Magnetic Reversal Stratigraphy in the Late Oligocene succession of the Ebro Basin, near Fraga, Province of Huesca, Northern Spain P. F. FRIEND (1); 5. A. BRAZIER (2); L. CABRERA (3); K. W. A. FEISTNER (1) and J. SHAW (4) (1) Deparímen! of Earlh Sejences, University of Cambridge, Downing St., Cambridge CB2 3EQ (England) (2) Briíish Geological Survey (J—Iydrocarhon and Marine Surveys Direclorate), «Souíhpark», 19 Grange Terrace, Edinburgh EH9 2LF ~‘Scolland,) (3,) Departamento de Geología Dinámica, Geofísica y Paleontología. Universidad de Barcelona. Fac. Geología, 08028 Barcelona (Spain) (4) Departmení of Geological Sciences, Universily of Liverpool, P. O. Box 147, Brownlow Sí., LiverpooL L69 3BX <‘England,) SUMMARY A palaeomagnetic investigation of an outcrop section in Late Oligocene, non-marine mudstones, sandstones and limestones is described. Tite section was chosen as representative of tite outcrops of tite more central parts of tite Ebro basin, nortitern Spain. It turns out to be impossible to measure an earl>’ remanence in tite limestones that are an important rock t>’pe of the basin centre. However distinct magnetic components, titought to be early, can be measured in man>’ of tite mudrock samples. Seven reversal events occur wititin tite 145 m titick section, and define six magnetic polarit>’ intervals. Assuming a relativel>’ stead>’ stratigrapitic accumulation rate, tite titicknesses of tite magnetic intervals correspond to the time durations of tite (global) magnetic polarit>’ time-seale. The sequence of thickness intervals in our section is not long or distinctive enough to allow us to suggest an unique correlation witit tite global sequence, but we suggest two possible alternative correlations. Tite alternatives impí>’ stratigrapitic accumulation rates of 0.04 and 007m/ 1.000 years. STRATIGRAPHIC INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTS Tite Ebro basin is a foreland basin titat developed in response to crustal loading during ihe Tertiar>’ evolution of tite P>’renees (Fig. 1). Tite L.1 122 o E. 1< Friend, 5. - sl. Brazier, ‘a e-sa <~l1i IB t¶k ~tiit:: e Li E E e ce “a— E ce o c.t~ ce it.e0 o.tot be ile ‘2 0e -— Con e ce 5 ~ be 0000 .~ -~ -~ e —o. ~ojo> art e-a oe”a ce ~ OC saE Q¾IJCt~5n —“a,-’ ~o> - -D ce c’S~fl~ “aso uvQ. — O ~ O~ ~ e ce ce — L. catrera, K. lE A. Feistne, and J £haw +4> mv], t½, 1--j cajo tmr.jO 00 5 oh“‘0, a mc, ~Li “a.>~.> “a—o ——o ea o .-Vlagneuic Reversal Stratigraphy in the Late Oligocene... 123 main evidence for titis is the general northward increase in tite titickness of tite basin-filling sedimenis, from about 1 km in tite central areas (including tite Fraga area reported here), to between 3 and 4 km below the southern P>’renean thrust front (Riba et al., 1987). Tite Ebro basin arose as a weIl defined entity during tite Oligocene, when tite southern titrust sheets of tite Pyrenees started to emerge to form its nortitern margin, and its southern margin also became active tectonicalI>’ (Puigdefábregas et al., 1986). Tite surface outcrops across most of the basin are of sediments of Ohgocene and Miocene age, formed in river and lake environments (Fig. 1). A number of river systems carried sediment from different parts of tite basin margins towards its centre. Tite Late Eocene-Early Ohigocene Scala Dei S>’stem built out from tite south-west end of tite Catatan Coastal Range; the Oligocene-Miocene Matarranya-Guadalupe System extenda] from tite linking zone between tite Catalan CoastaJ Range and tite Iberian Range in the south, and Oligocene-Miocene s>’stems built from tite P>’renees in tite north (Cabrera et al., 1985; I-Iirst and Nicitols, 1986; Nichols, 1987). In alí these cases, conglomeratic alluvial fan sequences accumulated along tite basin margins, and passed distalí>’ into distributive fluvial facies. Titese facies consist of titick mudstone dominated sequences with interbedded conglomeratic and sandstone bodies from 1 m up to 10 m thick. Both vertical and lateral aceretion are recorded in titese channel deposits which show ribiton and sheet geometries. Titese river s>’stems interdigitated, towards tite basin centre witit a central zone where playa-lake muds, carbonates, g>’psums and coals formed (Cabrera, 1983; Cabrera et al., 1985; Friend, et aL, 1986; Nichols, 1987; Cabrera and Sáez, 1987). In tite SE Ebro Basin, titese facies make up sequences up to 600 m thick (Los Monegros lacustrine system) (Cabrera, 1983; Cabrera and Sáez, 1987). Titis stud>’ was carried out in the transitional area between one of tite river systems coming from tite P>’rcnees and tite Los Monegros lacustrine s>’stem of the central zone (Fig. 1). Tite dating of tite non-marine, Oligocene and Miocene deposits depends largel>’ on tite vertebrate fossils tite>’ contain, particularí>’ tite mammal microfossils. Titese are of sufficiently great biostratigrapitie interest, in terms of tite evolution of European terrestrial faunas, that tite Ramblian and Aragonian nonmarine stages itave been defined in nortit-central Spain (Daams et al., 1987). More specificall>’, in tite study area, some twenty mammal microfossil localities itave been found and titis has suggested a Late Oligocene-Early Miocene biozonation, and tite tentative proposal of a mammal stage stratotype (Agusti et al., 1 988b). However it has proved difficult to correlate titese faunas with otiter successions, parlicularí>’ titose witit globalí>’ established marine biostratigrapity. 124 P. F. triená, 5. A. Brazier, L. Cabrera. K. lE A, Eeistner and J. Shaw Our objects in working on tite magnetie reversal stratigraph>’ in tite Ebro basin itave been 1) to establish local rates of stratigraphic accumulation as a means of anal>’sing the basin growth, 2) to investigate tite relationsitips between these rates and tite processes of river sedimentation, 3) to establish correlation between tite terrestrial and tite marine biostratigraph>’. Titis paper wiU focus on tite first aim. THE SECTION AND ITS SEDIMENT TYPES The section we report on itere starts some 1.5 km soutit-east of the oíd bridge across tite river Cinca, in the town of Fraga, Province of Huesca, Spain (Fig. 1). Map references and latitude and longitude of tite base of the section are BF 797 998 and 0 20 E, 41 31 N. A detail sedimentar>’ log of the section forms part of a study (Cabrera, 1983) of the basin-centre sediments in this pan of tite Ebro basin. Tite 1 45m section consists largel>’ (63 0/o) of mudstone, witit varyig colour (brown or red), and content of silt. Titis mudstone was tite main sediment íype that we sampled as oriented blocks, and most of our succesful measurements were of titis material. Brown fine to medium-grained sandstones make up about 33 % of tite section, and sometimes provided successful measurements. Titese sandstones outcrop as titin (a few cm) sheets, or as larger sandstone bodies up to 3 m titick. Limestones, sorne 0.20 m to 3 m thick, formed on~y 4 O/~ of our Fraga section, and are mainly present in its top 30 m. However similar limestones are tite dominant sediment t>’pes exposed in some of tite otiter basin centre sections that we sampled extensivel>’ within 20 km of Fraga. Wc sampled them wide]>’ because they tend to outcrop strongly, provide good material for detaching oriented blocks, and itad shown measurable natural remanence during our earl>’ explorator>’ work. Wc were titerefore disappointed to find, on using the thermal demagnetisation routines described below, titat tite limestones generalí>’ lack a component of remanence that is stable. We itave concluded that tite limestone remanence resides in tite brown oxide patcites and veins titat are t>’pical of most of tite samples, and we suggest that titis brown material results from late stage oxidation of tite pyrite witich is often abundant. We have titerefore abandoned tite measurement of limestones from these sections. Magnetic Reversal Stratigraphy in ihe Late Ql/gocen e... 125 MEASUREMENT ROUTINE AND ANALYSIS Oriented blocks were collected at «vertical» stratigraphic intervals averaging about 2 m. Titis sonietimes involved excavation beJow the surface. Tite blocks were chosen large enough to provide at lcast titree cores witicit are 9 mm in diameter, and at least 1 cm in length. Oriented cores for measurement were prepared in the workshop in Cambridge by dr>’ drilling using a slowly rotating coring bit. Titis was formed from a stainless steel tube, to avoid magnetic contamination, with teeth individualí>’ hand cut and set to acitieve maximum self-clearing of tite cylindrical incision. Ah tite measurements were made using tite eryogenic magnetometer designed and run in tite Department of Geolog>’, lJniversity of Wales at Cardiff. We found titat thermal demagnetisation of tite samples produced relativel>’ clear separation of components of tite remanence, whereas alternating ficíd demagnetisation proved to be ineffective. We used a measurement routine involving steps of 100’ C, from 0~ C to 5000 C. A lower maximum temperature would not itave resulted in complete demagnetisation, and larger steps would itave resulted in loss of component information. Each core took about 3 hours to measure. We routinel>’ plotted tite movement of tite magnetie vectors that occurred during titermal demagnetisation, using both stereographic (direetion), and vector (direction and intensit>’-Zijderveld, 1967) plots. Tite stable magnetic directions were then estimated from titese plots (eg. Fig. 2). Our statistical treatment of the titree or more stable cores from each site, used the method adopted in other recent studies of reversal stratigrapities (cg. Johnson and others, 1985), whereb>’ sites were classified as class A, class B, or rejected, depending on tite degree of agreement between tite directions from the different cores. RESIJLTING MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY Wc measured cores from 34 sites scattered through the 145 m thick Fraga section (Figs. 3 and 4). Our stereographic and vector results >‘ield exactí>’ similar polarity intervals, even titough tite actual directions var>’ in detail. Here we present tite vector data, consisting of 33 class A sites, and 1 class B site. Samples from 9 other sites were measured but showed no stable component during demagnetisation from one temperature to another, and were therefore rejected. Fig. 3 sitows tite declination and inclination averaged for eaeit of tite 34 acceptable sites. Wc also present tite VGP (Vidual Geomagnetie Folarity) latitude, witich is tite present latitude of the pole calculated from tite remanence at eacit site. Our data locate seven reversal events in tite 126 1’. 1. Friená, 5. A. Brazict,., L. (labrera. 1<. W A. h’isflwr aná JShaw E AST/ EAST/ u’, ti’, (a) Sample FR22b (b) Sampie FR3e (normal> treversedí 200 300 TWO 500 NORTH ¡ l ¡ u ¡ south—isp plane north—west plane 1 SOUTH ¡ e~ 5O5~@ o 300 0500 ¿ • o south—west plane 0~ 1 ONE 0200 X Op north—down plane — WE5T/ DOWN Fig. 2. Components of remanent magnetie intensity along three orthogonal dírections wiihin and perpendicular to bedding, for two sartaples. Sample FR22b shows one (north-down, or normal) vector of remanence, decreasing steadily when demagnetised by heating in 100 C steps from 0’ C to 500’ C. Sample FR 3e shows two components of remanence, under te same demagnetisation treatment, and the higher temperature component is reversed (south-up). section, and titese define six polarit>’ intervals. Ifwe assume that tite rate of stratigraphic accumulation of tite section is relativel>’ steady, we can then examine tite thickness of our sequence ofpolarity intervals, and compare them with thc (global) magnetic polarity timescale, as, for instance, reviewed by Harland and others (1982). The vertebrate biostratigraph>’ of the area (Agusti et al., 1988) suggests that tite section lies somewhere in tite Late Oligocene, and it is immediately apparent, titat our sequence of po- 127 A’Iagnetic Reversal Síratigraphy in <he Late Oligocene... 1 NCLINATI QN DECLI mm 180 150 — 140 — (3> (2) (1) 360 —90 0 90 mm VGP LATITUDE 0 90 —90 mm e 130 — 120 — 110 — 100 — e—e e e¡ Tr 28 ¡ — e 29 1 e 1 1 e e 1~~ w 60 — so — e —e 40 oa 30 — 20 — 1? lo 0 t I 8 e 28 Sr e —e 6’ O e’-e e’ 9 \1 e—. 27 lAr e 70— cl 7A Sr a, 80— E 2: ¡ 4 ¡ 4, o .c~. e— /7 e (e 90 (4> (5> (6) e 1. Ir 9r I 29 9-1 • Class A site o Clasa E site Fig. 3. Magnetie directional data for sites sampled at intervals isp Ihe Fraga section, located atad described in this paper. Magnetic componenis have been selected by examination of vector plots (see Fig. 2) of measurements made during thermal demagnetisation. Columns represent 1) declination; 2) inclination; 3) vidual geomagnetic pole latitudes based on 1) atad 2); 4)intervals between magnetic reversals with normal intervals shaded, and reversed inlervals unshaded; 5) atad 6) alternative correlations witb global magnetie seale as outlined and labelled by ¡-larlatad and others (1982). Ages from the latter publication are placed approxiniateiy, beside coluintas 5) and 6). 128 P. F. Friená, 5. A. Brazier, L. Cabrera, K 1V. .4. Feisiner and J? Shaw N w E s LOWER HEMISPMERE ,á Class A A Class E e Mean normal/reversed direction UPPER MEMISPHERE u Class A Fig. 4. Stereographic projection of meatas of each of 34 sites ita Fraga section. Class A and Class B sites, upper hemisphere and lower hemispliere directions are distinguished. Means of normal and reversed directions are shown, and are very nearly diametrically opposite. larity intervais is not long enough, nr distinetive enough to víncing correlation. Wc therefore suggest two alternative Fig. 3. provide a conpossibilites in Magnetie Reversal Stratigraphy in <he Late Oligocene. -. 129 ESTIMATES OF RATES OF STRATIGRAPHIC ACCUMULATION Our Fig. 3 sitows two possible correlations of our polarity intervals using tlw chron terminolog>’ of Harland and others (1982). Using also tite ages for these citrons suggested b>’ Harland and others (1982), we arrive at average stratigrapitic accumulation rates for tite witole of our section of 0.07 m/L000 years, and 004 m/l.000 years for tite two correlations. These rates are at tite 10w end of the ranges quoted from otiter foreland basins (Johnson and otiters, 1985; Johnson and others, 1986; Homewood et aL, 1986), and titis shows titat the Fraga area was one of oní>’ moderate subsidence. In tite introduction to titis paper we used basin thickness totais to argue that the Fraga area subsided moderatel>’ compared with tite area of tite P>’renean front. 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