Pandora Research and exchange of results on sexual harrassment

Daphne project: 1997-283
Project details
Research and exchange of results on sexual harrassment in the workplace.
Awareness programme targeting vulnerable groups of women.
Organisation details
Confederacion Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO)
Project Coordinator: J.Luis G-Suárez
Fernàndez de la Hoz, 12
28010 Madrid ESPAGNE
Tel +91 319 17 50
Fax +91 310 48 04
Partners: Regional and national partners in Spain. Ireland, Sweden.
Materials available
· Livre
· Affiche
· Diptique
Information Campaigns
Conference or seminar
Production of materials
Sexual harassment at work
0. Introduction: Context of the Pandora Project.
I. Main Findings of the Pandora Project:
1. Main Conclusions of the Study: the Roots of Sexual Harassment.
1.1: The Roots of Sexual Harassment
1.2: Nature and Hierarchy.
1.3: Sex, Power and Harassment
1.4: The Responses to Harassment
2. Development of the Debate Day: Main Aspects of the Seminar:
2.1: Opening the Seminar.
2.2: Union Experience with Sexual Harassment at Work in Ireland, Sweden and
2.3: Press Conference: Presenting the Awareness Campaign Sexual Harassment at
Work = Social Harassment for Working.
2.4: Analysing the Roots of Sexual Harassment: Thoughts for Understanding the
2.5: General Aspects of the Debate.
3. Appendix: Rates of Sexual Harassment at Work from the Union Guide.
Introduction: Context of the Project
Through the Department for Co-operation in Justice and Home Affairs of its General Secretariat,
the European Commission proposed the Daphne Initiative in initiative in 1997, with a view to
getting its member states to develop measures for combating violence against children,
adolescents and women. The precedent to this Initiative, was the declaration at the International
Conference that took place in Stockholm in 1996 and the philosophy of the bulletin issued by the
Commission with respect to the treatment of women in our societies, which is closely related to the
sexual exploitation to which they are subjected or might be subjected to.
The project that the Confederate Secretariat of Women in CCOO presented, was selected in this
context, namely Pandora Project: Sexual Harassment of Women at Work, which was developed
throughout 1998, with a view to tackling the complex problem of sexual harassment that women
might be victims of at their places of employment. The Fundación Formación y Empleo (Training
and Employment Trust) (FOREM), the Fundación 1º de Mayo (1st May Trust) and the Instituto de
la Mujer (Institute for Women) (MTSS), have also actively participated in this Project. The latter
organisation has provided essential co-financing that has made it possible to achieve the aims of
the Project. The trans-national co-operation from our European partners in the Swedish LO and the
Irish ICTU have also contributed to the collaboration on a national level.
The general aims from which this project was developed were as follows:
Firstly: to carry out research work of a qualitative nature, into sexual harassment at work,
analysing its sources and the way it takes place, with a view to making proposals in order to
combat it and prevent it. The findings of this research work are contained in the report “The
Roots of Sexual Harassment”. The main axes of analysis in this research are indicated
- Analysing the sexual harassment rates in Spain in a variety of employment contexts.
Detecting and analysing the factors that play a part in sexual harassment within
the context of the occupational profile of the female worker and the male worker.
Giving thought to the existing mechanisms for fighting against sexual harassment,
especially with respect to the European and state legislation that is currently in
force so that action can be taken in certain cases, as well as observing whether
such legislation is used by the women who are victims of harassment, and if so,
how they use it.
and finally, establishing proposals that allow for prevention and effective
measures for providing support when a woman is harassed at her place of
employment. The aim of this measure is not only to improve the individual life of
any working woman, but also to try and improve the occupational situation for the
benefit of all women and men who go to work every day.
Secondly, this project has planned to hold an International Seminar in Madrid, with the
participation of women who are our European partners, all the state organisations that have
collaborated in the project and people of both sexes who are experts in the subject (jurors,
journalists, union members, etc.). The findings of the aforementioned research work will be
debated by all, and experiences will be exchanged, especially with our Swedish and Irish
members. The findings obtained from different research work conducted in those two
countries (Ireland and Sweden) were also considered, with a view to comparing the potential
differences in other national or cultural contexts. It concluded with a proposal for measures to
be taken that bring to the surface a problem that is hushed up and for demanding an urgent
social debate, together with immediate solutions. Measures for awareness, information and
training, together with measures to be taken by unions and companies as well as legal action.
During the course of this critical thought process, publicity was given to the campaign entitled
“Sexual Harassment at Work = Social Harassment for Working”, was given through a
press conference, whose objective was to bring to light this serious problem affecting women
and to make the general public aware of its existence, so that we can all be committed to
creating a society that is fairer, freer and more egalitarian. One of the aims of this campaign is
to make this project come alive and to apply it to other neighbouring countries, laying down the
foundations for promoting a European network concerning sexual harassment at work.
This Campaign was carried out in all the official languages of the Spanish State and also in
English, and has been distributed throughout all the Autonomous Regions and the countries in
the European Union, via the European Confederation of Trade Unions.
Finally, a Guide to Sexual Harassment has been drawn up and published, which will be aimed
at company management, trade union committees in companies and workers of both sexes.
En el Proyecto Pandora han participado como socios transnacionales el sindicato sueco (LO) y el
sindicato irlandés (ICTU) .
Su colaboración como socios “pasivos” en este proyecto promovido por la Secretaría Confederal de
CC.OO se ha ceñido a los siguientes aspectos:
1- Asistencia de 2 personas de cada sindicato al Seminario sobre el Acoso Sexual en el
Trabajo que se celebró en Madrid el 9 de Octubre de 1.998 con el objetivo de fomentar la
reflexión sobre el problema e intercambiar iniciativas que se han puesto en marcha en
cada país para articular medidas que hagan frente al acoso sexual en el trabajo.
Asistieron por la organización sueca: Maud Jansson (responsable del Dto. de Política de
Vida Laboral y Salarial) que expuso cual había sido la experiencia sindical sobre el acoso
sexual en el trabajo en Suecia. Y Malin-Ramírez-Thimerdal (investigadora en temas de
género y colaboradora estrecha de LO) la cual se detuvo en los resultados principales que
vertieron sobre este tema investigaciones realizadas en su país.
Por la organización irlandesa asistió al seminario Claire Keane (Responsable del Comité de
Mujeres del ICTU), que al igual que su homóloga sueca su ponencia versó sobre la
experiencia sindical irlandesa para hacer frente al acoso sexual en el trabajo. Y Carmel
Keogh (Secretaria del Comité de Mujeres del ICTU) que habló de la legislación que existe en
Irlanda y las modificaciones que bajo las políticas de Igualdad de Oportunidades se habrían
2. El intercambio de experiencias y reflexiones con dos países de tradiciones sociales tan diferentes
nos ha permitido diseñar una Guía sindical sobre el Acoso Sexual más eficaz y universal. Esta
guía junto con la campaña de información y sensibilización “Acoso Sexual en el trabajo = Acoso
Social por Trabajar” ocupará un espacio relevante en el desarrollo de las políticas sindicales que
en aspectos de igualdad de oportunidades están desarrollando los 3 sindicatos: LO, ICTU y
3. Los tres sindicatos participaron en una amplia rueda de prensa donde expusieron los aspectos
más relevantes que el seminario había aportado para el contexto de sus organizaciones y para
darle continuidad a un tema social grave y seguir colaborando en el futuro conjuntamente.
AED - Asociación Empresarias-Directivas
AMARANTA - Revista sobre mujeresAMECO - Asociacion Española de Mujeres Profesionales de Medios de Comunicacion
AMFAR - Asociación de Mujeres y Familias del Ámbito Rural
Atención a la Mujer con Discapacidad de la Comisión de la Mujer de la Confederación
Mujeres - Boletín de Amnistía Internacional
Celem - Coordinadora Española para el Lobby Europeo de Mujeres
Ciudad de Mujeres
Colectivo de Mujeres Urbanistas
Col-ectiu Lambda del País Valenciá
Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres La ciudad de las mujeres en la Red
Emprendedoras - La comunidad virtual de las personas emprendedoras en Internet
Fedepe - Federación Española de Mujeres Directivas, Ejecutivas, Profesionales y
Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeres Separadas y Divorciadas
Federación de Organizaciones Feministas del Estado Español
Fundación Mujeres
Hombres por la igualdad
La Mujer Construye
Mujer Palabra
Mujeres en Red
Mujeres Universia
Red Feminista contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres
Revista la Morada
Revista Mujeres y Salud
Sin género de dudas
THEMIS - Asociación de Mujeres Juristas
Treballadora - Secretaria de la Dona de la CONC
Enlaces Internacionales
Mujer, formación y trabajo. Cintefor/OIT