EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The President of the Provincial Council of

The President of the Provincial Council of Biscay, Mr Unai Rementeria Maiz
The Minister of Education, Linguistic Policy, and Culture of the Basque Government, Ms Cristina Uriarte Toledo
The Minister of Basque and Culture of the Provincial Council of Biscay, Ms Lorea Bilbao Ibarra
The Viceminister of Culture, Youth Affairs, and Sport of the Basque Government, Mr José Ángel Muñoz Otaegi
The Mayor of Bilbao, Mr Juan Mª Aburto Rique
The Director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and Museum, Mr Richard Armstrong
The Trustee of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Mr Carl Gustaf Ehrnrooth
The President of BBK Fundación Bancaria, Mr Xabier Sagredo Ormaza
The President of Fundación Iberdrola, Mr Manuel Marín González
The Director General of Fundación BBVA, Mr Rafael Pardo Avellaneda