Don Bosco`s relics were in UPS Last Friday February 20th, Don

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana News
Publication Date: 23/02/2015 18:38:00
Don Bosco's relics were in UPS
César Vásquez, UPS- Cuenca Vice President, with Don Bosco's relics
Last Friday February 20th, Don Bosco's relics were in the university chapel to mark the beginning
of peregrination for Salesians. The relics were not only kept in the chapel, they were taken to
several places in the university such as the rectorate building, the library, and the Guillermo Mensi
building where there was a special ceremony.
Finally the relics were taken back to the chapel where Father Javier Herran celebrated mass with
the presence of students, professors and administrative staff. In the afternoon, they showed a
video on the history of salesians in Ecuador - "Reseña histórica y geografía de los salesianos en
el Oriente ecuatoriano" and Don Bosco's movie. Fathrer Felipe Mayordomo gave a conference to
explain the importance of Don Bosco's relics.
At 7pm Father Javier Herran celebrated mass once again and this time the UPS theater group,
dance group, folk music, modern dance, and choir performed in tribute to Don Bosco.
Don Bosco's relics were taken to the Salesian community of Uzhupud in Paute on Saturday 21st.
The relics will remain in Ecuador during the month of March.
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