Salud Ambiental (Environmental Health)

Salud Ambiental (Environmental Health)
Mucha asthma en los ninas / A lot of little girls with Asthma
Pulmones (tumor en senora saludable) *Cancer / Lungs (Healthy woman with Tumor) *Cancer
Hija con Asthma desde chica / daughter with asthma since childhood
Recomendaciones del Doctor (no alfombra/Animales) / Doctor Recommendations (no Animals
nor Carpet)
Cancer Terminal / Terminal Cancer
Bronchitis (tos cronica) nietos / Bronchitis (chronic cough) Grandchildren
Varios Ninos de Philadelphia Elementary con Leukemia / Numerous children that attend
Philadelphia Elementary have Leukemia
Antes no se sabia del Asthma / Asthma was not known in the past.
Tres jovenes de S. Pomona con cancer del la garganta / Three young adults in the S. Pomona
area have throat Cancer
Alergias → Asthma (toda la familia) / Allergies → Asthma (The Entire Family)
Recien nacido a ocho anos en medicamentos / On medication you hear of Newborn to Eight
years olds.
Ninos con alergias (cargar pastillas y inhalador) / Children with allergies must carry their inhaler
and pills
Tres muertes de Cancer en una cuadra (Theresa Place) / There have been three deaths due to
Cancer within a one block area (Thesesa Place)
Negocios de Desechos y Reciclaje
(Business of Garbage and Recycling)
Desalinean con vision de un Pomona vibrante, seguro, bello? / They are not in line with the
vision for a vibrant, safe and beautiful Pomona.
No procesan bien / They don’t process properly
No invierten / They do not invest
Tienen descuidados los negocios (apariencia, ambiente) / They neglect the business
(appearance, environment)
Dinero, Dinero y mas dinero vendidos/ Money, Money and Money sold
Ellos ni siquiera vivien aqui / They don’t even reside in our City
Porque no intentan establecerse donde no hay poblacion/ Why don’t they attempt to establish
where there is no population
Aportando dinero a los politicos pero no para implementar las reglas / They contribute moneys
to the politicians but not to implement the rules.
Sugerencias (Suggestions)
Fallando en los codigos, no los multan / When they fail to follow the codes they receive no fines.
La Ciudad multa a los negocios familiares rapidament / The City is quick to fine a familiar /small
OSHA – Que se apliquen aqui estas reglas con Multa / we need to implement OSHA regulations
as well as fines here.
Que se exiga que se cumplan las reglas de seguridad/ We must demand that they comply with
the rules and regulations of safety
Desigualdad a la hora de multar / Inequality at the time of fining
o Codigos de Contruccion / Construction Codes
o Piso lleno de aceite en los talleres mechanicos / Mechanic shops full of oil on their floors
o Inspectores de estacionamiento / Parking Inspectors
Que implementen los codigos/ To Implement the codes
Prevenir incendios (hay muchos peligros) / Fire Prevention (there are many dangers)
No mas reciclajes / No more Recycling
Que se vayan los que estan / The existing should leave
Mas campos de Futbol/ We need more Soccer Fields
Mas parques para que los ninos jueguen / More parks for children to play
Hay muchos baldios que estan solos /We have numerous vacant lots
Buena campana de plantar arboles (Muchos arboles) / We need a good tree planting campaign
Revitalizar - Enverdecer nuestras calles / Revitalize / greening our streets
*(1) Implementar los Codigos / Implement Codes
*(2) Los negocios no benefician a la comunicad, son pocos empleados, al
contrario, nos perjudican. / These Businesses don’t benefit our community,
there are few employees, on the contrary they do more harm.