0J..u..,'1JL"lL~'!..l!' , ) 11,. \':AJL"\lJ ~. LU.) ~~-"'a.lJ~L:J~-';; 1 2 3 4 Barajar las cartas y elegir el nivel (1, 2, 3, 4 0 5). Nivel 1 (palabras A, By C); Nivel 2 (palabras A, B, C, DyE); Nivel3 (palabras C, D, E, F, G Y H); Nivel 4 (palabras D, E, F, G, H, I YJ); Nivel 5 (aleatorio). Shuffle the deck of cards and select the level (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5); Levell (A, Band C words); Level 2 (A, B, C, D and E words); Level 3 (C, D, E, F, G and H words); Level 4 (D, E, F, G, H, I and words); Level 5 (random). Cada jugador cogera una carta sin ver el reverso. Each player picks up one card without checking the back. Cada jugador debera traducir al espanol una de las palabras en ingles dadas en la carta. Para que cada jugador sepa cual es la palabra de su carta que habra de traducir, se cogera otra carta de la baraja y se colocara en la mesa con el anverso hacia arriba - es la carta "Ruleta". Each player must translate one of the English words listed on the card into Spanish. To select which word to translate, another card is picked from the deck and is placed on the table with the back upwards - this is the "Roulette" card. Los jugadores veriAcaran en la "Ruleta" que palabra habran de traducir. La imagen ilustra d6nde se veriAca que palabra habran de traducir al espanol cuando se juega en el nivel 1. En el nivel 2, la palabra serra la "D", en el nivel 3 seria la "H", en el nivel "4" seria la "I" y en el nivel aleatorio seria la "A". The players check on the "Roulette" which word they must translate. The example illustration shows where the word to translate into Spanish must be checked when playing at level!. If playing at level 2, the word would be the one marked "D", for level 3 it would be the one marked "H", for level 4 it would be the one marked "I" and for the random level it would be the one marked "A". 1('" Ruleta ~es C3 moo, II,,, @ sheep @ school (;:J seashell @ daughter 0 ap~~~ot C3 mOUlh food @ mouse 0 @ Waltr (;:J badger @ ~~gar 0 cotton @ gloves . ~ " - ''"" " " 0 .- '" COMIDA AGUA AZ CAR GUANTES BOCA RAT N , ALGO , "lENT N Roulette book star 0 ESTREUA I ~- ~ -", dJ sneeze -,,", 5 6 7 iEncuentra la respuesta correcta entre las palabras escritas en naranja! Para responder, los jugadores deberan decir "SuperT" inmediatamente antes de dar la traduccion. Cada jugador intentara ser mas rapido que el adversario. Find the correct answer from the words printed in orange! To answer, the players must say "SuperT" and then the translation. Each player should try to be as fast as possible (and faster then the opponent). Despues de una respuesta valida (si un jugador no dice "SuperT" antes de dar la traduccion, 10 podra hacer siempre que el adversario no se anticipe), los jugadores veriAcaran en el reverso de la carta si la respuesta es correcta: a) Si la respuesta es correcta, el jugador que la dio gana su carta y el adversario colocara la suya en la base de la baraja. b) Si la respuesta es incorrecta, el adversario gana las dos cartas (Ia suya y la del contrario); c) Si los dos jugadores responden al mismo tiempo (cuando hay duda respecto al jugador que respondio primero se considera respuesta simultanea), cada jugador veriAcara en el reverso de la carta la solucion: si los dos acertasen, cada uno de ellos se quedara con su carta, si ambos diesen una respuesta incorrecta, los jugadores perderan sus respectivas cartas, que se colocaran en la base de la baraja; si uno diese la respuesta correcta y el otro no, el acertante conservara su carta y el que fallo colocara la suya en la base de la baraja. La carta "Ruleta" se colocara en la base de la baraja. After one valid answer (if one player forgets to say "SuperT" before his answer, the player can still do it if, in the mean time, his opponent didn't provide an answer himself), the players check on the back of the card if the answer is correct: a) If the answer is correct the player who gave it keeps the card and the other should put his card at the base of the deck; b) If the answer is incorrect the opponent player keeps both cards (his own card and the opponent's); c) If the two players answer simultaneously (if they don't know exactly who gave the Arst answer, the answer is considered to be simultaneous), each player checks the solutions on the back of the card and if: - both players gave correct answers: both keep their respective card; - both players gave incorrect answers: both lose the card (they should place the cards at the base of the deck); - one player gave the correct answer and the other player gave a wrong answer: the player who gave the correct answer, keeps his card and the other doesn't (he should put the card at the base of the deck). The "Roullete" card should be placed at the base of the deck. Volver al paso 2 hasta que uno de los jugadores gane cartas suAcientes para formar la palabra "SuperT" con las Super-Letras que se encuentran en el reverso de las cartas. Las Super-Estrellas podran ser utilizadas para sustituir cualquier Super-Letra que sea necesaria. Inftaccl6n d@. 1a.5" Las d05 ~Ias del Juego - canas en ;uego seriln gillnadi!l!!i; POl" e.1 adve:rsarlo. Infradion of any game nde - Both to the opponent player Return to step 2 until one player collects enough cards to write "SuperT" with the Super-Letters on the back of the cards. The Super-Stars can be used in place of any Super-Letters you need. cards: go En la misma partida cada jugador podri} elegir un nivel de dificultad distinto siempre que 10 mantenga hasta el final del juego. In the same game each player may choose a different difficulty level as long as he maintains it until the end of the game. li.u..\2.~"'C\VJ-~ ~ :;J~ ~_~ ~"'\l.l..""\.i! '!.!.B oJ ::.iJ~ u.J~-.:-~ Si el jugador responde incorrectamente y/o comete una infraccion no participara en la jugada siguiente. The player who gives an incorrect answer and/or breaks any of the rules will not be able to play the next round. ~?1J..~'J..~-'l!~_" ~~"'\£!'!.oW -' l! L~..h..~ Si el jugador diese una respuesta incorrecta, perdera todas las cartas ganadas hasta entonces, teniendo que comenzar de nuevo el juego Every time the player gives a wrong answer, he must return all the cards earned until that moment and start the game over. conozca mas en -learn more at eudactica.com • 1J..u..,"lil..! I ~Jlh. ::iUl..! I ~ !...U) :.l~~J~L"'~"8 1 2 Baralham-se as cartas e escolhe-se 0 n[vel (1, 2, 3, 4 ou 5). N[vel 1 (palavras A, Be C); Nivel 2 (palavras A, B, C, DeE); Nivel 3 (palavras C, D, E, F, G e H); N[vel 4 (palavras D, E, F, G, H, I e J); Nivel 5 (aleatorio). Cada jogador pode escolher um nivel diferente. Shuffle the deck of cards and select the level (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5); Levell (A, Band C words); Level 2 (A, B, C, D and E words); Level 3 (C, D, E, F, Gand H words); Level 4 (D, E, F, G, H, I and J words); Level 5 (random). Each player can choose a different level. Cada jogador tira uma carta sem ver 0 verso. Each player picks up one card without checking the back. Cada jogador devera traduzir uma das palavras inglesas da sua carta para portugues. Para cada jogador saber qual a palavra inglesa da sua carta que deve traduzir para portugues, tira-se outra carta do baralho e coloca-se na mesa com 0 verso virado para cima - a carta "Roleta". e Each player must translate one of the English words listed on the card into Portuguese. To select which word to translate, another card is picked from the deck and is placed on the table with the back upwards - this is the "Roulette" card. 4 Os jogadores verificam na "Roleta" qual a palavra inglesa que devem traduzir. A imagem ilustra onde deve ser verificada a palavra a traduzir para portugues quando os jogadores jogam no n[vel 1. No n[vel 2, a palavra seria a "D", no n[vel 3 a "H", no nivel 4 a "I" e no nivel aleatorio seria a "A". The players check on the "Roulette" which word they must translate. The example illustration shows where the word to translate into Portuguese must be checked when playing at level 1. If playing at level 2, the word would be the one marked "D", for level 3 it would be the one marked "H", for level 4 it would be the one marked "I" and for the random level it would be the one marked "A". Roleta I Roulette shee~ seashell apri~~t 5 6 7 Procura a resposta correcta nas palavras escritas a vermelho l Para responder, deve-se dizer "SuperT" imediatamente antes da tradu~ao. Cada jogador tenta ser mais rijpido que 0 adversario. Find the correct answer from the words printed in red To answer, the ' player should players must say "SuperT" and then the translation. Each try to be as fast as possible (and faster then the opponent). Depois de uma resposta valida (se um jogador nao diz "SuperT" antes da tradu~ao, ainda 0 podera fazer se 0 adversario nao se antecipar entretanto), os jogadores veriAcam no verso da carta se a resposta esta correcta: a) Se a resposta esta certa, 0 jogador que a deu ganha a sua carta e 0 adversario coloca a sua na base do baralho; b) se a resposta esta errada, 0 jogador adversario ganha as duas cartas (a sua e a do adversario); c) se os dois jogadores respondem ao mesmo tempo (quando ha duvida sobre 0 primeiro a responder considera-se resposta simultanea), cada jogador veriAca no verso a solu~ao: se os dois acertarem, cada um Aca com a sua carta; se os dois errarem, ambos perdem as cartas que devem colocar na base do baralho; se um acertar e 0 outro errar, 0 que acertou Aca com a sua carta e 0 que falhou coloca a sua carta na base do baralho. A carta "Roleta" deve ser colocada na base do baralho. After one valid answer (if one player forgets to say "SuperT" before his answer, the player can still do it if, in the mean time, his opponent didn't provide an answer himself), the players check on the back of the card if the answer is correct: a) If the answer is correct the player who gave it keeps the card and the other should put his card at the base of the deck; b) If the answer is incorrect the opponent player keeps both cards (his own card and the opponent's); c) If the two players answer simultaneously (if they don·t know exactly who gave the Arst answer, the answer is considered to be simultaneous), each player checks the solutions on the back of the card and if: - both players gave correct answers: both keep their respective card; - both players gave incorrect answers: both lose the card (they should place the cards at the base of the deck); - one player gave the correct answer and the other player gave a wrong answer: the player who gave the correct answer, keeps his card and the other doesn't (he should put the card at the base of the deck). The "Roullete" card should be placed at the base of the deck. Voltar ao passo 2 ate que um jogador ganhe cartas suAcientes para escrever "SuperT" com as Super-Letras dos versos das cartas. As Super-Estrelas podem ser usadas para substituir qualquer Super-Letra necessaria. InfTaa;lo 01$ l"@9fM do jogo - M dUil5 canas em jogo sao ganhas pelo adversirio; Return to step 2 until one player collects enough cards to write "SuperT" with the Super-Letters on the back of the cards. The Super-Stars can be used in place of any Super-Letters you need. Infraction of any gamll!! rule - Both to the opponent player cards go No mesmo jogo, cada jogador poden} escolher um nivel de dificuldade diferente desde que 0 mantenha ate ao final desse jogo. In the same game each player may choose a different difficulty level as long as he maintains it until the end of the game. ~ i ~~"':jJ~jF.i~-~ ~'1J..L"'\.i! ,!.u.) ~ ~J~ 1.: !.b...~"".:,) o jogador que responde erradamente e/ou comete uma infrac~ao nao participa na jogada seguinte. The player who gives an incorrect answer and/or breaks any of the rules will not be able to play the next round. ~"\ll~ ~ I oJ l!~" ~'!..W"'L!L~..b..~" Se 0 jogador errar uma resposta, perde todas as cartas ganhas ate entao tendo de recome~ar 0 jogo. Every time the player gives a wrong answer, he must return all the cards earned until that moment and start the game over. sabe mais em -learn more at eudactica.com