THIRD QUARTER RESULTS FOR 2011 Grupo Bafar with two digit growth in Operating Income and Operation Flow Third Quarter 2011 versus Third Quarter 2010 Sales volumes increased by 6.3% Sales increased in 6.1 % (8.4% in USD), and reached $1,546 million pesos (U.S. $123.7) Operating income increased by 14% (16.5% in dollars) EBITDA increased by 12.2% (14.6% in dollars) Accumulated 2011 vs Accumulated 2010 Sales volumes increased by 5.3% Sales increased by 6.2% (11.8% in dollars) and amounted to $4,505 million in pesos (U.S. $373.3) Operating income increased by 12.4% (18.3% in dollars) EBITDA increased by 13.3% (19.3% in dollars) Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico, 28 de October de 2011 – Grupo Bafar, S.A.B. de C.V., leading company in Mexico, with production and commercialization of meat products, published results for third quarter, 2011. Comments from Management Eugenio Baeza Fares, Grupo Bafar's General Director, expressed his comments about the results attained: We still have high prices in raw materials and the increase in exchange rate raised the pressure to keep competitive prices; however, at a stable market and leveraging on our strengths, I am pleased again to announce a two digit growth in operating profit and operating flow (EBITDA), strongly supported by the results of the third quarter, 2011, we attained an accumulated increase in sales of 6.2%, while the performance at the operation profit level showed a relevant increase of 12%, due to our growth in organics, which allowed us to attain a 13% increase in operating flow. Financial and Operating Results Net Sales 1 Sales for the third quarter of 2011 amounted to $1,546 million pesos (U.S. $123.7), compared to $1,457 million pesos (U.S. $114) from the same period last year, a growth of 6.1% (8.4% in USD). This growth was driven by the 6.2% increase in sales volume. Accumulated sales in 2011 amounted to $4,504 million pesos (U.S. $373.3), compared to $4,241 million pesos (U.S. $333.8) from the same period last year, a growth of 6.2% (11.8% in USD). This growth was driven by the 5.3% increase in sales volume. Sales Cost Sales cost for the third quarter in 2011 was $1,069.3 million pesos (U.S. $85.5) and accounted for 69.1% of sales, a higher percentage than the one in the third quarter of 2010 (67.8%) mainly because of high cost in raw materials. Gross profit for the third quarter in 2011 was $476.5 million pesos (U.S. $38.1) while in 2010 it was $468.7 million pesos (U.S. $36.7), resulting in a growth of 1.6% (3.9% in dollars). Accumulated sales cost up to September, 2011 was $2,994.6 million pesos (U.S. $248.2) and accounted for 66.4% of sales, less than the figure attained in the third quarter of 2010 (66.6%). Accumulated gross profit up to September, 2011 was $1,510 million pesos (U.S. $125.1) while in 2010 it was $1,416 million pesos (U.S. $111.5), resulting in a growth of 6.6% (12.2% in dollars). General Expenses General expenses were $382.1 million pesos (U.S. $30.5) in the third quarter of 2011, compared to $385.8 million in pesos (U.S. $30.2) in the third quarter of 2010, and the percentage in relation to sales was 24.7% for 2011 and 26.4% for 2010. Accumulated expenses up to September, 2011 were $1,221 million pesos (U.S. $101.2) compared to $1,159 million pesos (U.S. $91.2) in 2010, and the percentage in relation to sales was 27.1% in 2011 and 27.3% in 2010. Operating Income The operating income for the third quarter of 2011 significantly increased by 14% (16.5% in USD), in comparison with the same time period in the previous year, and totaled $94.4 million pesos (U.S. $7.5) or 6.1% of sales, compared to $82.8 million pesos (U.S. $6.4), or 5.7% of sales. The accumulated operating income also showed an important increase of 12.4% (18.3% in USD), in comparison with the same time period in the previous year, and totaled $288.8 million pesos (U.S. $23.9) or 6.4% of sales, compared to $256.9 million pesos (U.S. $20.2), or 6% of sales. Operating Flow - EBITDA The EBITDA for the third quarter of 2011 was $142.9 million pesos (U.S. $11.4), an increase of 12.1% (14.6% in dollars) in comparison with the same period last year. The accumulated figure also increased in 13.3% (19.3% in USD), attaining $435.7 million pesos ($36.1 USD). Comprehensive Income (or Loss) from Financing 2 The comprehensive income (or loss) from financing for the third quarter in 2011 reached $89.4 million pesos, compared to the $6.5 million pesos attained during the same time period the previous year. The breakdown is as follows: The comprehensive income from financing, accumulated up to September, 2011 reached $102.6 million pesos, compared to the $3.8 million pesos attained during the same time period the previous year. The breakdown is as follows: Net Majority Income This third quarter, 2011 there was a Net majority loss, showing ($17.3) million pesos (U.S. $1.3), compared to the $72.8 million pesos (U.S. $5.7) of profit attained in the third quarter of 2010, as a result of the loss in exchange rate, $93.6 million pesos in the variance in exchange rate, 3Q11 versus 3Q10. Accumulated net majority profit decreased in 40.3% (37.1% in USD), attaining $124.8 million pesos ($10.3 USD), as a result of the above mentioned situation. Rates and proportions The ratio of current assets to current liabilities was 1.28 times versus 1.5 times in 2010, while the portfolio stood at 32 days, almost the same as the previous year. Also, inventory turns was 8 times, versus 10 day turns in 2010. Liabilities in banks increased as a result of the depreciation of peso versus dollar, and we had to leverage in dollars in order to honor our commitments with suppliers; however, net cash liabilities in banks increased just in 3.7%, considering the operations for funds allocated to third parties. **last twelve months Performance ratios were affected, as we already mentioned, by the increase in the Peso-Dollar exchange rate, which significantly reduced net profit created in the last twelve months. The following graph shows the variance percentages compared to the third quarter of the previous year. Net profit figures are: **last twelve months 3 Grupo Bafar, S.A.B. de C.V. Balance General Al 30 de Septiembre de 2011 y 2010 (miles de pesos) CONCEPTOS Septiembre 2011 Importe Septiembre 2010 % Importe % ACTIVO TOTAL 4,959,726 100% 4,153,084 100% ACTIVO CIRCULANTE Efectivo e inversiones disponibles Cuentas y documentos por cobrar a clientes (neto) Otras cuentas y documentos por cobrar (neto) Inventarios Otros activos circulantes ACTIVO A LARGO PLAZO Cuentas y documentos por cobrar (neto) Inversiones en acciones de subs. no consolidadas, negocios conjuntos y asoc. Otras inversiones INMUEBLES, PLANTA Y EQUIPO (NETO) Inmuebles Maquinaria y equipo industrial Otros equipos Depreciacion acumulada Construcciones en proceso 1,851,626 554,089 529,326 251,399 514,150 2,661 37% 1,192,787 103,635 578,614 131,660 372,339 6,538 29% 1,758,744 1,080,895 1,044,324 543,357 1,031,774 121,942 35% 40% 2% 1,670,671 990,757 928,416 519,872 854,537 86,163 328,745 7% 266,472 6% OTROS ACTIVOS 1,020,611 21% 1,023,154 25% PASIVO TOTAL 2,050,680 100% 1,370,129 100% PASIVO CIRCULANTE Proveedores Créditos bancarios Otros créditos con costo Impuestos por pagar Otros pasivos circulantes sin costo PASIVO A LARGO PLAZO Créditos bancarios OTROS PASIVOS LARGO PLAZO SIN COSTO 1,450,468 437,451 856,878 60,059 17,236 78,844 154,500 154,500 445,712 71% 58% 22% 796,106 362,193 265,327 67,979 15,970 84,636 194,500 194,500 379,523 CAPITAL CONTABLE 2,909,047 100% 2,782,955 100% 18,548 1% 12,765 0% CAPITAL CONTABLE DE LA PARTICIPACION CONTROLADORA 2,890,499 99% 2,770,190 100% CAPITAL CONTRIBUIDO Capital social pagado Prima en venta de acciones CAPITAL GANADO (PERDIDO) Resultados acumulados y reservas de capital Otro resultado integral acumulado 472,615 150,795 321,820 2,417,884 2,601,532 (183,647 ) 16% 546,793 148,929 397,864 2,223,396 2,407,044 (183,647 ) 20% ACTIVOS INTANGIBLES Y CARGOS DIFERIDOS (NETO) CAPITAL CONTABLE DE LA PARTICIPACION NO CONTROLADORA 11% 11% 5% 10% 0% 22% 21% 11% 21% 21% 42% 3% 1% 4% 8% 8% 5% 11% 83% 89% -6% 2% 14% 3% 9% 0% 24% 22% 13% 21% 2% 26% 19% 5% 1% 6% 14% 14% 28% 5% 14% 80% 86% -7% 4 Grupo Bafar, S.A.B. de C.V. Estado de Resultados trimestral Del 1 de Julio al 30 de Septiembre de 2011 y 2010 (miles de pesos) CONCEPTOS Ventas Netas Costo de ventas Utilidad (pérdida) bruta Gastos generales Utilidad (pérdida) de operación Otros ingresos y (gastos), neto Resultado integral de financiamiento Trimestre año actual Importe Trimestre año anterior % 1,545,879 100% 1,069,334 69% 476,545 31% 382,141 25% 94,405 6% ( 13,297 ) -1% (89,462 ) -6% Importe % 1,456,873 100% 988,164 68% 468,708 32% 385,896 26% 82,814 6% ( 1,124 ) 0% 6,594 0% Variación % aumento / (disminución) 89,006 81,170 7,837 (3,754 ) 11,591 (12,172 ) (96,056 ) 6.1% 8.2% 1.7% -1.0% 14.0% 1082.7% -1456.7% Utilidad (pérdida) antes de impuestos a la utilidad ( 8,354 ) -1% 88,284 6% ( 96,637 ) -109.5% Impuestos a la utilidad Utilidad (pérdida) antes de las operaciones discontinuadas Operaciones discontinuadas Utilidad (pérdida) neta consolidada Participación no controladora en la utilidad (pérdida) neta Participación controladora en la utilidad (pérdida) neta 2,135 0% 11,563 1% (9,428 ) -81.5% ( 10,489 ) -1% 76,720 5% ( 87,209 ) -113.7% ( 10,489 ) -1% 76,720 5% ( 87,209 ) -113.7% (6,903 ) 0% 3,869 0% (10,772 ) -278.4% ( 17,392 ) -1% 72,851 5% ( 90,244 ) -123.9% 5 Grupo Bafar, S.A.B. de C.V. Estado de Resultados Del 1 de Enero al 30 de Septiembre de 2011 y 2010 (miles de pesos) CONCEPTOS Ventas Netas Costo de ventas Utilidad (pérdida) bruta Gastos generales Utilidad (pérdida) de operación Otros ingresos y (gastos), neto Resultado integral de financiamiento Año Actual Importe Año Anterior % 4,504,620 100% 2,994,608 66% 1,510,012 34% 1,221,135 27% 288,877 6% ( 14,363 ) 0% ( 102,632 ) -2% Importe % 4,241,238 100% 2,824,593 67% 1,416,645 33% 1,159,660 27% 256,985 6% ( 2,208 ) 0% ( 3,824 ) 0% Variación % aumento / (disminución) 263,382 170,015 93,366 61,475 31,892 (12,155 ) (98,808 ) 6% 6% 7% 5% 12% 551% 2584% Utilidad (pérdida) antes de impuestos a la utilidad 171,882 4% 250,953 6% (79,070 ) -32% Impuestos a la utilidad Utilidad (pérdida) antes de las operaciones discontinuadas Operaciones discontinuadas Utilidad (pérdida) neta consolidada Participación no controladora en la utilidad (pérdida) neta Participación controladora en la utilidad (pérdida) neta 32,775 1% 36,085 1% (3,310 ) -9% 139,108 3% 214,867 5% (75,760 ) -35% 139,108 3% 214,867 5% (75,760 ) -35% 14,238 0% 5,615 0% 8,624 154% 124,869 3% 209,253 5% (84,384 ) -40% 6