UNIVERSITY OF MURCIA Department of Veterinary Anatomy IX POSTGRADUATE COURSE SILICONE PLASTINATION TECHNIQUE Technique S-10 December 15-16th, 2009 Veterinary Faculty Murcia, Spain PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Tuesday 15th 09:00 09:15 09:45 10:15 10:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 18:00 Welcome (Sala de Grados, Veterinary Faculty). Introduction to Plastination. Mains steps in the plastination techniques. S-10 Technique. Protocol and applications. Coffee Practice session in the plastination lab. Lunch. S-10 Technique: Fixation and dehydration. Practice session in the plastination lab. Questions and discussion Wednesday 16th 09:00 10:00 11:00 13:30 14:30 15:30 17:30 18:00 S-10 Technique: Polymer Impregnation Practice session in the plastination lab Coffee Lunch S-10 Technique: Polymerization. Practice session in the plastination lab. Applications of plastinated specimens Course Evaluation ORGANIZATION: UNIVERSITY OF MURCIA, Department of Veterinary Anatomy Phone: 34968364697 / 34968364692 e-mail: [email protected] TEACHERS: Dr. Robert W. Henry. University of Tennessee, USA Dr. Kees de Jong Academic Medical Center, Holanda Dr. Constantin Sora. Medical University of Vienna, Austria Dr. Andrés Diz Plaza. University of Córdoba, Spain Universidad de Murcia: Dr. Rafael Latorre Reviriego Dr. Francisco Gil Cano Dr. Octavio López Albors Dr. Mª Dolores Ayala Florenciano Dr. Mariano Orenes Hernández Dr. Gregorio Ramírez Zarzosa Dr. José María Vázquez Autón Dr. Francisco Martínez. Gomariz Dr. Cayetano Sánchez REGISTRATION FEE: Before November 1st: 400€ Alter November 1st: 500€ Course fee includes material, coffee breaks and lunches Account details for payment will be given after having received the registration form LIMITED AVAILABILITY, the course will be confirmed on a first come first serve basis. UNIVERSITY OF MURCIA Department of Veterinary Anatomy IX POSTGRADUATE COURSE SILICONE PLASTINATION TECHNIQUE Technique S-10 December 15-16th, 2009 Veterinary Faculty Murcia, Spain REGISTRATION FORM FIRST NAME _________________________________ LAST NAME _________________ TITLE:_________________________________________JOB TITLE:___________________ COMPANY _______________________________ DEPARTMENT __________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________ ZIP CODE _______________________ CITY _________________ STATE/PROVINCE _______________________ COUNTRY _________________ PHONE __________________ Fax __________________ e-MAIL ________________ PASSPORT NUMBER__________________________________ Signature:…………………….. Please send us a copy: Veterinary Anatomy, University of Murcia, Spain Fax: 34-968364147