PGW Customer PGW’s CustomerResponsibility Responsibility Program (CRP) Program (CRP) Whatis isCRP? the Customer Responsibility Program (CRP)? What • CRP can help help low-income low-incomecustomers customers better afford CRP is is aa customer Customer assistance Assistance program Program that can their PGW bills and keep gasand service better afford their PGW bills keep on. gas service on. • CRP bills for foreligible eligiblecustomers. customers. CRP provides provides discounted discounted bills • CRP customers pay a budget amount based ontheir theirgross grosshousehold household income. CRP customers pay a budget amount based on income. Who Whois iseligible eligible CRP? for the CRP Program? PGW residential customers. • PGW residential customers. Gross household income must be at or below 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). • Gross household income must be at or below 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). What Whattypes typesof ofagreements agreementsare areoffered offered through through CRP? CRP? • CRP on the the number numberof ofpersons personsininthe thehousehold householdand and the total gross CRPagreements agreements are are based based on the total gross household $5 monthly monthly co-pay co-paytowards towardsthe thepre-program pre-programdebt debt (the amount household income, income, plus plus a a $5 (the amount the customer owes PGW at the time of enrollment in CRP), if any. the customer owes PGW at the time of enrollment in CRP), if any. Poverty guidelines and maximum household income are based on federal figures. • Poverty guidelines and maximum household income are based on federal figures. The dollar amounts change every year. The dollar amounts change every year. The minimum CRP charge is $25 per month (plus $5 co-pay, if applicable). • The minimum CRP charge is $25 per month (plus $5 co-pay, if applicable). 8% of income 9% of income 8% of income 10% of income 9% 9% of of income income 10% of 10% of income income Percentof of Percent FPL FPL 0-50% 51-100% 0-50% 0-50% 101-150% 51-100% 51-100% 101-150% 101-150% 2011Maximum Maximum Monthly Gross Monthly Gross 2015 2011 Maximum Monthly Gross Income Income per Household Size Income per Household Size per Household Size 1 1 $454 $908 2 2 $613 $1,226 3 3 $772 $1,544 4 4 Each Additional Person Each Additional $931 $159 Person $1,863 $960 $$465 490 $$630 664 $$795 837 $1,010 $1,361 $1,839 $2,316 $2,794 $931 $1,261 $1,591 $1,921 $ 981 $ 1,328 $1,674 $2,021 $1,396 $2,386 $2,881 $1,471 $$1,891 1,991 $2,511 $3,031 $318 $165 $173 $478 $330 $347 $495 $520 One-Mile Walk W. Montgomery Ave N. Broad Street Cecil B. Moore CRP Agreement Percent of Type Type Cecil B. Moore arerules the rules for participation? WhatWhat are the for participation? Make payments • Pay your monthly bill on on time. time and in full. Assign LIHEAP grants PGW. • Apply for LIHEAP each yeartoand assign the grant to PGW. Conserve energy. • Make a significant effort to conserve energy. Re-apply every year or when household income changes. • Reapply for CRP each year or when household sizeororsize income changes. Allow installation of Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) device. • Accept free weatherization services, if offered. Accept free conservation services. What documentation do I need to apply for CRP? I need to apply for CRP? • What Mostdorecent 30 days proof of income for all members of the household who Social Security cards for all members of the household. have an income or who receive benefits assistance. Proof of income for all members of the household: • Examples: Pay stubs; award letter from the Social Security Administration for Pay stubs for last four weeks, letter from employer, DPW card, Social Security, SSI, or SSDI benefits; documentation from the Department of child support, unemployment, rental income or other acceptable Public Welfare (DPW) or a My COMPASS printout of the unemployment benefits or documentation. cash assistance received by yourself, other adults in your household or children in your household; How to apply for CRP? documentation of child support payments; completed prior tax return forms or taxinreturns individuals; completed Income Print out anquarterly application Englishfor or self-employed Spanish online at Support Document. Mail completed application and copies of Social Security cards and proof of income for everyone living in the household to: How to apply for CRP? Philadelphia Gas Works, Customer Responsibility Program, • Print out an P.O. application in English or Spanish online at Box 3529, Philadelphia, PA 19122-0529. • Mail completed application and proof or of income for everyone living in the household to: Philadelphia Gas Works, Customer Responsibility Program, Visit one of PGW’s Customer Service Centers. P.O. Box to 3529, PA and 19122-0529. Be sure bringPhiladelphia, proof of income Social Security cards for everyone living in the household. or • Visit one of PGW’s Customer Service Centers. What happens my to pre-CRP program arrears? • Betosure bring proof of income for everyone living in the household. PGW will forgive 1/36 of your original pre-CRP debt each month for each bill paidtoon time and in full. What happens my pre-CRP program arrears? Your monthly $5 co-pay applied pre-CRP to your pre-CRP debt. • PGW will forgive 1/36 of yourisoriginal debt each month for each bill paid on time and in full. pay my billstoonyour time? • What Yourhappens monthly if$5I don’t co-pay is applied pre-CRP debt. PGW will send you a notice informing you that you have 10-days to pay or your gas service could shut-off. What happens if Ibe don’t pay my bills on time? • PGW will send you a notice informing you that you have 10-days to pay or your gas • • No, you cannot choose a gas supplier and remain on CRP at the same time. CRP will provide greater savings for low-income customers than what will be available from gas suppliers Could a CRP customer choose a gas supplier other than PGW? service could be shut-off. No, you can not choose a gas supplier and remain on CRP at the same time. CRP will provide greater savings for low-income customers than what will be available from Could a CRP customer choose a gas supplier other than PGW? gas suppliers. For PGW’SCustomer LIHEAP, Assistance CWP and CRP Hotline at Formore moreinformation, information, contact contact PGW’S Hotline at (215)(215) 684-6100 or visit ourorWeb at 787-HEAT (4328) visitsite Revised 1/24/2011 REVISED 3282012 W. Montgomery Ave N. Broad Street One-Mile Walk Programa de Responsabilidad del Cliente (CRP) de PGW ¿Qué es CRP? • • • CRP es un programa de asistencia que puede ayudar a los clientes de bajos in gresos para que se les facilite el pago de las cuentas de PGW y para evitar cortes del suministro. El programa CRP ofrece descuentos para clientes que califican. Los clientes de CRP pagan una cantidad presupuestada que se basa en el ingreso bruto del hogar. ¿Quién puede participar en el CRP? • Clientes residenciales de PGW. • El ingreso bruto del hogar debe ser inferior al 150% del nivel de pobreza federal (NPF). ¿Qué tipos de acuerdos se ofrecen a través del programa CRP? • Los acuerdos de CRP se basan en la cantidad de integrantes del hogar y en el ingreso bruto total más un copago de $5 mensuales que se aplicarán al saldo anterior al programa (la canti dad que el cliente le debe a PGW cuando se inscribe en el programa CRP), si corresponde. • Los límites de pobreza y el ingreso máximo del hogar se basan en las directrices federales. Las cantidades cambian todos los años. • El cargo mínimo en el programa CRP es de $25 mensuales (más un copago de $5, si corresponde). Tipo de acuerdo 8% of income 9% of income 10% of income Porcentaje del LPF 0-50% 51-100% 101-150% Ingreso bruto mensual máximo según la cantidad de integrantes del hogar para el 2015 1 2 3 $ 490 $ 981 $1,471 $ 664 $1,328 $1,991 $ 837 $1,674 $2,511 4 $1,010 $2,021 $3,031 Each Additional Person $173 $347 $520 ¿Cuáles son las reglas para participar? • • • • • Pagar su cuenta mensual a tiempo y en su totalidad. Solicitar el programa LIHEAP cada año y asignar el subsidio a PGW. Hacer un esfuerzo significativo por conservar energía. Volver a solicitar CRP cada año o cuando haya cambios en el número de integrantes o los ingresos del hogar. Aceptar los servicios gratuitos de acondicionamiento de la vivienda, si se ofrecen. ¿Qué documentos necesito para solicitar el programa CRP? • • Comprobante de ingresos de los últimos 30 días de todos los miembros del hogar que tienen ingresos o que reciben asistencia social. Ejemplos: talonarios de cheque, carta de adjudicación de beneficios de Seguro Social, SSI o SSDI de la Administración del Seguro Social; documentación del Departamento de Bienestar Público (Department of Public Welfare, DPW) o una copia impresa de My COMPASS que muestre los beneficios de desempleo o asistencia en efectivo que usted, otros adultos del hogar o los niños de su hogar hayan recibido; documentación de pagos de manutención de menores; declaración de impuestos del año anterior o declara ciones de impuestos trimestrales para las personas que trabajan por su cuenta; documento de pensión alimenticia. ¿Cómo solicito el programa CRP? • Imprima una solicitud en inglés o español que puede obtener en línea en • Llene la solicitud y envíela con comprobantes de ingresos de todas las personas que viven en su hogar a: Philadelphia Gas Works, Customer Responsibility Program, P.O. Box 3529, Philadelphia, PA 19122-0529. O • Visite uno de los centros de atención al cliente de PGW. • Asegúrese de traer comprobante de ingresos de todas las personas que viven en su hogar. ¿Qué sucede con la deuda que tengo antes de entrar al programa CRP? • PGW le perdonará 1/36 del saldo de su deuda original antes de entrar al programa CRP cada vez que pague una cuenta a tiempo y por completo. • El copago de $5 mensuales se aplica a la deuda previa al programa CRP. ¿Qué sucede si no pago mis cuentas a tiempo? • PGW le enviará un aviso de que podrían suspenderle el servicio si no paga su cuenta en 10 días. ¿Los clientes del programa CRP pueden elegir a otro proveedor de gas que no sea PGW? • No, no pueden elegir a otro proveedor de gas y permanecer en el programa CRP. • CRP brinda mayores ahorros a los clientes de bajos ingresos que los otros proveedores de gas. Para obtener más información, comuníquese a la línea de Asistencia para Clientes de PGW al (215) 787-4328 o visite