els indis americans - Escola Oficial d`Idiomes de Lleida

American Indians of the Pacific Northwest
Elizabeth Von Aderkas. Il—lustracions de Christa Hook.
Oxford : Osprey, 2005. – ISBN : 1841767417.
The Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest, both on the Coast and the
inland Plateau, were the last to encounter white traders and settlers.
When contact occured in the late 18th century the explorers and
traders found two distinct cultures. The fairly recent adoption of the
horse had opened the Plateau tribes to influences from the peoples of
the Plains; but the tribes of the Coast presented a sharply different
picture, involving rigid class hierarchies, an economy based on fishing
and hunting marine animals, and frequent intertribal warfare which
involved slave raiding and head hunting. This fascinating text describes
the ways of life, in peace and war, of the coastal and inland peoples of
this region.
American Woodland Indians
Michael Johnson. Il—lustracions de Richard Hook.
Oxford : Osprey, 2009. – (Men-at-arms ; 228). – ISBN : 0850459990.
The Woodland cultural areas of the eastern half of America has been
the most important in shaping its history. This volume details the
history, culture and conflicts of the 'Woodland' Indians, a name
assigned to all the tribes living east of the Mississippi River between
the Gulf of Mexico and James Bay, including the Siouans, Iroquians,
and Algonkians. In at least three major battles between Indian and
Euro-American military forces more soldiers were killed than at the
battle of Little Bighorn in 1876, when George Custer lost his command.
With the aid of numerous illustrations and photographs, including eight
full page colour plates by Richard Hook, this title explores the history
and culture of the American Woodland Indians.
Amérindiens et inuit du Québec
Michel Noël.
[Québec] : Sylvain Harvey, 2003. – ISBN : 2921703475.
En posant un regard sur les nations autochtones qui peuplent et
caractérisent le Québec depuis des millénaires, ce volume vous
dévoile, dans un esprit d'ouverture, une facette méconnue mais
combien fascinante de ce coin d'Amérique. Accompagnés d'un
rédacteur passionné ainsi que de photographes et illustrateurs inspirés,
partez à la découverte de cultures aussi riches qu'étonnantes et
contemplez l'immense splendeur d'un immense territoire qui invite à
l'aventure et dont la beauté magique est source d'une poésie unique et
d'un magnifique dépaysement. Vous découvrirez les origines et
l'histoire du peuplement ainsi que les différentes et nombreuses
communautés qui parsèment le territoire : les Abénakis, les
Algonquins, les Atikamekw, les Cris, les Hurons-Wendat, les Innuat
(Montagnais), les Inuit, les Malécites, les Micmacs, les Mohawks et les
Naskapis. Grâce à ce livre unique, parcourez un Québec fascinant :
celui des Amérindiens et Inuit.
Atanarjuat : la leyenda del hombre veloz
Dirigida per Zacharias Kunuk. Interpretada per Natar Ungalaaq, Sylvia
Ivalu i Peter-Henry Arnatsiaq.
Madrid : Karma Films, 2009. – 172 min. - Lloc i any de producció :
Canadà, 2001. - Títol original : Atanarjuat : The fast runner. – Versió
en castellà i inuit.
SINOPSI : En el vasto ártico canadiense, el pueblo Inuit ha vivido
durante generaciones con una leyenda que, ahora, vuelve a la vida. En
un tiempo en el que el mundo de los espíritus y del hombre comparten
una paz común, un chamán conjurará un hechizo de oscuridad para
dividir a la tribu.
Atanarjuat, un hombre bueno, es el objeto de su ira: se apoderará de
su mujer, matará a su hermano y lo condenará al exilio. Pero para un
auténtico Inuit no existen las distancias.
De una de las culturas más antiguas de la tierra nos llega una película
de enormes logros y belleza.
Atlas of the North American Indian
Carl Waldman.
New York : Checkmark Books, 2009. – ISBN : 0816068593.
North America has been home to thousands of cultures, each with its
own traditions, languages, and stories. The first people to travel across
the Bering Strait from Asia to North America established societies that
expanded and evolved over thousands of years, independent of outside
influence. However, beginning in the 15th century, the arrival of
European colonists, who brought with them their own languages,
cultures, weapons, and diseases, transformed the lives of Native
peoples and the land of North America forever.
Bailando con lobos
Dirigida per Kevin Costner. Interpretada per Kevin Costner, Mary
McDonnell, Graham Green i Rodney A. Grant.
Barcelona : Filmax Home Video, 2001. - Lloc i any de producció :
Estats Units, 1990. - Títol original : Dances with Wolves. – Versió en
anglès i castellà.
SINOPSI : 1860, una época de grandes cambios históricos en los
Estados Unidos, cuando los colonos comenzaron a emigrar hacia el
Oeste, a los territorios de los indios. Empujado por el deseo de conocer
la última frontera antes de que ésta desaparezca, el teniente John J.
Dunbar, soldado en las filas de la Unión, se dirige a un lejano puesto
fronterizo donde, encontrándose solo, entra en contacto con los indios
Sioux. Entre ellos se encuentra "En pie con el puño en alto", una mujer
blanca adoptada por la tribu cuando era niña. Poco a poco, Dunbar y
los Sioux empiezan a sentir respeto y admiración mutua.
Búho Gris = (Grey Owl)
Dirigida per Richard Attenborough. Interpretada per Pierce Brosnan,
Annie Galipeau i Graham Greene.
Madrid : Tri Pictures, 1999. – 112 min. - Lloc i any de producció :
Estats Units, 1999. - Títol original : Grey Owl. – Versió en castellà i
SINOPSI : Película biográfica sobre Archie Belaney, un inglés nacido a
principios de siglo que emigró a Canadá a los 17 años. Allí vivió solo en
plena naturaleza y llegó a hacerse pasar por indio, hijo de padre
escocés y madre apache. Años después, con el nombre de Búho Gris,
recorrió Inglaterra dando una serie de concurridísimas conferencias en
pro de la defensa del medio ambiente. Durante su vida en Canadá
conoció a Anahareo, una india veinte años más joven que él, con la
que mantuvo una historia de amor.
Cherokee parenting phrases
[Llibre + CD]
Josh Webster i Gregg Howard.
S.l.: Native languages, 2005. – ISBN : 1884655645.
Josh Webster, Kituwah Cherokee, has spoken his language since birth
and is a certified Cherokee Language Instructor. He learned from his
family and was a perfect choice as speaker for this program. At last is
a program of phrases that you can begin using with your family today.
Phrases for getting the family up and out for the day, headed off to
work or school. Phrases about "the weather" and "at the table." And
finally, phrases for the end of the day, getting homework comleted and
off to bed. And just for fun, we've given you some discipline phrases
that usually come in handy at least once in a while. The perfect way for
you to bond with your children or grandchildren.
Cherokee words with pictures
Mary Ulmer Chiltoskey.
North Carolina : Cherokee Publications, 1972. – ISBN : 0935741232.
This is written for boys and girls of all ages who like Indians and
especially for those who are interested in the Cherokee language.
Cherokee words may not teach you to use the language as well as the
older Cherokee people, but with its help you will be able to say many
of our English words in Cherokee.
Comanche 1800-74
Douglas V. Meed. Il—lustracions de Jonathan Smith.
Oxford : Osprey, 2004. – ISBN : 1841765872.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the numerous tribes of mounted
Comanche warriors were the Lords of the Southern Plains. For more
than 150 years, these ferocious raiders struck terror into the hearts of
other plain tribes, Mexican villagers and Anglo settlers in frontier
Texas. Their dominion stretched from southern Colorado and Kansas
into northern Mexico. This book documents the life and experiences of
a Comanche warrior at the peak of their dominance. Following a
hypothetical figure through a lifetime, it covers key social and cultural
aspects as well as documenting the methods and equipment that they
used to wage war.
Conversational Navajo Dictionary : [English to Navajo]
[Llibre + CD]
Garth Wilson.
Blanding, Utah : Conversational Navajo Publications, 1994. – ISBN :
Teachers, counselors, health-care providers, and others interested in
learning Navajo culture and language will find the Conversational
Navajo Dictionary a fascinating and invaluable tool in building fluency
and communication skills. The dictionary is simply organized to assist
both the beginning and advanced speaker of Navajo. The pronunciation
guide and accompanying audio tape will help you develop reading,
writing, and pronunciation skills.
Der Schuh des Manitu
Dirigida per Michael Bully Herbig. Interpretada per Michael Bully Herbig
i Christian Tramitz.
München : Universum Film, 2002. – 82 min. - Lloc i any de producció :
Alemanya, 2001. - Títol original : Der Schuh des Manitu. – Versió en
SINOPSI : Der Apachen-Häuptling Abahachi und sein Blutsbruder
Ranger sind zuständig für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit. Als Abahachi bei
den Schoschonen einen Kredit zur Finanzierung eines Stamm-Lokals
aufnimmt, beginnen die Schwierigkeiten: Er gerät an den Gauner
Santa Maria, der ihm nicht nur eine Schrottfassade andreht und mit
dem geliehenen Geld durchbrennt, sondern die Blutsbrüder bei den
Schoschonen auch noch anschwärzt. So kommt es dazu, dass im Land,
wo die Schoschonen schön wohnen, mangels Kriegsbeil der Klappstuhl
ausgegraben wird...
El nuevo mundo = The new world
Dirigida per Terrence Malick. Interpretada per Colin Farrell, Christopher
Plummer, Christian Bale i Q'Orianka Kilcher.
S.l.: Tri Pictures, 2006. – 130 min. - Lloc i any de producció : Estats
Units, 2005. - Títol original : The new world. – Versió en anglès i
SINOPSI : Ambientada en la América colonial, a principios de siglo
XVII, "El nuevo mundo" es una aventura épica sobre el encuentro de
las culturas europea y nativa americana durante la creación de la
colonia Jamestown en 1607. Inspirada en la leyenda de John Smith y
Pocahontas, historia de dos personajes fuertes, una apasionada mujer
nativa de alto linaje y un ambicioso buscador de fortuna que se
encuentran divididos entre las exigencias de sus deberes cívicos y las
de su corazón.
El soldado azul
Dirigida per Ralph Nelson. Interpretada per Candice Bergen, Peter
Strauss i Donald Pleasence.
Barcelona : Universal Studios, 2006. – 110 min. - Lloc i any de
producció : Estats Units, 1970. - Títol original : Soldier blue. – Versió
en castellà, anglès, alemany i italià.
SINOPSI : Un pagador del ejército y su escolta son atacados por los
indios y solo quedan dos supervivientes: Cresta Lee y el soldado
Johnny. Ambos vivirán una odisea para llegar a Fuerte Reunión,
mientras son testigos del exterminio del pueblo cheyenne por las
tropas del coronel Iberdson.
El último mohicano
Dirigida per Michael Mann. Interpretada Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine
Stowe i Wes Studi.
S.l.: Warner Home Video, 2001. – 108 min. - Lloc i any de producció :
Estats Units, 1992. - Títol original : The Last of the Mohicans. – Versió
en castellà i anglès.
SINOPSI : 1757, a orillas del río Hudson. Hace tres años que franceses
e ingleses luchan en tierras norteamericanas. Mandos británicos
reclutan a gentes del lugar, nativos y granjeros asentados en esas
tierras, para formar una milicia capaz de enfrentarse al ejército francoindio que se acerca por el sur. Hawkeye -Ojo de halcón- es un blanco
adoptado por los indios mohicanos que vive junto a su padre y su
hermano Uncas. Tras rescatar de una emboscada de los hurones a
Cora Munro y a su hermana pequeña Alice, hijas de un oficial británico,
los tres deciden acompañarlas al fuerte inglés William Henry, que está
siendo acechado por franceses y hurones. Allí les obligan a quedarse
junto a un grupo de británicos que acaban de llegar de las colonias...
Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes
Carl Waldman.
New York : Checkmark Books, 2006. –
Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes is a fully updated reference
discussing more than 200 American Indian tribes of North America, as
well as prehistoric peoples and civilizations. Arranged alphabetically by
tribe or group, this comprehensive work offers 60 new entries on tribes
not covered in depth in the previous editions.
This book includes at least one representative tribes from each
language family or language isolate for each of the culture areas. The
informative, accessible text summarizes the historical record locations, migrations, contacts with non-Indians, wars, and more - and
includes present-day tribal affairs and issues. The book also covers
traditional lifeways, including diet, housing, transportation, tools,
clothing, art, and rituals, as well as language families.
Dirigida per Walter Hill. Interpretada per Jason Patric, Robert Duvall i
Gene Hackman.
Madrid : Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, 2001. – 110 min. Lloc i any de producció : Estats Units, 1993. - Títol original : Geronimo,
an American Legend. – Versió en castellà, anglès, francès, alemany i
SINOPSI : Los indios apaches han accedido a su pesar a recluirse en
una reserva. Pero no todos los apaches son capaces de adaptarse a su
nueva vida como cultivadores de maíz; uno en particular, Gerónimo, se
opone a las condiciones de rendición impuestas por las autoridades del
gobierno blanco de los Estados Unidos. Un día, cansado de promesas
incumplidas, Gernónimo decide junto a otros treinta guerreros realizar
un ataque que humille al gobierno de la Unión.
Indian sign language
William Tomkins.
New York : Dover Publications, 1969. – ISBN : 048622029X.
Learn to communicate without words with these authentic signs! Learn
over 525 signs developed by the Sioux, Blackfoot, Cheyenne,
Arapahoe, and other tribes. Written instructions and diagrams show
you how to make the words and construct sentences. Book also
contains 290 pictographs (language in pictures) of the Sioux and
Ojibway tribes.
La sombra del lobo
Dirigida per Jacques Dorfmann. Interpretada per Donald Sutherland,
Lou Diamond Phillips, Toshiro Mifune i Jennifer Tilly.
S.l.: Creative Films, 2008. – 110 min. - Lloc i any de producció :
Canadà - França, 1992. - Títol original : Shadow of the wolf. – Versió
en castellà i anglès.
SINOPSI : Agaguk, hijo de Kroomak, jefe de una tribu esquimal, se
resiste a que el hombre blanco contamine su cultura y tradiciones.
Kroomack en cambio, ha establecido relaciones comerciales con ellos.
Este será un punto de fricción entre padre e hijo, pero sus diferencias
se agravan cuando se disputan el amor de la joven Igiyook. Durante la
pelea, Agaguk mata a un indeseable traficante de pieles y alcohol y
tras ser expulsado de la tribu, huye en compañía de Igiyook.
La traite des fourrures
Robert Livesey i Albert Gray Smith.
Saint-Boniface : Les Éditions des Plaines, 2000. – (À la découverte du
Canada). – ISBN : 2921353482.
Le monde fascinant des Amérindiens et des marchands de fourrure à
l’époque où la quête des peaux de castor entraîne l’exploration du
Nord-Ouest canadien. Il faut faire la connaissance de Pierre Radisson,
La Vérendrye, Grant Cuthbert, etc.
La venganza de un hombre llamado caballo = (The return of a
man called horse)
Dirigida per Irvin Kershner. Interpretada per Richard Harris, Gale
Sondergaard i Geoffrey Lewis.
Madrid : MGM Home Entertainment, 2005. – 120 min. - Lloc i any de
producció : Estats Units, 1976. - Títol original : The return of a man
called horse. – Versió en castellà, anglès, alemany, francès i italià.
SINOPSI : Años después de haber conocido a los Sioux, Lord John
Morgan, infeliz y aburrido en su Inglaterra natal, conoce la noticia de
que los territorios sagrados de sus amigos indios van a serles
arrebatados por el gobierno. Dispuesto a ayudarles, John Morgan,
conocido como Caballo, decide regresar a América para dirigirse hasta
las lejanas tierras de los Cara Amarilla...
Little Bighorn
Barcelona : Planeta de Agostini, 2008. – 60 min. – (Grandes batallas
de la historia en DVD). - Lloc i any de producció : Gran Bretanya,
2007. - Títol original : Little Bighorn. - Versió en castellà i anglès.
SINOPSI : En 1876 el famosos "General Niño" de la guerra de Secesión
estadounidense, George Armstrong Custer, libró su postrera batalla
contra la mayor alianza de indios norteamericanos jamás reunida hasta
entonces. Fueron la infame política del hombre blanco y sus engaños,
más su despiadada crueldad, las causas de la unión sin precedentes de
sioux y cheyenes, con otras tribus, para defender uno de sus últimos
territorios sagrados. El terrible encuentro tuvo lugar en el río Little
Bighorn, en Montana, donde seis mil pieles rojas, dirigidos por el mítico
Toro Sentado, se enfrentaron a las fuerzas del ejército estadounidense,
en el que destacó el Séptimo de Caballería de Custer, que murió, al
lado de todos sus hombres, "con las botas puestas". Aquí se sellaron
para siempre los tiempos del Lejano Oeste y el del último de sus
Messages du vent = Listening through the wind =
Yérihwenhawi Niuskwas
Nathalie Picard.
Wendake, Québec : Prod. Licorne de Mer, 2005.
Yérihwenhawi Niuskwas, qui signifie Messages du Vent en langue
huronne, c'est une promenade dans la nature sauvage, guidé par le
souffle de la flûte amérindienne... vers un cri au loin, comme l'appel du
loup. Yérihwenhawi Niuskwas that means Listening through the wind in
huron language, is a walk in the wilderness, guided by the sound of the
Native American Indian flute... towards a distant cry, like the call of
the wolf.
Murieron con las botas puestas
Dirigida per Raoul Walsh. Interpretada per Errol Flynn, Olivia de
Havilland, Arthur Kennedy i Gene Lockhart.
[Madrid]: El País, 2006. – 134 min. – (Cine de oro ; 23). - Lloc i any de
producció : Estats Units, 1941. - Títol original : They died with their
boots on. – Versió en castellà i anglès.
SINOPSI : George Custer llega a la academia de West Point lleno de
arrogancia y presunción. Su carácter indisciplinado le acarreará
numerosos problemas con sus superiores. A pesar de todo, y debido a
la acuciante necesidad de oficiales para la Guerra de Secesión, es
enviado al frente. Al terminar la guerra se casa con Beth, y su nuevo
destino es la lucha contra los indios, que terminará con la famosa y
mítica batalla de Little Big Horn.
Native American history : a chronology of the
achievements of a culture and their links to world events
Judith Nies.
New York : Ballantine Books, 1996. – ISBN : 0345393503.
Native American history is a breakthrough reference guide, the first
book of its kind to recognize and explore the rich, unfolding
experiences of the indigenous American peoples as they evolved
against a global backdrop.
Navajo - English Dictionary
Leon Wall i William Morgan.
New York : Hippocrene Books, 2005. – ISBN : 0781802474.
In response to a recent surge of interest in Native American history,
culture, and lore, Hippocrene brings you a concise and straightforward
dictionary of the Navajo tongue. The dictionary is designed to aid
Navajos learning English as well as English speakers interested in
acquiring knowledge of Navajo.
The largest of all the Native American tribes, the Navajo number about
125,000 and live mostly on reservations in Arizona, New Mexico, and
● Over 9,000 entries.
● A detailed section on Navajo pronunciation.
● A comprehensive, modern vocabulary.
● Useful, everyday expressions.
New France
Robert Livesey i Albert Gray Smith.
Toronto : Stoddart, 2000. – (Discovering Canada). – ISBN :
Meet some of the brave men and women who first settled the New
World and helped found the colony of New France - Cartier, Marie La
Tour, La Salle and Madeleine de Verchères.
Find out how they worked, dressed, ate and survived in their adopted
land. Read about the King's Daughters, who came over from Europe on
Bride's Ships, and about the powerful seigneurs, who ruled vast
domains along the St. Lawrence River.
North American Indian
David Murdoch.
New York : Dorling Kindersley, 2005. – (Eyewitness books). – ISBN :
Here is an original and exciting new guide to the fascinating
civilizations of North American Indians. Superb, full-color photographs
offer a unique and revealing "eyewitness" view of this rich culture. See
a necklace made of bear claws, a model of a Blackfeet teepee, a false
face made from cornhusks, how fish were trapped in a basket, and a
Cheyenne feathered war bonnet. Learn about the kachina ceremony,
why love dolls were important, how turtle shells made music, what's
stored inside a parfleche, and how pemmican was made. Discover the
meanings of carvings on a Haida totem pole, what's inside an Iroquois
longhouse, what medicine men carried in their medical kits, how a bow
drill works, and much, much more.
Nouvelle-France : la grande aventure
Louis-Guy Lemieux i André-Philippe Côté.
Sillery : Septentrion, 2001. – ISBN : 289448187X.
Passionné d'histoire, Louis-Guy Lemieux sait la rendre passionnante. Il
a le sens de l'anecdote, du pittoresque. Il sait découvrir et aime
surprendre. «Le grand homme de la Nouvelle-France est une femme»,
écrit-il d'entrée de jeu dans le présent ouvrage. Marie de l'Incarnation
l'a séduit. Il ouvre sa série d'articles avec elle. Il en est fier.
Sans doute, sous l'influence du Château Frontenac, il était prêt à
rendre hommage au célèbre gouverneur Frontenac. Mais devant les
faits que lui révèlent ses lectures, il se rebiffe. Le héros sera
Au gré de ses recherches, il choisit ses personnages et passe
allègrement d'un sujet à l'autre sans se soucier de l'ordre
chronologique. Cet enchaînement a ses mérites. Il permet des retours,
des clins d'oeil, des occasions de marteler ses jugements. L'objectivité
est un des soucis de l'historien, la vérité crue plaît au journaliste.
Indiens, militaires, filles du roi et obscurs marchands lui permettent de
titiller le lecteur. Esprit gaillard, Louis-Guy Lemieux ne rate pas
d'évoquer la vie libertine en Nouvelle-France ; épris de justice, à
d'autres moments, il cloue au pilori Bigot et sa bande ; capable
d'admiration , il s'incline devant les explorateurs et salue avec
enthousiasme un Louis Jolliet, un Pierre d'Iberville. Les plus humbles
retiennent également son attention, Abraham Martin, Louis Hébert, les
plus hautains aussi, Mgr de Laval, Montcalm, les plus grands enfin,
Champlain et Talon.
Chaque texte est bien documenté, le ton est personnel, le style
toujours alerte. Cette histoire qu'on croyait tout de même un peu
savoir, prend sous la plume de Lemieux une dimension nouvelle, pleine
d'imprévus et de détails aussi inattendus que savoureux. Délice
suprême, les dessins d'André-Philippe Côté accompagnent les textes.
Les personnages de la Nouvelle-France acquièrent des traits pleins de
vitalité et de santé.
On eagles wings
Notario : Holborne, 2005. – (World Mix).
"To create On Eagles Wings, Di Angelo gathered musicians from
Paraguay, Brazil, Japan, Europe and the U.S. to bring you a unique
world mix; sounds and rhythms from around the world. Piano, harps,
flutes, saxophones, strings and drums with African percussion create a
light, smooth and relaxing mood."
Conté 12 cançons : 01. Heart of Africa ; 02. Hidden worlds ; 03. On
Eagles Wings ; 04. Water Everywhere ; 05. Natural Beauty ; 06.
Midnight sax ; 07. Fly high, fly ; 08. Indigo nights ; 09. African dreams
; 10. Sunset in Cairo ; 11. Dancing wolves ; 12. Ancient journey.
Once they moved like wind : Cochise, Geronimo and the Apache
David Roberts.
London : Pimlico, 2005. – (American history). – ISBN : 0712666281.
Of the many tales of conflict and warfare between the UK Government
and the Indian tribes, perhaps none is more dramatic or revealing than
the story of the Apache wars. Those wars were the final episode in the
US government's subjugation of the indigenous peoples; the surrender
of Geronimo in 1886 effectively ended the Indian wars. Once They
Moved Liked the Wind is the epic story of the battles between the
Apaches and the US Army for land and freedom. The larger-than-life
characters of Cochise, Geronimo and General Cook move dramatically
through these pages, illuminating the history behind the Apache wars.
Pocahontas 2 : viaje a un nuevo mundo
S.l.: Walt Disney Home Video, 2001. – 70 min. - Lloc i any de
producció : Estats Units, 1998. - Títol original : Pocahontas II: Journey
to a new world. – Versió en castellà, anglès i alemany.
SINOPSI : Pocahontas vive el mayor reto de su vida en su viaje a
Inglaterra. Con la ayuda del apuesto John Rolfe, buscará la paz de su
pueblo. Mientra se prepara para el baile de la Caceria, abre poco a
poco su corazón a Rolfe. Pero la misteriosa aparición de John Smith
sumerge a Pocahontas en un dilema... elegir entre dos amores y dos
maneras de vivir.
Río grande
Dirigida per John Ford. Interpretada per John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara i
Ben Johnson.
Barcelona : Filmax Home Video, 2001. – 105 min. - Lloc i any de
producció : Estats Units, 1950. - Títol original : Rio grande. – Versió en
anglès i castellà.
SINOPSI : El Coronel York combate a los apaches desde su fuerte
cercano a la frontera con México. Su hijo, que ha fracasado en West
Pont, se alista a su regimiento. Dispuesta a sacarlo de allí, también
llega al fuerte la esposa de York. Es el reencuentro del matrimonio tras
muchos años de separación. En medio de un agrio conflicto familiar, la
lucha contra los indios se recrudece.
Sacred earth drums
David Gordon i Steve Gordon,.
Topanga : Sequoia Records, 2004.
Shaman Drums from around the world join with Native American Flute,
Incan Pan Pipes, Spirit Rattle, Guitars, Keyboard textures, and Sounds
of Nature (including Wolf, Eagle, Coyote and Dolphin). Feel the
irresistible power of shamanic drumming lead you on a healing
journey. Move your body and become absorbed in the dance - for the
sacredness of life and reverence for the earth!
The Gordons' goal with this recording is to provide a musical catalyst
which can serve as a ritual and ceremonial tool for contemporary
people searching for a way to reconnect with ancient wisdom and
shamanic healing. Indigenous cultures know that humanity is only a
small part of the overall web of life. Now more than ever we need to
remember the sacredness of all life and reverence for the Earth. This is
a message which belongs to all people and all cultures, and, hopefully,
future generations.
Conté 9 cançons : 01. Prayer for the four directions ; 02. Sunset
ceremony ; 03. Call of the medicine drum ; 04. Descent to the
lowerworld ; 05. Dancing of a vision ; 06. Power animals ; 07.
Guardian spirit ; 08. Return jouney ; 09. Sun rise in peace.
Sacred ground : a tribute to Mother Earth
Bill Miller [et al.].
Boulder, Colorado : Silver Wave Records, 2005.
Celebrated stars of Native American music are joined together with all
new recordings of soul stirring songs that honor our Mother Earth. With
traditional spirit and contemporary style these powerful voices call out
for us to acknowledge and care for the Sacred Ground on which we
Conté 10 cançons : 01. Sacred Ground / Bill Miller ; 02. Can you hear
the call / Robert Mirabal ; 03. Mountain song / Star Nayea, Primeaux &
Mike ; 04. Spirit wind / Bill Miller ; 05. Seeking light / Joanne
Shenandoah ; 06. Raven / Little Wolf Band ; 07. People of yesterday /
Robert Mirabal ; 08. Prayers in the Wind / Little Wolf Band ; 09. Let us
dance / Primeaux & Mike, David Carson ; 10. Mother Earth / Walela,
Joanne Shenandoah.
The American Indian Wars 1860-90
Philip Katcher. Il—lustracions de Gerry Embleton.
Oxford : Osprey, 2009. – (Men-at-arms ; 63). – ISBN : 0850450497.
The wars between whites and Indians, the most famous of which were
fought on the great Western plains between 1860 and 1890, were
among the most tragic of all conflicts ever fought. To the victor went
no less than the complete domination of the continent, to the loser
total extinction. Accustomed only to small scale skirmishing and
raiding, the Indians were doomed from the start. They had never
fought a European-style war with its constant pressure and coordinated strategies. Philip Katcher details the armies of both sides,
paying particular attention to their organisation and uniforms.
The American West
Dee Brown. Edició de Martin F. Schmitt.
London : Pocket Books, 2004. – ISBN : 074349010X.
The American West centers on three subjects: Native Americans,
settlers, and ranchers. Dee Brown re-creates these groups struggles
for their place in this new landscape and illuminates the history of the
old West in a single volume, filled with maps and vintage photographs.
In his spirited telling of this national saga, Brown demonstrates once
again his abilities as a master storyteller and as an entertaining
popular historian.
The Apaches
Jason Hook. Il—lustracions de Richard Hook.
Oxford : Osprey, 2005. – (Men-at-arms ; 186). – ISBN : 0850457386.
The Apache culture of 1850 was a blend of influences from the peoples
of the Great Plains, Great Basin and the South-West, particularly the
Pueblos, and - as time progressed - from the Spanish and American
settlers. This fascinating work by Jason Hook examines the Apaches,
their social structure, religion and warcraft, and outlines the Apache
wars and conflicts with the American, including the dramatic story of
Crook and Geronimo. This absorbing volume is illustrated with a wealth
contemporary photographs, museum examples and eight stunning full
page colour plates by Richard Hook, making it the perfect book for
anyone interested in this fascinating culture.
The Cherokee
Catherine M. Petrini.
San Diego : Kidhaven Press, 2004. – (The North American Indians). –
ISBN : 0737715111.
Discusses the Cherokee people, their customs, family, organizations,
food gathering, religion, war, housing, and other aspects of daily life
The Comanche
Charles George.
San Diego : KidHaven Press , 2004. – (The North American Indians). –
ISBN : 0737714743.
For more than a century, the Comanche Indians ruled the Southern
Plains, a region that included much of Texas, New Mexico, Colorado,
and Oklahoma. Their mastery of the horse and their skills at warfare
and hunting buffalo helped them defend their vast territory against all
invaders, both red and white.
The great Indian wars 1540-1890
S.l.: Mill Creek, 2009. – 235 min. - Lloc i any de producció : Estats
Units, 2009. - Títol original : The great indian wars 1540-1890. –
Versió en anglès.
SINOPSI : The year 1540 was a crucial turning point in American
history. The Great Indian Wars were incited by Francisco Vazquez de
Coronado when his expedition to the Great Plains launched the
inevitable 350-year struggle between the white man and the American
Indians. From that point forward, the series of battles between the
military and civilian forces of the United States and the native
American Indians began when blood was shed and ultimately tens of
thousands of lives were lost on both sides. The Battle of Tippicanoe,
the Battle of Horseshoe Band, all three Seminole Wars and the Battle
of Little Big Horn were some of the most important conflicts that led up
to the last massacre, the Battle of Wounded Knee, where America's
landscape would be forever changed.
The last of the mohicans
James Fenimore Cooper.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008. – (Oxford world's
classics). – ISBN : 0199538190.
The second of Cooper's five Leatherstocking Tales, this is the one
which has consistently captured the imagination of generations since it
was first published in 1826. Its success lies partly in the historical role
Cooper gives to his Indian characters, against the grain of accumulated
racial hostility, and partly in his evocation of the wild beautiful
landscapes of North America which the French and the British fought to
control throughout the eighteenth century.
At the centre of the novel is the celebrated `Massacre' of British troops
and their families by Indian allies of the French at Fort William Henry in
1757. Around this historical event, Cooper built a romantic fiction of
captivity, sexuality, and heroism, in which the destiny of the Mohicans
Chingachgook and his son Uncas is inseparable from the lives of Alice
and Cora Munro and of Hawkeye the frontier scout. The controlled,
elaborate writing gives natural pace to the violence of the novel's
action: like the nature whose plundering Copper laments, the books
placid surfaces conceal inexplicable and deathly forces.
The mammoth book of Native Americans
Jon E. Lewis.
London : Robinson, 2004. – ISBN : 1841195936.
Native Americans make up less than one per cent of the total US
population but represent half the nation's languages and cultures.
Here, in one grand sweep, is the full story of Native American society,
culture and religion. Here is everything from the land-based spirituality
of their early creation myths and the late rise of Indian Pride, to the 88
uses to which the Sioux put the flesh and bones of the buffalo and the
practice of berdache (men adopted as women).
The book offers a chronological history of America's indigenous
peoples. It covers their dramatic early entry into North America, out of
the now submerged continent of Beringia, then in more recent times
the "forgotten wars" of the 16th and 17th centuries, which wiped many
tribes from the face of the East Coast, and finally describes to the last
struggles of the Cheyenne and the Comanche. Celebrating these
peoples' way of life rather than focusing narrowly on the manner of
their genocide, it does not ignore uncomfortable facts of the
Amerindian past - including the cannibalism believed to have been
practised by some tribes and the Native Americans' part in the
decimation of North America's buffalo herds.
The Navajo
P.M.Boekhoff i Stuart A. Kallen.
San Diego : Kidhaven Press, 2004. – (The North American Indians). –
ISBN : 073771512X.
The Navajo Indians have created a unique and complex society in the
Southwest where they have lived for centuries. Kidhaven's Navajo
takes a look at the history, culture, and spiritual life of America's most
populous Native American tribe.
The Sioux
Charles George.
San Diego : Kidhaven Press, 2004. – (The North American Indians). –
ISBN : 0737715138.
Discusses the Sioux people, their customs, family, organizations, food
gathering, religion, war, housing, and other aspects of daily life.
The Sioux : the Dakota and Lakota Nations
Guy Gibbon.
LinkMalden ; Oxford : Blackwell, 2004. – (The peoples of America). –
ISBN : 1557865663
This book covers the entire historical range of the Sioux, from their
emergence as an identifiable group in late prehistory to the year 2000.
The author has studied the material remains of the Sioux for many
years. His expertise combined with his informative and engaging
writing style and numerous photographs create a compelling and
indispensable book.
● A leading expert discusses and analyzes the Sioux people with
rigorous scholarship and remarkably clear writing.
● Raises questions about Sioux history while synthesizing the historical
and anthropological research over a wide scope of issues and periods.
● Provides historical sketches, topical debates, and imaginary
reconstructions to engage the reader in a deeper thinking about the
● Includes dozens of photographs, comprehensive endnotes and
further reading lists.
Tintin a Amèrica
Barcelona : Joventut, 1995. - (Les aventures de Tintin). – ISBN :
Després de viatjar al Congo, Tintín se'n va a Amèrica, on s'enfronta a
la banda de gàngsters d'Al Capone (un dels pocs personatges reals que
apareixen en les aventures de Tintín) i a un altre gàngster anomenat
Bobby Smiles. L'acció transcorre en dos escenaris ben diferents: la
ciutat de Chicago i a una reserva índia de "pells-roges".
Tintin in America
Madrid : Ediciones del Prado, 1978. – (The adventures of Tintin). –
ISBN : 8478380515.
Tintin goes to America, to Chicago, the territory of gangster, Al
Capone; the world of cowboys and Indians and the Wild West.
Undaunted, Tintin and Snowy make their way through hilarity and
danger to yet another triumph of virtue over crime.
Tintin in America
Roma : Comic Art, 1989. – (Le avventure di Tintin).
Hergé uno dei massimi esponenti del cartooning belga. Tintin, il suo
personaggio più famoso. Tintin è un giovane reporter, un investigatore
giramondo coinvolto in rocambolesche avventure, in intrighi
archeologici e spionaggi industriali insieme con il suo fedele e simpatico
compagno, un fox-terrier di nome Milou. Intorno ai due protagonisti
ruota una nutrita schiera di personaggi comprimari come i poliziotti
gemelli Dupont e Dupond, il rissoso capitan Haddock, il geniale ma
distratto professor Girasole, il perfido magnate Rastapopulos. Nelle sue
avventure, Tintin è stato perfino sulla luna, ma sedici anni prima degli
astronauti americani e forse proprio per questo suo anticipo sui tempi
rimane tutt'oggi un personaggio godibilissimo e attuale. Tintin è
probabilmente il personaggio più esportato dei comics.
Tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy
Michael Johnson. Il—lustracions de Jonathan Smith.
Oxford : Osprey, 2003. – ISBN : 1841764906.
The Five (later Six) Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy were central to
the story of the white colonization of the American Northeast. The
European fur trade transformed their world, and the struggles between
English and French colonists forced the tribes to take sides. Sir William
Johnson's efforts in the Mohawk Valley ensured that the Iroquois
Nations were allies of the British crown; and the loyalty of his kinsman
Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) during the American Revolution forced
the Mohawks into Canadian exile. This richly illustrated book introduces
Iroquois history, social organization, religion and material culture.
Tribes of the Sioux Nation
Michael Johnson. Il—lustracions de Jonathan Smith.
Oxford : Osprey, 2007. – (Men-at-arms ; 344). – ISBN : 185532878X.
The horse culture of the tribes of the High Plains of North America
lasted only some 170 years; yet in that time the sub-tribes of the
Teton or Western Sioux people imprinted a vivid image on the world's
imagination by their fearless but doomed fight to protect their hunting
grounds from the inevitable spread of the white man. This text outlines
the history, social organization, religion and material culture of the
Santee, Yankton and Teton Sioux; rare early photographs include
portraits of many of the great war chiefs and warriors of the Plains
Indian Wars, and eight detailed plates record details of Sioux
traditional costume.
Un hombre llamado caballo
Dirigida per Elliot Silverstein. Interpretada per Richard Harris, Judith
Anderson, Jean Gascon i Manu Tupou.
Madrid : Paramount Home Entertainment, 2001. – 111 min. - Lloc i
any de producció : Estats Units, 1970. - Títol original : A man called
horse. – Versió en castellà, anglès, alemany, francès i italià.
SINOPSI : La historia de un aristócrata inglés que, en 1825, fue
apresado y tratado como un esclavo por los indios sioux consiguió,
además de la interpretación más conocida de Richard Harris, un gran
éxito comercial.
Warriors at the Little Bighorn 1876
Richard Hook.
Oxford : Osprey, 2008. – (Men-at-arms ; 408). – ISBN : 1841766666.
The battle which took place on the Little Bighorn river on June 25,
1876 has passed into legend as "Custer's Last Stand". This remarkable
book is a unique analysis of the oral and pictorial evidence for the
appearance of nearly 30 named Sioux and Cheyenne warriors who
were present that day, and for their parts in the battle. The fruit of
many years' study by one of today?s most internationally respected
interpreters and illustrators of Native American material culture, it
offers biographical notes and meticulously researched color
reconstructions, together with rare photographs and pictographs.
Dirigida per John Woo. Interpretada per Nicolas Cage, Adam Beach i
Peter Stormare.
Madrid : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2007. – 128
min. - Lloc i any de producció : Estats Units, 2002. - Títol original :
Windtalkers. – Versió en anglès, castellà i alemany.
SINOPSI : En la brutal batalla de Saipan ocurrida durante la II Guerra
Mundial, a los marines Joe Enders y Ox Anderson se les asigna la
protección de Ben Yahzee y Charlie Whitehorse, navajos entrenados en
el empleo del código secreto militar basado en su lengua nativa. Este
código era el único nunca descifrado por los japoneses y resultaba
clave a la hora de ganar la guerra en el frente del Pacífico. La misión
de los marines era pues la de "proteger el código a toda costa", pero a
medida que se fraguan los vínculos con el avance de la guerra,
¿podrán elegir entre la amistad y el deber?.