Geology of the Morteritos region, easter sector of the Cordon del Plata, Frontal Cordillera (33°05'S), Mendoza province, Argentina 1 1 2 3 María Celeste Fernandez ; Daniel J. Perez , Laura B. Giambiagi and Ana Lossada 1 IDEAN, Lab. Tectónica Andina, Dpto. Geología, FCEN, UBA; 2 IANIGLA - CONICET, Mendoza; 3 IGEBA, Lab. Paleomagnetismo "Daniel A.Valencio", Dpto. Geología, FCEN, UBA. *E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. This study is focused on the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Morteritos region, on the eastern side of the Cordón del Plata range, in Frontal Cordillera, 33°S. The study area is located in the southernmost part of the modern non-volcanic “flat-slab” segment, which extends from 28°S to 33°S, above the flat slab segment of the subducting Nazca Plate (5°). The stratigraphy sequence are composes by pre-Carboniferous sedimentary rocks, Mesozoic rocks and Cenozoic units. Plata Formations, the Rio Blanco Conglomerates of middle Permian age, and the Permo-Triassic rhyolitic and rhyodacitic rocks of the Choiyoi Group. It culminates with several Cenozoic synorogenic units, associated with the uplifting of the Main Andes Cordillera (see Figure 2 and 3a-b). The study region corresponds the thick skinned thrust front of the Cordón del Plata range. The main structure of the region corresponds to the -"La Carrera"- fault system, which includes three N-S trending inverse faults, denominated from West to East: Fault I, Fault II, Fault III (Caminos, 1965). The same ones were renamed in the Cerro Arenal fault (Folguera et al., 2001), La Hoyada fault (Giambiagi et al., 2011) and Cerro Médanos fault (Folguera et al., 2001) respectively. In the study region a new fault was inferred, denominated Los Morteritos fault. This structure could correspond to a normal PermoTriassic fault, inverted during Cenozoic times (see Figure 3c-d). Keywords: El Plata range, Complejo Metamórfico, Chilenia Terrane, Frontal Cordillera, Mendoza, Argentina. 1 Introduction The aim of the present contribution is to analyze the stratigraphy and structure of Paleozoic-Mesozoic metamorphic and volcanic rocks, and their relationship with Paleozoic sedimentary deposits, in the eastern sector of the Cordon del Plata. This sector comprises a major orogenic unit with more than 6.000 meters in topographic elevation, located on the eastern edge of the Frontal Cordillera, Mendoza Province, Argentina. The study region is located at 33º05'S and 69°20'W, in Morteritos creek region (see Figure 1a-b). This area is located in the southernmost part of the modern non-volcanic “flat-slab” segment (Cahill e Isacks, 1992) betwen 28° and 33°S, under which the Nazca plate forms a broad sub-horizontal bench between 100 and 150 km (see Figure 1c). The first geological studies in the region correspond to Stappenbeck (1917), Groeber (1939), Polanski (1959) and Caminos (1965); and more recent studies by Casa (2005) and Heredia et al., (2012). 3 Tectonic evolution and discussion The “Serie Vallecitos” unit, could probably correspond to the deposits of a forearc basin associated to a subduction system, related to an active margin of the inferred Chilenia Terrane (Heredia et al. 2012). Subsequently, during the Late Devonian, the deformation of pre-Carboniferous sequences could be related to the collision of the Chilenia Terrane against the western margin of Gondwana (Ramos et al. 1984). The Gondwana cycle began with a subduction system along the new West Gondwana margin (Ramos, 1988). In this margin, a back-arc-basin developed with associated shallow platform sedimentation represented in the study area by the Loma de los Morteritos and El Plata Formations (Mpodozis and Ramos, 1989, Fernández Seveso et al. 1993, Astini, 1996, Azcuy et al. 1999, Charrier et al. 2007). These sequences were affected by the San Rafael compressive phase of Early Permian age (Caminos, 1965), which probable generated the large numbers of folds and thrusts that affect carboniferous deposits. In addition, associated with this deformation, the deposition of proximal alluvial-fans facies occurred, represented in this area by the Rio Blanco Conglomerates deposits. During the Permo-Triassic period, the important 2 Stratigraphy and Structure The stratigraphy sequence begins with a pre-Carboniferous sedimentary unit, with low metamorphic grade (slaty cleavage). This unit was assembled by Caminos (1964) into the Precambriam- to lower Paleozoic "Metamorphic Complex". Recently Heredia et al. (2012) grouped the rocks belonging to the Metamorphic Complex, located on the Northern region of the Cordon del Plata, into the “Serie Vallecitos” and assigned them a Silurian-Devonian age. The stratigraphic column continues with the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks of the Loma de Los Morteritos and El 241 extensional event generated grabens and the extrusion of Choiyoi Group volcanic rocks (Ramos, 1988, Llambias and Sato, 1990). At this time, the La Hoyada and Medanos faults would be generated (Folguera et al., 2001), and also the Los Morteritos fault. Finally, since the Middle Miocene, the activation of the Cerro Arenal and Medanos faults uplifted the Cordon del Plata range. The Morteritos fault could have been reactivated during this last period, as well as the La Hoyada fault, although there isn't enough data to prove this hypothesis. Fernández Seveso et al., 1993. Análisis de Cuenca: Técnicas aplicadas a la serie carbónico-pérmica de Paganzo. Boletín de Informaciones Petroleras 33: 77-107. Folguera et al., 2001, Descripción de la Hoja Geológica Potrerillos (1:100.000): Subsecretaría de Minería de la Nación, Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico, 262 p. Giambiagi, L., Mescua, J. Folguera, A. and Martínez, A., 2011. PreAndean deformation of the Precordillera southern sector, Southern Central Andes. Geosphere 7(1): 1-21. Acknowledgements Groeber, (1939) Mapa geológico de Mendoza. Physis, vol. XIV This research was supported by PIP/CONICET 638 and Ubacyt X-812. References Heredia, N., Farías, P., García Sansegudno, J. y Giambiagi., L., 2011. The Basement of the Andean Frontal Cordillera in the Cordon del Plata (Mendoza, Argentina): Geodynamic Evolution. Andean Geologoly 39(2): 242-257. Astini, R.A. 1996. Las fases diatróficas del Paleozoico Medio en la Precordillera del oeste argentino. Evidencias estratigráficas. In XIII Congreso Geológico Argentino y III Congreso de Exploracioón de Hidrocarburos, Actas 5, 509–526. 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Geología de la falda oriental de la Cordillera del Plata. Anales Ministerio de Agricultura. Sección Geología, Mineralogía y Minería, 12(1): 9-49. Figure 1. a-b) Location of the study area in the Cordon del Plata range (33º, 05`S), Mendoza province (orange box) and c) location in a regional Central Andes map, contours of the Wadatti-Benioff zone; Central and South Volcanic Zones and the Flat-Slab subduction zone (Cahill and Isacks, 1992). 242 Figure 2. Geologic Map of the studied area. Cordón del Plata range, Mendoza Province (33°05'S) . A B D C Figure 3. a) outcrops details of andesitic and rhyolitic clasts rocks of Chjoiyoi Groups; b) El Plata Formation, showing the structure detail on a fault zone; c) view of Morteritos fault, showing the tectonic contact between the volcanites of Choiyoi Group thrusted over the Loma de Los Morteritos Formation; d) detail of the Morteritos fault. 243