Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 Programme The Economy of The European Union: Characteristics, Economic Structure and Institutions University of Alicante Department of Applied Economic Analysis Lecturers: Paloma Taltavull/Manuel Hernández López Página 1 de 11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 Subject description Credits: Credits 5 ECTS Contents Lesson 1. Understanding the concepts and basic economic principles of integration. Lesson 2. The History of the European Union Process. Highlights. Lesson 3. The European Union Institutions. The decision process. Lesson 4. The Single Market and the four fundamental freedoms. Lesson 5. The EMU: The Economic Union and Fiscal matters. Lesson 6: The EMU: The Monetary Union. The Euro Lesson 7: The EMU: The Monetary Union and the Monetary Policy Lesson 8: European Union specific Economic Policies: Agriculture, Territorial cohesion, Transports, Environment Página 2 de 11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 Objectives The subject aims to analyse the past, present and future of European integration, on the basis of historic and economic reasoning. The process of European integration and its effects will be assessed taking into account differences in European Member States economies as well as considering the EU as a whole at the international level. Methodology Learning will be based on both lectures and practical exercises: • Lectures will provide for a broad overview of each topic and for the theoretical framework of the units. • Practical exercises will consist both of pieces of coursework presented by students focusing on the analysis of a Lessonicular topic and conferences held by visiting EU officials. Assessment 1.- A student discussion paper on a specific topic (30%) 2.- A written examination (70%) Página 3 de 11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 Lecture Programme LESSON I. Understanding the concepts and basic economic principles of integration. 1.- The reasons for economic integration. 1. The theoretical approach: different stages, short- and long term effects. 2. The benefits of economic integration 3. Stages on the integration process 2.- The relevance of the European Union Economy in the world. 3.- The EU as a group of interrelated economies. 4. Per capita income differences 5. Growth rates 6. Other features (population, inflation rate, unemployment...) 4.- ”What’s the European Union?”. The EU Constitution. This lesson describes the economics fundamentals to explain the process of integration, given some figures about the relevance of the European economy in the world. It also analyses the E.U process objectives, focus in identity criteria of Europe, and describes the limits (geographical, sociological, political, etc) of Europe. It also emphasizes the economic importance of the EU in the globalized world, and the general debate on the E.U Constitution is discussed. “What kind of EU” European Citizens want?. Which are the European Values?. Is it true that the EU is a “purely economic” Treaty?. Página 4 de 11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 LESSON II. The History of the European Union Process. Highlights. 1.- From the European Communities to the Single European Act. 2.- The EU from Maastricht to Amsterdam: the three pillars. 3.- The EU from Nice onwards. 4.- The European Constitution This preliminary lesson describes quickly the main events of the 45 years History of the EU LESSON III. The European Union Institutions. The decision process. 1. The European Commission 2. The Council of the European Union 3. The European Council 4. The European Parliament 5. The Court of Justice 6. The Court of Auditors. 7. The Committee of the Regions 8. The Economic and Social Committee This important topic is a necessary step to know “who’s who” within the EU Institutions. The respective roles of the Council, E.Parliament, Commission, Court of Justice, etc, are explained. The “modus operandi” and the decision making process (“who is doing what?”) at European level is discussed in full in this lesson, while debating on a variety of hot issues as: “the voting system”, the open question on the transfer of political sovereignty, the so called question on the “lack of democracy”, the number of commissioners Página 5 de 11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 LESSON IV. The Single Market and the four fundamental freedoms. 1. Introduction to the Single Market 2. The four fundamental freedom After a description of what is and means the single market, an analysis is made of the short/long term consequences (pros/cons) of those four freedoms. Very critical questions are discussed in this lesson: Is the S. Market damaging the territorial cohesion?. Should all 25 Member Sates have the same working conditions?. What about the hotly debated “Bolkestein” directive? The description of the four pillars of the Single European Marked, emphasizing particularly in “the meaning” ( and specific bad/good consequences) of each of them is followed by an analysis of the “competition” rules. LESSON V. The Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). FIRST PART: THE ECONOMIC UNION 1. Introduction 2. The economic union and national economic policies 3. The Fiscal Policy. 4. The major pillar: The Stability and Growth Pact (SGP).. The Economic Union is the first part of this lesson. The BEPG report of the Ecofin embodies the economic coordination for national policies. After an explanation on how –and why- this national economic policies coordination is made, focus is directed on the main economic guidelines of the Ecofin: the pensions issue, the flexibility of labour markets, the necessary budgetary equilibrium, privatisation encouragement, Lisbon plan, etc. The second part of this lesson refers to fiscal matters: how is difficult to harmonise national fiscal policies given the sharp mental and social differences existing between the Member States. A description is made of the timid steps already done in this Página 6 de 11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 field (ex: savings income tax directive). And a major room is given to a description and economic discussion of the Stability and Growth Pact: What lessons (political, economic,…) to draw of the recent changes on this Pact? LESSON VI. THE ECONOMIC AND MONETARY UNION (EMU). Second part: THE MONETARY UNION. THE EURO 1. Introduction 2. A short history of the European Monetary Union process 3. Maastricht 1992: historical decision for a single currency: Conditions and calendar. 4. The Euro advantages and inconvenients After an analysis of the long history of the Monetary Union process in Europe and the lesson to be drawn, a description is given of the process and convergence conditions for entry in the Euro as stated in Maastricht. The economic logic of those conditions is explained and this logic is confronted with both, the conceptual analysis of the Optimal Currency areas theory and the very large experience of countries with quite different economic situations of certain regions. The Euro advantages and inconvenient are studied and particular emphasis is given to the “political” feature of the EURO, as a factor of union and peace LESSON VII. THE EUROPEAN SYSTEM OF CENTRAL BANKS (ESCB), THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK (ECB) AND THE MONETARY POLICY IN THE EU1. Introduction 2. The role of each institution 3. The four tasks of the “Governing Council” and the ECB 4. The Monetary Policy Página 7 de 11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 A description of “actors” in the sphere of monetary policy is the beginning of this lesson: ESCB, Governing Council, ECB, NCBs, etc. The objective of the single monetary policy for countries of the Euro-zone is underline and the tools at the hands of the responsible for Monetary Policy are developed. A technical description on how, in concrete actions, the ECB and the Governing Council implement the control of monetary stock in circulation, set the official interest rate, manage the reserves requirement, etc is developed. The debate on whether or nor it is appropriate a single monetary policy in cases of “asymmetric shocks”, specific cyclical difficulties for a State Member, different economic structural development, etc completes this lesson. Another debate refers to the full Political independency of the ECB.: is it also a democratic deficit of the EU LESSON VIII: EUROPEAN UNION SPECIFIC POLICIES 1. The PAC – Common Agricultural Policy 2. The policy for Territorial cohesion, 3. Transports Policy 4. Environmental Policy and others. Página 8 de 11 International Business Programme 2010/11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales References Artis, M.J. and Lee, N.(1997), The Economics of the European Union, 2º ed., Oxford University Press Hitiris, T.(1998), European Union Economics, Prentice Hall Europe Myro, R.(2000), Economía Europea: Crecimiento, integración transformaciones sectoriales, Civitas El-Aagra, A. (1998), The European Union, Prentice Hall, Europe. Electronic references: Some electronic sources: Http://europa.eu.int http://europa.eu.int/publications Treaties http://www.europarl.eu.int/basicdoc EU Directives http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex Economic papers and Euro papers, http://www.europarl.eu.int/studies http://www.europarl.eu.int/comm/publications Página 9 de 11 y Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 Guidelines to write the final report: Students have to cover the following chapters in each issue: .1.1. .1.2. .1.3. .1.4. .1.5. .1.6. Introduction to the subject: Description and problematic Legal European Union basis: Directives related to the issue How directives are implemented Economic analysis of the issue (more than descriptive) General assessment Conclusions Each discussion paper has to be presented by students in the lectures time. During and after the presentation, discussion about the issue by students and teachers is recommended. DISCUSSION TOPICS 1. EU Historical Issues: From Treaty of Rome to build EU 2. The EU positions vis-à-vis third countries :The EU in the World. 3. The EU trade Policy : external (trade flows, the EU position in the OMC, capital flows, etc) 4. The EU trade Policy: internal (Single market economic philosophy, main compulsory rules, policies –public aids-and organizational framework, Freedom of investment, payments, and capital.) - The Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) issues: 5. Economic convergence prior to EMU: setting criteria and economic philosophy. The debate. The macro benefits of the convergence efforts. 6. The Economic Union : “Modus operandi” of Institutions: Commission and Parlament. Is there a need for an economic European “Government”?. 7. Sustainable growth through fiscal policy: description and reasons for Stability and Growth Pact. The debate nowadays. 8. The Monetary Union: Institutional issues: The European bank system and the channels of monetary stock control.. The role of ECB and autonomy,… Is there a lack of sovereignty? Página 10 de 11 Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales International Business Programme 2010/11 9. The Monetary Union: “The” objective of Monetary Policy. The problem of asymmetric shocks. The i-rates setting. 10. The Monetary Union: Analysis of the introduction of the euro. Pros/cons of a single currency. Assessment. The euro evolution in the exchange markets after 2 years. - Enlargement and the Agenda 2000: 11. The Treaty of Nice. Principles and the concrete steps towards the enlargement. Calendar. 12. The consequences of the enlargement (assessment): (two groups) 13. For the existing institutions: The Giscard d’Estaing convention and the importance of the European Constitution: the new shape of the EU. 14. Concerning Structural Funds, PAC, competition rules, etc 15. For the future role of Europe in the world. 16. Experiences from East countries view 17. Where are the geographical limits of Europe?. Reasons for the entrance of Turkey and others “close” countries. - The EU Policies: 18. The PAC: description, problems. The actual debate. 19. Fisheries: description, problems. The actual debate 20. The EU employment policy: market.Employment/unemployment within the EU. EU labour 21. Industrial Policies and the general issue of “public aids”. - The remaining tasks for a full European Union: 22. Fiscal matters: ex, the with-holding tax issue 23. Defence and security issue 24. What kind of (political, sociological, economic, etc) Union citizens want?. The remainder Agenda Página 11 de 11