Vocabulario Bald Beard Black

Physical appearance
Bald = calvo/a
Beard = barba
Black = negro
Blonde = rubio (pelo)
Blue = azul
Brown = castaño (pelo); marrón (ojos)
Curly = rizado (pelo)
Eye colour = color de ojos
Facial hair = pelo facial
Fat = gordo/a
Good−looking = guapo/a
Green = verde
Grey = gris
Height = altura
Long = largo/a
Medium height = de mediana estatura
Medium length = medianamente largo/a
Moustache = bigote
Short = corto (pelo); bajo/a (persona)
Size = tamaño
Slim = esbelto/a, delgado/a
Straight = lacio (pelo)
Tall = alto/a
Wavy = ondulado (pelo)
White = canoso (pelo)
The family
Aunt = tía
Big families = familias numerosas
Cousin = primo/a
Dad = papá
Daughter = hija
Get divorced = divorciarse
Grandaughter = nieta
Granparents = abuelos
Granson = nieto
Mum = mamá
Nephew = sobrino
Niece = sobrina
Normal size families = familias de tamaño medio
Parents = padres
Sister = hermana
Son = hijo
Uncle = tío
Other difficult words
Baby = cariño
Baseball = béisbol
Be in shock = estar en estado de shock
Buggy = calesa
Capital city = capital
Confused = confundido/a
Countryside = campo
Decade = década
e−mail = correo electrónico
e−pal = amigo de correo electrónico
Factory = fábrica
A football = un balón de fútbol
Hobbies = pasatiempos
Hungry = hambriento
Inside = dentro
Jewerlly = joyas
Journey = joyas
Match = partido
Move to = mudarse a
On an island = en una isla
Play football = jugar al fútbol
Play the guitar = tocar la guitarra
Pose = posar
Reading = lectura
Ride = montar
School subject = asignatura del colegio
School team = equipo del colegio
Self−evaluation = auto evaluación
Slide rule = regla de cálculo
Switzerland = Suiza
Wear = llevar puesto/a
Website = sitio web
Weekend = fin de semana
Witness = testigo
Writing = escritura
Verbos irregulares I
Be− was/were− been = ser, estar
Beat− beat− beaten = batir, golpear, latir
Become− became− become = llegar a ser, hacerse
Begin− began− begun = empezar
Bite− bit−bitten = morder
Blow− blew− blown = soplar
Break− broke− broken = romper
Bring− brought− brought = traer
Build− built− build = edificar
Buy− bought− bought = comprar
Catch − caught− caught = atrapar
Choose− chose− chosen = escoger
Come− came− come = venir
Cut− cut− cut = cortar
Do − did − done = hacer
Draw− drew− drawn = dibujar
Dream− dreamt− dreamt = soñar
Drink, drank, drunk = beber
Drive, drove, driven = conducir
Eat− ate− eaten = comer
Fall− fell− fallen = caer
Feed− fed− fed = alimentar, dar de comer
Feel− felt− felt = sentir
Find− found− found = encontrar
Fly− flew−flown = volar
• ¿Qué te pasa? Estoy perdido, vivo en el 23 de Hill Street y no puedo encontrar mi casa.
What's the matter? I'm lost, I live in 23, Hill Street and I can't find my house.
• ¿De dónde es ella? Ella es de Francia, pero vive en España.
Where's she from? She's from France, but she live in Spain.
• Merlín es de estatura media y gordo. Él tiene pelo castaño y bigote y barba blancos
Merlín's medium height and fat. He's got brown hair and moustache and beard white.
• Robin Hood tiene pelo rubio, corto y rizado. Él es guapo y esbelto.
Robin Hood's got blond hair, short and curly. He's good looking and slim
• Ella cree que las ropas de su hermano son muy extrañas.
She thinks her brother's clothes are very strange.
• Me llamo Ann y vivo con mi familia en Grecia. Tengo una hermana y dos hermanos.
My name's Ann and I live with my family in Grecee. I have one sister and two brothers.
• A Linda le gusta el fútbol y los juegos de ordenador. A ella también le gusta navegar en la red.
Linda likes the football and the computer games. She likes surfing in the Net too.
• La gente Amish no usa electricidad y montan en caballos y calesas.
Amish people don't use electricity and they ride horses and buggies.
• Los niños y las niñas estudian escritura y lectura y dejan el colegio cuando tienen 14 años.
Boys and girls study writing and reading and they leave school when they are fourteen
• Los hombres visten sombreros negros y las mujeres llevan largos vestidos sin botones y sin joyas.
Men wear black hat and women wear long dresses without butons or jewellery.