5358 West Commerce Street Son Antonio, Texas 78237 Telephone: 210.444.4500 Fox: 21 0.444.4546 Website: www.eisd.ne t EDGEWOOD INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT March 31, 2016 Dear Parents and Guardians, IMPORTANT ACCREDITATION INFORMATION Subject: Assignment of Accreditation Status to the EDGEWOOD ISO The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the 2015-2016 accreditation status ofthe EDGEWOOD lSD has been lowered to Accredited-Warned. Under state law, the accreditation statuses that may be assigned to districts include Accredited, Accredited-Warned, Accredited-Probation, and Not Accredited-Revoked. A status of Accredited-Warned means that a district exhibits deficiencies that, if not addressed, will lead to probation or revocation ofthe district' s accreditation status. The EDGEWOOD ISO has been assigned an Accredited-Warned status due to violations on the part of board of trustee members with regard to their duties and responsibilities. Specifically, the EDGEWOOD ISD accreditation status has been lowered because of these 3 factors: 1) There is a systemic breakdown in the district's ability to govern and oversee the management of the public schools of the district as required by Texas Education Code (TEC) 11.151 (b), 2) the board of trustees failed to collaborate with the district' s administration in violation of TEC 11.151 (b) and, members of the board of trustees acted individually on behalf of the board in violation of TEC 11.1512. To address the areas of identified deficiency, the Commissioner of Education has assigned a conservator to oversee and direct all district operations. A superintendent and board of managers will also be appointed by the Commissioner of Education. The board of managers will exercise the powers and duties of the board of trustees. Under law, if the current accreditation concerns for the district are not addressed, the district may be assigned an accreditation status of AccreditedProbation or Not Accredited-Revoked. A Not Accredited-Revoked status means that the TEA no longer recognizes the district as a Texas public school. Districts with an accreditation status below Accredited also may be subject to additional accreditation sanctions as referenced in statute and rule. For more information regarding the assignment of accreditation statuses to school districts, you may access the TEA website at http://www.tea.texas .gov/accredstatus/. This website will provide you with background information as well as links to the Texas Education Code and current commissioner's rules related to accreditation. If you have additional questions regarding the assignment of an Accredited-Warned status to the EDGEWOOD lSD, or if you would like additional information about the district' s ongoing improvement efforts, please contact Ms. Anna Nieto at 210-444-8110 or [email protected]. Sincerely~ ~to v:;s;:: Superintendent Designee \..,l,...' :...~· ,, ' ,,. ,. • •llt.J ::/ ">: ~ ..) ~ 5358 West Commerce Son Antonio, Texas 78237 Telefono 444-4500 Fox 444-4546 ~DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE EDGEWOOD wwwe;sdnet 31 de marzo de 2016 Estimados padres de alumnos, Asunto: Acreditacion educativa del Distrito de Edgewood INFORMACION SOBRE LA ACREDIT ACION DEL DISTRITO El objeto de esta carta es informales de que Ia acreditacion educativa del Distrito de Edgewood ha bajado a Acreditado con advertencia. Segtin la ley del estado, las acreditaciones de los distritos escolares pueden ser Acreditado, Acreditado con advertencia, Acreditado en periodo de prueba y Acreditacion revocada. Acreditado con advertencia significa que el distrito tiene ciertas deficiencias que debe corregir. De lo contrario entrara en periodo de prueba o incluso se le podria revocar la acreditacion educativa. La acreditacion del Distrito de Edgewood ha bajado a Acreditado con advertencia debido al incumplimiento de las obligaciones y responsabilidades de la junta directiva. En concreto, la acreditacion del Distrito de Edgewood ha bajado por tres motivos: 1) Incapacidad sistematica de gestionar y supervisar las escuelas publicas del distrito, tal como dispone el articulo 11.151 (b) del Codigo de Educacion de Texas, 2) Falta de colaboracion de la junta directiva con Ia direccion del distrito en violacion del articulo 11.151 (b) del Codigo de Educacion de Texas y 3) la actuacion individual de sus miembros en nombre de la junta directiva, en violacion del articulo 11.1512 del Codigo de Educacion de Texas. Con idea de solucionar estas deficiencias, el Comisionado de Educacion ha nombrado a un encargado para supervisar y dirigir el distrito. Igualmente, el Comisionado nombrara a un superintendente y a una junta de gestores. Esta junta de gestores ejercera los poderes y funciones de Ia junta directiva. Segtin la ley del estado, si no se corrigen los motivos por los que se ha bajado la acreditacion del distrito, se le volvera a bajar a Acreditado en periodo de prueba o a Acreditacion revocada. La Acreditacion revocada significa que la Agencia de Educacion de Texas dejara de reconocer a Edgewood como distrito escolar publico. Los distritos con acreditacion inferior a Acreditado podran recibir ademas otras sanciones segtin el reglamento de la Agencia. Para mas informacion sobre la acreditaci6n de los distritos escolares puede consultar la pagina de Internet de la Agencia de Educaci6n de Texas http://www.tea.texas.gov/accredstatus. Esta pagina contiene informacion adicional, enlaces al Codigo de Educaci6n de Texas y a las reglas de acreditaci6n del actual Comisionado. Si tiene alguna duda o pregunta sobre la Acreditacion con advertencia del Distrito de Edgewood o si desea mas informacion sobre las medidas adoptadas por el distrito, consulte con Anna Nieto en el 444-8110 o en la direccion [email protected]. tentamente¥ Anna Nieto Superintendente en funciones