HORES 17/10/2016 18/10/2016 19/10/2016 16:30h a 19:00h Writing a PhD In EU Law *Sessió Biblioteca Aula 40.145 (16:30 a 18:30) Writing a PhD In EU Law Writing a PhD In EU Law Prof. Monica Claes Aula 40.253 Prof. Monica Claes Aula 40.253 Prof. Monica Claes Aula 40.253 24/10/2016 25/10/2016 26/10/2016 Writing a PhD In EU Law Writing a PhD In EU Law Writing a PhD In EU Law Prof. Monica Claes Aula 40.253 Prof. Monica Claes Aula 40.253 Prof. Monica Claes Aula 40.253 31/10/2016 01/11/2016 02/11/2016 03/11/2016 FESTIU Metodologia Jurídica Dr. Pablo Pareja Aula 40.253 (16:00 a 18:00) Sessió Biblioteca Gestió de Bibliografies: Mendeley Aula 40.145 HORES 16:30h a 19:00h HORES 16:30h a 18:30h *Sesión orientada a los alumnos de nuevo ingreso en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra 20/10/2016 27/10/2016 21/10/2016 28/10/2016 Sessió Biblioteca. Base de dades i tesi doctoral Aula 40.145 (16:30 a 18:30) 04/11/2016 HORES 07/11/2016 16:30h a 18:30h 16:30h a 18:30h HORES 16:30h a 18:30h HORES 16:30h a 18:30h 09/11/2016 Metodologia Jurídica Metodologia Jurídica Dra. Esther Farnós Aula 40.253 Dr. Josep Lluís Martí Aula 40.253 10/11/2016 11/11/2015 16/11/2016 17/11/2016 18/11/2016 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 23/11/2015 24/11/2015 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 30/11/2015 01/12/2015 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 Metodologia Jurídica Dr. Víctor Ferreres Aula 40.253 18:30h a 20:30h HORES 08/11/2016 14/11/2016 15/11/2016 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 21/11/2015 22/11/2015 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 28/11/2015 Methodology of Public Comparative Law, Prof. Roberto Toniatti Aula 40.253 29/11/2015 25/11/2015 02/12/2015