Principal’s First Grade Skills 2005 - 2006 Parents, please help your child learn the days of the week, ordinal numbers, address and counting by 10s by the 100th Day of School. Do you know your days of the week? Do you know your address? Can you count by 10s to 100? Do you know your ordinal numbers? Domingo First day of the week Monday Lunes Second day of the week Tuesday Martes Third day of the week Wednesday Miercoles Fourth day of the week Thursday Jueves Fifth day of the week Friday Viernes Sixth day of the week Saturday Sabado Seventh day of the week first primero 2 first car second second rabbit segundo third tercero third shoe fourth cuarto fourth boat quinto fifth alligator Skip Count by 10s to 100 Count by 10s to 100 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,100 diez veinte treinta cuarenta cincuenta sesenta setenta ochenta noventa cien Do you know your address including your zip code?