La prueba consta de cuatro partes que deben realizarse dentro de una misma convocatoria:
a) una prueba de producción escrita
b) una prueba de comprensión escrita y uso de la lengua
c) una prueba de comprensión oral
d) una prueba de expresión oral
Cada una de las partes tendrá el mismo peso: un 25% de la puntuación total.
El alumno debe alcanzar un mínimo de 50% en cada una de las partes y alcanzar un mínimo global de
60% para superar la prueba.
La prueba de comprensión escrita y uso de la lengua y la prueba de comprensión oral serán corregidas por
un solo examinador. Las pruebas de producción escrita y expresión oral serán evaluadas por dos
1. Expresión escrita (2 ítems):
Las redacciones se evalúan según los siguientes criterios:
- ‘Accuracy of Language’ (precisión del uso lingüístico).
- ‘Organisation and Cohesion’ (organización y cohesión).
- ‘Range of Structure’ (variedad de las estructuras).
- ‘Target Reader’ (lector meta).
- ‘Range of Vocabulary’ (variedad léxica):
Para cada uno de estos criterios, el examinador podrá otorgar un máximo de cuatro puntos
según lo siguiente:
Excelente = 4 puntos
Bien = 3 puntos
Satisfactorio = 2 puntos
Necesita mejorar = 1 punto
‘Content’ (contenido):
Para este criterio el examinador podrá otorgar un máximo de 4 puntos según lo siguiente:
Desarrollo excelente del tema = 4 puntos
Buen desarrollo del tema = 3 puntos
Desarrollo adecuado del tema = 2 puntos
Desarrollo inadecuado del tema = 1 punto
‘Register’ (registro):
Para este criterio el examinador podrá otorgar un máximo de 3 puntos según lo siguiente:
Apropiado y consistente = 3 puntos
Consistente pero con falta de propiedad = 2 puntos
Inapropiado = 1 punto
La puntuación máxima es de 54 puntos, 27 cada redacción. El resultado obtenido se convierte a un
porcentaje para determinar el resultado final (ver la siguiente tabla).
A band 5 signifies that all parts of the task have been successfully achieved. A wide range of
language such as vocabulary and linking expressions, have been used fluently and with
confidence. The piece is coherent showing the candidate has great understanding of the tone
and register required at this level. Errors are minimal.
A Band 4 signifies that all parts of the task have been answered. A wide range of language such
as vocabulary and linking devices has been attempted, and there is also clear evidence of
attempts at organisation in a coherent fashion. Although there are errors, they do not hinder the
reader’s understanding of the written piece, and the candidate clearly has a good understanding
of the register and tone required at this level.
A Band 3 signifies that the candidate has attempted to answer the questions, but due to
weaknesses in language or ability, sometimes fails to answer appropriately. There may be
attempts at over-complicated language, or use of language that is far too basic for the level
required. Some errors in grammar and spelling are evident.
A Band 2 signifies that the candidate has failed to achieve the task set. The language used may
be too basic, or repetitive. Only a narrow range of vocabulary is used and there are serious
problems with grammar and spelling. There is a lack of coherence and organisation and the
candidate has either misunderstood the task, or does not have a clear idea of the tone and
register required at this level.
A Band 1 signifies that the written task has not been achieved by the candidate. There is little
evidence of relevant or coherent information as required by the task, and possible confusion on
the part of the candidate as to the point of the task. There is no clear structure and very poor use
of language such as vocabulary or linking devices. Serious errors are found throughout the piece,
and severely impede the reader’s understanding of the document. Candidate shows an almost
total lack of awareness of the correct register, or the ability to reproduce the style required.
A Band 0 signifies that the candidate has not written enough for the piece to be graded, or that
the language used is completely inapplicable to the task given. There are too many errors for the
reader to comprehend the meaning, or the candidate’s writing is illegible. The written piece shows
a complete misinterpretation of the task.
2. Comprensión escrita/uso de lengua (25 ítems):
Primera parte: cinco preguntas, un punto cada una.
Segunda parte: cinco preguntas, un punto cada una.
Tercera parte: diez preguntas, un punto cada una.
Cuarta parte: cinco preguntas, dos puntos cada una.
3. Comprensión oral (13 ítems):
Primera parte: siete preguntas, un punto cada una.
Segunda parte: seis preguntas, un punto cada una.
4. Expresión oral:
En el examen de expresión oral, hay dos examinadores: un “interlocutor” que hace las preguntas y
controla las pautas del examen, al finalizar el examen, da la puntuación correspondiente a ‘Global
Mark’ (valoración global); el segundo examinador o “asesor” no participa en el examen sino que
escucha y evalúa las demás destrezas.
Se otorga una puntuación de 0 a 5 por las siguientes destrezas:
‘Grammar and Vocabulary’ (gramática y vocabulario)
‘Discourse Management’ (coherencia, cohesión y relevancia)
‘Pronunciation’ (pronunciación)
‘Interactive Communication’ (interacción comunicativa)
‘Global Mark’ (valoración global)
La puntuación máxima es de 25 puntos. El resultado obtenido se convierte a un porcentaje para
determinar el resultado final (ver la siguiente tabla).
A Band 5 signifies that a candidate has fully realised the speaking task set – indeed has exceeded the
expectations of the examiner. Themes have been developed to an exceptional extent and coherence and
range are impressive in terms of fluency and accuracy. The candidate shows great interactive skills, asking
for and giving opinions as well as employing active listening effectively. There are few - if any – errors, and
none that hinder understanding.
A Band 4 signifies that the candidate has successfully accomplished the task set. All aspects of the task have
been covered highly satisfactorily. Themes are organised in a very coherent manner, and a wide range of
language has been employed, including vocabulary and linking devices. The candidate has also used a good,
accurate, range of grammatical structures fluently. Style and content are, for the most part, correct; and the
candidate has shown a good level of interaction in terms of asking and giving opinions, and the ability to
develop themes when necessary. Errors are evident, but are usually made when the candidate is
endeavouring to use more advanced language or structures, and they do not hinder understanding.
A Band 3 signifies that in general the candidate has consistently tackled the speaking task with an adequate
level of English. All questions are answered correctly, and limited ability to develop themes has been
displayed. Answers are satisfactorily organised into coherent sentences, and an acceptable range of
language is evident, including plain vocabulary and basic linking devices. The candidate is reasonably
accurate, and although several errors may be present, they do not hamper the listener’s comprehension. The
candidate is reasonably fluent, although there may be some hesitation. Although there is evidence of
interaction, it is either flawed or too little.
A Band 2 signifies that the candidate has not responded to the tasks set well. Questions on particular themes
are either not answered fully, or are misunderstood and there is little, if any, development of said themes.
Only a narrow range of basic vocabulary is evident, and the grammar and expressions used are often
inaccurate, or even inappropriate. The candidate is not fluent, and hesitation - as well as the many errors
present in pronunciation and accuracy - hinder understanding. When themes are tackled, the answers are
poorly structured, even incoherent, and themes are not developed to any degree. Any efforts at interaction
fail, due to inappropriate language, or lack of ability.
A Band 1 signifies that no part of the task has been achieved by the candidate. There is little evidence of
understanding of questions asked, or tasks set. The responses given are irrelevant or incoherent due to
possible confusion on the part of the candidate. There is no coherence in the structure of the answers that
are given, and very poor use of language such as vocabulary or linking devices. Only very weak range is
used, often inaccurately; and serious errors are plentiful and severely impede the listener’s comprehension of
the answers. There is little or no accuracy or fluency and pronunciation is very weak. The Candidate shows
an almost total lack of awareness of the type of answers the tasks will require and certainly no development
of themes. No interaction is evident.
A Band 0 signifies that the candidate has spoken enough to be assessed, or that the language used is
completely inappropriate to the tasks set. There are too many errors in language, pronunciation or grammar
for the examiner to comprehend any answers given. The candidate either completely misunderstands the
tasks set, or does not have the level of comprehension to even begin to form appropriate responses.
En la hoja de evaluación existe un espacio para que el “asesor” apunte vocabulario, expresiones o giros de
interés especial, bien porque no corresponden al nivel o bien porque superan lo exigido por este nivel. De
este modo, en caso de necesitar una revisión, el examinador se acordará con más claridad del examen
realizado. Por otra parte, todos los exámenes de expresión oral se graban con permiso por escrito del