneficiary or its partners decide to award contracts to subcontractors for
services, supplies or works, the procurement rules set out in annex IV to the standard grant
contract for subcontractors must be followed (see annex E3h3 – Contract award procedures,
3. Co-financing: What financial support is eligible as co-financing activities? For
example, can the salaries of park guards be considered as co-financing? And, if
so, what kind of material evidence shall be provided to support the final cofinancing amount of the project?
To be eligible under the Call for Proposals, costs must comply with the provisions of Article
14 of the General Conditions to the Standard Grant Contract (see Annex G of the present
As set out in Section 2.1.4 of the Guidelines for grant applicants, the cost of staff assigned to
the action is not a contribution in kind and may be considered as co-financing in the budget of
the action when paid by the beneficiary or partners. Nevertheless, salaries paid to staff
working for other projects cannot be charged to the new proposed action. Furthermore,
unpaid staff would be considered as a contribution in kind.
Supporting Documents
1. We would very much appreciate clarification as to whether Annex E: Financial
Identification Form is required to be completed and submitted with the full
application? This Annex has not been published on the European Commission
website (where forms relating to this call for proposal have been published),
however there is mention of this Annex in the guidelines (page 32).
Annex E is not need at this stage. All required supporting documents for the applicant and
partners are indicated in section 2.4 of the Guidelines for the grant applicant.
1. ¿Qué tipo de informe de auditoría debe ser presentado y para qué período?
Como indicado en la sección 2.4 de la Guía para los solicitantes de subvención, si la
subvención solicitada excede 500.000 EUR, un informe de auditoría externa realizado por un
Call for Proposals 2012 – EuropeAid/132763/C/ACT/Multi – Frequently Asked Questions
auditor autorizado, en el que se certifiquen las cuentas del solicitante del último ejercicio
disponible deberá ser proporcionado. Esta obligación no se aplica a los organismos públicos
ni a las organizaciones internacionales (intergubernamentales).
2. Which standart grand contract and which annexes are applicable for this ENRTP Call
for Proposals launched in2012
Grant agreements signed in 2013 following a call for proposals launched in 2012 or earlier
on the basis of PRAG 2012 will follow the current template of PRAG 2012 with two standard"
special provisions:
• No interest on pre-financing (not applicable to the EDF where Article 11 of the 10th
EDF FR survives):
"There is no obligation to generate interest on pre-financing received in the framework of this
grant agreement. If this interest is nonetheless generated, it belongs to the beneficiary and
does not have to be reported upon. Such interest does not constitute revenue of the project
• New payment deadlines
from 45 to 30 days for pre-financing (not for EDF, see point 3.1. above);
from 90 to 60 days for payments based on a report in mono-beneficiary contracts;
90 days in other cases (including contracts with implementing partners).
For replies on questions that are not particularly related to this Call for Proposals but
concern administrative, eligibility and procedural aspects of all Global Thematic Calls for
proposals, potential applicants may refer to the following page on the EuropeAid website:
Call for Proposals 2012 – EuropeAid/132763/C/ACT/Multi – Frequently Asked Questions