Security in AMB. Security in AMB. Profesor Julio Ramirez Karol Cala Viviana Castañeda Diana Marriaga Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 2016 1 Security in AMB. TABLA OF CONTENTS 1.Abstract ................................................................................................................................ 3 2.Keysword ......................................................................................................................... 3 3.Research Instruments ................................................................................................... 4 4.Data Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 5 4.1Quantitative Analysis ..................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Qualitative Analysis ................................................................................................ 12 5. Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 13 6. Conclusions of the interview ........................................................................................... 13 2 Security in AMB. 1. ABSTRACT The purpose of this work is to analyze the security of the sites most frequented by the inhabitants of the metropolitan area, and identify the problem to be living in the area, looking for possible solutions to improve the social environment. The analysis was conducted with 20 polls with 10 closed questions, was also taken into account two interviews with persons associated with the theme. 2. KEYSWORD: problematic, security, inhabitants, analysis, areas 3 Security in AMB. 3. RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS This research was conducted with 20 online surveys applied has citizens of the AMB, the survey was conducted with 10 closed questions, presenting the point of view of security in the AMB by citizens, also two interviews were conducted with citizens and a security officer to identify the views of them, with 5 open questions for each. 4 Security in AMB. 4. DATA ANALYSIS Population: They are citizens of the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga and persons responsible for care for the safety of citizens. Sample size: We will conduct 20 surveys online with 10 closed questions and 2 interviews with people involved with the issue. FRECUENCY TABLE: 4.1Quantitative Analysis 5 Security in AMB. 6 Security in AMB. 7 Security in AMB. 8 Security in AMB. 9 Security in AMB. INTERVIEW QUESTION. To citizens 1.- Cual es la percepción de seguridad que usted tiene sobre el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga. 2.- Considera usted que el pie de fuerza que tiene la policía es suficiente para ejercer control sobre los problemas delincuenciales que existen. 3.- ¿en qué sentido deben direccionarse las acciones de la policía para ejercer control sobre los factores de inseguridad. 4.- ¿Confía usted en la policía que trabaja en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga? 5.- ¿considera usted que las comunidades deben colaborar en el suministro de información a la policía? 10 Security in AMB. To the police 1.- Que se está haciendo la policía para contrarrestar el índice de seguridad en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga? La policía está realizando campañas tanto en entidades financieras como en conjuntos residenciales con el fin de dar Tips o concejos a las personas sobre la manera en cómo deben actuar, si están siendo víctimas de algún delito; además la policía realiza un “Plan Baliza” que es poner un Cai móvil en los sectores más afectados que por lo general son los barrios populares como: Norte de Bucaramamga y la Cumbre 2.-Cuales es el delito que mayor índice se presenta en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga? El delito de mayor índice que se presenta en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga es el hurto en las diferentes modalidades. * Hurto de celulares * Hurto a entidades financieras * Hurto en residencias * Hurto a través de llamadas 3.- Sí cuenta la policía con la logística necesaria para hacer frente a los problemas de inseguridad en el área metropolitana de Bucaramanga? (Vehículos, maquinaria, personal, radios etc.) La policía no cuenta con la logística necesaria para hacer frente a los problemas debido a que cada municipio depende del dinero que esté dispuesto a dar el Alcalde. 4.- La Policía cuenta con la información de la ciudadanía? Si, gracias a algunas llamadas de la ciudadanía se han podido realizar capturas en los diferentes tipos de delitos, sin embargo, muchas veces por temor la ciudadanía no llama, ni hacen ningún tipo de denuncia. 5.- Cuenta la policía con un fondo de seguridad para el pago de recompensas? Si, la policía cuenta con un fondo de seguridad en el pago de recompensa, pero lo maneja la Sijin y el Gaula, y la recompensa depende del delito. VIDEO LINK: 1. 2. 11 Security in AMB. 4.2 Qualitative Analysis INTERNAL STRENGTHS 1. The campaigns that perform the security personnel as the police to avoid being a victim of the crimes WEAKNESS 1. The low penalties for crimes 2. The CAI mobile that are located in places where there is more insecurity 2. The lack of credibility of the authorities in 3. Despite the fact that people considers that the area is safe, takes care not to be the victim of a crime. EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITIES 1. Citizenship able to denounce the crimes and may be rewarded. 2. Increase security personnel in the areas most affected by the insecurity 3. Generate more security plans and campaigns of notice to the Citizenship 12 3. The low participation of the political entities like the mayor, ruler, etc... to promote helps young people with different cultural and sporting programs. THREATS 1. The low logistics that has the police at the time of combat insecurity. 2. Increase insecurity caused by lack of employment opportunity. 3. Under budget by political entities to support the entities of public safety Security in AMB. 5. CONCLUSIONS Conclusions about surveys According to surveys the most frequented areas in the AMB are Cañaveral with 60% and Cabecera with 30%, and there are considered as safe areas, however 53% of respondents believe that the crimes in these areas remain the same, even though, that 65% of the time are police or security personnel in areas. 45% of people not to be victims of crime avoid wearing value, and 16% avoids having cash or go out at night, so that 75% of people recommend increasing security personnel in different areas. 50% of respondents believe that the main reasons crime is unemployment and 45% think it is the little security that exists in the zones, therefore, criminals take advantage to perform different types of crimes, in addition, 45% think that the crime persists for the weak sanctions that apply to criminals and 35% believe it is the lack of control and concern of the authorities. Conclusions about interview The actions that are taking the police to give solution to crime is dictating talks to financial institutions and to the residential complexes for people to have this tips not to be a victim of this problem. The offenses that are most frequent in the different zones are theft of cell, theft in residences, theft in financial entities, pilferage in calls, in spite of the fact that the police this giving talks and have a campaign to prevent this type of crime, they do not have the sufficient logistics to lower the rate of these. Citizenship complains of the low penalties to be with the people that foster insecurity, they want to increase these penalties for not return to perform the various offenses that occur today in the common. SOLUTIONS The participation of the political entities to be more active with the issue of insecurity Generate employment, so that lower the crime rate. Delete the benefits to the criminals and the low sentences The government should provide good resources to the police in order to make them more efficient in acting against crime. 13