Agronomic Engineer
Indentity card number: 7.195.884-1
Nationality: Chilean
Professional Degree:
Agronomic Engineer. Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. University of
Academic Degree: Agronomic Science Bachelor. Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. University of
Chile. 1986.
Candidate to Master of “Environmental Management-Water Resources Field”. University of Santiago of
Chile. 2009-2010.
He is one of the founder members of AT-EME S.A. His current position is Project Manager. He works in
Environmental Consultancy since 1990. Within the company he works in environmental research and
evaluation fields.
In Environmental Research Field he contributes to several mining projects for waste water evaluation in
agriculture and afforestation activities to prevent pollution of the project surrounding area. He also
permanently contributes to the client companies’ environmental management when critical events occur.
In the Investment Project Evaluation Field he contributes to Basic Resource Characterization (Soil, Weather,
Agricultural climate and Water), Market and Prices Analysis, Technical, Agro-economic, Economic (private
and social prices), Financial and Environmental Evaluations, according to every project requirements.
In both work fields, he shows good abilities to coordinate and lead professional teams for every Project.
As a partner of ATM Engineering. From June 1999 to the present date.
Periodic reports and inspection of Andina Division environmental authority commitments for the
operation and construction of Ovejería Tailing dam. This contract considered inspection and
assessment of: management plans for native species, wells and waterwheels chemical source
monitoring, climatological variables monitoring, flora and fauna monitoring, experimental farm
inspection where has been researched the potential tailing water use in agricultural and forestry plants.
Codelco Chile, Andina Division. This activity was developed from July 2000 until now.
Physical- chemical parameters trend analysis on air and water and its effects on Ovejería tailing dam
surrounding areas Codelco Chile Andina Division. This activity was developed from August 2000
until now.
Afforestation and irrigation project inspection for evapotranspiration of tailing clear water that came
from Ovejería Deposit, by using eucalyptus plants in Huechún locality, for Codelco Chile Andina
Division. This activity was developed from July 2000 until now.
Participation in the design and implementation of several plans for avoid infiltration of Ovejería
tailing dam. In this subject the following activities have been made: infiltration, substrate density,
leaching columns probes, analysis and research of sulfate transport and accumulation in water and
soil, for Codelco Chile Andina Division. This project was developed from October 2007 until now.
Project manager for: Afforestation Project using native plant species and tailing water irrigation out of
the area “Huechún Rinconada”. This activity was developed from January 2012 until now.
Project manager for: Prefeasibility Engineering Project located 640 meters over sea level, for The
Ovejería Tailing Dam Project. HATCH-Codelco Chile VP. May 2011.
Project manager for: Change of Soil Use for Treatment plant Project, for Codelco Chile Andina
Division and Ovejería Tailing Dam. April 2011
Project manager for: Forestry Management Plan of the Tailing Treatment Plant Project, for Fruit
Orchard Production Management in Lot number 3 cerrillos-Curacaví. This activity was developed
from1986 to the present date.
Engineering service for Environmental Baseline Development in Pocuro choice, for New Andina
Project Phase II. Monitoring of: Particulate Settled Matter, PM10, Flora, Fauna, Archeology and
Meteorology, for Codelco Chile VCP. This activity was developed from February 2009 to the present
Fence Construction, Planting and Installation of Technic Irrigation in Alessandri Grez Succession
Boundary. This project involved: Fence, curtain for visual privacy, and technical irrigation system
construction in the mining property border, for Codelco Chile Andina Division. August to October
Elaboration of Forestry Management Plans for: New Andina Project Phase II. This assessment
includes the definition of an integral divisional forestry strategy, for Codelco Chile, Andina Division.
September 2008 to December 2009.
Consultancy and Support Service for Estate Management and Similar subjects, for the project Andina
Development Plan Phase I: Support in the Andina Strategy Definition related to involved properties
within the project area, for Coldelco Chile Andina Division. July 2005 to December 2009.
Study about Storage Alternatives for Huechún Reservoir Phase II. Codelco Chile Andina Division.
June to September 2008.
Design Engineering of “Disposal System and Afforestation- 94,2 KTPD (Kilotons per day)”, for PDA
Project – Phase I of Codelco Chile, Andina Division – SKM Minmethal. December 2007 to October
Study about Storage Alternatives for Huechún Reservoir Phase I, for Codelco Chile, Andina Division.
August to November 2007.
Profile Study and historic information analysis in monitoring wells measuring water quality in Punta
Chungo, for Los Pelambres Mining Company. July 2007.
Conceptual Engineering Study was developed for Ovejería Tailing Dam – 230 KTPD Project in
Infrastructure Field. Contract for: Compensation of Protected area service, sustainability requirements
and environmental impact studies, for REG. Codelco Chile Andina Division. June to September 2006.
Dissipation Plan in Ovejería Tailing Dam 2005 projection - Mineral Production Increase to 94,2
KTPD. This plan consisted in Basic Engineering design for Codelco Chile Andina Division – CADE
INDEPE. May 2006.
Elaboration and Implementation of: Fauna Management Plan for La Rinconada de Huechún Estate. A
monitoring plan was made and tissue and blood samples were taken from Fauna to know the “current
situation” of the Ovejería fauna, by measuring: rich, abundance, trophic relations and health-toxic
evaluations. Finally action plans were proposed to ensure fauna sustainability in the tailing dam
surrounding area, for Codelco Chile Andina Division. This project was developed from December
2005 to May 2006.
Implementation and Design of: “Action plan to ensure Ovejería Tailing Dam birdlife sustainability”.
As a result of this study birdlife in the tailing dam was sustainable. The work and results were
validated by the competent environmental authorities (SAG RM) in a permanent way. This project
was made for Codelco Chile Andina Division. October 2005 to April 2006.
Design and tracking of: Soil Monitoring Plan in the Influence Area. This project was developed as a
part of Environmental Incident caused by Overflowed Tailing Water. The plan is orientated to
potential pollution detection originated by heavy metals, for Codelco Chile Andina Division. August
to November 2005. Design and Implementation of: Control, Monitoring and Mitigation Plan,
associate to “Tailing Overflow Incident in Chacabuco Sector”. All the plan actions were coordinated
with competent environmental authorities who approved the reports. Codelco Chile Andina Division.
July to November 2005.
Final Report of Non Predicted Environmental Impact. Bird death associated to Ovejería Tailing Dam,
for Codelco Chile Andina Division. 2005.
Four farms quotation associated to Ovejería Tailing Dam Operation, for Cocdelco Chile Andina
Division. 2005.
Elaboration of: Environmental Procedure Manual for Ovejería Tailing Dam Operation. This project
was made for Codelco Chile Andina Division. 2004.
Elaboration of: Forestry Procedure Manual for Ovejería Tailing Dam Operation. This project was
made for Codelco Chile Andina Division. 2004.
Emission Regulation Support Study for tailing water downloads from Ovejería tailing dam to fluvial
bodies, for Codelco Chile Andina Division. 2004.
Guidelines Elaboration: Basic conditions for agricultural industry liquids application on plants
irrigation. SAG. 2003/2004.
Inspection and Assessment of Technic Works related to environmental commitments associated to
eucalyptus afforestation, irrigation programs, hydric balances, degraded sectors recovery, tailing dam
afforestation, water, vegetation and soil monitoring, and irrigation programs by using FDR. Los
Pelambres Mining Company. April 2002 to August 2003.
Liquid filling advance modeling for Ovejería Reservoir, in order to estimate tailing level as a response
to dam progressive filling, for Codelco Chile Andina Division. August 2002.
Irrigation Project of a 240 hectares land, for tailing clear water evapotranspiration, through eucalyptus
biomass. This project consisted in Basic engineering development. Optimization of Water conduction
channel that allows demanded flux conduction used in the system operation, was made for Codelco
Chile Andina Division. July to August 2002.
Agro - Economic Evaluation of the following projects was made through Type Estate identification
based on characterization and evaluation of natural resources, agro - climatic variables, agricultural
current situation and improved agricultural situation, and finally financial and economic
characterization. Ministry of Public Works – Hydraulic Works Direction:
Pre-feasibility Study of El Ciprés Reservoir Construction, VII Region. E.P.S – D.O.H – MOP.2001.
Design Study of Quillón Channel Improvement, VII Region. Ayala and Cabrera – M.O.P – D. O. H.
December 2000 to November 2001.
Feasibility Study of North Bío-bío channel Improvement, VIII Region. Ayala y Cabrera – M.O.P D.O.H. December 2000 to May 2001.
Culimo Reservoir Repairing Study. IV Region. MN Engineering – M.O.P. – D.O.H. September 2000.
Technic and Agro - economic Feasibility Study for Ancoa Reservoir Construction, VII
Region. Ayala y Cabrera – M.O.P. – D.O.H. 1999/2000.
Coordination of the project “Physiology Factors of Relation System that define plant
species grow. CONAF. January to December 2001.
Project Engineer in hydric balance revision for Effluent Dissipation Project in Punta Chungo – ExINIA Plots. This project was made in response to the observations of COREMA environmental
inspection in IV Region. Los Pelambres Mining Company. December 2001.
Project Engineer in Vegetation Plan for CDE Petorca tailing dams. COEUR CDE Chilean Mining
Corporation. December 2001.
Technic Inspection to the eucalyptus afforestation for evapotranspiration, irrigated with effluent water
from Copper Concentrate Filter Plant in Punta Chungo. The following parameters were evaluated:
surviving, tree nutritional state and soil monitoring to define possible heavy metals accumulation.
August 2000.
Assessment and Inspection of Technical Works in intervened terrains originated for Project
Expansion of Los Pelambres Mining Company. June to August 2000.
Implementation of herb species Propagulos Dissemination Project. The project was made for
intervened area recovering including slope seedlings and direct transplant of different species, in
Punta Chungo IV Region. Los Pelambres Mining Company. April to June 2000.
Formulation and coordination of: Afforestation Project and interregional motivation for III, IV and V
regions. This project joined different institutions, between them University of Chile, Agricultural
Research Institute (INIA), Forestry Institute (INFOR) and Holland Foundation STOAS, CONAF, etc.
September 1999 to April 2000.
Assessment for growing vegetables in Huechún El Chaval Experimental Station, for Codelco Chile
Andina Division. Research assessor for irrigate different vegetables using clear tailing water. This
activity was developed from 1995 to May 1999.
Elaboration of final report: “Potential Use of clear tailing water in forestry and agriculture system”,
analyzing seven years of research information about the use of clear tailing water. Codelco Chile,
Andina Division. This activity was developed from October to Novemeber 1999.
Technic and economic evaluation about the use alternatives for El Chaval Estate in Huechún locality.
This study evaluates agriculture and productive activities, analyzing traditional irrigation alternatives
and clear tailing water irrigation, for Codelco Chile Andina Division. August to September 1999.
Environmental and Forestry assessment for the Project: “Construction, Operation and Maintenance
Support of Ovejería Tailings disposal System” for the forestry and irrigation components. This project
was made for O.R.S.A. (Tailings Operation S.A.) for Codelco Chile Andina Division. July to August
As a partner of PROAGRA LTDA. Agronomic Engineers, 1991 to 1998.
Agricultural Estates Administration in Chagres, for Disputada de Las Condes S.A. Mining Company.
Catemu Community, V Region. August 1996 to May 1999.
Project Engineer. Actual Situation Evaluation for the study “Irrigation and Drainage zone
identification in Chiloé y Palena provinces, X Los Lagos Region. IRH Ltda. –D.O.H. –M.O.P. 1998.
Project Engineer. Irrigation and drainage system analysis in Angol, Los Sauces, Lumaco y Purén,
areas. Interview elaboration. IX Region. IRH Ltda. –D.R. –M.O.P. 1996 to 1997.
El Manzano Investment Ltda. Technic feasibility Study for states manure use generated in Swine
production Plant. El Roble estate – Rancagua. September 1996.
Raúl Navarro (Chile) S.A. Extension Works in the growing system of Paprika pepper, destined to
potential producers in V, VI and R.M. Regions. 1996.
ERNST & YOUNG (Chile) Consulting inspection Ltda. Valuation ISASA S.A. Agro - Industrial
Plant and fruit estates. RM and VI Region.1996.
New south agro commercial S.A. Buy and package of grapes for exportation with “Lunch Brunch”
mark. Different estates in Metropolitan and VI Regions. 1995.
Agroexport Ltda. Assessment in: Project of avocado and citric plantation 1995 season. San Vicente de
Tagua-tagua, VI Region. 1995.
FRIGOSAM S.A. Valuation and technic assessment in purchase feasibility of “El Carmén” estate.
Nº277-196;197:198 and 199 rol numbers. Pelequén Community, VI Region. 1995.
El Alamo de Neicura Agricultural Company Ltda. Fruit plantation nivelación in “El Alamo de
Neicura” estate. Quinta de Tilcoco comunity, IV Region.1995.
FRUTAL Ltda. Nivelation for fruit plantation in “Santa Marta” estate. Quinta de Tilcoco Comunity,
VI Region. 1995.
INDAP. National contest of Investment Projects for Family Farm Agriculture Modernization. Major
innovation project: Technic – economic Feasibility of Claveles production under greenhouse”
Candidates: Rodrigo Montalba G. y Silvia Garcés R., Calera de Tango. 1995.
La Victoria de Vilcún Channel Implementation, IX Region. On - location interviews, estate
stratification, definition of estate type and assessment in Current Situation analysis. Geotécnica –
MOP – D.R. 1995.
Complementary study and design of faja Maisan irrigation system, IX Region. On - Location
interviews estate stratification, definition of estate type and assessment in Current Situation analysis
IRH – MOP – D.R. 1995.
Esmeralda Ranch. Collection of information related to Highlands measurements in El Maitén Seco for
irrigation organization. Lampa Community. R.M. 1995.
FRIGOSAM S.A. “Technic feasibility Study and Costs Analysis for Aromatic herbs production
system”. Metropolitan region. 1994.
ERNST & YOUNG (Chile) Consultant Auditors Ltda. Plots valuation Nº 329-121; 329-122 and
305-062 rol numbers. Diego Izquierdo M., Purranque Community, X Region. 1994
ERNST & YOUNG (Chile) Consultant Auditors Ltda. Swine production Plant and “Pirareta” plot
valuation, Nº 131-136 rol numbers. Diego Izquierdo M., Nancagua community, VI Region. 1994
Martina Agricultural Sociaty Ltda. Technic assessment for “casas de puangue” estate. Melipilla
Community. Metropolitan región. 1994
FRUTAL Ltda. Fruit plantation nivelation in “Santa Marta” estate. Quinta de Tilcoco Community, VI
Region. 1994.
San Pedro Agricultural Society Ltda. “Technic and economic feasibility Project for European ERNST
& YOUNG (Chile) Consultant auditors Ltda. Food factory valuation for fishes Marine Feed S.A.
Puerto Montt Community, X Region. 1994
FRUTAL Ltda. Fruit plantation nivelation in "Santa Marta" estate. Quinta de Tilcoco Community, VI
Region. 1994.
Santa Teresa Ltda. Agricultural Society. Technic and Economic Feasibility study for fruit exploitation
in Santa Teresa estate”. Retiro Community, VII Region. 1994.
Los Robles Ltda Fruit and Agricultural Society. “Technic and economic Feasibility study for fruit
exploitation in Los robles estate. Retiro, VII Region. 1994.
FRIGOSAM S.A. Technic assessment for adquirement of agriculture estate to develop the project:
“Aromatic Herbal Production”. Metropolitan Region. 1994.
Limits Study of number 10 hijuela in "Corneche" estate, Rol number: Nº 28-41. Raúl Ramírez R.
Melipilla Community, Metropolitan Region. 1994.
San Enrique estate. Assessment in formation and hydric needs in 7 hectares of a peach plantation. V
Region. 1994.
FRIGOSAM S.A. Search for adequate land to develop the project “Aromatic herbs Production”
Metropolitan Region. 1994.
Correction and validation of the Faja Maisán irrigation pre-feasibility project. Ministry of Public
Works, Direction of irrigation. Pitrufquén community, IX Region. 1994.
Cerro Sombrero Ltda. Agricultural Society. Technic assessment of "Cerro Sombrero" estate, Pirque
Community, Metropolitan Region. 1993.
Project: “Soil use based on hydric resource, Rol numbers: Nº 104-17; 104-18; 104-20 y 104-21”.
Haras Carioca S.A. Malloa Community, VI Region. 1993.
EL Álamo de Neicura Ltda. Agricultural Company. Nivelation for fruit plantation in "El Álamo de
Neicura" estate. Quinta de Tilcoco Community, VI Region. 1993.
Casablanca Ltda. Agricultural Society. Project: Topography, irrigation implementation and predial
organization of Los Llanos estate”. Pelarco Community, VII Region. 1993.
El Cristal Ltda Agricultural Societl. Technic and economic Feasibility Project for a Swine production
plant. Plot Nº52, El Cristal, Noviciado Community. 1992..
INVER –RAMAQ. Agronomic assessment in exploitation and habilitation in "Las Palmas de Carén"
estate. Alhué Community, VI Region. 1992.
Purchase feasibility Assessment and valuation of estate: Rol number Nº 17-89. Ñiquén Community,
VII Region. 1992.
Bakovic and Balic Consultant Engineers. Agronomic Consultant. 1990 to 1991.
CICA Consultant Engineers, 1988 to 1991.
Loncha and “Las Bandurrias” estate Experimental Plot Administration in CODELCO-CHILE property, El
Teniente Division. Clear tailing water use for agricultural development. 1988 to 1991.
Profitability and habilitation Study of crops estate. Ojos del Salado mining Company. Tierra Amarilla, III
Region. 1990.
Elaboration and participation in Highlands flora and fauna inventory, Doña Inéz Collahuasi`s Mining
Company I Region. 1990.
Participation in “Itata” Irrigation Project, VIII Region. 1990.
Experimental plot administration for Codelco Chile El Salvador Division. Pilot Plan for Wastewater and
Tailing water Use for agricultural development. 1990
Participation in Environmental Impact Study of Chagres Foundry. Disputada de Las Condes Mining
Company. 1989
New Man basic course and Defensive car drive of Codelco Chile Andina Division. 2002.
Risk prevention induction course for mining activities of Codelco Chile Andina Division. 2002.
Exportation Initiation and consolidation of little and Medium Size Chilean enterprises (PYMES).
Oral English. Sam Marsalli English Institute. 1988 to 1989.