Correction: DMT1 iron uptake in the PNS: bridging the gap between

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Cite this: Metallomics, 2015,
7, 1612
DOI: 10.1039/c5mt90048d
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Correction: DMT1 iron uptake in the PNS: bridging
the gap between injury and regeneration
Rocı́o Martinez-Vivot,a Guillermo Copello,b Maria Celeste Leal,c Gonzalo Piñero,a
Vanina Usach,a Mijael Rozenszajn,a Laura Morellid and Clara Patricia Setton-Avruj*a
Correction for ‘DMT1 iron uptake in the PNS: bridging the gap between injury and regeneration’ by
Rocı́o Martinez-Vivot et al., Metallomics, 2015, 7, 1381–1389.
In the original article, one of the author’s names was listed incorrectly. The full name of Celeste Leal has been corrected to Maria
Celeste Leal, as shown above.
The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.
Departamento de Quı́mica Biológica, Facultad de Farmacia y Bı́oquı́mica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Quı́mica y Fı́sicoquı́mica Biológica (IQUIFIB),
UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:
Cátedra de Quı́mica Analı́tica Instrumental, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquı́mica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Laboratorio de Terapias Regenerativas y Protectoras del Sistema Nervioso Central, Fundación Instituto Leloir, IIBBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Laboratorio de Amiloidosis y Neurodegeneración, Fundación Instituto Leloir, IIBBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1612 | Metallomics, 2015, 7, 1612
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015