Mark Twain
Page 1 Chapter 1 and 2
Page 2 Chapter 3 and 4
Page 3......................................... Chapter 5 and 6
Page 4......................................... Activities
Page 5 Activities
Page 6 Activities
Page 7 Valoración
− Chapter 1: Tom and his friends −
La tía Polly busca Tom y lo encuentra, como castigo le hace pintar la valla.Sus amigos se pasean por allí y
astutamente Tom hace que ellos pinten la valla.En el colegio le hacen sentarse con las chicas y allí hay una
chica nueva de la que Tom se enamora.Su amigo Huck le dice que si quiere ir con el al cementerio.
The Aunt Polly search tom and she finds, as punishment he makes paint the fence. His friends roam and
cunningly and Tom makes his friends paint the fence. In the school the teacher makes sit with the girls, in the
sit of the girls there are a new girl and tom falls her. His friend Huck says if you want to go to the graveyard.
−Chapter 2: In the graveyard −
Tom y Huck van al cementerio y allí se encuentran con el doctor Robinsón, Indio Joe y Muff Potter. Allí hay
una lucha entre los hombres por el dinero de un cadáver. Indio Joe en la pelea clavo un cuchillo a doctor
Tom y Huck son presentes del asesinato.El Sheriff encarcela a Muff Potter en la cárcel y como prueba tenía su
chuchillo. Los chicos tienen miedo.
Tom and Huck go to the cemetery and there are with Dr. Robinson, Indian Joe, and Muff Potter. There is a
fight between men for the money from a corpse. Indian Joe in the fight to nail a knife Dr. Robinson. Tom and
Huck are present in the killed. The sheriff imprisons Muff Potter in jail and had his knife as evidence. The
boys are afraid.
−Chapter 3: On Jackson's Island−
Los muchachos tenían el miedo, y ellos deciden irse a vivir a una isla para escapar y allí vivir pescando
corriendo y nadando un día se dieron cuenta de que el pueblo les buscaba e hicieron un funeral y decidieron
Todo el pueblo era felíz.Después ellos decidieron declarar diciendo la verdad, quedando Muff Potter en
libertad y el indio Joe escapando
The boys were afraid, and they decided to be going to be lived to an island to escape and there to live going
fishing, running and swimming. One day they realized that the people (village) was looking for them and did a
funeral, and the boys decided to turn. The whole village it they were happy. Later they decided to declare
telling the true, remaining Muff Potter at liberty and the Indian Joe escaping
−Chapter 4: Treasure−
Los niños fueron a una vieja casa para encontrar un tesoro.Allí se encuentran con dos hombres, uno era un
español y el otro el indio Joe.
Allí descubren que los dos hombres guardan un tesoro.
Children went to an old house to find a treasure. In this are two men, one was a Spanish and the other the
Indian Joe. There are that the two men observed a treasure
−Chapter 5: in the cave−
Becky celebro su cumpleaños en una cueva en la que Tom y Becky se pierden, allí intentan buscar una
salida.En un túnel Tom se encuentra con el indio Joe, pero Tom retrocede a buscar a Becky.En el sexto túnel
consiguieron salir los dos niños pudiendo contar así su historia a los ciudadanos.Huck se puso enfermo por lo
tanto Tom no le pudo decir nada.Depués de que salieran los niños cerraron la boca de la cueva y allí se
encontraba el indio Joe muerto
Becky celebrates her birthday in a cave in which Tom and Becky gets lost, there they try to look for an exit. In
a tunnel Tom meets the Indian Joe, but Tom moves back to looking for Becky. In the sixth tunnel both
children managed to go out being able to tell this way his history to the people. Huck became sick therefore
Tom could not say anything to him. After of which the children were going out closed the mouth of the cave
and there was the indian Joe dead.
−Chapter 6: under the cross−
Tom y Huck vuelven a la cueva a por el tesoro. Después de recorrer algunos túneles y recordar lo que el indio
Joe había dicho encontraron el tesoro:una caja con 12.000$ que entregaron a la tía Polly convirtiéndose en las
personas mas ricas de San Petersburgo.
Tom and Huck return to the cave for the treasure. After of crossing some tunnels and reminding what the
Indian Joe had said they found treasure: one box with 12.000$ that delivered the Aunt Polly turning into the
persons richest of San Petersburg
Before reading
1. Read the back cover and the story introduction on the first page of the book. What does Tom Sawer like?
Tick one box each time
1. No
2. Yes 5.yes
3. No 6.yes
2. What is going to happen in the story? Can you guess?
Tick one box for each sentence
1. Yes 4.Yes
2. No 5.No
3. No
While reading
Read chapter 1.Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Rewrite the false ones with the correct information
1. False: Tom lived with his aunt
2. False: The friends of Tom painted all the fence
3. False: Huck Finn didn't go to school
4. True
5. True
6. False: Becky Thatcher did like Tom's pictures.
Read chapter 2.Who said this, and to whom?
• Huck
• Tom
• The doctor Robinson
• Injun Joe
• Muff Potter
• Injun Joe
• Huck
Before you read chapter 3 can you guess what happens?
Chose one of these answer
Read chapter 3.Chose the best question−word fort these questions, and then answer them
1. Why: because he is afraid.
2. Where: in the Mississippi.
3. What: they have fish.
4. What: boys saw many boats in the rive in the afternoon
5. What: their faces went an interesting colour.
6. Where: They go to church.
Read Chapter 4 and then answer these questions
1. Because in this there are a treasure.
2. In an old house.
3. Because had holes in the floor.
4. The friend by Injun Joe.
5. In the bag was six hundred and fifty dollars.
6. Injun Joe fined want box with dollars.
7. He want put under the cross.
Read Chapter 5 .Put these sentences in the correct order
Read chapter 6.Here are some untrue sentences about it. Change them into true sentences.
1. Tom and huck didn't go in to the cave trough the doors
3. They found a full box in the room at the end of the second tunnel
After reading
1. What did tom tell the judge at Muff Potter is trial?
These halves of sentences to make his story.
1 and 12
2 and 16
3 and 15
4 and 18
5 and 14
6 and 11
7 and 17
8 and 10
9 and 13
2. Here is a conversation between Aunt Polly and Tom
Complete Aunt Polly's questions. Use as many words as you like
1. Are you?
2. Go to in Jackson's island?
3. Sleep?
4. Have eat?
3. Here is a newspaper report about the treasure .Find the ten mistakes and correct them
1. Children−boys
2. Becky Thatcher−Huck Finn
3. Twelve−six
4. Muff Potter−Injun Joe
5. Big−small
6. Ghost−doors
7. Alive−dead
9. Trial−funeral
10.Bag in McDougal's Cave−in a boat of Injun Joe
4. Here is a new illustration for the story. Find the best place in the story to put the picture and answer these
−Page: 24.
1. Tom Sawyer.
2. Injun Joe.
3. Because Tom talk about the true history.
−Now write a caption for the illustration.
Injun Joe jumped for the window
5. Imagine that you are lost in a cave. Which of these things are you going to use to help you? Make sentences
like this.
I can use a knife to cut.
I can use a candle to see.
I can use a shoes to go of the tunnels.
I can use a string to exit of the cave.
6. Here are some new chapter titles. Match them with the chapter number. Do you like all of them? Why, or
why not?
1) 5 4) 3 7) 3 10) 6 13) 2 16) 1
2) 1 5) 1 8) 2 11) 5 14) 4 17) 6
3) 2 6) 4 9) 6 12) 5 15) 5 18) 2
−Valoración personal−
A mí el libro de Tom Sawyer me ha gustado mucho por que es muy interesante y divertido.
Me gusta mucho la astutez que tiene Tom y su pensamiento.