Who do you say that I am? ¿Quién dicen que soy yo? OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL PARISH PARROQUIA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA MEDALLA MILAGROSA MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 PM — Vigil 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM 2:30 PM — La Misa en español Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 10:00 AM Wednesday: 10:00 AM & 6:00 PM Holy Days: Check Bulle n Schedule Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 300 Pike Street Meadow Lands PA 15347 724‐222‐1911 Office Hours: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM e‐mail: [email protected] www.MiraculousMedalChurch.org June 19, 2016 JUNE 19, 2016 DAY / TIME TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CONFESSIONS / EVENTS OBSERVANCES / MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 18 10:00 AM 10:45—11:30 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Mass Confessions Confessions Mass SUNDAY, JUNE 19 8:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass 2:30 PM Spanish Mass 7 PM—9:00 PM Youth Ministry Mee ng Henry Bills +, req. Family Raymond Kosiorek + (Anniversary) Req. Kosiorek Family WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 10:00 AM Mass 6:00 PM Mass 6:30 PM Bingo, CCD Center 2 Chr 24:17‐25; Ps 89:4‐5, 29‐34; Mt 6:24‐34 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME; FATHER’S DAY; JULIAN CALENDAR PENTECOST Michael Al eri +, req. Rose & Doug DiNardo Joseph Chehovin + (Father’s Day), req. Children Joseph Urbancic, Frank Mals & Ed Mals + (Fathers Day), req. Family Zec 12:10‐11; 13:1; Ps 63:2‐6, 8‐9; Gal 3:26‐29; Lk 9:18‐24 SUMMER BEGINS Donna Young +, req. Barb Provenzano TUESDAY, JUNE 21 10:00 AM Mass READINGS BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MONDAY, JUNE 20 10:00 AM Mass 10:45 AM Miraculous Medal Novena PAGE 2 2 Kgs 17:5‐8, 13‐15a, 18; Ps 60:3‐5, 12‐13; Mt 7:1‐5 ST. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA Dorothy Balazy +, req. Chris an Mothers 2 Kgs 19:9b‐11, 14‐21, 31‐35a, 36; Ps 48:2‐4, 10‐11; Mt 7:6, 12‐14 ST. PAULINUS OF NOLA; SS. JOHN FISHER AND THOMAS MORE Teresa Rumanek +, req. Kathy Egers John Pomykala +, req. Helen, Doug & Lisa Czenek 2 Kgs 22:8‐13; 23:1‐3; Ps 119:33‐37, 40; Mt 7:15‐20 Mary DiNardo +, req. Mr. & Mrs. Marty Nugent 2 Kgs 24:8‐17; Ps 106:1b‐5; Mt 7:21‐29 THURSDAY, JUNE 23 10:00 AM Mass 6:00 ‐ 8:00 PM Alpha II Mee ng, Church Hall FRIDAY, JUNE 24 10:00 AM Mass 10:45 AM Divine Mercy THE NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Elmer Sobansky +, req. Rose Anna Freed SATURDAY, JUNE 25 10:00 AM 10:45—11:30 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM Mass Confessions Confessions Mass SUNDAY, JUNE 26 8:00 AM Mass 11:00 AM Mass 2:30 PM Spanish Mass PATRIOTIC ROSARY The Patriotic Rosary will be prayed next Sunday evening, June 26 at 6 pm. If you would like to add the name of a service member to our list, please email [email protected]. Plan to join us in remembering those who are serving in our military. Day: Is 49:1‐6; Ps 139:1‐3, 13‐15; Acts 13:22‐26; Lk 1:57‐66, 80 BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Josephine Rybacki +, req. Susan George Raymond Kosiorek + (Birthday) Req. Kosiorek Family Lam 2:2, 10‐14, 18‐19; Ps 74:1b‐7, 20‐21; Mt 8:15‐17 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Josephine Rybacki & The Urban Family + Req. Susan Rybacki John J. Encandela + Req. Daughter, Donna Shriver & Ruben Richards PARISHIONERS ROSARY BEADS If you have any broken or unused Rosary Beads would you please consider donating them. There is a box in the vestibule of the church. 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19‐21; Ps 16:1‐2, 5, 7‐11; Gal 5:1, 13‐18; Lk 9:51‐62 GET US ON YOUR MOBILE! Find an app for your phone that has the daily readings! Try LAUDATE or THE POPE App! 19 DE JUNIO DE 2016 DECIMOSEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PÁGINA 3 PARISH LIFE PARISH LIFE DON'T LET YOUR CHILD BECOME A STATISTIC! 80% of kids stop practicing the faith at some point during college. There is a way to keep our kids (grand kids) connected to the faith. Go to www.diopitt.org/newmanconnection and fill out the quick online form. We only need their fir st and last name and the school they will be attending. A Catholic campus minister at their college will be able to reach out to them and invite them to participate in campus ministry. It takes less than 2 minutes to do and it might be the most important thing you do for your loved one as they graduate high school! NEW LOST AND FOUND CLOSET NEW LOST AND FOUND CLOSET The new Lost and Found ClosetISis LOloTHE NEW LOST AND FOUND CLOSET cated in the rear of the church. If CATED IN THE REAR OF THE CHURCH. IF something leftCHURCH in church itITwill be BE SOMETHING IS LEFTisIN WILL placed in theAND Lost FOUND and FoundCLOSET. Closet. AT PLACED IN THE LOST THE END EACH MONTH THE CONTENTS At the endOF of each month the contents of the Lost OF THE LOST AND FOUND WILL BE EMPTIED and Found will be emptied and given away to theAND GIVEN AWAY TO THE MISSION. PLEASE City Mission. Please checkCITY the Lost and Found ClosCHECK THE LOST AND FOUND CLOSET et if you think you have lost anything in church. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE LOST ANYTHING IN CHURCH. CHANGE IN MASS AND CONFESSION SCHEDULES Beginning in July we will be eliminating the 10 am Wednesday Mass and the 10 am Saturday Mass. Also we will be eliminating the Saturday 10:45-11:30 am Confessions. This is necessary because Father Carmen will be away for studies during the month of July and in August Father John will be returning home to Nigeria after having completed his studies and graduating from Duquesne University. Sadly we will once again return to being a one priest parish. We thank God for having the luxury to have two priests serve our parish for the past two years. Also please remember to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood. RENOVATION OF THE SHRINES We want to thank our parishioner, Jim Sulkowski, for the beautiful renovation of the Shrines of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and Saint Joseph located on either side of the sanctuary. Jim selflessly donated his talent and skills to the enhancement of our church. We are most grateful for his generosity and the additional beauty he has brought to the inside of our church building. May Our Lord bless you Jim for the beautiful improvement to our church. REGINA SCHOLARSHIP It is time to apply for the Regina Scholarship sponsored by the Christian Mothers and Guild. Any student in our congregation pursuing post high school education is invited to apply. This includes students continuing in their post high school programs, (upper classmen). Instruction packets are available in the church office or by contacting Maggie Havelka. Deadline to apply is 1:00 p.m. Sunday, July 17, 2016. Packets submitted after the deadline will NOT be accepted. AROUND THE DIOCESE WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA'S U.S. TOUR FOR PEACE The historic tour, marking the 100th. Anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima, Portugal, will feature the world-famous International Pilgrim, Virgin Statue, traveling worldwide for nearly 70 years. Where: Epiphany Church (downtown Pittsburgh) When: Saturday, June 18, 2016 Arrival: 3pm Welcoming ceremonies Mass: 4pm, followed by prayer time before the statue of Our Lady. Departure: 7:30pm For more information please call Epiphany Church: 412-471-0257 SECOND ANNUAL DAY RETREAT FOR MOTHERS Join mothers from all over the Diocese at Gilmary Retreat Center on August 6, 2016 to celebrate the power of Spiritual Freedom in Motherhood! Come and learn from Fr. Joe Freedy, celebrant and homilist for Holy Mass, and Elizabeth Ficocelli, an award-winning Catholic author and regular guest on EWTN. Registration is open NOW – with an Early Bird special price of $40/person during the month of May, in honor of Our Lady! After May, cost will increase to $50/person. To register, search “Catholic Moms Retreat – Pittsburgh” on Eventbrite.com. Contact pghmomsr etr [email protected] with questions. CATHOLIC YOUTH DAY Catholic Youth Day at Kennywood Tuesday July 8, 2016 Tickets are only $20 for this awesome day of faith in the park. Day starts at 10:45 with music led by Bob Lesnefsky, a talk by Dave VanVickle and Mass at 11:15am all at Pavilion #5. For mor e info, a flyer , and to place ticket orders, please visit catholicyouthday.com. JUNE 19, 2016 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 4 PARISH FAITH LA FE DE LA PARROQUIA FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF CHRIST SEGUIR LOS PASOS A CRISTO The great fifty-day celebration of Easter has concluded, as have the feasts honoring the Holy Trinity and the Body and Blood of Christ. Last week we began a long stretch of Ordinary Time that will bring us to late November. Saint Paul tells us today that those who are baptized “have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27). This scripture is echoed in the Church’s baptism ritual when we sing, “You have put on Christ, in him you have been baptized.” This message is inspiring and sobering at the same time, for in today’s Gospel, we get to the heart of what it means to be clothed in Christ. The Lord tells us, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). For the next twenty-two weeks we are called to take up the cross and, with Saint Luke as our guide, follow in the footsteps of Christ. La gran celebración de cincuenta días de la Pascua ha concluido, al igual que las fiestas en honor a la Santísima Trinidad y al Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. La semana pasada comenzamos el largo tramo del Tiempo Ordinario que nos llevará hasta el final de noviembre. San Pablo nos dice hoy que los que han sido bautizados “se han revestido de Cristo” (Gálatas 3:27). Este mensaje es inspirador y al mismo tiempo nos alecciona, ya que en el Evangelio de hoy, vamos al centro de lo que significa estar revestidos de Cristo. El Señor nos dice, “si alguno quiere acompañarme, que no se busque a sí mismo, que tome su cruz de cada día y me siga” (Lucas 9:23). Durante las veinte y dos semanas que siguen somos llamados a tomar la cruz y, con san Lucas como guía, seguir en los pasos a Cristo. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION It’s almost midsummer day! One of the great hidden treasures of our liturgical calendar occurs this week. There are only three “nativity” feasts on our calendar: for the Lord, the Blessed Mother (September 8), and the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist on June 24. Friday’s date is anchored by the Annunciation (March 25), when Mary learns not only of her own child’s advent, but of Elizabeth’s child. We are exactly half a year away from Christmas Eve. There are strong traditions around this feast. Just as the winter solstice provides a rich vocabulary for Christmas, so does the abundance of light at midsummer inform this celebration. Just as at Christmas, a religious festival spills over into culture. As summer light reaches its peak, the sun-drenched zones of northern Europe see people staying up all night, kindling “St. John’s Fires” in the long summer twilight. Bonfires seem to be the unifying force in all these celebrations, kindled along the shores of the St. Lawrence in Quebec and Montreal, with harbor illuminations in France. You may be most interested in the custom in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the Baptist’s own city. People there will leap into the sea between midnight and dawn to honor John. Why not find your way to a pool, a lake, or a sandy beach this week and plunge in to recall your baptism? It’s a tradition. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Según san Mateo, una noche mientras los discípulos estaban en la barca de Pedro, Jesús vino hacía ellos caminando sobre el mar. Ellos se espantaron creyendo que era un fantasma de algún pescador pero él los calmó diciendo “¡Ánimo!, que soy yo; no teman”. Debió ser impactante ver al Señor caminar sobre las aguas, especialmente en una época donde las aguas venían consideradas como el caos. En varias partes de latinoamerica los fieles celebran a distintos santos con procesiones de barcos sobre ríos o mares. En el Puerto de Paita, Perú se llevan a los santos Pedro y Pablo en una procesión acuática. San Pedro, que fue pescador, está en casa sobre la barca, ya que normalmente son barcas de pescadores las que forman la procesión. Esta procesión reconoce el caos del mar reconociendo a los pescadores, que durante el año perdieron sus vidas en el mar, con guirnaldas lanzadas a la bahía. Pero, esta procesión no se espanta del mar ya que es una fiesta en honor de dos siervos de aquel que camina sobre las aguas, dominando el mar. LOS CUMPLEAÑOS DE ESTA SEMANA Juan Diego Barrientos, Helen Knochel, Grace Krisher, Elizabeth Lutton, Kristen Hravnak, John Marcischak, Jessica Miller, Robert Ranko, Donald Waugh Lawrence Berger, Louis Ihrig, Chester Cecotti, Matthew Cimino, Capri Gelorme, Susan Kostelnik, Michael Luisi, Nancy Proudfit, Brian Trischler, Doris Volen, Fernando Barrientos, Phyllis Cecotti, Mary Encandela, Beverly Lavelle, Ashley Mattarock, James Brown, Kaitlin Hravnak, Laura Mobley, Michelle Rozzi, Michael Carlson, Brianna Palfreyman, Gregory Shriver, Gregory A. Shriver and Sherri Sulkowski. 19 DE JUNIO DE 2016 DECIMOSEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO PÁGINA 5 THE MESSAGE ON THE TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Today, as he often does, Luke portrays Jesus “praying in solitude” (Luke 9:18). The Jubilee Y ear of Mercy invites us to rediscover the value of silence as the prayerful setting in which to reflect on the ways in which God’s mercy transforms our lives, in order to make mercy the heart of our own lifestyle. But in a line that sounds odd, Jesus “rebuked” his disciples “and directed them not to tell anyone” (9:20–21) after they professed their faith in Jesus as “the Christ of God” (9:20). Jesus challenges us also to profess our faith not by what we say, but by what we do: take up our own cross daily (9:23) and “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2). Our gratitude for God’s mercy toward us should make us instruments of God’s mercy toward all. Then, as Zechariah prophesies in today’s first reading, the fountain of God’s mercy will open to purify the whole world from the sin and selfishness that cause suffering and sorrow to so many (Zechariah 13:1). Hoy, como frecuentemente lo hace, Lucas presenta a Jesús “alejándose para orar solo” (Lucas 9:18). El A ño Jubilar de la Misericordia nos invita redescubrir el valor del silencio como una manera de rezar para reflexionar de qué manera la misericordia de Dios transforma nuestras vidas, para hacer misericordia el corazón de nuestro propio estilo de vida. Pero en un momento Jesús dice algo que suena “extraño”, cuando ordena a sus discípulos no decirle a nadie (ver 9:20–21) después de que profesan su fe en Jesús como “El Mesías de Dios” (9:20). Jesús también nos desafía a profesar nuestra fe no por lo que decimos, sino por lo que hacemos: tomar nuestra cruz de cada día (9:23) y “llevar las cargas los unos de los otros”. Nuestro agradecimiento por la misericordia de Dios hacia nosotros debe hacernos instrumentos de la misericordia de Dios hacia con todos. Luego, como la profecía del profeta Zacarías en la primera lectura, la fuente de la misericordia de Dios brotará para purificar a todo el mundo de los pecados y el egoísmo que causa sufrimiento y dolor a muchos (Zacarías 13:1). PARISH INFORMATION AND CONTACTS CLERGY Carmen A. D’Amico, Pastor John Odeyemi, Priest in Residence Anton V. Mobley, Permanent Deacon PARISH STAFF Rosalie Eckels, Religious Educa on Director Jennifer Derrick, Music Director & Organist Mary Ann Lecci, Parish Secretary Don Ross, Coordinator of Ministries Andrew James, Maintenance, Mon‐Fri Dean Gindlesperger, Maintenance, Sat.‐Sun. PARISH PHONE NUMBERS Rectory: Rectory: Rectory Fax: CCD Center: Religious Educa on Office: Religious Educa on Fax: Bap sm and Marriage (Contact Rectory) 724‐222‐1911 724‐206‐9677 724‐222‐5688 724‐228‐8575 724‐228‐9088 724‐228‐1488 724‐222‐1911 Diocesan Abuse Hotline 1‐888‐808‐1235 Safe Environment Coordinator ‐ Ed Holmes 724‐886‐1484 e‐mail: [email protected] WEEKLY OFFERING Average Weekly Expense Collec on for Sunday June 5, 2016 Surplus $ 6,100.00 $ 6,101.00 $ 1.00 Parish Share Goal 2016 Parish Share as of June 5, 2016 E‐Offering for April 2016 Anything collected over our Parish Share assessment will go into our savings. $ 69,201.00 $ 23,538.00 $ 1,504.00