Guía de Estudio – Capítulo 5 I. Jugar and talking

Guía de Estudio – Capítulo 5
I. Jugar and talking about playing sports, page 172
To express what sport you play, Jugar is the verb that is used. Jugar is sometimes followed by “a” when a sport is
mentioned. Both of the following are acceptable:
Juego al fútbol
I play soccer
Juego béisbol.
I play baseball.
The sports (los deportes) that we are going to be learning this chapter are:
el fútbol - soccer
el béisbol - baseball
el baloncesto, el básquetbol - basketball
el tenis - tennis
el fútbol americano - football
II. Expressing Opinions with Gustar and verbs like Gustar, page 175
To express your opinion about something, the verbs you could use are:
Gustar - to like, to be pleasing to
Interesar - to interest
Aburrir- to bore
Encantar - to love, to adore
Forms of Gustar
A mí me gusta – I like
A ti te gusta – you, familiar, like
A él le gusta – he likes
A ella le gusta – she likes
A usted le gusta – you, formal like
¿Te aburre el tenis?
Sí, me encanta el tenis?
*¿Te interesan los deportes?
Me gusta comer papas fritas.
A nosotros nos gusta – we like
A vosotros os gusta – you all, familiar, like
A ellos les gusta – they like
A ellas les gusta – they, feminine, like
A ustedes les gusta – you all, formal, like
Do tennis bore you?
Yes, I love tennis.
Do sports interest you?
I like to eat French fries.
*If the noun that follows interesar, encantar, aburrir, and gustar is plural, change gusta to gustan, encanta to
encantan, interesa to interesan and aburre to aburren.
III. Vocabulario, page 189
Make sure you are able to recognize the vocabulary on page 189. Please use the additional vocabulary list for this
chapter to help you with the meaning of the vocabulary.
IV. Stem-Changing Verbs – BOOT VERBS
Remember, the stem of a verb is what is left when you take off the –ar, -er or –ir.
RecibIn Spanish, there are verbs that have a spelling change in the stem. There are 3 different types of stem-changes
that we are going to learn. They are:
Stem-changing verbs are sometimes called “Boot Verbs” because there is a stem-change only in the yo, tú, él,
ella, usted, ellos, ellas, and ustedes forms. There is NO STEM-CHANGE in the nosotros and vosotros forms.
Examples of stem-changes:
Type of stem-change
PreferPrefierA. U→UE Stem-Changing Verb, page 172
There is only one verb that has a stem-change from U→UE, and that verb is JUGAR. The forms of JUGAR
JUGAR = to play
As you can see, the u only changes to ue in the “boot”.
B. O→UE Stem-Changing Verbs, page 172
The O→UE Stem-Changing Verbs that we are going to learn are:
Poder – to be able, can
Volver – to return, come back
Devolver – to return (something)
Dormir – to sleep
C. E→IE Stem-Changing Verbs, page 170
The E→IE Stem-Changing Verbs that we are going to learn are:
Empezar – to begin
Perder – to lose
Preferir – to prefer
Querer – to want
Pensar – to think, plan
Comenzar – to begin