Retos y oportunidades en la adquisición de negocios 11 de marzo de 2014 Número de Transacciones en México por Sector en 2013 Número de Transacciones por Sector en 2013 70 60 60 50 40 36 35 30 20 17 15 9 10 2 4 7 3 6 0 Fuente: S&P Capital IQ (Incluye transacciones sin información sobre valor de la transacción) Page 2 Transacciones llevadas a cabo en México en 2013 Valor de las Transacciones en México (Cifras en millones de dólares) $4,000 30 $3,733 $3,551 $3,500 25 24 $3,000 21 $2,500 17 $1,891 15 16 $2,000 $1,724 18 19 20 18 15 15 13 $1,500 10 $1,055 10 9 $970 $1,000 $500 $766 $404 $678 5 $470 $444 $291 0 $- Valor de las transacciones Número de transacciones Valor de las Transacciones en 2013: USD $15,976 millones Fuente: S&P Capital IQ (Incluye transacciones sin información sobre valor de la transacción) Page 3 Inversión Extranjera Directa en México Inversión Extranjera Directa Total (Cifras en millones de dólares) $30,000.0 $28,234 $27,868 80.7% $25,000.0 100.00% 80.00% $23,805 $22,632 60.00% $20,000.0 $16,737 40.00% 35.2% $15,621 20.00% $15,000.0 5.2% 0.0% 0.00% $10,000.0 -20.00% $5,000.0 -34.4% -40.00% -39.9% -60.00% $0.0 2008 2009 2010 Inversión Extranjera Directa 2011 2012 Crecimiento Porcentual *Contempla la inversión extranjera directa en México hasta el tercer trimestre del 2013 Fuente: Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (“INEGI”) Page 4 2013* IED y Número de Transacciones en México IED y número de Transacciones en México 200 195 180 80.7% 100.00% 80.00% 160 60.00% 140 120 35.2% 100 97 80 86 20.00% 5.2% 72 0.0% 60 40.00% 76 0.00% 59 -20.00% 40 -34.4% -40.00% -39.9% 20 -60.00% 0 2008 2009 2010 Número de transacciones Fuente: S&P Capital IQ e INEGI Page 5 2011 2012 Crecimiento Porcecntual IED 2013* Economic outlook Page 6 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Confidence in the global economy is rising What is your perspective on the state of the global economy today? Global Strongly improving Mexico 3% 4% 2% Strongly improving 62% Modestly improving 47% 20% 2% 6% 0% 63% Modestly improving 37% 34% 24% Stable 14% Stable 36% 33% 33% 47% 10% 11% Modestly declining Strongly declining 21% 18% Modestly declining 27% 1% 2% 4% Strongly declining 30% 0% 6% 3% Oct-13 Apr-13 Oct-12 ► 65% of Mexican executives think that the global economy is improving compared with 51% six months ago ► Executives who see the economy declining falls from 24% in April to 21% in October Page 7 9th Capital Confidence Barometer A majority expects improvement in global deal volumes over next 12 months What is your expectation for M&A/deal volumes in the next 12 months? – At global Level Global Return to historic highs 2% 3% Return to historic highs 9% Strongly improve 58% 52% 26% 23% Remain the same Strongly decline 0% 0% 16% 18% Strongly improve 17% Modestly improve Modestly decline Mexico 4% 4% 25% 27% Remain the same Modestly decline 1% 1% 52% 46% Modestly improve Strongly decline 7% 6% 0% 3% Oct-13 Apr-13 ► 68% of Mexican companies expect deal volumes to improve, due to alignment of core fundamentals: positive economic sentiment, credit availability, the imperative for growth and the expectation to create jobs ► 7% expect a decline ► Top 3 sectors expecting improvement Technology, Oil & Gas, Mining & Metals ► Top 3 countries expecting improvement China, Spain, France Page 8 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Expectation for deal volumes at the local level What is your expectation for M&A/deal volumes in the next 12 months? – At local Level Mexico Return to historic highs 0% 3% 5% Strongly improve 21% 45% Modestly improve 40% 39% Remain the same 24% 11% Modestly decline Strongly decline 9% 0% Oct-13 3% Apr-13 ► Locally, 50% of Mexican executives expect deal volumes to increase in the next year compared to 64% in April Page 9 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Acquisition appetite rises – fueled by improvement in asset quality Do you expect your company to pursue acquisitions in the next 12 months? Level of confidence at the global level Global Mexico Expectations to pursue an acquisition Global 50% Mexico Likelihood of closing acquisitions 29% 29% 35% 30% Quality of acquisition opportunities 20% 10% oct-12 45% 51% 43% 53% Quality of acquisition opportunities 39% 30% 25% 46% Likelihood of closing acquisitions 32% 29% 39% 40% 42% 64% 43% 24% abr-13 oct-13 Number of acquisition opportunities 61% 50% 37% 50% Number of acquisition opportunities Oct-13 48% 72% Apr-13 Oct-12 ► With core fundamentals in place to support M&A, 39% of Mexican companies expect to pursue an acquisition, compared with 29% a year ago ► There has been a notable decrease over the last year in the number (50% at Oct13 vs. 72% at Oct12) and likelihood of deals closing (46% vs. 51%), Page 10 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Level of confidence at the local level Please indicate your level of confidence in the following at the local level Mexico 38% Likelihood of closing acquisitions 48% 38% 34% Quality of acquisition opportunities 64% 65% 44% Number of acquisition opportunities 67% 62% Oct-13 Apr-13 Oct-12 ► There is decreasing sentiment locally in the number, quality and likelihood of deals closing Page 11 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Globally, 35% of executives expect to pursue acquisitions in the near-term, but appetite varies by sector Global Mexico Life Sciences Financial Services 45% Oil & Gas 42% Automotive Consumer Products 40% 35% Consumer Products 34% 43% Mexico Automotive Global 44% 39% 29% Technology Financial Services Power & Utilities Mining & Metals 33% 29% 27% - 23% ► Export led recovery drives sector M&A appetite ► Increased appetite appears to be driven by renewed confidence in economic and employment growth in the key sectors, and a strong desire to invest in new markets, or to exploit existing products and services more Page 12 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Top-line growth and share gains – rather than efficiencies – are the predominant drivers for acquisitions What are the main drivers of your company’s planned acquisition in your chosen market/country? (Select two) Global Mexico 65% 61% 55% Gain share in new markets (product or geography) 61% Gain share in existing markets Reduce cost and improve profitability/margin Access to technology/intellectual property Leverage distribution networks 45% 46% 14% 21% 26% 14% 14% 13% 11% 17% 14% 53% Gain share in existing markets 25% 67% 47% 50% Gain share in new markets (product or geography) 33% 24% Leverage distribution networks 13% 11% 18% Reduce cost and improve profitability/margin Access to technology/intellectual property 50% 11% 0% 0% 0% Oct-13 Apr-13 Oct-12 ► Gaining share in new and existing markets are the top two drivers for planned acquisition activity ► Far fewer see acquisitions as a way to reduce cost/improve margins Page 13 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Trend toward larger deals as expectations for growth accelerate What is the expected deal size? Global oct-13 abr-13 oct-12 27% Mexico 54% 35% 14% 53% 38% 46% US$0 - US$50m 5% oct-13 6% 6% abr-13 9% US$51m – US$500m 7% oct-12 US$501m – US$1b 24% 76% 49% 22% 13% 56% 0% 25% 0% 13% 22% Over US$1bn ► Expectations for deals between US$51m–US$500m have greatly increased, from 13% six months ago to 76%; while smaller deals (<US$51m) have fallen to just 24% ► Diminishing growth/returns from organic growth, are expected to drive companies toward larger deals ► Top sectors expected to do deals greater than US$501m are Financial Services, Mining & Metals, Life Sciences, Oil & Gas, Power & Utilities Page 14 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Top investment destinations span emerging and developed markets Which are the top 5 countries (outside your local market) in which your company is most likely to invest? Oct-2013 1. US Top destinations Global 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. India Brazil China Canada US Mexico 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. US Colombia Brazil Chile Costa Rica 5. Costa Rica 2. Colombia 3. Brazil 4. Chile Top 5 destination countries ► A number of factors are influencing capital flow decisions, including geographic proximity, risk aversion, existing ties, receptiveness of local governments and regulatory environment Page 15 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Business unit sales continue to be the predominant structure for divestments What form do you expect your divestments to take? Global Mexico 51% Sale of business unit Contribution of business unit to joint venture Sale of entire business Spin/IPO of business unit 38% 18% 65% Sale of business unit 20% 14% Contribution of business unit to joint venture 16% 17% 60% 14% Sale of entire business 17% 14% 29% Spin/IPO of business unit 20% 7% 0% Oct-13 Apr-13 ► 65% of Mexican companies that plan to divest expect to sell a business unit ► 7% expect to exit through a spin/IPO;14% expect a full business sale, compared with 20% six months ago Page 16 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Consideraciones fiscales Page 17 Transacciones – Reformas relevantes ► Ganancias de Capital en Bolsa PF y Extranjeros 10% cedular ► Excención con tratados ► Ajustes a mecánica de costo fiscal de acciones ► Ganancias de capital para accionistas extranjeros puede ser de hasta 35% ► Se elimina la exención en venta de inmuebles para fondos de pensiones extranjeros ► Se elimina la Deducción Inmediata ► Se eliminan las SIBRAS ► Régimen de maquiladoras menos atractivo Page 18 Transacciones Inbound - Distribución de dividendos ► 10% tasa de retención sobre dividendos distribuidos a partir de 2014 ► Posible exención o reducción en tasa de retención conforme tratados internacionales aplicables ► Aplica 10% a ciertas reducciones de capital, entre otras ► Page 19 Implicaciones en compras de negocios a personas físicas mediante reducciones? Presentation title Transacciones Outbound ► Cambios en acreditamiento de impuestos pagados en el extranjero ► ► Falta definición de “ingresos de fuente extranjera” Directo: ► ► ► Indirecto: ► ► ► Page 20 limitante “por país” ¿atribución de deducciones por país? Continúa limitante de dos niveles Participación directa de 10% y 5% de participación indirecta en capital por 6 meses Acuerdo amplío de información con país participación indirecta Transacciones Outbound ► Indirecto (cont.): ► Se aclara método de cálculo de límites ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Page 21 “monto proporcional” por fórmulas (ej. evitar referencia circular) “sin disminuir la retención” Tipo de cambio del ejercicio que corresponda la utilidad con cargo a la cual se pague el dividendo. Cálculo de montos proporcionales “por cada ejercicio” Suma de crédito directo e indirecto no exceda del ISR mexicano Excedentes de crédito directo e indirecto acreditables contra ISR pagado por distribución de utilidades Impuesto no acreditable es no deducible Criterios SAT “ISR pagado en el extranjero” Auditoría | Asesoría de Negocios | Fiscal-Legal | Fusiones y Adquisiciones Acerca de EY EY es líder global en servicios de aseguramiento, asesoría, impuestos y transacciones. Las perspectivas y servicios de calidad que entregamos ayudan a generar confianza y seguridad en los mercados de capital y en las economías de todo el mundo. Desarrollamos líderes extraordinarios que se unen para cumplir nuestras promesas a todas las partes interesadas. Al hacerlo, jugamos un papel fundamental en construir un mejor entorno de negocios para nuestra gente, clientes y comunidades. Para obtener más información acerca de nuestra organización, visite el sitio © 2014 Mancera, S.C. Integrante Ernst & Young Global Derechos reservados Ernst & Young se refiere a la organización global de firmas miembro conocida como Ernst & Young Global Limited, en la que cada una de ellas actúa como una entidad legal separada. Ernst & Young Global Limited no provee servicios a clientes. NUESTRAS OFICINAS CLAVE TELÉFONO NUESTRAS OFICINAS CLAVE TELÉFONO AGUASCALIENTES 449 912-82-01 MEXICALI 686 568-45-53 5283-13-00 CANCÚN 998 884-98-75 MÉXICO, D.F. 55 CHIHUAHUA 614 425-35-70 MONTERREY 81 8152-18-00 CIUDAD JUÁREZ 656 648-16-10 NAVOJOA 642 422-70-77 CIUDAD OBREGÓN 644 413-32-30 PUEBLA 222 237-99-22 216-64-29 CULIACÁN 667 714-90-88 QUERÉTARO 442 GUADALAJARA 33 3884-61-00 REYNOSA 899 929-57-07 HERMOSILLO 662 260-83-60 SAN LUIS POTOSÍ 444 825-72-75 LEÓN 477 717-70-62 TIJUANA 664 681-78-44 LOS MOCHIS 668 818-40-33 TORREÓN 871 713-89-01 MÉRIDA 999 926-14-50 VERACRUZ 229 922-57-55 Transacciones llevadas a cabo en México en 2013 Enero Transacción de mayor tamaño en USD$ (millones) $ Target Grupo Yoli, S.A. de C.V. 749 Febrero $ 2,900 Marzo $ 404 Compañía Cervecera Banco Mercantil de Coahuila, S.A. de Del Norte, S.A. C.V. Julio Agosto Transacción de mayor tamaño en USD$ (millones) $ 1,818 Target A Portfolio of 49 Grupo Devlyn Commercial Real S.A.P.I. de C.V. Estate Properties $ 371 Abril $ Federal Penitentiaries in Morelos and Chiapas Septiembre $ 625 Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB De CV, 328 Mayo $ 275 29 Industrial Properties and Four Territorials Reservations Noviembre $ 105 858 Diciembre $ 346 2.4 Million Square Grupo Casa Saba Feet of Mexican SAB de CV, Property Portfolio Fuente: S&P Capital IQ (Incluye transacciones sin información de valor de la transacción) Page 23 $ Grupo Financiero Philip Morris Inbursa, S.A.B. de Mexico, SA de CV C.V. Octubre $ 700 Junio Survey demographics Page 24 9th Capital Confidence Barometer Survey demographics What are your company’s annual global revenues in US$? Mexico Global $5bn or more $5bn or more 27% $1bn to $5bn $1bn to $5bn $250m to $500m Global 41% Mexico C-level executive 48% C-level executive 14% 24% 9% $250m to $500m Less than $250m 19% Head of BU/dept. Head of BU/dept. 32% 9% SVP/VP/Director SVP/VP/Director 20% Mexico Global Publicly listed 65% Privately owned 20% Publicly listed 7% Family-owned Government/Stateowned enterprise 5% Government/Stateowned enterprise 3% 9th Capital Confidence Barometer 48% Privately owned Family-owned Private equity portfolio company 30% 27% What best describes your company ownership? Page 25 50% 30% $500m to $1bn $500m to $1bn What is your position in the organization? Private equity portfolio company 27% 18% 5% 2% 20% Proportion of top industries represented Global Mexico Consumer Products Financial Services Financial Services Automotive Power & Utilities Consumer Products Technology Life Sciences Automotive Public sector Life Sciences Oil & Gas Oil & Gas Retail & wholesale Mining & Metals Diversified Industrial Products Diversified Industrial Products Technology Construction Media & Entertainment Page 26 9th Capital Confidence Barometer