320516 - MFP - Fibrous Materials for Manufacture of Paper Products

Last update: 04-10-2016
320516 - MFP - Fibrous Materials for Manufacture of Paper Products
Coordinating unit:
205 - ESEIAAT - Terrassa School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering
Teaching unit:
714 - ETP - Department of Textile and Paper Engineering
Academic year:
unit Optional)
ECTS credits:
Teaching languages:
Spanish, English
Teaching staff
Cristina Valls
Teresa Vidal, Sílvia Galea
Prior skills
Degree competences to which the subject contributes
CB06-METP. (ENG) Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el
desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación
CB07-METP. (ENG) Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de
problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados
con su área de estudio
CB08-METP. (ENG) Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de
formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las
responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios
CB09-METP. (ENG) Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones y los conocimientos y razones últimas que
las sustentan a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades
CB10-METP. (ENG) Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando
de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.
3. METMF_The ability to select and assess plant fibres suitable for manufacturing paper products according to
prescribed technical specifications.
CE01-METP. (ENG) Identificar y evaluar las diferentes materias primas, productos intermedios y finales en los
respectivos ámbitos de la titulación.
CE04-METP. (ENG) Aplicar tecnologías ambientales y de sostenibilidad dentro del ámbito de la titulación.
CE10-METP. (ENG) Capacidad para seleccionar y evaluar las diversas fuentes de fibras vegetales aptas para la
fabricación de un producto papelero de características técnicas determinadas.
CE11-METP. (ENG) Capacidad para analizar y evaluar el potencial de la Biotecnología en los procesos de fabricación
del ámbito papelero y gráfico, para la mejora y/o obtención de nuevos procesos y productos.
CG3-METP. (ENG) Capacidad para dirigir, planificar y supervisar equipos multidisciplinares.
CG5-METP. (ENG) Capacidad para realizar la planificación estratégica y aplicarla a sistemas de producción, de calidad
y de gestión medioambiental en el ámbito de la titulación.
CG6-METP. (ENG) Capacidad para gestionar técnica y económicamente proyectos, instalaciones, plantas, empresas y
centros tecnológicos en el ámbito de la titulación.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 04-10-2016
320516 - MFP - Fibrous Materials for Manufacture of Paper Products
CG7-METP. (ENG) Capacidad de ejercer funciones de dirección general, dirección técnica y dirección de proyectos
I+D+i en plantas, empresas y centros tecnológicos en el ámbito de la titulación.
CT1-METP. (ENG) Emprendimiento e innovación. Conocer y entender los mecanismos en que se basa la investigación
científica así como los mecanismos e instrumentos de transferencia de resultados entre los diferentes agentes
socioeconómicos implicados en los procesos de I+D+i. Además, conocer y entender la organización de una empresa y
las ciencias que rigen su actividad; tener capacidad para entender las normas laborales y las relaciones entre la
planificación, las estrategias industriales y comerciales, la calidad y el beneficio.(per a màsters professionals)
Teaching methodology
The subject comprises theoretical lectures and practical laboratory work. At the laboratory, the students, in guided small
groups, will become acquainted with fibre analysis and the specific experimental methods used to characterize raw
materials and pulp.
TM1. Participative lectures on theoretical and practical contents.
TM2. Practical seminar where the teachers, with students' help, are to solve exercises and problems related to the
theoretical contents of the subject.
TM3. Practical sessions where the teachers, with students' help, are to solve practical cases related to the theoretical
contents of the subject.
TM4. Guided laboratory work or workshop tasks.
TM5. Self work on the subject assignments.
Learning objectives of the subject
- To learn the different types of plant fibres, their classification, the structure of each wood type, the structure and
physical and morphological characteristics of plant fibres, and the structure and chemical composition of cellulose fibres.
- To learn ECF bleaching processes, the reagents they use, their mechanisms of action and their best application
conditions depending on the particular objectives. Because the bleaching operation produces contaminants, students
should also learn how to minimize their environmental impact.
Study load
Total learning time: 125h
Hours large group:
Hours medium group:
Hours small group:
Guided activities:
Self study:
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 04-10-2016
320516 - MFP - Fibrous Materials for Manufacture of Paper Products
Unit 1. Introduction. Plant fibre sources
Learning time: 5h
Theory classes: 2h
Self study : 3h
Introduction. Plant fibre sources. World distribution of trees. Classification of plants. Suitability of plants as
fibrous raw materials.
Related activities:
AF1 Lectures on the theoretical contents with active involvement of the students.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
Unit 2. Wood structure. Plant fibres
Learning time: 5h
Theory classes: 2h
Self study : 3h
General structure of softwood. General structure of hardwood. Physical properties and defects of wood. Types of
plant cells and their functions. Organization and structure of the cell wall. Pits. Basic properties of cellulose fibres.
Related activities:
AF1 Lectures on the theoretical contents with active involvement of the students.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
Unit 3. Morphological characteristics and
identification of pulp from softwood and
Learning time: 5h
Theory classes: 2h
Self study : 3h
Major types of xylems in softwood. Morphological characteristics of longitudinal tracheids. Anatomical elements of
hardwood. Fibre elements. Vessel members. Features of pulp from the more common softwood and hardwood.
General characteristics and uses of pulp from softwood and hardwood.
Related activities:
AF1 Lectures on the theoretical contents with active involvement of the students.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 04-10-2016
320516 - MFP - Fibrous Materials for Manufacture of Paper Products
Unit 4. Morphological characteristics and
identification of pulp from non-wood raw
Learning time: 5h
Theory classes: 2h
Self study : 3h
Introduction. Non-wood plant fibres: liberian fibres; monocot fibres, leaf fibres, cotton fibres. Animal fibres.
Mineral fibres. Man-made and synthetic fibres.
Related activities:
AF1 Lectures on the theoretical contents with active involvement of the students.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
Unit 5. Chemical composition and structure of
cellulose fibres
Learning time: 7h
Theory classes: 3h
Self study : 4h
Elemental composition of plants. Major components of the cell wall. Cellulose: structure, crystallinity, properties
and reactions. Hemicelluloses: chemical structure, physico¿chemical properties and their influence on pulp
properties. Lignin: chemical structure, properties and reactions with cooking agents. Components outside the cell
wall: nature and impact of pulp and paper manufacturing processes.
Related activities:
AF1 Lectures on the theoretical contents with active involvement of the students.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
Unit 6. Pulp bleaching (1). ECF sequences
Learning time: 11h
Theory classes: 5h
Self study : 6h
General notions of bleaching. Conventional bleaching. Delignification with oxygen. Chlorine dioxide. Hydrogen
peroxide. Variables of the process.
Related activities:
AF1 Lectures on the theoretical contents with active involvement of the students.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 04-10-2016
320516 - MFP - Fibrous Materials for Manufacture of Paper Products
Planning of activities
Hours: 38h
Laboratory classes: 12h
Self study: 26h
Extractives: wood density; ash; holocellulose; wood solubility in 1% NaOH; furfural value; alfa-, beta- and
Specific objectives:
AF2 Individual or group work in the classroom, laboratory or pilot plant.
AF3 Exercise, problem and case solving by the students.
AF4 Oral presentation to be given to the teachers and peers.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
AF7 Completion of a scientific¿technical assignment.
Hours: 17h
Laboratory classes: 8h 30m
Self study: 8h 30m
Softwood and hardwood trees.
Specific objectives:
AF2 Individual or group work in the classroom, laboratory or pilot plant.
AF5 Attendance of seminars and lectures, and visits to firms engaged in activities related to the subject contents.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
AF7 Completion of a scientific¿technical assignment.
Hours: 16h
Laboratory classes: 5h 30m
Self study: 10h 30m
Classification of fibres. Softwood, hardwood and non-wood fibres. Composition of fibre mixtures and papers.
Specific objectives:
AF1 Lectures on the theoretical contents with active involvement of the students.
AF2 Individual or group work in the classroom, laboratory or pilot plant.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
AF7 Completion of a scientific¿technical assignment.
Hours: 16h
Laboratory classes: 3h
Self study: 13h
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Last update: 04-10-2016
320516 - MFP - Fibrous Materials for Manufacture of Paper Products
Bleaching with chlorine dioxide (PoD). Assessment of pulp brightness.
Specific objectives:
AF2 Individual or group work in the classroom, laboratory or pilot plant.
AF3 Exercise, problem and case solving by the students.
AF4 Oral presentation to be given to the teachers and peers.
AF6 Self study, work and analysis.
AF7 Completion of a scientific¿technical assignment.
Qualification system
Each student's overall mark will be the sum of the individual marks obtained in the following assessment events:
- Activity 1 (EV2: Evaluation of practical activities from written reports and oral presentations): 40%.
- Activity 2 (EV1: Evaluation of knowledge acquisition through written exams): 60% (30% first exam, 30% second exam)
Regulations for carrying out activities
Written practical reports are to be prepared individually by each student. Passing the subject requires completing the
practical activities, delivering the corresponding reports and giving the oral presentation.
Others resources:
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya