Institution School of Languages, Cultures and Religions University

School of Languages, Cultures and Religions
University of Stirling
GB-Stirling FK9 4LA
Scotland, UK
Tel: + 44 (0)1786 467530/1
Fax: + 44 (0)1786 466088
Email: [email protected]
Research interests
Andean languages and cultures:
Quechua, Aymara, Uru-Chipaya - sociocultural and formal aspects,
in correlation with ancient and presentday cultures
Ethnolinguistics, esp. narrative and discourse structure, sociolinguistics
Ethnohistory of the Inca culture, early colonial and Republican period
Theory and methods in ethnohistory
Selected publications
Die Stimmen von Huarochirí: Indianische Quechua-Überlieferungen aus der
Kolonialzeit zwischen Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit – eine Analyse ihres Diskurses.
(Bonner Amerikanistische Studien / Estudios Americanistas de Bonn / Bonn
Americanist Studies BAS 39.) 552 pp. and appendices. CD-ROM, Aachen: Shaker
Verlag 2003. Also:
Paperback edition 2007.
Contribuciones a las lenguas y culturas de los Andes – Homenaje a Alfredo Torero.
Sabine Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz (ed.). (Bonner Amerikanistische Studien / Bonn
Americanist Studies / Estudios Americanistas de Bonn 42). 290 pp. Aachen: Shaker
El lenguaje como parodia: Instancias del uso particular del quechua de Guaman
Poma y de Pachacuti Yamqui Salcamaygua. In: Revista Andina 39: 227-255. Cuzco
Dictionaries, vocabularies, and grammars in Andean indigenous languages. In:
Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Studies, 1530-1900. Joanne Pillsbury
(ed.), vol. I: 235-264. National Gallery of Art. Norman, Oklahoma: University of
Oklahoma Press, 2008.
Chipaya case markers –kiś and –kin: Subject and speaker reference. Sabine
Dedenbach-Salazar Sáenz & Katja Hannß. In: Indiana 25, 2008. 24 pp. (In press,
October 2008.)
Research projects
Documentation and description of the Chipaya language (Bolivia) (Volkswagen
Foundation funded project for the Documentation and Description of Endangered
Languages: DOBES, May 2005 until December 2007; see
The language of Christianisation in the colonial Andes: history and research methods
(ongoing research).