In addition to your application, the following forms

Additional Documents Required
In addition to your application, the following forms need to be submitted with this application package to determine eligibility: ☐ Signed copy of Parent’s/Guardian’s most recent federal Income Tax Return. ‐or‐ If the parent/guardian did not file an income tax statement, complete and sign the second page of application titled Parent/Guardian Information Form. ☐ Documentation of citizenship or residency: ‐Birth Certificate ‐Residency Card ☐ Copy of Social Security Card Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Documentos Necesarios
Estos tres documentos necesitan ser sométidas con esta aplicación para determinar elegibilidad: ☐ Copia de mas recientes declaraciónes de impuestos federaldes de Padres/Guardian ‐o‐ Si impuestos no fueron declardos llene la segunda página de la Forma de Información de Padres/Guardian ☐ Documentación de ciudadanía o residencia (por ejemplo: Certificado de Nacimiento) ☐ Tarjeta de Seguro Social Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Midland College Upward Bound
Dear Parent(s) and Student:
It is my pleasure to introduce the Upward Bound program to you. Upward Bound is a
federally funded college preparatory program for high school students. We offer services to a
selected group of high school students who meet certain criteria. These services include Saturday
academies during the school year, trips to college campuses, cultural activities, tutoring, a sixweek summer program, and our summer bridge component. Our goal is academic advisement as
well as academic instruction for students through high school in order to prepare them for college
curriculum and to track each student until they graduate from college.
Students are selected for the program based upon a number of criteria, including their
meeting federal income guidelines and/or being a first generation college student, as well as desire,
dedication, and discipline to enter and graduate from college. We offer these services at no cost to
the participant throughout high school and up to the summer after graduation, when Upward
Bound covers some college expenses for Summer Bridge students. Upward Bound facilitates the
process of college admission, financial aid, and the necessary testing to enter college. The
participant also receives a stipend for participation in the program.
We welcome your interest in our program and will be happy to answer any questions
concerning the application process. We are limited to a small number of students we may serve
from Midland, so if interested, please complete the attached forms and submit them for
consideration for an interview and admission into our program. Thank you.
Pervis D. Evans
Pervis D. Evans
Upward Bound Director
Midland College
(432) 686-4221
[email protected]
3600 N. Garfield PB 5
Midland, TX 79705 (432) 686-4215
Fax (432) 685-5507
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Midland College Upward Bound
Estimado padre(s) y estudiante,
Aprovecho esta oportunidad para introducir nuestro programa, Upward Bound. Upward Bound es
un programa preparatorio de colegio financiados por el Gobierno Federal para estudiantes de
secundaria. Ofrecemos servicios a un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria que cumplieron con los
criterios seleccionados. Estos servicios incluyen sábado academias durante el año escolar, los
viajes a los campus universitarios, actividades culturales, tutorías, un programa de verano de seis
semanas y nuestro componente de puente. Nuestro objetivo es advisement académico, así como
instrucción académica para los estudiantes a través de escuela secundaria para prepararlos para
plan de estudios universitarios y hacer un seguimiento cada estudiante hasta que gradúan de la
Nuestras selecciones se basa en estudiante cumplir las directrices de ingresos federales o ser un
estudiante universitario de primera generación, así como el deseo, la dedicación, disciplina para
entrar y graduado de la Universidad. Ofrecemos estos servicios sin costo alguno al participante a
través de sus años de escuela secundaria hasta el verano después de su graduación donde Upward
Bound paga para la matrícula de verano para cada estudiante de puente. Enlazado al alza facilita el
proceso de admisión de la Universidad a través de aplicaciones de ayuda financiera, aplicaciones
de colegio y pruebas necesarias para entrar colegio. El participante también recibe un estipendio
su participación en el programa.
Damos la bienvenida su interés en nuestro programa y estará encantados de contestar cualquier
pregunta sobre el proceso de solicitud. Estamos limitados a un pequeño número de estudiantes que
nosotros podemos servir de Midland tan si está interesado, por favor completar los formularios
adjuntos y someterlos a la consideración ser admitidos en nuestro programa.
Pervis D. Evans
Pervis D. Evans
Directora de Upward Bound
Midland College
(432) 686-4221
[email protected]
3600 N. Garfield PB 5
Midland, TX 79705
(432) 686-4215
Fax (432) 685-5507
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Today’s Date: _________________
Student Application Form
(to be completed by STUDENT)
M. I.
Date of Birth:
Social Security:
Place of Birth:
Home Phone #:
Cell #:
e-mail address:
Student’s place of employment:
Work phone #:
Race/Ethnicity: (more than one race may be reported)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Other (please specify)__________________________
Please respond to the appropriate categories (check one box per question):
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Yes No
If no, are you a permanent resident of the United States? Yes No
Alien Registration # A_____________________
If you answered “NO” to both of the questions above, please complete:
I certify that I have been living in the United States with the intention of
becoming a permanent resident.
Applicant’s Signature:___________________________________________
(Please attach documentation from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization
Service to this application.)
Is English spoken as the primary language in your home?
If no, please specify the primary language____________________________
Please provide a copy of Birth Certificate and Social Security card for verification.
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
High School Information:
Current year in school:
Student ID #______________
High School Name: ___________________________ Counselor Name:_______________
Personal Needs:
Please list, in order, the careers or occupation you are most interested in:
1)____________________ 2)______________________ 3)________________
Please list, in order, the colleges, universities or technical schools you may be interested in
1)____________________ 2)______________________ 3)________________
Please check all the academic areas you need assistance with (you may check more than
Foreign Language
Social Studies _________________
Other (specify) __________________
Please check from the following list so that we may assess your needs along with your
strengths and weakness in order to develop an individualized plan for you.
____Study skills
_____Time management
____Test-taking skills
_____Career Development
____College planning
____ACT/SAT Preparation
____Scholarship/Financial Aid
_____Using the Internet
1._____________________ Comments:__________________________
I certify the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Applicant’s signature__________________________________________________
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Today’s Date __________________
Parent/Guardian Information Form
(to be completed by PARENT/GUARDIAN)
Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________________
Father’s/Guardian’s Name _______________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________Zip_________
Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________
Employer________________________________________ Work Phone__________________
Highest Level of Education Attained
____Elementary Junior High: ___6 ___7 ___8
High School: ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12
____Some college
___Associates Degree
___Bachelor’s Degree
Mother’s/Guardian’s Name _____________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________Zip_________
Home Phone: ___________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________
Employer________________________________________ Work Phone__________________
Highest Level of Education Attained
____Elementary Junior High: ___6 ___7 ___8
High School: ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12
____Some college
___Associates Degree
___Bachelor’s Degree
Student lives with: __parents ___mother __father __guardian __other: ______________
I certify the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________ Date___________
List other children, starting with the oldest:
Living @ Home, College:
Grade Level
List other family/persons living in household:
(Attach additional page if necessary)
Relationship to student
Grade Completed
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Fecha de hoy: __________________
Información de Padres/Guardián
(para ser llenada por PADRES/GUARDIANES)
Estudiante: __________________________________________________________
Nombre de Padre/Guardián ____________________________________________________
Dirección domiciliario _______________________________________Código Postal _________
Teléfono domiciliario ___________________ Teléfono celular __________________________
Empleo ________________________________________ Teléfono _____________________
Nivel de educación más alto logrado
____Primaria ___6 ___7 ___8
Secundaria ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12 ___GED
____Algo de colegio
___Associates Degree
___ Bachelor’s Degree
Nombre de Madre/Guardían_____________________________________________________
Dirección domiciliario _______________________________________Código Postal _________
Teléfono domiciliario ___________________ Teléfono celular __________________________
Empleo ________________________________________ Telefono _____________________
Nivel de educación más alto logrado
____Primaria ___6 ___7 ___8
Secundaria ___9 ___10 ___11 ___12 ___GED
____Algo de colegio
___Associates Degree
___ Bachelor’s Degree
El estudiante vive con: __padres __ madre __ padre __ guardian __pariente o alguien mas
Yo afirmó que esta información es cierta y precisa a lo mejor de mi conocimiento.
Firma de padres: _______________________________________________Fecha:___________
Liste otros hjos , empezando con el mayor:
Donde Vive
Liste familiares o gente quien vive con usted
____ ___
____ ___
____ ___
(Adjuntar páginas adicionales si es necesario)
Relación al estudiante
Educación lograda
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Complete below if federal taxes WERE filed for most recent tax year and attach a
signed copy of your tax return:
Filing status: ___Single ___Married, filing jointly ___Married, filing separately ___Head of Household
Total of number in household (exemptions): __________
Please check your TAXABLE family income for the previous tax year. (IRS Form 1040 line 43; IRS Form
1040EZ line; IRS Form 1040A line 27)
___ $14,700 or less
___ $24,901 - $30,000
___ $40,201 - $45,300
___ $14,701 - $19,800
___ $30,001 - $35,100
___ $45,301 - $50,400
___ $19,801 - $24,900
___ $35,101 - $40,200
___ $50,401 or more
Complete below only if federal taxes WERE
Federal regulations require that verification of family income must be submitted as part of the
application/admission process for Upward Bound. If you were not required to file an income tax
return for the last calendar year, you must complete this form and sign it.
Source of Income
___ Salary & Wages
___ Self-Employment Income
___ Social Security
___ Disability Income
___ Veterans Benefits
___ Child Support
___ Aid for Dependent Children (AFDC)
___ Food Stamps
___ Unemployment Insurance
___ Retirement
___ Other ______________________
$ ____________
Total Yearly Income
$ ____________
I certify that the above income is accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to
provide any documents necessary to verify any information reported on this form.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Por favor de llenar si
lleno impuestos este año:
Clasificación: ___Soltero(a) ___Casado, lleno Junto ___Casado, lleno Separado
___Head of Household
Total numero en hogar (exemptions): _______________
Confirme sus ingresos IMPONIBLE para el ano más reciente de impuestos. (FORMA IRS
1040 línea 43; FORMA IRS 1040A línea 27)
___ $14,700 o menos
___ $24,901 - $30,000
___ $40,201 - $45,300
___ $14,701 - $19,800
___ $30,001 - $35,100
___ $45,301- $50,400
___ $19,801 - $24,900
___ $35,101 - $40,200
___ $50,401 o mas
Por favor llenar abajo si usted no
lleno impuestos este año:
Las regulaciones Federales requieren esta verificación de ingresos de su familia. Debe
ser entregada como una parte de la aplicación/proceso de admisión para el proyecto de
Upward Bound. Por favor complete y firme esta forma.
El origen de cantidad de sus ingresos
____ Sueldo y Salario
$ _____________
____ Ingresos de Empleo Propetario
____ Ingresos de Seguro Social
____ Ingresos de Incapacidad
____ Ingresos de Beneficios de Veteranos
____ Ingresos de Beneficios de Social para Niños
____ Ingresos de Beneficios de AFDC Social
____ Estampillas para la comida
____ Ingresos de seguro de desempleo
____ Ingresos de sueldo de jubilación
Total de Ingresos Añales $ _____________
Yo afirmó que la información de esta aplicación es cierta y según mi leal saber y
entender esta bien. Estoy de acuerdo de proveer los documentos necesarios para
probar la información reportada en esta forma.
Firma de Padre/Guardian
Firma de Padre/Guardian
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Student Name: _______________________
Student ID:_________________________
High School:________________________
Consent for Release of Academic Records
I, hereby, give permission for Midland College Upward Bound program to obtain any and
all of my academic records including high school Student Permanent Record and all
future college transcripts and records.
I understand that these records may contain identifying data, grade reports, high school
and future college transcripts, test scores, immunization records, and teacher evaluations.
Parent or student may examine a copy upon request.
I understand that these records will only be used by the project on an individual basis. I
also understand that compiled records on a group basis may include any and all of these
records. Compiled information will be used to meet federal regulations of program
None of my identified, individual records will be released to any person, corporation,
organization, nor present or future employer.
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Parent Signature
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Student Name: _______________________
Student ID:_________________________
High School:________________________
Consentimiento para Librar los Archivos Academicos
Yo, por esto doy permiso para Midland College Upward Bound que obtenga cualquier y
todos mis archivos academicos incluyendo de secundaria registro permanente y
cualquier y todos traslado de universidad futuro y archivos.
Yo comprendo que estos archivos podria contener indentificar reportes de grado de
datos, secundaria y traslados de universidad futuros, calificaciones, archivos de
inmunizacion, y evaluaciones de profesores. Padres o estudiante podria examinar una
copia sobre solicitud.
Yo comprendo que estos archivos solamente seran usados por el proyecto en
fundamento individual. Yo tambien comprendo que copile archivos en un fundamento de
grupo puede incluir cualquier y todos de estos archivos. Informacion compilada sera
usada para encontrar regulaciones federales de evaluacion de programas.
Ninguno de mis archivos identificados, sera lanzado a cualquier persona corporacion,
organizacion,o presente o futuro patron.
Firma del estudiante
Firma de padres o guardían
Firma de padres o guardían
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Student Name: _______________________
Student ID:_________________________
High School:________________________
Counselor Evaluation
(to be completed by student’s school counselor)
The student named on this form is applying to the Upward Bound Program, a federally funded program from the US Department of Education to encourage first‐generation, limited‐income students to further their education. Your careful and complete assessment of the student will help us determine if the candidate will benefit from the Upward Bound Program. Your prompt response is greatly appreciated. Academic Potential
□Yes □No
Does the applicant have a desire and/or determination for academic success
and/or achievement?
□Yes □ No
Does the applicant possess the academic potential to continue his/her education
beyond high school?
Academic Background
□Yes □No
□Yes □No
□Yes □No
□Yes □No
Is the applicant “on track” to graduate with his/her class?
Does the applicant have attendance problems?
Has the applicant passed all applicable parts of the STAAR? If not please check
which area(s) was/were not passed? Indicate N/A, if not taken.
_____ Reading/Writing (8th) _____ English I (EOC)
_____ English II (EOC)
_____ Math (8th)
_____ Algebra I (EOC)
_____ Science (8th)
_____ Biology (EOC)
_____ Social Studies (8th)
_____ U. S. History (EOC)
Does this applicant have a discipline problem at school? (any office referrals?)
Academic Need
Please check all of the following which apply to the student:
_______ Will need help with taking of College Entrance Exams
_____ TSI
_____ SAT
_____ ACT
________ Will need help with college financial aid
_______ Will need help with college applications
_______ Needs tutoring/enhancement in at least one of the core subject areas.
Personal and/or family difficulties
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014
Counselor Evaluation (continued)
Please check up to 2 of the following:
01-Low high school grade point average
02-Low achievement test scores
03-Low educational aspirations
04-Low high school grade point average and low educational aspirations
05-Low high school grade point average and low achievement test scores
06-Low achievement test scores and low educational aspirations
07-Lack of opportunity, support, and/or guidance to take challenging college preparation
08-Lack of career goals and/or need for accurate information on careers
09-Limited proficiency in English
10-Lack of confidence, self esteem, and/or social skills
11-Predominately low income community
12-Rural isolation
13-Interest in career in math and science
Academic Status of Applicant
Current or most recent Grade Point Average: _________________
Current ranking in class: _________________ of _________________________
Total number in class
Recommendation for participation
□Strongly recommend
□Recommend with reservation
□Do not recommend
Additional comments on applicant that may aid us in our selection process:
Counselor Signature
Upward Bound is 100% federally funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education Office of Post-secondary Education.
Updated: June 11, 2014