I. IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LA ASIGNATURA: (En esta sección se identifica el curso y el profesor, proporcionando toda la información de contacto necesaria para identificar el curso y facilitar la comunicación de los estudiantes con el profesor). NOMBRE ASIGNATURA Leadership: essential skills to become an effective leader NIVEL EN QUE SE IMPARTE PREREQUISITOS English HRS. SEMANALES UD 2 hrs 20 mins HORARIO 12:20 – 13:30, Monday and Wednesday NOMBRE PROFESOR Purabi D Sangar CORREO ELECTRÓNICO [email protected] HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN By email or appointment Cátedra 64 hrs Laboratorio Taller II.RESULTADOS DE APRENDIZAJES This course provides the basis for understanding what leadership is and what leaders do to be successful. This is a highly interactive course based on the application of theoretical concepts of leadership to practical situations aimed at developing the leader within each student III. METODOLOGÍA DOCENTE Highly interactive lectures, home assignments, case studies, group discussions, classroom demonstrations and practice sessions, presentations by students and projects IV. METODOLOGÍA DE EVALUACIÔN DESCRIPCIÓN Tipo de Evaluación Attendance Class participation Home assignments Team Project Individual Project Final Exam Resultado de aprendizaje Fecha que evalúa <80% attendance= 0 (80% is mandatory) 100% attendance = Full score Commitment to the class; participation in group work, discussions, activity and demonstrations Average of scores received in ALL home assignments. Missing home assignments will be scored as 0. <90% assignment submission = 0 Team score + individual score received based on the content, quality and presentation of the project Individual score received based on the content, quality and presentation of the project Final exam will test the theory part V. Reglas del Curso Ponderación 10% 15% 15% 20% 20% 20% 1. 0 (zero) score in any of the evaluation parameters listed above will result in automatic failing. That is, none of the parameters can be skipped. 2. No one will be allowed to a class if later than 10 mins and nobody will be allowed to leave before the session ends unless permission is sought in advance 3. Inability to attend a class has to be notified and permission sought in advance 4. No use of mobile phones, laptops or tablets will be allowed to ensure maximum participation, involvement and interaction. Class specific exceptions can/will be made 5. Eating or drinking is not allowed during the class. 6. Class participation (quality and quantity) is highly required. 7. Additionally, ALL class assignments will be evaluated and scored. 8. Callous behavior will not be accepted. Students have to participate in the class activities, complete all assignments and contribute positively to the class 9. Assignment deadlines will be strict : a. Delay of one day will result into a reduction of 25% in the score b. Delay of two day will result into a reduction of 50% in the score c. Delay of more than three days will result into a 0 (zero) score. However all assignments have to be submitted VI. MODELO DE CALENDARIZACIÒN DE CLASE (Se establece las actividades que el estudiante ha de desarrollar en el curso y la preparación que debe tener para ellas, así como las evaluaciones de todo tipo. Esta sección es fundamental para facilitar que los estudiantes aprendan a planificar y organizar su tiempo de trabajo con anticipación). Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura (RA) Unidades de Aprendizaje o Temáticas, más Contenidos Introduction Objetivo de la clase Actividades de la clase, acontecimiento relevante o/y evaluación Introduction and warming up to the idea of leadership Interactive discussion Nº Sesión Nº RA Unidad de Aprendizaje o Temática 2 Identifying innate leadership skills in each student Classroom activities Simulated demonstrations PPT driven interactive lecture Understanding leaders and leadership 3 What are leaders made up of. PPT driven interactive lecture Traits of leaders Interactive discussion Case studies 1 Myths around leadership PPT driven lecture Interactive discussion Actividad de preparación de la clase como guía del aprendizaje autónomo: lectura previa, revisión de material digital, etc. 3 Identifying and understanding PPT driven lecture key leadership skills Interactive discussion Simulated classroom demonstration Case studies Leadership concepts 1 Chapter wrap-up Case studies, classroom discussions and analysis 7 Theories, models and principles PPT driven lecture of leadership Interactive discussion Case studies 3 Different styles of leadership PT driven lecture Interactive discussion Case studies Simulated classroom demonstration 1 Chapter wrap-up Case studies, classroom discussions and analysis Are you a leader? 2 Self Analysis Interactive class activities and discussions Simulated classroom demonstration 2 How can you become a leader PPT driven lecture Interactive class activities and discussions Simulated classroom demonstration 1 Additional Leadership Skills 5 Chapter wrap-up Additional skills that help make successful leaders Case studies, classroom discussions and analysis PPT driven lecture Interactive class activities and discussions Casestudies Leadership Projects Bibliografía 5 Project definition, execution and delivery Classroom activities, presentations and demonstrations