CATALOGUE OF TI{E ORTHOPTERA OF YENEZUELA: PART I, BLATTIDAE JoHN \V. H. Rnlrx Research Associatc, Coluttbia Urlivet'sity; Juan; Research Associate, School of Tropical ]Iedicine' San Philadelphia' of Scicncie Natural o[ Research Associate, Acaderny the The fauna of venezuela is but poorly hnoln, and inforrnation is rviclely scattered' This catalogue i$ "*irting p""p"rla to bring together the -linown records' It is hoped tt it may serve as a basis for future rvork' "t The ciassification of the lllattidae leaves rnuch to be dethan sired. The arrangement in the catalogue is essentially many that except followed by the various workers on the group rvhole of the higher group names have not been used' Until the it is rvise to recognize !"o.,p isiecla-ssifiea I ao not believe that as families certain of the cornponents' dealThe present catalogue includes only those references the to reference ing with Venezuelan material except for the orithe or.Tginat generic or specific description. In these cases ginal localitY is also cited. BLATTIDAE PSEUDOMOPINAE DENDROBLATTA REHN Soc., XLII, p' 231' Dendroblatta sobrina Rehn' by original 1916. Trans. Amer. Ent. Genotype. - designation. Dendroblatta sobrina Rehn 1916. Denrlroblatta sobrina Rehn, Trans' Amer' Ent' XLII, p.232, pl. 14, figs' 11-14' fAmazonas'] Soco 12 BoLETiN DE ENToMoLociA VENEZoLANA, vol. g. Nos. I y 2._ru[ro l94g 1939. Dendroblatta sobrina Martorelr, Journ. Agr. univPuerto Rico, XXIII, p. 1g0. fnear La providencia, and Sanrdn de Gtiere, Aragua.] SUPELLA STIELFORD 1911. Ent. Month. Mag., (2) XXII, p. 1b5. Genotype.-Blatta supellectilium Servill e: Supella pellectilium (Serville), by original designation. su_ Supella supellectilium (Serville) 1893. Blatta supellectilium Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins., Orth, p. 114. fNlauritius.] 7925. supella suspellectiliurn wern 725, p.555. [Bonair Island.'] er, zeit. wissensch. ZooI. LOPHOBLATTA HEBARD 1929. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LV, p. b0. Genotype.-Blatta pellucida Burmeister:Lop hoblatta pellucida (Burmeister), by original designation. Lophoblatta arawaka Hebard 7929. Lophoblatta arawaka Hebard, Trans. Amer. Ent. soc., LV, p. B5O, pl. 13, figs 6 and 7. [Caparo, Trinidad (type locality); Cariaquito, Venezuela; various loca_ lities in Trinidad, British Guiana and Surinam.] NEOBI,ATTELLA SHELFORD 1911. Ent. I\{onth. }dag., (2) XXII, p. 155. Genotype'-Blatta adspersicouis Stal-Neob lateua adspersicollis (Stal), by original designation. Neoblatella festae (Giglio-Tos) 1898. Blatta f estae Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Turino, XIII, No. 311, p. 2. [Gualaquiza, Ecuadoi] BoLrrtx DE ENToMoLoGiA vEilEzoLlNA, vol' 8' Nos' 1 y z'-tuNlo estae Rehn, Trans. Amer' P. 268. fVenezuela.l (1) 1903. Blattella 13 1949 f Ent' Soc', XXIX' EUPHYI-LODROTTIA SHELFORD 1908. Shelford, Gen. Insectorum, fasc' 73, p'77' (subgenus') 1919. Hebard, Mem' Amer. Ent' Soc', 4, p' 82' (given generic status.) Genotype.-Blatta augustata Latreille - Euphgllodro' mia augustcfa (Latreille), by designation of Hebard' Euphyllodromia histrix (Saussure) 1g69. Pseud.ophgllod.romia histrit saussure, Rev. ilIag. zool., (2) XX, P. 110. [Venezuela'] BLATTINAE PERIPLANETA BURMEISTER 1838. Hantlb. Ent., II, abth. II, pt' 1, p' 502' Linnaeus : Periplaneta americana Genotype.-Blatta of Rehn' designation by (Linnaeus), americana Periplaneta americana (Linnaeus) 1758. Blatta americatta Linnaeus, Syst' Nat', X ed" p' 424' IAmerica.] 1939. Periplanetta americana Martorell, Journ' Agr' Univ' Puerto Rico, XXIII, p. 181' [La Providencia' Gonzalito and Turmero.] Periplaneta australasiae (Fabricius) 1755. Blatta australasiae Fabricius, Syst' Ent', p' 271' l"In nave e mare Pacifico et oegionibus incognitis revertente."] (1)Althoughrecordedasfestaeanexaminationoftlrematerial on which this record rvas based proves that the determination is in error. 14 BoLETiN DE Er,IToMor,oci-q vENEzoLANA, vol. g. Nos. l y 2._JUNro 1949 1939. Periplaneta australasfae lllartorell, Journ. Ag". Univ. Puerto Rico, XXIII, p. 181. [La providencia, Gonza_ Iito, Turmero, Maracay, Caracas, Los Teques, and Ocumare del Tuy.] Periplaneta brunnea Burmeister 1839. Periplaneta brunnea Burmeister, Handb. Ent., II, II, pt. 1, p. b03. [Chile and Demerara.] abth. 1892. Periplaneta truncata Krauss, Zool. Anzerg. XV, p. 165. fTenerife, Brazil and New Britain.] 792-5- Periplanta truncata 'werner, Zert. wissensch. Zool., p. 555. fBonair Island.] 1115, LAMPROBLATTA HEBARD 1919. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIV, p. 10g. Genotype.-Lamproblatta albipalpus Hebard, by ori_ ginal designation. Lamproblatta ancistroides Rehn 1930. Lamproblatta ancistroides Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LVI,. p. J3, pl. 2, figs. S and 4. fVillavicencio, Intendencia del Meta, Colombia (type locality), and Venezuela.] 1919. Lamproblatta albipalpus Hebard, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XLV, p. 111. [In part; Venezuela only.] EPILAIVIPRII.IAE EPILA}IPRA BUN}IEISTER 1838. Handb. Ent., JJ, abt. LL, pt. 1, p. bO4. Genotype._Blatta brasiftensrs Fabricius _ Epilampra brasiliensis (Fabricius), by design"tio" oifti"ly. Epilampra fusca Brunner J toLETfN DS ENTOUOI-OC'A VENEZOLANA, YOL. 8. NoS. 1 y 2'-tuNro 15 19'19 1865. Epilampra fusca Brunner, Nouv' Syst' Blatt', p' 170' IVenezuela.] DRYADOBLATTA REHN 1930. Trans. Amer. Ent. Genotype. Soc., LVI' p' 56' Homaloptergt scotti Shelford by monotypy' - (Shelford), scotti blatta Dryadoblatta mira Rehn : Drgado- ' 1937. Drgad.oblatta mira Rehn, Trans' Amer' EnL Soc" ixlll, p. 230, pl. 15, tig. 21. lMount Duida, Venezuela.l HOTNLOPTERYX BRUNNER 1865. Nouv. SYst. Blatt., P' 195' Genotype.- H o malo pterg u capucinc Brunner' by designation of KirbY. Homalopterl'x caPucina Brunner 1g65. Homalopterar capucinc Brunner, Nouv. syst. Blatt.' p. 196, pl. 5, fig. 21. l\enezuela, Colornbia'l l8g0.HomaloptergxcapucincBolivar,Ann.Soc.ent.France, (6) X, P. 137. fTovar. Yenezuela'l PANCHLORINAE LEUCOPHAEA BRUNNER Blatt., P. 278. Blatta maderae Fabricius : Leucophaea Genotype. (Fabricius), by designation of Rehn' maderae 1865. Nouv. SYst. Leucophaea maderae (Fabricius) 1781. Blatta maderae Fabricius, Spec. Ins., p. 341. fMadeira Islands.l 1925. Rhgparobia maderae 'Werner, Zeit. wissensch. Zool., 725, p.555. fBonair Island.] BOLETIN DE ENTOItoLoGTA vENEZoLAN , vol. 8. Nos. 1 y 2._JUNIo I9,+9 1939. Leucophaea madera Martorell, Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, XXIII, p. 180. lTurmero, La Providencia, ilIaracay and Caracas.] PYCNOSCELUS SCUDDER 1862. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., VII, p. 421. Pgcnoscelus obscurcus Scudder Blatta surinamensfs Linnaeus : pg62e scelus surinamensis (Linnaeus), by monotypy. Genotype. Pycnoscelus surinamensis (Linnaeus) 1758. Blatta surinamensr's Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., X ed., p. 424. ISurinam.] 1939. Pqcnoscelus surinamensds Martorell, Journ. Agf. Univ. Puerto Rico, XXIII, p. 181. [near La providencia, Aragua.l PANCHLORA BURMEISTER 1838. Handb. Ent., JI, abth. II, pt. 1, p. 506. Genotype.-Panchlora pulchella Burmeister, by designation of Rehn. Panchlora cubensis Saussure 1862. Panchlora cubensis p. 230. ICuba.] Saussure, Rev. l\Iag. Zool., (2) XIV, 1939. Panehlora cubensis Martorell and Salas, Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, XXIII, p. 294. fMaracay, Aragua.] Panchlora nivea (Linnaeus) 1758. Blatta niuea Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., X. rica.l ed., p.424. lAme- 1865. Panehlora niuea Brunner, Nouv. Syst. Blatt., p. ICuba, Venezuela.] 224. BoI,ETIN DE ENTONOI-oCiA VTNEZOLANI, VOL. 8. NOS. I Y 2.-JUNIO I949 17 1939. Panclilora niuea Martorell, Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, XXIII, p. 181. [La Providencia and Turmero' Aragua.] Panchlora punctum Saussure and Zehntner 1893. Panchlora punctum saussure and Zehntner, Biol. cent. Amer., Orth. I, p. 96. fCentlal America'] 1903. Panchlora punctum Rehn, Trans' Amer' Ent' Soc'' XXIX, p. 285. fVenezuela and Costa Rica'] BLABERINAE BLABERUS SERVILLE 1831 . Ann. Sci. Nat., XXII, P. 37. Blatla gigantea Linnaeus - Blaberus by designation of Rehn' gantea (Linnaeus), Genotype. gi' Blaberus giganteus (Linnaeus) 1758. Bllatta) gigantea Linnaeus, Syst' Nat', X ed', p' 424' IArnerica.] Ent. News, XXVII, p'2s.4' fsan Esteban, Venezuela, and numerous other localities in Central and northern South America'] 1916. Blaberus colosseus Hebard, Blaberus discoidalis Serville 1839. Blabera discoidalis Serville, Hist. Nat. Ins', Orth', p' 76' pl. 1, fig.6. [Santo Domingo'] 1927. Blaberus discoidalis Rehn and Hebard, Bull. Amer. I'Ius. Nat' Hist', LIV, p' 260' fVenezuela' and numerous other localities in the'\ilest Indies and northern South America.l 1939. Blaberus discoidalis Martorell, Journ. Agr' Univ' Puerto Rico, XXIII, p. 180. [La Providencia, Aragua'] 18 Boleriil DE ENroxoloci^ VENEZoLANA, vol. g. Nos. 1 y 2._ruNro 1949 Blaberus trapezoideus Burmeister 1838. Blabera trapezoide,s Burmeister, Handb. Ent. II, abth. II, pt. 1, p. 516. [Mexico.] 1939. Blaberus trapezoideus Martorell, Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, XXIII, p. 1g0. [Sam6n de Giiere, Ara_ gua.l 1939. Blaberus trapezoideus Martorel and salas, Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, XXIII, p.2J4. lValera, A,ragua.l POLYPHAGINAE HO}IOEOGA}IIA BURMEISTER 1838. Handb. Ent., II, abth. II, pt. 1, p. 4g0. Geuotype.-Il o mo eg o mia notype. me ricana Burmeister, by mo- Homoeogamia sp. 1890. Homaeogamfa (sic) D.sp.Bolivar, Ann. Soc. ent. France, (6) X, p. 187. fCaracas.] Bolivar describes but does not name the immature that refers to this genus. PERISPHAERII{AE POROBLATTA HEBARD 1919. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XLV, p. 123. Genotype.-Poroblatta cglindrica Hebarcl, by original designation. Poroblatta pluto Rehn 1930. Poroblatta plufo Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LVI, p. 60, pl. 4, fig. 13, pl. 5, fig. 5. fVenezuela.l HORTTETICA BURITEISTER 1838. Handb. Ent., abth. II, pt. 1, p. 511. Hormetica laeuigafc Burmeister, by signation- of Kirby. Genotype. de_ roLETtN DE ExroxorelA vE!{EzouNA, vol-.8. Nos. 1 y 2.-tuNro l9 19.+9 Hormetica verrucosa Brunner 1865. Hormetica uemucosa Brunner, Nouv. Syst. Blatt., p. 331. fVenezuela.]. (2) Hormetica marmorata Saussure 1869. Dasgposoma mqrmoratc Saussure, Rev. I\fag. Zool., (2) XXI, p. 113. fVenezuela.l (3) Hormetica pustulata Hebard 1929. Hormetica pustulata Hebard, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LV, p. 385, pl. 14, fig. 10. fBonair Island, on the north coast of Venezuela.] STYPHON REHN 1930. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LVI, p.62. Genotype.-Stgphon bakeri Rehn, by monotypy.. Styphon bakeri Rehu 1930. Stllphon bakeri Rehn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LVI, p. 63, pl. 4, figs. 14-16, pl. 5, figs. 6 and 7. [Bonair ls- land.l (2) Hebard (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1920, p. 253 (1821).) with Hormetica. has synonymized, Dasgposoma (3) lt seems probable that the Dasyposoma? sp. of Werner (Zeitwissenseh. Zool., 725, p. 555, (1925).) is either an immature of this species or possibly an immature of. Styphon bakeri.