Es(s)equibo, the territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana.

Es(s)equibo, the territorial dispute between Venezuela and
D. Zwaagstra
Peace Palace Library, The Hague
This bibliography has been compiled exclusively from materials available in
the Peace Palace Library or via its digital catalogue. Its bibliographic content
has been updated until January 2016.
1899 Award
Award regarding the Boundary between the Colony of British Guiana and the
United States of Venezuela, 3 October 1899.
Available material 1890-1905 (listed by year published)
Venezuela y La Gran Bretañ a : cuestion limites de Guayana : estado en que la halló el
gobierno inaugurado el 19 de Marzo y su situació n actual : publicacion official, Caracas,
Rojas, J.M., de, Las fronteras de Venezuela, Paris, Garnier Hermanos, 1891.
The case of Venezuela : [reproduction of 17 old] Maps [concerning the Venezuela-British
Guiana boundary arbitration], 1896?
Correspondence Respecting the Question of the Boundary of British Guiana, London,
H.M.S.O., 1896.
Storrow, J.J. and R. Schomburgk, Documents and Correspondence Relating to the
Question of Boundary Between British Guiana and Venezuela: Presented to Both Houses
of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty, London, H.M.S.O., 1896.
Official history of the discussion between Venezuela and Great Britain and their Guiana
boundaries, Atlanta, Franklin, 1896.
Historia oficial de la discusió n entre Venezuela y la Gran Bretañ a sobre sus límites en La
Guayana, New York, s.n., 1896.
Cora, G. and C. Silverstri, Il territorio contestato tra la Venezuela e la Guiana Inglese,
Torino, Cosmos di Guido Cora, 1896.
Cora, G. and C. Silverstri, La questione anglo-venezuelana per la delimitazione dei confini
territoriali della Guayana della Republica di Venezuela e breve confutazione delle
asserzioni del geografo prof G. Cora della R. Univ. di Torino, Roma, Stamperia reale,
Memorandum del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores acerca de la nota de Lord
Salisbury al Señ or Olney, fechada a 26 de Noviembre de 1895, y relativa á la cuestió n de
los límites de Venezuela con la Guayana Britá nica, Caracas, s.n., 1896.
Strickland, J., Documents and maps on the boundary question between Venezuela and
British Guayana from the Capuchin archives in Rome, Rome, s.n., 1896.
Correspondencia entre los Estados Unidos y la Gran Bretañ a : traducció n publicada por
el ministerio de relaciones exteriores de Venezuela, Caracas, s.n., 1896.
Correspondence between the Governments of Great Britain and the United States with
respect to proposals for arbitration [concerning the British Guiana bounderay question],
London, s.n., 1896.
Scruggs, W.L., The Venezuelan question: British aggressions in Venezuela, or The
Monroe Doctrine on trial; lord Salisbury's mistakes; fallacies of the British "Blue Book"
on the disputed boundary, Atlanta, Franklin, 1896.
Scruggs, W.L., The Guayana boundary dispute. Important testimony by an English
geographer. The Essequibo River recognized by England as the frontier line between
Venezuela and British Guiana as late as 1822, Washington, McGill & Wallace, printers,
Correspondence in relation to the boundary controversy between Great Britain and
Venezuela, being a reprint of Senate executive document no. 226, fiftieth Congress, first
session, and Senate document no. 31, fifty-fourth Congress, first session, Washington,
DC, Government printing office, 1896.
Alegato de Venezuela : contestacion al "Libro azul Britanico" presentado á las dos
cá maras del Parlamento en Marzo ú ltimo con el título de "Documentos y
correspondencia relativos á la cuestió n de límites entre la Guayana Britá nica y
Venezuela, Caracas, s.n., 1896.
Counsel of the Government of Venezuela, Documents relating to the question of
boundary between Venezuela and British Guayana: submitted to the boundary
Commission, Washington,McGill & Wallace, 1896.
Brief submitted by Venezuela to the Commission appointed "to investigate and report
upon the true divisional line between the Republic of Venezuela and British Guiana", S.I.,
s.n., 1896.
Memoria que presenta el ministro de relaciones interiores al Congreso de los Estados
Unidos de Venezuela en 1896 : tomo especial [Policia nacional] ilustrado con algunos
mapas y planos, Caracas, s.n., 1896.
Report and accompanying papers of the commission appointed by the President of the
United States "to investigate and report upon the true divisional line between the
Republic of Venezuela and British Guiana", 1897.
Hoskold, H.D., Cuestiones de límites ó líneas divisorias entre las posesiones de la Gran
Bretañ a, los Estados Unidos de Norte America, las Republicas Argentina y Chilena como
tambié n de la Gran Bretañ a y Republica de Venezuela, con una noticia de algunas
operaciones geodesicas y resultados científicos que afectan la demarcacion de líneas
divisorias y por ú ltimo una discusion general sobre los reclamos y derechos de cada una
de las naciones citadas, basada en mapas antiguos y documentos oficiales españ oles y
holandeses y en otras fuentes importantes y autorizadas, Buenos Aires, s.n., 1897.
The case of the United States of Venezuela before the Tribunal of Arbitration to convene
at Paris under the provisions of the Treaty between the United States of Venezuela and
Her Britannic Majesty signed at Washington, Febr. 2, 1897, New York, 1898.
The case of the United States of Venezuela before the tribunal of arbitration to convene
at Paris under the provisions of the treaty between the United States of Venezuela and
Her Britannic Majesty signed at Washington, February 2, 1897,London, Her Majesty's
Stationary office, 1899.
The counter-case of the United States of Venezuela before the Tribunal of Arbitration to
convene at Paris under the provisions of the Treaty between the United States of
Venezuela and Her Britannic Majesty signed at Washington February 2, 1897, New York,
The Evening Post Job Printing House, 1898.
British Guiana boundary : arbitration with the United States of Venezuela : the counter
case on behalf of the government of her Britannic Majesty, London, Foreign Office, 1898.
British Guiana boundary : arbitration with the United States of Venezuela : appendix to
the counter case on behalf of the government of her Britannic Majesty, London, Foreign
Office, 1898.
Proceedings of the Arbitration between the Governments of Her Britannic Majesty and
the United States of Venezuela, British Guiana-Venezuelan Boundary, Paris, Typographie
Chamerot et Renouard, 1899.
Index to Cases, Counter-Cases and printed Arguments of the Governments of Great
Britain and Venezuela, London, s.n., 1899.
Arbitration between the Governments of Her Britannic Majesty and the United States of
Venezuela: proceedings British Guiana, Venezuelan boundary, Paris, Typographie
Chamerot et Renouard, 1899.
Harrison, B. (et al.), The printed argument on behalf of the United States of Venezuela
before the tribunal of arbitration, London, s.n., 1899.
British Guiana, Venezuelan boundary, Paris, Typographie Chamerot et Renouard, 1899.
Burr, G.L., “The Search for the Venezuela-Guiana Boundary”, American Historical Review,
4 (1899), No. 3, pp. 470-477.
Burr, G.L., “The Guiana Boundary: A Postscript to the Work of the American
Commission”, American Historical Review, 6 (1900), No. 1, pp. 49-64.
Toro, E., Por las selvas de Guayana desde el Atlantico hasta la sierra de Parima, por los rios
Barima, Amacuro, Demerara, Esequibo, Massaruni, Cuyuni, Acarabisi y Venamo:
Delimitación de Venezuela con Guayana Británica, Caracas, Irigoyen, 1905.
Available material 1906- present (listed alphabetically by author)
Braveboy-Wagner, J.A., The Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute: Britain's Colonial Legacy
in Latin America, Westview, 1984.
Brewer-Carías, A.R., Guyana-Venezuela Border Dispute, Max Planck Encyclopedia of
Public International Law, 2009.,%202006.pdf
Bulkan, J. and A. Lang, "These Forests have always been ours": Official and Amerindian
Discourses on Guyana's Forest Estate, in M.C. Forte (ed.), Indigenous Resurgence in the
Contemporary Caribbean, Amerindian Survival and Revival, 2006.
Child, C.C., “The Venezuela-British Guiana Boundary Arbitration of 1899”, The American
Journal of International Law, 44 (1950), pp. 682-693.
Curiel, R., Overlapping claims for an extended continental
shelf in the Northeastern part of South America facing the Atlantic Ocean. Research
Paper, United Nations - Nippon Foundation Fellowship Programme, 2010.
Davies, J., Guyana – Venezuela Border Conflict (preliminary draft concept paper), Center
for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland, 2002.
Dennis, W.C., “The Venezuela-British Guiana Boundary Arbitration of 1899”, The
American Journal of international Law, 44 (1950), pp. 720-727 (editorial comment).
Department of State, Washington. Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Geographer,
British Guiana-Venezuela Boundary, Washington, D.C. , Department of State, Bureau of
Intelligence and Research, International Boundary Study No. 21, 1963, pp. 1-5.
Dominguez, J.I. (et al.), Boundary Disputes in Latin America, Washington, United States
Institute of Peace, Peaceworks, No. 50, 2003.
Donovan, T.W., “Challenges to the Territorial Integrity of Guyana: A Legal Analysis,
Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law; 32 (2004), No. 3, pp. 661-724.
Elias-Roberts, A., “Legal Reflections on the Guyana Venezuela Maritime Issue”, Caribbean
Journal of International Relations and Diplomacy, 2 (2014), No. 1, pp. 13-36.
Fernandez y Gomez, O.J., The Guyana-Venezuela Border Dispute: An Analysis of the
Reasons Behind Venezuela's Continuing Demands for Abrogation of the 1899 AngloVenezuelan Arbitral Treaty, Thesis, University of Florida, 1992.
Gonzales Oropeza, H., Report on the boundary question with British Guiana submitted to
the national Government by the Venezuelan experts, Caracas, Ministerio de relaciones
exteriors, Repú blica de Venezuela, 1967.
Ishmael, O., The Trail of Diplomacy, The Guyana-Venezuela Border Issue, Volume I
(2013) and Volume II (2015), New York, XLibris, 2013/2015.
Jagan-Brancier, C., The Guyana-Venezuela Border Row, 9 p., 2000.
Menon, P.K., “The Guyana-Venezuela Boundary Dispute”, Revue de droit international, de
sciences diplomatiques et politiques, 57 (1979), pp. 166-187.
Porter, R.K. and A. Fortique, Official History of the Discussion Between Venezuela and
Great Britain on Their Guiana Boundaries (1896), Whitefish MT, United States,
Kessinger Publishing, 2009.
Robertson, I.E., The Dutch Linguistic Legacy and the Guyana-Venezuela Border
Question”, Boletin de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 34 (1983), pp. 75-98.
Rö mer, I.B., "La reclamació n sobre el territorio Esequibo y la plataforma Deltana", in J. A.
lbornoz Oliver, P. Apolinar Rojas, F. Eudes Mujica B. (eds.), El derecho international en
tiempos de globalizacion, libro homenaje al Carlos Febres Pobeda, Publicaciones
Vicerrectorado Acadé mico, volume 2, 2006.
Rout, L.B., “Which Way Out? : A Study of the Guyana-Venezuela Boundary Dispute”, Latin
American Studies Center, Michigan State University, 1971.
Salas, G.R., “Las controversias limitrofes pendientes en America del Sur. La cuestion del
Esequibo”, Revista de la Facultad, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2 (2011), No. 2, pp.
Sanchez, W.A., “A Non-Violent Conflict: The Venezuela-Guyana Dispute”, e-international
relations, 21 july 2015.
Schoenrich, O., “The Venezuela-British Guiana Boundary Dispute”, The American Journal
of International Law, 43 (1949), pp. 523-530.