Empresa especializada en el diseño y fabricación de pequeños electrodomésticos Robito Vaina is a small appliance that allows any fruit or vegetable reel carrying sheath quickly and easily. Its handling facilitates the preparation of various dishes with vegetables, rich and healthy, thus facilitating consumption. The speed and efficiency of its peel can process large amount of food facilitating the processes of freezing and storage for future use. The easy and practical machine Robito sheath stripping Pelamatic allows quickly and easily any vegetable type, such as beans, beans, soybeans, peas, etc. The cleaning system is convenient and simple, will only spend a damp cloth after consumption and Robito pod will be clean for the next use. Its simple design and small size make it easy storage in any space of your kitchen. Pelamatic SL Pol .Ind. Calle Jaume I, 6, 46687-Albalat de la Ribera Valencia-España Tel. 96 249 02 15 / FAX. 96 249 30 00 [email protected] Empresa especializada en el diseño y fabricación de pequeños electrodomésticos General Characteristics: Robito Vaina starts at the push of a button The cleaning system allows it to perform quick and easy Quickly reels Complete Manual included in the packaging Cable Connection Material guaranteed by Pelamatic Technical Characteristics: Vegetables per minute: 24 approx. Voltage: 220/240 V. Dimensions: 15 x 20 x 11 cm. Net Weight: 1.1 Kg. Consumption: 0.08 A. Pelamatic SL Pol .Ind. Calle Jaume I, 6, 46687-Albalat de la Ribera Valencia-España Tel. 96 249 02 15 / FAX. 96 249 30 00 [email protected] Empresa especializada en el diseño y fabricación de pequeños electrodomésticos Robito Vaina Baby is a variant of the sheller Robito Vaina. With this model you can extract all the fruit small effortlessly. Forget leave a legume to extract. In addition, due to the size of small legume, you'll be shelling more units per minute. Ideal for baby beans or peas, among others. Technical Characteristics: Vegetables per minute: 30 approx. Pelamatic SL Pol .Ind. Calle Jaume I, 6, 46687-Albalat de la Ribera Valencia-España Tel. 96 249 02 15 / FAX. 96 249 30 00 [email protected] Empresa especializada en el diseño y fabricación de pequeños electrodomésticos Robito Vaina Double is the fastest variant of the sheller Robito Vaina. Having two pods tickets you can make twice the work in half the time. In addition, due to the size of small legume, you'll be shelling more units per minute. Ideal for all types of beans, according to grandaria legume is preconfigured for small, large or mixed (one entry for large and one for small) Technical Characteristics: Vegetables per minute: 50 approx. Voltage: 220/240 V. Dimensions: 25 x 22 x 11 cm. Net Weight: 2.0 kg. Consumption: 0.16 A. Pelamatic SL Pol .Ind. Calle Jaume I, 6, 46687-Albalat de la Ribera Valencia-España Tel. 96 249 02 15 / FAX. 96 249 30 00 [email protected]