Spanish adverbs based on adjectives are usually

Spanish adverbs based on adjectives are usually formed by adding –mente to the feminine singular
form of the adjective. Keep the original accent on the adjecive if it had one.
tranquilo/tranquila – tranquilamente
silencioso / silenciosa - silenciosamente
Additional adverbs. You should be familiar with the following adverbs as well.
a little (poco)
above, upstairs (arriba)
afterwards (después)
always (siempre)
around (alrededor)
before (antes)
behind (detrás)
below, downstairs (abajo)
better (mejor)
early (temprano)
either, neither (tampoco)
enough, rather (bastante)
far (lejos)
first (primero)
here (aquí, acá)
how (como)
in front (delante, enfrente)
last (último)
late (tarde)
less (menos)
more (más)
much, a lot (mucho)
near (cerca)
never (nunca)
nevertheless (sin embargo)
no, not (no)
not at all (nada)
now (ahora)
of course (por supuesto,
on time (a tiempo)
on top (encima)
outside (afuera)
over there (allá)
perhaps, maybe (acaso,
quizás, tal vez)
poorly, badly (mal)
scarcely (apenas)
second (segundo)
slowly (despacio,
so (tan)
the day after tomorrow
(pasado mañana)
the day before yesterday
then (entonces, luego)
there (allí, ahí)
third (tercero)
today (hoy)
tomorrow (mañana)
too, too much, too many
well (bien)
why not (cómo no)
within, inside (dentro)
worse (peor)
yes (sí)
yesterday (ayer)