Edit Antal ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of birth: 15 December, 1954 Place of birth: Sopron, Hungary Nationality: Hungarian, resident in Mexico Address: Inglaterra, 137, A-203 Col. Parque San Andrés Coyoacán México, D.F. C. P. 04040 Mail: Apartado Postal 21-136 México, D.F. 04000 México Phone: +(525) 549-41-89 home +(525) 623-03-03 work E-mail: [email protected] Studies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1973-1978 University of Economical Science of Budapest B.A. International Economics 1983-1987 National Autonomous University of Mexico Master in Latinamerican Studies 1987-1989 Metropolitan Autonomous University of Mexico Master in Philosophy of Science 1997-2001 National Autonomous University of Mexico Doctorat in International Studies Teaching ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1981-1993 Professor on Faculty of Political Science and Open University System of the UNAM 1 Subjects: social theory, metodologie, theory of international relations, East European countries, political analysis of the world 1993– Professor in Postgraduate Program in Political and Social Sciences at UNAM Subjects: analysis of international politicy, metodologie, international theory, global processes, environment 1994–2000 Professor in Matías Romero Institute of the Foreign Ministry of Mexico Subjects: international policy, new agenda, foreign and environmental policy Other Professional Experience ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1992-1995 Chief of the Open University Sistem of the Faculty of Political Science at UNAM 1996-1997 Academic Secretery of the Postgraduate School of Faculty of Political Science at UNAM 1998- Researcher in the Center for Research on North America (CISAN) 2000-2001 Coordinator of the United States Area in the Center for Research on North America (CISAN) Research topics and projects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master’s degree thesis: The factor of ideology in the dictatorship. The case of Trujillo in the Dominican Republic Master’s degree thesis: The theory of argumentation in the international conflicts 2 The transition in the East-European Countries The globalization process The United States and its Environmental Policies in Relation to International Trade. A Comparative Study of North America and Europe The Climate Change: A Comparative Study between the US and European Union Regionalisms and Borders: Environmental NGOs, Institutions and Corporate Sector in Border Regions of North America Science, technology and society in North America Regulation and politics of influence in biotechnology. A comparative perspective between Canada and Mexico. (Canadian Studies Faculty Research Program) Transnational regional integration: politics of development and inmigration (PAPIIT, UNAM) Society of knowledge and cultural diversity (UNAM) Scientific, technological and environmental cooperation as an instrument of technological change in North America and the European Union. A view from the economy and international policy (2007-2010, CONACYT, cordinator) Publications ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 books 19 chapters in books 35 of specialized academic articles 30 articles of analysis in weekly political magazines one dozens of didactic material for education Some of the latest: CROSS-BORDER ACTIVISM AND ITS LIMITS: MEXICAN ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AND THE UNITED STATES by Edit Antal, Barbara Hogenboom, Miriam Alfie, Cuadernos del CEDLA, Amsterdam, 2003. ISBN 90 70280 30 2. CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO: DESACUERDO ENTRE ESTADOS UNIDOS Y EUROPEA, ED. Plaza y Valdés and CISAN/UNAM , 2004, ISBN 970-722-273-5. 3 DEBATES SOBRE LA GUERRA CONTRA EL TERRORISMO. Una perspectiva transatlántica, CISAN/UNAM, 2004. ISBN: 970-32-1381-2. MAIZE AND BIOSECURITY IN MEXICO. DEBATE AND PRACTICE. Edit Antal, Gerard Verschoor, Lauren Baker, Cuadernos CEDLA No. 22. 2007, Ámsterdam, ISBN 90 70280 89 2, NUEVOS ACTORES EN AMÉRICA DEL NORTE: SEGURIDAD, ENERGÍA, ECONOMÍA Y MEDIO AMBIENTE VOL. I. CISAN/UNAM, 2005. ISBN 970-32-2669-8 (O.C) ISBN 970-322670-1 (vol.1.) NUEVOS ACTORES EN AMÉRICA DEL NORTE: IDENTIDADES CULTURALES Y POLÏTICAS. VOL. 2. CISAN/UNAM, 2005. ISBN. 970-32-2669-8 (O.C.) ISBN 970-32-3028-8. (VOL.2.) "Redes y discursos de las ONGs ambientales. El caso de la frontera Tijuana-San Diego" in Antal, E. (edit.) Nuevos actores en América del Norte, Vol-1. UNAM, 2005. "Controversias ambientales a diez años del TLCAN, desde la perspectiva de la Comisión para la cooperación ambiental de América del Norte" in M. Gambrill (edit.) Diez años del TLCAN en México, IIE, FE and CISAN, 2006. ISBN 970-32-3029-6, pp-421-440. "Biotecnología en agricultura: las controversias de un régimen intrenacional en construcción" in A. Perales, B, Morales and M. Del Valle, Integración regional, globalización y sector agropecuario, Universidad de Chapingo y Cámara de Diputados, 2004, ISBN 968-884-926-X, pp.207-218. “La regulación en bioseguridad en el mundo desregulado: la Unión Europea y los países del TLCAN” co-writer with Yolanda Massieu, in Miriam Alfie Cohen /coord.) Agencias ambientales: Europa y América del Norte. Perspectivas y alcances. De Ediciones Pomares and UAM, Barcelona, 2006.ISBN84-87682-79-0, pp.121-151. “The United States and Mexico in the face of uncertainty: The regulation of genetically modified organisms” in Silvia Nuñez y Manuel Chavez (edits.) Critical issues in the new U.S- Mexico relations. Stumbling blocks or constructive paths, Michigan State University y CISAN, in process. "Who Should Tell Me what to Eat? The case of Transgenic Maize" in Voices of Mexico, No. 68, 2004. “Lessons from NAFTA: the role of North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation in conciliating trade and environment” Journal of International Law, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 2006, Vol.14. No-2-3. pp. 167-189. ISSN 1085-4940. “Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad en América del Norte” in Revista Digital Universitaria, Vol. 8. No.2. 2007. 4 “La interacción entre política, ciencia y sociedad en biotecnología. La regulación de los organismos genéticamente modificados en Canadá y México” in Norteamérica, Vol.3.No.1. CISAN, UNAM, enero-junio 2008. “An Infamous Story: the USA on Climate Change” en Canada Watch, Special Issue, 2008. de Roberts centre for Canadian Studies, CISAN y North American Cenre for Transborder Studies an la Universidad de Arizona. “GMO Public Diplomacy for Biosafety in Mexico“ Edit Antal y Camelia Tigau in process. Journalism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1989-1998 Columnist in different mexican newspapers on international analysis 1989- Regular collaboration in the media, radio and TV, international analisys Languages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- English German Hungarian Spanish 5