Percentage I can … Prove it! Can you speak in

Spanish Percentage Ladder
I can …
Speaking: I can speak spontaneously and discuss
facts and experiences confidently using good
pronunciation, using connectives and a variety of
tenses, grammar and vocabulary. I make very few
Listening: I can understand authentic spoken texts
and material from a range of voices.
Reading: I can read and understand a whole variety
of types of material and read for personal pleasure.
Writing: I can express and justify complex points
of view. I am confident at using reference materials
to extend my language and improve my accuracy. I
can spot my own errors.
Culture: I regularly watch Spanish media and take
every opportunity to engage with Spanish language,
politics and culture.
Speaking: I can initiate and develop conversations
without (much) preparation with good pronunciation,
using connectives and a variety of tenses, grammar
and vocabulary.
Listening: I can make sense of simple authentic
spoken texts including language I haven’t learnt. I
am confident at working out the meaning of
unfamiliar topics & vocabulary
Reading: I can read and understand some complex
and unfamiliar texts and I am generally confident
at working out the meaning.
Writing: I can write texts containing more
complex language and can use at least 4 tenses
accurately. I can edit my work.
Culture: I enjoy reading Spanish newspapers and
listening to Spanish radio. I understand some of
what I read and hear.
Prove it! Can you speak in the same
level of detail?
Hola, me llamo Juan y tengo once años. Mi
cumpleaños es el ocho de marzo. Mi madre se
llama Olivia y tiene los ojos marrones y el
pelo negro. Es bastante simpática y muy
generosa ! Me gusta jugar al futbol porque es
interesante sin embargo no me gusta ir de
compras porque es muy aburrido. Además,
odio cantar porque no es emocionante.
La semana que viene, voy a ir al cine con mis
amigos y vamos a ver una comedia. ¡Que
divertido! Antes iba a la bolera con mis
hermanos pero ahora pienso que es muy
Este fin de semana, me gustaría ir al museo
con mis parentes padres. Normalmente voy
con ellos y tambien mis amigos porque no
tenemos que pagar. ¡Que bien ! A pesar de
todo, prefiero pasar tiempo con mis hermanas
porque son muy divertidas.
Hola, me llamo Juan. Tengo once años. Mi
cumpleaños es el ocho de marzo. Me gusta
jugar al futbol porque es interesante pero no
me gusta ir de compras porque es muy
aburrido. Además, odio cantar porque no es
La semana que viene, voy a ir al cine con mis
amigos y vamos a ver una comedia. ¡Que
Antes iba a la bolera con mis hermanos pero
ahora pienso que es muy juvenil.
Este fin de semana, me gustaría ir al museo
con mis padres. Normalmente voy con ellos y
tambien mis amigos porque no tenemos que
pagar. ¡Que bien ! A pesar de todo, prefiero
pasar tiempo con mis hermanas porque son
muy divertidas.
Percentage Ladder – Unit 5
Spanish Percentage Ladder
I can …
Prove it! Can you speak in the same
level of detail?
Speaking: I can adapt language to produce
extended and detailed responses quite fluently
and I am mostly accurate. I can speak using at
least three tenses
Hola, me llamo Juan. Tengo once años. Mi
cumpleaños es el ocho de marzo. Me gusta jugar
al futbol porque es interesante pero no me gusta
ir de compras porque es muy aburrido. Además,
odio cantar porque no es emocionante.
Listening: I can understand longer spoken texts,
write down quite detailed notes/answers and can
understand 3 time frames
La semana que viene, voy a ir al cine con mis
amigos y vamos a ver una comedia. ¡Que
Reading: I can understand longer texts in
unfamiliar topics using both the past and future
tenses. I am becoming more confident working out
meaning of texts on unfamiliar topics
Antes iba a la bolera con mis hermanos pero
ahora pienso que es muy juvenil.
Writing: I can write in paragraphs using a
variety of language & vocabulary, using at least 3
Este fin de semana, me gustaría ir al museo con
mis padres.
Culture: I can compare and contrast culture,
life and education in Francophone countries.
Speaking: I can talk about what I have done in
the past or what I will do in the future. I can
talk for quite a long time on familiar topics
Listening: I can understand what people say about
what happened in the past or what will happen in
the future
Reading: I can understand people’s opinions and
about events in the past or in the future. I can
find out information on my own
Hola, me llamo Juan. Tengo once años. Mi
cumpleaños es el ocho de marzo. Me gusta jugar
al futbol porque es interesante pero no me gusta
ir de compras porque es muy aburrido. Además,
odio cantar porque no es emocionante.
La semana que viene, voy a ir al cine con mis
amigos y vamos a ver una comedia.
Writing: I can write short passages either using
the past or future tenses and I can write about
my opinions and feelings
Culture: I can work out the meaning of some
Spanish words which have similar roots as
English words.
Speaking: I can take part in a longer
conversation or presentation without (many)
notes. I can use the grammar & vocabulary I have
learned to create my own sentences with good
Hola, me llamo Juan. Tengo once años. Mi
cumpleaños es el ocho de marzo. Me gusta jugar
al futbol porque es interesante pero no me gusta
ir de compras porque es muy aburrido. Además,
odio cantar porque no es emocionante.
Listening: I can understand spoken language and
dialogues with different sentence patterns and
structures at normal speed
Reading: I can understand longer texts and use
context to work out unfamiliar words.
Percentage Ladder – Unit 5
Spanish Percentage Ladder
Writing: I can write short texts and adapt a
model using my own words or phrases.
Culture: I can find similarities and differences
between Spanish and English words.
Speaking: I can give answers to more difficult and
longer questions with correct pronunciation using
familiar words. I can also ask longer questions and
give more developed answers to questions people
ask me.
Hola, me llamo Juan. Tengo once años. Mi
cumpleaños es el ocho de marzo. Me gusta jugar
al futbol pero no me gusta ir de compras.
Listening: I understand short passages and
dialogues (conversations) spoken at normal speed.
I can follow instructions. I can write down the
main points I hear.
Reading: I can understand simple texts and I can
use a dictionary (or index in a textbook) to look up
new words & meanings. I can write down the main
points I read.
Writing: I can write sentences with some help
and begin to develop my ideas and give opinions.
Culture: I can describe life in different
Francophone countries.
Speaking: I can give longer answers to simple
questions with correct pronunciation. I can also
ask questions and give answers to questions
people ask me. I can pronounce familiar words
Hola, me llamo Juan. Tengo once años. Mi
cumpleaños es el ocho de marzo.
Listening: I can understand longer statements &
more complicated words
Reading: I can understand familiar phrases and
words and use my book (or computer) to find out
new meanings
Writing: I can copy phrases correctly with few
spelling mistakes. I can use accents, umlauts &
silent letters most of the time. I can spell words I
know from memory
Culture: I can explain my learning a language is
Speaking: : I can make short, simple statements
and can understand & answers simple questions
with good pronunciation
Hola, me llamo Juan. Tengo once años.
Listening I can understand simple spoken
statements & words
Reading: I can understand single or small groups
of words
Writing: I can copy words correctly and select
words to complete short sentences
Culture: I can list 3 facts about Spain /
francophone countries.
Percentage Ladder – Unit 5
Spanish Percentage Ladder
Percentage Ladder – Unit 5