Lesson 43 1 www.inglesparaespanoles.com Free English Grammar Present Conditional Gramática Inglesa Gratis * = condicional presente Hasta hace algunos años, con los pronombres “I” y “we”, era considerado correcto usar “should”. I you he should would would go go go we you they should would would go go go = yo iría = tú irías = él iría etc. Hoy en día, la mayor parte de las personas usan “would” después de “I” y “we”, y no es considerado un error. forma afirmativa I you he forma contracta would would would go go go I’d you’d he’d go go go we would you would they would go go go we’d you’d they’d go go go forma interrogativa forma negativa would would would I you he go? go? go? I you he would not would not would not go go go would would would we you they go? go? go? we you they would not would not would not go go go forma negativa contracta I you he wouldn’t wouldn’t wouldn’t go go go we you they wouldn’t wouldn’t wouldn’t go go go Lesson 43 2 www.inglesparaespanoles.com Free English Grammar Past Conditional * Gramática Inglesa Gratis = condicional perfecto forma afirmativa forma contracta I would have gone I’d have gone you would have gone you’d have gone he would have gone he’d have gone we would have gone we’d have gone you would have gone you’d have gone they would have gone they’d have gone forma interrogativa forma negativa would I have gone? I would not have gone would you have gone? you would not have gone would he have gone? he would not have gone would we have gone? we would not have gone would you have gone? you would not have gone would they have gone? they would not have gone forma negativa contracta I wouldn’t have gone you wouldn’t have gone he wouldn’t have gone we wouldn’t have gone you wouldn’t have gone they wouldn’t have gone Lesson 43 www.inglesparaespanoles.com Free English Grammar * 3 Gramática Inglesa Gratis La forma contracta de “had” y de “would” son iguales. I would = I’d I had = I’d Para no confundirlas basta observar que “would” está seguido por la forma base del verbo... I would study = I’d study (yo estudiaría) … mientras “had” está seguido por un participio pasado. I had studied = I’d studied (yo había estudiado) <<<☺ ☺ >>> conditional sentences 1. 2. 3. = frases condicionales present future If you study… you will pass your exam. (Si estudias… aprobarás tu examen.) past present conditional If you studied… you would pass your exam. (Si estudiaras… aprobarías tu examen.) past perfect If you had studied… (Si hubieras estudiado.. past conditional you would have passed your exam. habrías aprobado tu examen.) Lesson 43 www.inglesparaespanoles.com Free English Grammar * 4 Gramática Inglesa Gratis Condicional de “can” - “may” - “must” Condicional de “can” forma afirmativa I you he could could could we you they could could could = yo podría forma negativa I could not - I couldn’t etc. = tú podrías = él podría forma interrogativa could I? etc. Condicional de “may” forma afirmativa I you he might might might we you they might might might = yo podría forma negativa I might not etc. = tú podrías = él podría forma interrogativa might I? etc. Condicional de “must” forma afirmativa forma negativa I you he should = yo debería should = tú deberías should = él debería I should not – I shouldn’t we you they should should should should I? forma interrogativa etc.