Operated by: An event of: Jalisco Room Horas Wednesday, October 12 +Technology Thursday, October 13 +Biodiversity Friday, October 14 +Productivity 13:00 a 13:10 hrs. Plenary Speech Fernando Soto Vaquero, FAO 13:15 a 13:25 hrs. Reforestamos Mexico 13:30 a 13:40 hrs. 13:45 a 13:55 hrs. 14:00 a 14:10 hrs. 14:15 a 14:25 hrs. Plenary Speech Mohammad Mohammad, FPInnovations 14:30 a 14:40 hrs. Plenary Speech Magda Ruiz, SEMADET 14:45 a 14:55 hrs. Biodiversity Conservation Program (work with Monarch Butterflies) Michael Rizo, USFS 15:00 a 15:10 hrs. Carlos Mallen, SOMEREFO 15:15 a 15:25 hrs. 15:30 a 15:40 hrs. 15:45 a 15:55 hrs. 16:00 a 16:10 hrs. Dendrochronology José Villanueva Díaz, INIFAP 16:15 a 16:25 hrs. Pests of Forest Importance Víctor Arriola Padilla, INIFAP 16:30 a 16:40 hrs. Forest Assessment and Monitoring Martin E. Romero Sánchez, INIFAP 16:45 a 16:55 hrs. Forest Genetic Improvement Xavier García Cuevas, INIFAP Biodiversity Work Pedro Álvarez Icaza, CONABIO (National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity) Presentations 17:00 a 17:10 hrs. Wildfires Alvaro A. Chavez Duran, INIFAP 17:15 a 17:25 hrs. Dendrochronology Noel Avila Carrillo, INIFAP Commercial Forestry Plantations as an option for biodiversity conservation 17:30 a 17:40 hrs. 17:45 a 17:55 hrs. 18:00 a 18:10 hrs. 18:15 a 18:25 hrs. ANCF National Academy of Forestry Sciences 40 years supporting productivity and knowledge Youth and Education 18:30 a 18:40 hrs. 18:45 a 18:55 hrs. * Program subject to change www.gob.mx/expoforestal