1º: ¿Qué son COGNADOS? Haz una lista de unos

1º: ¿Qué son COGNADOS?
Haz una lista de unos cognados típicos:
2º Y…¿COGNADO FALSOS? Son “falsos amigos”.
A. Check out and read this webpage on false cognates:
PARIENTES: Not “parents,” though they’re parientes too, but
“relatives”—all of them, from your grandparents to
children to in-laws and cousins. What you share with
these people is called parentesco or “kinship.” Los
padres o papás is what you use for parents.
B. LEER y ESTUDIAR BIEN esta lista de Cognados Falsos
(“LosTricksters”Breaking Out of Beginner’s Spanish Joseph Keenan)
ACTUAL: Not “actual” but “current” or “present” To convey
“actual” in the sense of “factual” or “genuine,” you
would use verdadero, auténtico, genuino, real, etc.
REALIZAR: Not “to realize” as in to find out (darse cuenta de..) but
to realize as in to make real, to make happen, to
achieve a goal, a dream, etc.
RECETA: Almost always a cooking recipe in Spanish or a medical
prescription. It is never a “receipt,” which would be
ROPA: Not “rope” but “clothes.” Rope is soga.
ACTUALMENTE: Worth special mention because “actually” is used
frequently as a sentence starter in English: “You must be
starving.” “Actually, I just ate.” Actualmente means “at
present” or “currently.” For “actually” use la verdad es
que, realmente, or de verdad.
SOPA: Not “soap” but “soup.” Creamy soups are simply called
cremas, as in crema de champiñones (“cream of
mushroom soup”). “Soap” is jabón.
GRADO: Not “grade” as in school but grade as in temperature
(Fº/Cº) Grade is nota.
ASISTIR: Not “to assist” but “to attend” or “to be present at.” For “to
assist,” use ayudar.
4º: COGNADOS FALSOS > OJO ¡No se confundan!
Actividad > En parejas…Busca los significados.
= carpeta
carpet =
BALÓN: The common word for “ball,” from about grapefruit size
on up. Smaller balls are called bolas or pelotas.
“Balloon” is globo.
CARPETA: Usually a “portfolio” of the sort for keeping and carrying
papers. It is never a “carpet,” which is covered by
COLEGIO: Not a college but any school from Kindergarten through
high school. Universidad is used for any type of college.
ÉXITO: Not “exit” but “success.” “The exit” is la salida. Salir is to
FÁBRICA: Not “fabric” but “factory.” If you’re looking to buy fabric,
on the other hand, the word you want is tela.
LIBRERÍA: Not “library” but “bookstore.” Another reminder. A
“library” is a biblioteca.
= fábrica
= atender a
= éxito
= actualmente
fabric =
to attend an event =
exit = salida
actually =
= receta
receipt =
ball = balón
balloon =
= parientes
= librería
= sopa
parents =
library =
soap =
= colegio
college/university =
= realizar
to realize =
= grado
school grades =
Práctica > Completa correctamente las siguientes oraciones.
1. La hoja de papel que me dan en una tienda al comprar algo
es ____________
2. El lugar que visito para COMPRAR un libro
3. Todos los miembros de una familia son mis
4. Es importante __________________ a la clase todos los días
para poder participar y tener éxito.
5. Mi meta este año en la escuela es sacar buenas