PLEASE PRAY FOR. . . • The following people who have died

 The following people who have died recently, and for
their families:
Kathy Alvarez
Marie Hayes
May they rest in peace.
 The Catholic Church in Iraq
 Christians in the Middle East
 Efforts to rebuild the church in Haiti
 All our beloved dead. May they rest in peace.
If you know someone who needs prayers, please stop by the
rectory or call and leave your prayer intentions with Mary.
We invite everyone to record the names of the deceased in
the Book of the Dead placed near the baptismal font. We
will pray for those listed in the Book throughout the month
of November.
Adoration of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament begins every
Friday following the 12:10 Mass. The Blessed Sacrament is
now exposed until 7:00PM. This change is answering the
request of parishioners who wish to spend more time in
adoration. Please come spend some time in front of the Lord
and spread the word to all who wish to come and pray.
Washing of the hands
Washing one’s hands as a sign of inner purity was
customary in both Judaism and early Christianity. The
Roman rite has historically included various washings of
hands sometimes before the gifts were collected, sometimes
afterwards. The washing of hands is a symbolic rite
expressing the priest’s need for inward purification. A
minister pours water on his hands as the priest quietly recites
the prayer: Lord wash away my iniquity and cleanse me from
my sins. (Ps. 51:2)
Father Ignacio Larrañaga
Cardinal O’Malley asked Saint Mary’s to host a retreat led
by a well-known Franciscan priest, Father Ignacio
Larragnara, on the weekend of November 20-21. Father
Ignacio Larrañaga is the author of 16 books that have been
translated into 10 languages. The works of Father Ignacio
Larrañaga provide analysis and solutions, doctrine and
guidance for the needs and problems of human beings, which
has helped millions of people experience the joy of inner
freedom and joy of living. Father Larrañaga's books are
translated into English and other languages. Among his
highlights: Sensing Your Hidden Presence, Brother Francis of
Assisi, The Poor of Nazareth, Psalms for Life, The Silence of
Mary, From Suffering to Peace, and Happy Marriage.
The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week:
Saturday, November 13
4:00 PM - Mary Rose Burgoyne - Month’s Mind
Sunday, November 14
8:00 AM - Mary Lane & Frank O’Halloran - Anniversary
10:00 AM - William Coakley - Anniversary
Monday, November 15
12:10 PM - Annette and Alfred Marquis - Memorial
Tuesday, November 16
12:10 PM - Gabriel Idegwu (Memorial) and family healing
Wednesday, November 17
12:10 PM - Ruth Little - Anniversary
Thursday, November 18
12:10 PM - Julius, James & Victor Stremeckus - Anniv.
Saturday, November 20
4:00 PM - William and Jessie Nally - Anniversary
Sunday, November 21
8:00 AM - Anthony Merola - Memorial
10:00 AM - Parish and Parishioners
Those requesting a weekend Mass Intention are asked to
make themselves known to the cantor or celebrant at least
ten minutes before the Mass if they would like to serve as
gift bearers for that liturgy.
1,213 people participated in all the Masses last weekend and
contributed a total of $4,219 to the weekly collection and
$1,993 to the second collection for the Campaign for Human
Development. This week’s second collection is the Special
Monthly Collection. Next week’s second collection
(November 21st) is for Retired Religious Sisters.
The Gospel predicts end times; our challenge, though, is to
live faithfully now. St. Vincent often asked this simple
question: “What would Jesus Christ do if he were in my
place now?”
Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put
your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul poor box so that we may
help those who are suffering to be able to celebrate the
upcoming holidays.
Jesus, teach us to love one another. May we fearlessly speak
your love to all we meet, may we accompany the poor in
their search for God, and may we pray for the peace that
cannot be achieved through acts of violence and war. Amen.
The annual St. Vincent DePaul appeal in underway. If you
did not receive a copy of the Annual Report in the mail,
please pick up a copy at the church entrances so you can
respond as your means allow with donations to this
charitable ministry here at St. Mary’s.
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
This weekend we present the financial report for the
fiscal year that ended on June 30th, 2010. The total income
for the year was $1,199,294. The total expenses for the year
came to $1,198,069. This is good news for the stability of
the parish. We ended up with an income of $1,225. Thank
you for your continued support and generosity shown to the
parish throughout the year. These numbers reflect a huge
increase in income and expenditures. A few highlights:
The increase in income came primarily from the estate of
Lorraine Murray. May she rest in peace. Her donation
allowed us, in this anniversary year, to restore the church
properties, invest in much needed capital improvements and
maintenance, and increase our charitable giving. Other
increases included a disbursement by the City of Waltham
Community Preservation Committee to restore the Rectory
The Sunday offertory is down slightly from the past year
while the monthly collection is back up to what it was two
years ago. The total offertory was down approximately
$16,500 from the previous year. Yet we are grateful in light
of the present economic challenges that we were able to pay
all of our bills and make so many investments that will
prevent large maintenance and repair expenditures in the
We try and look for outside sources of revenue. For
instance, the Waltham Community Preservation Act
provided us the means to restore the Rectory windows for
historic preservation purposes. Every once in a while we
receive a gift from the estate of a deceased member of the
parish. This has been a huge blessing for the parish. We
invite all parishioners to consider including Saint Mary’s
Parish in their wills. In the meantime, we hope that everyone
will donate what they can.
Salaries rose mostly due to the appointment of Father
Gabino as parochial vicar. Pastoral and liturgical expenses
increased because we purchased new chasubles, vestments,
altar server robes, and a funeral pall. Our charitable giving
increased greatly on the occasion of our Anniversary
celebration. During Mass and in previous bulletin
announcements, I have listed all the charities we gave to.
Most of the capital improvement and restoration expenses
were planned. All of the exterior buildings were repainted.
Many damaged and leaking stained glass windows were
repaired. The choir loft floor was restored. All of the leaks in
the church roof were repaired as well as the major holes in
the small church tower. Protective glass was placed over the
louvers of that tower to prevent rain water entering the
church. The interior of the church was painted. Repairs and
improvements were made in the Carriage House to
accommodate our need for more space.
Rectory expenses included some ceiling and plastering
work that was very much needed. Parishioners were very
helpful in doing this work (and doing an excellent job). The
Rectory windows were restored and should last for another
100 years. We fixed up the parish office to make it a brighter
and more welcoming environment. Our old computers died
requiring us to purchase new computers for the Rectory.
The Crucifix in front of the church was built and erected
in September. The Religious Education building received
new storm windows for safety and heat conservation
reasons. Repairs to many of the rooms in that building were
required due to the March rainstorms. Insurance covered
most of the storm damage bills.
New advances in technology made our video equipment
outdated, requiring us to purchase new equipment.
Otherwise we would not be able to transmit the Mass on the
Waltham cable.
Last year’s goals were expanded to include making
improvements around the parish. This year we will return to
the goal of spending less and continuing to cut costs when
possible. This is a challenge when expenses such as health
care, insurance, and utility costs continue to rise. We will
continue to strive to be responsible stewards of the parish
fund, give praise to God by assisting those in need, and pay
just wages and salaries.
I wish to thank the staff and the parishioners who work
with me. If any parishioners have advice on how to manage
the money, please do not hesitate to contact me. And please
pray for me, as I do not have a background in business.
Next week, copies of the Magnificat Advent Companion will
be available at the doors of the Church. These small booklets
provide reflections on the Gospel passage for each day of
Advent. Please take them for you and for friends. We ask for
$2.00 to cover purchase costs.
If you are looking for a gift idea, please remember a
133Club number is a great gift for someone. The odds of
winning are excellent. $2000 is distributed each month. A
letter is sent to every member with the names of the winners
as well as a description of what is happening at Saint
Mary’s. The cost of a number is $55 a year. You can call the
rectory if you would like to purchase a number for
Santa María de Waltham
Información de la Oficina
Dirección: 133 School Street Waltham MA 02451
Rectoría: 781-891-1730 Fax: 781-642-0602
Email: [email protected]
133 CLUB
Hay números listos para tomarlos para la rifa mensual.
los premios son varios desde $25.00 a $1,000.00.
Las registraciones están en las puertas de la
Iglesia, inscríbase ahora.
Directivo Parroquial
Párroco: Rev. Michael Nolan
Rev. Gabino Oliva Macias
Diacono: Eduardo R. Mora,
Director del Centro de Inmigración
Asistente de Coordinación de Catecismo: Milie Colon.
Coordinadores de Coro:
Iván Colon, María Elena Aviles,
Maritza Pérez, Vidal Hernández.
Coordinadora de lectores: Mariela Contreras
Todos los lunes de 7:00 a 8:30 p. m. en el
edificio de Educación Religiosa
Centro de Inmigración Juan Pablo II
El horario de servicio en el Centro de Inmigración
es el siguiente: Lunes a Jueves de 10:00 a.m. a
7:00 p.m. Los sábados de 12:00p. m. a 3:00 p.m.
y los domingos después de la Misa por una hora.
Estamos para servirles.
Grupo de oración
Todos los domingos de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m.
en el Hall de la Iglesia,
Legión de María
Todos los domingos desde las 10:00 a.m. en el
edificio de Educación Religiosa.
Grupo de Jóvenes
Todos los martes desde las 7:00 a 9:00 P.M.
en el Hall de la Iglesia y todos los primeros martes
del mes hay Adoración al Santísimo.
La semana pasada acudieron a las Misas un total de 1,213 personas, y el total de la colecta de todas
las Misas fueron de $4,219. La segunda colectas por
la compaña del desarrollo de la humanidad fue de
$1,993 Gracias por su colaboración.
De Lunes a jueves a las 11:30 a.m. Viernes a las
Atención es importante QUINCEA11:00 a.m. y sábado de 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Domingo 11:00 a.m. antes de la Misa.
Las presentaciones de los niños a la comunidad serán
solo el primer domingo de cada mes, en la que los
bebes se los preparara para que reciban la unción de
Por favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia
catecúmenos, y así queden listos para recibir lo mas
Para la fecha del curso de pre-cana y para los arreglos
pronto el Sacramento del Bautizo.
necesarios o hablar con el Diacono Eduardo.
Las celebraciones de quinceañera serán para las
que estén en el programa de Confirmación
Todos los primeros domingos del mes después de la Mi- solamente.
Clase de alfabetización, queremos empesa, es el día de orientación del Bautizo, en el Edificio de
Educación Religiosa, y el segundo domingo del cada zar en el mes de Octubre, la clase de alfabetización y
mes son los Bautizos, después de la Misa en la Iglesia. es una buena oportunidad para cambiar la vida de
muchos al aprender a escribir y leer nuestro idioma,
no hay que tener vergüenza por no saber leer o escriSi conoce a alguien que necesita la Sagrada
bir, hay que tener vergüenza por no querer aprender.
Comunión en su casa, hospital o Asilo de Ancianos
No perdamos esta oportunidad de mejorar y valernos
“Nursing Home”, hablar con el uno de los Sacerdotes por nosotros mismos, si te considerar amigo de alo al Diacono Eduardo Mora.
guien que necesita leer y escribir , anímale a que se
registre para este curso y sentirás que haz obrado.
Horario de las Misas
Miércoles y Viernes a las 7:00 P.M.
y los domingos a las 11:30 A.M.
Cambios en nuestra Iglesia. El Santo Padre a
aprobado una nueva traducción de la Misa. Estos cambios se implementara el próximo año. La razón por
esta nueva tradición es para acercarnos a las oraciones
en latín, y atraer lo hermoso de las oraciones originales. En preparación para estos cambios incluimos en le
boletín una pequeña reflexión en cada parte de la Misa. Los últimos meses hemos venido enfocando la primera parte de la palabra en la liturgia de la Misa, ahora nos enfocaremos en la Liturgia de la Eucaristía.
Después de mezclar el agua y el vino, el sacerdote
hace una oración en silencio pidiendo a Dios que reciba nuestras ofrendas. La oraron es la siguiente “Señor,
te pedimos que nos recibas y te sientas bien con el sacrificio que te ofrecemos con humildad y con un corazón contristo” Este texto viene del libro de Daniel
3: 39-40 donde es rezado por Asaría quien extraña el
sacrificio espiritual en el templo, dándose cuenta de
que es el sacrificio espiritual que complace a Dios. El
Sacerdote inciensa el altar. En Santa Maria se usa incienso en las Misas de las 10 y 11:30 A.M. Incienso
es un símbolo tradicional de la oración que sube a
Dios. (Salmo 141:2 y Rev. 8:3-4) Los regalos puestos
en el altar se inciensan como una señal de que la Iglesia ofrece la oración que va hacia Dios. El sacerdote y
los feligreses también son incensados porque ellos
mismos se unen con sus oraciones y con sus regalos
que se ofrecen en la Oración Eucarística.
este retiro y ha escogido nuestra parroquia para este evento esto es una bendicion. Muchos
ticket se esta vendiendo fuera de la parroquia
es decir en otras Iglesia, y nosotros como anfitriones creo que responderemos en una forma
afirmativa a este llamado para este retiro que
es Noviembre 20 y 21 Sábado y Domingo,
hay ticket de venta, hermanos de la Legión de
Maria y Juan XXIII tienen ticket para la venta
y en el precio del ticket esta incluido el almuerzo del Sábado. Compre su ticket y nos
saldrá decepcionado, Cuando le ofrezcan un
ticket no niegue comprarlo o diga la otra semana lo compro, muchas actividades se están
presentando en la comunidad y un grupo a otro
se ha apoyado, ojala esta no sea la excepción.
EL libro de difuntos, invitamos a todos a escribir el nombres de sus difuntos en el libro que se encuentra cerca del área de Bautismo, se estará escribiendo los nombre por todo el mes de Noviembres, y
el ultimo domingo del mes pondremos las intenciones
de las almas en las Misa del Domingo.
Club 133, es un amanera de ayudar a nuestra
Iglesia haciéndose mimbre de este club, cuesta $55.00
Bienvenidos a nuestra comunidad a todos aque- por el ano , y puede ganar dinero también es decir
ayuda y gana, hay un premios desde $1000.00 hasta
llas personas que vienen por primera vez a nuestra
parroquia. Si usted es nuevo háganos saber para que muchas de $25.00. Y ahora que se acerca las navidades que regalo mas perfecto de obsequiar. Para regisle demos la bienvenida como se merece.
trarse llame a la rectoría o hable con algún sacerdote
o diacono.
Ya esta cerca el Retiro con Padre Ignacio
Larrañaga, como sabemos el Cardenal
O’Malley ha invitado al Padre Larranaga para
La Virgen en el cielo se paseaba muy preocupada por todos sus hijos del mundo. Los
veía confundidos, equivocados y hasta alejados de Dios.
Como misionera por excelencia buscaba una solución. Un buen día mirando hacia la
tierra, encontró un fraile llamado Domingo de Guzmán, el fundador de la Orden de
Predicadores, o sea, los Dominicos y las Dominicas.
Pero este fraile no podía dormir pensando en la cantidad de personas que no conocían
la Verdad, que es Dios mismo. Sufría por todos los que no amaban a la Madre de Dios.
Pasaba horas y horas de rodillas frente al sagrario orando: ¿Qué hago para salvar las
almas? Y rogaba a su madre del cielo, una vez y otra vez, dale y dale… CONTINUA