Journal of Maps, 2010, 584-590 Geomorphology and prehistoric flint mining evidence in the Sierra de Araico (Basque-Cantabrian Basin), BurgosÁlava, Spain ALFONSO BENITO-CALVO1 , ANTONIO TARRIÑO1 , PEDRO JOSÉ LOBO2 , IOSU JUNGUITU3 and DAVID LARREINA4 1 Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), Paseo Sierra de Atapuerca s/n, 09002 Burgos, Spain; [email protected]. 2 Cartography 3 Geography, 4 Institute Service, University of Basque Country (UPV), SGIKER, Vitoria, Spain. Prehistory and Archaeology Department, University of Basque Country (UPV), Vitoria, Spain. of Archaeology UCL, 31-34 Gordon Square, WC1H 0PY, London, UK. Abstract The limestones of the Sierra de Araico (Condado de Treviño, Spain), located in the Miranda-Treviño syncline (Basque-Cantabrian basin, Pyrenean Range), show silicificated nodules (flint) which have been exploited by means of non-complicated mining works (trenches and shallow pits), from Pleistocene through to Holocene and historical times. The flint had wide geographical distribution and involved archaeological sites located across several tens of km. In this work we present a geomorphological map of this region, mapping structural landforms marked by the limestones with flint and surficial deposits containing eroded flints related to the Ayuda and Rojo valleys. This map was produced using LiDAR data which was used to map the mining trenches where lithic evidence - hundreds of hammer-stones, maces and cores were found. (Received 6th July 2010; Revised 28th October 2010; Accepted 12th November 2010) 584 ISSN 1744-5647 doi:10.4113/jom.2010.1147 Journal of Maps, 2010, 584-590 1. Benito-Calvo, A. et al. Introduction Historic precedence for our research dates back to surveys carried out by the scholar Deogracias Estavillo (Estavillo, 1955; 1957; 1975), who discovered a large number of settlements in the Sierra de Araico (Condado de Treviño, Burgos and Álava, North Spain), including flint exploitations from Prehistory. He excavated more than 5,000 archaeological remains which were ascribed to Upper Palaeolithic tradition and some from the Metal Ages. Araico industry was also associated with Neolitic culture (Maluquer de Motes, 1957; 1966). Vallespı́ Pérez (1959a;b) analysed a significant number of open air sites grouping them into flint workshops or quarry settlements and inhabitated settlements, beginning in Neolithic times with massive development during the Chalcolithic. Further to these pioneer works, we initiated systematic fieldwork surveying in the 1980s (Ortı́z et al., 1990), locating new mining evidence in silicated layers (Ferreira et al., 1984; Ortı́z et al., 1990). These silicated layers are contained in Miocene lacustrinepalustrine formations (Aquitaniense-Burdigaliense) which outcrop in the E-W MirandaTrevio syncline (Basque-Cantabrian basin; Riba, 1956; Ramı́rez del Pozo, 1973). During this fieldwork we detected mining works following the silicated layers. In order to obtain an accurate distribution of the primary and secondary supply areas of raw material we have elaborated a geomorphological map showing the structural landforms associated with the silicated limestones, the mining anthropogenic landforms and the quaternary deposits which contained eroded flint. The landform mapping was complemented with a revision of the geological contact in order to establish the extension of the limestone containing flint. 2. Methods The production of the geomorphological maps was carried out using two spatial data sets (LiDAR DEM and aerial photographs) and fieldwork. The aerial interpretation of small landforms and archaeological structures amid mountainous and wooded landscapes may entail substantial difficulties. Common data sets such as orthophotos, stereographic images and satellite images, only partially solve the problems of large areas of considerable interest being obscured from view and therefore investigation. Nevertheless, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) substantially mitigates these obstacles by allowing the user to filter surface features and extract “bare earth” topography in zones partially covered by vegetation. 585 Journal of Maps, 2010, 584-590 Benito-Calvo, A. et al. We used the LiDAR data provided by the Servicio de Cartografı́a del Gobierno Vasco, Dpto. de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo (Basque Country Government) to produce a high resolution DEM at a spatial resolution 1 m, with a vertical precision of 15-20 cm. LiDAR data was imported and processed using DielmoOpenLiDAR (DIELMO 3D S.L) and gvSIG (Consejerı́a de Infraestructuras y Transportes de la Generalitat Valenciana), before final map production in ESRI ArcGIS 9.3. The last phase of the work involved relief shading in order to enhance landforms and archaeological structures. Interpretation of the LiDAR DEM was complemented by the stereoscopic photo-interpretation of 1:22,000 colour aerial photographs from the Diputación Foral de Álava. The symbology used in the geomorphological map was based on the legend used by Geological Spanish Survey (Martı́n-Serrano et al., 2004). 3. Geomorphological Map Description The Araico Range constitutes a structural relief developed in the southern flank of a syncline with WNW-ESE direction which is incised by the Ayuda Valley from NNE to SSW (Figure 1). Eastward, this relief is limited by a breached anticline of NW-SE direction (Moscador-Treviño) which forms a semicircular depression (Moscador-Dordóniz). The bedrock in this area is composed of Oligocene marls and conglomerates, and a Miocene sequence, which include two lacustrine carbonate formations scarly cemented including flint (Cucho Limestones and Mijancas Limestones). The northern hillside of the Araico Range presents a general slope of 8 − 12◦ and it is characterized by chevron marks and cuestas developed in the lacustrine limestones with flint, tilted between 19 − 30◦ (Figure 1). Among the layers two high quality layers have been mapped (nodular flint and algae stripped flint), which were identified in palaeolithic archaeological sites located several tens of km away (Tarriño, 2006). Limestone layers are incised by V-shaped valleys (Figure 1), characterized by narrow alluvialcolluvial bed valleys flowing towards the main valley of the Ayuda River, ultimately forming alluvial cones. On the other hand, the southern hillside is defined by a steeper slope (15◦ ), with valleys incised to a more gentle degree draining into the Rojo River, a tributary of the Ayuda. Gravitational landforms are restricted to some translational landslides and colluviums, mainly located on the lower part of the valleys. The most significant landslide is situated near the syncline axis (Figure 1), associated with clay materials interbedded within limestones. The translational slide, that causes the diversion of the stream, has occurred on the right margin of a narrow valley. 586 Journal of Maps, 2010, 584-590 Benito-Calvo, A. et al. Figure 1. Sierra de Araico oblique perspective derived from LiDAR DEM and PNOA orthophoto (Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, CNIG). This structural relief is developed in the southern flank of a WNW-ESE syncline, which is incised by V-shaped valleys, tributaries of the Ayuda Valley. Asymmetrical fluvial terraces and the floodplain are developed in the lower part of the Ayuda Valley (Figure 1). The fluvial terraces have a thickness of 2-4 m, composed of sub-rounded and rounded gravels with sands and clays matrix. The composition of the gravels is mainly carbonates, although it also includes flint clasts. The relative elevations of the terraces are +40, +30-36, +18-26, +16, +7-9 and +2 m above the Ayuda River, framing the fluvial sequence between Middle Pleistocene and Holocene (Santisteban and Schulte, 2007; Benito-Calvo et al., 2008). In addition, erosive plains associated with rock terraces without significant deposits are described. The LiDAR DEM has also allowed the identification of elongate depressions within the floodplain that are related to abandoned channels. Polygenetic landforms corresponding to glacis are also represented in the Araico mountain range. These landforms have been identified in relative positions between +160 m and +14 m above the bottom of the valleys. The glacis located at higher positions which are poorly preserved - probably correspond to the pediments associated with Middle Miocene-Pliocene planation surfaces described in other zones of the BasqueCantabrian Range (Benito-Calvo and Pérez-González, 2007). The glacis located at lower positions are related to the Quaternary evolution of the valleys and contain thin covers of sediments, consisting of sub-angular clasts of limestone and flint, sands and clays. Anthropogenic features are systematically associated with populations, roads, hydrology and farming activities, nevertheless the oldest human features frequently relate to mining activities. The application of LiDAR DTM technology has allowed us to exten587 Journal of Maps, 2010, 584-590 Benito-Calvo, A. et al. sively map former mining activity with the Araico mountain range displaying evidence of many pits and trenches. The highest concentration of trenches is located on the northern flank of the mountain range to the south of the village of Araico. These mining trenches are usually characterized by elongate morphologies which follow the limestone layers and appear to be associated with waste heaps. 4. Conclusions The Sierra de Araico is the homoclinal southern flank of the Miranda-Treviño syncline, which includes two lacustrine formations with important silifications widely used during Prehistoric times, particularly specific flint layers, such us the nodular and algal flints. The use of a LiDAR DEM and identification of lithostratigraphic formations, in combination with detailed geomorphological mapping has allowed the development of a map of flint resources. Lithostratigraphic units containing flint were eroded during Pleistocene times, causing the accumulation of flint in several geomorphological contexts (alluvial-colluvial cones, colluvions, fluvial terraces or glacis). These concentrations could have been exploited from the Palaeolithic. In addition, the cementing of the host rocks has also facilitated the creation of simple mining features, which follow the direction of strata, and have thousand of flakes, cores and chipping products associated with Neolithic times. Software Original LiDAR data were imported DielmoOpenLiDAR application (DIELMO 3D S.L) and then processed using gvSIG (Consejerı́a de Infraestructuras y Transportes de la Generalitat Valenciana). DEM shading, digitizing and final composition of the geomorphological map was performed in ESRI ArcGIS 9.3. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the HAR2008-05797 Project of the Science & Innovation Department (Spanish Government); Ramon y Cajal Programme, RYC-2007-01626 of the Science & Innovation Department (Spanish Government) also with contribution from the European Union (FSE); PhD fellowship funded by the Direction of Scientific Po588 Journal of Maps, 2010, 584-590 Benito-Calvo, A. et al. licy of Education, Universities and Research Department of the Basque Country Government. Cartography courtesy of the Service of Cartography and GIS of the Basque Country University (SGIKER). LiDAR images courtesy of the Cartographic Service of the Basque Country Government. 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