Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the

3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: (805) 642-7966 Fax: (805) 642-7635
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – August 14, 2016
Blessed are you
who believed
that what was
spoken to you
by the Lord
would be
Luke 1:56
Feliz la que
ha creído,
porque lo que
te ha dicho
el Señor se
Lucas 1:56
Monday - Friday:
6:30 AM, 8:00 AM
5:15 PM (1st Friday) *
8:00 AM, 5:15 PM Vigil
8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30 (Spanish Mass)
*5:15 PM
• Adoration & Benediction for 1hr following
1st Friday Mass
8:30 AM
Tuesday: No Confessions
Wednesday: 5:30 PM
Friday: No Confessions
Saturday: 8:30 AM & 4:00 PM
Monday - Saturday before 8AM
Monday - Saturday after 8AM
3169 Telegraph Road
Mrs. Patricia Groff, Principal
School Office: (805) 642-7198
3167 Telegraph Road
Mr. Marc Groff, Principal. School
Office: (805) 648-6836
Weekly Reflection
Reflexión Semanal
Singing a new song unto the Lord
Cantemos un cántico nuevo al Señor
Today’s readings and prayers focus on the call that
each of us must answer in order to gain eternal life.
Saint Paul tells us in his epistle that suffering is inherent
to answering God’s call. This is illustrated in the Old
Testament reading where Jeremiah is thrown into a
cistern for advising the king to surrender Jerusalem to
avoid its destruction. The cistern is without water, a
muddy pit that will be Jeremiah’s end if he is not rescued. His situation is described in the Responsorial
Psalm, “the Lord drew me out of the pit of destruction,
out of the mud of the swamp; he set my feet upon a
crag; he made firm my steps.” God’s hand was upon
Jeremiah just as it is on us. Answering God’s call is not
easy as Jesus explains in the Gospel. Jesus’ presence
on earth has caused division. He tells his disciples that
he has come to set the “earth on fire,” to establish a
new order. He shares that in order to do this “there is a
baptism with which I must be baptized and how great
my anguish is until it is accomplished.” Throughout his
years on earth, Jesus knew that his life would end in his
passion and death on the cross.
Saint Paul reminds us that Jesus
carried that knowledge with him
each and every day. He bore the
knowledge long before his actual
physical ordeal so that “we could
rid ourselves of every burden and
sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies
before us while keeping our eyes
fixed on Jesus, the leader and
perfecter of faith.” Jesus has
made it possible for us to believe,
trust, and love. He has “put a
new song into [our mouths], a
hymn to our God” (Responsorial
Las lecturas y oraciones de hoy se centran en la
llamada que cada uno de nosotros debe responder con
el fin de alcanzar la vida eterna. San Pablo nos dice en
su epístola que el sufrimiento es inherente a la
respuesta del llamado de Dios. Esto se ilustra en la
lectura del Antiguo Testamento donde Jeremías es
arrojado a una cisterna por asesorar al rey que entregue
a Jerusalén para evitar su destrucción. La cisterna es
un pozo fangoso sin agua que será el final de Jeremías
si no es rescatado; de esta manera se describe en el
Salmo responsorial: “me levantó de la fosa fatal, de la
charca fangosa; afianzó mis pies sobre roca y aseguró
mis pasos”. La mano de Dios estaba sobre Jeremías tal
como está sobre nosotros. Responder al llamado de
Dios no es fácil, tal y como Jesús lo explica en el
Evangelio. La presencia de Jesús en la tierra ha
causado división. Él le dice a sus discípulos que ha
venido a traer “fuego a la tierra” para establecer un
nuevo orden y continúa diciendo “tengo que recibir un
bautismo y ¡cómo me angustio mientras llega! En su
tiempo en la tierra, Jesús sabía que su
vida terminaría con la pasión y muerte en
la cruz. San Pablo nos recuerda que
Jesús conllevó dicho conocimiento con él
todos y cada uno de sus días; aún mucho
antes de pasar por su padecimiento físico
de manera que “dejemos todo lo que nos
estorba; librémonos del pecado que nos
ata, para correr con perseverancia en la
carrera que tenemos por delante, fija la
mirada en Jesús, autor y consumador de
nuestra fe”. Jesús ha hecho posible que
amemos. Él “[nos] puso en la boca un
cántico nuevo, un himno a nuestro
Dios” (Salmo Responsorial).
Living our Catholic Faith Through Eternity
Part Two of Two
As a Catholic may I be Cremated ?
The practice of cremation in the Catholic Church has been accepted since 1963 and has grown
and become more commonplace in the United States. It may be presented as a more affordable
alternative to traditional burial. What is often overlooked is the Church’s teaching regarding the respect and honor due
to the human body. The Order of Christian Funerals’ Appendix on Cremation states: “Although cremation is now permitted by the Church, it does not enjoy the same value as burial of the body. The Church clearly prefers and urges that the
body of the deceased be present for the funeral rites, since the presence of the human body better expresses the values which the Church affirms in those rites” (no. 413).
Ref; USCCB “Order of Christian Funerals” and “From Death to life” by Fr. Joseph M. Champlain.
Please check back here for the next few weeks as we answer some frequently asked questions. For more info
please call George & Jan Roberts (805)648-1782
Parish Life
Happy Anniversary
Please pray for the recently baptized
as they begin their journey in the
Body of Christ
Don & Millie Walker
66 Years on August 12
In Remembrance
John & Margaret Toal
35 Years on August 14
Please pray for those who
have recently passed away
and for their families
Randy & Katy Davis
1 Year on August 15
Janice Connolly
William Peacock
Anniversary Announcements at Mass
Mass Intentions
Anniversaries will be announced in the general intercessions on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month, If you’d like
your anniversary mentioned at mass, please email [email protected] before the 1st of the month
Monday, August 15
6:30 Mass for the People
8:00 Mass for the People
Feast of the Assumption of
Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday, August 16
6:30 Peter Beggs (L)
8:00 Tony Colitti (D) & Robert Fleur (L)
We will celebrate the Liturgy for the
Solemnity of the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary at the Saturday
5:15 p.m. Mass and all the Sunday
Masses this weekend. Please join us
for mimosas in Mulcahy Center after
the morning Masses on Sunday.
Wednesday, August 17
6:30 Mary O’Sullivan (D)
8:00 Rosalie Hutton (D)
Thursday, August 18
6:30 Tim & Sindia Lysaght (L)
8:00 PJ Manning-Lunsford (D)
Friday, August 19
6:30 Frank & Joan Fielding (L)
8:00 Esther Mayo (L)
Outdoor Mass
& Picnic
Saturday, August 20
8:00 Mike & Linda Kelly (L)
5:15 Cher (D) & Tom Kelley (D)
Please join us for our 2016
Outdoor Mass and Picnic!
Saturday, 9/17 at 3:30 Preludes & Procession, 4:00
Mass begins. Picnic and
Entertainment follows! PreOrder your BBQ hamburger or bring a picnic. Tickets can
be purchased in the rectory office or online
Sunday, August 21
8:00 Pat Reardon (D)
9:30 Mass for the People
11:00 Louise Ouellette (D) & Rod Brown Family (D)
12:30 Clara Caballero (D) & (D)
5:15 John P Higgins Jr (D) & Arlene A. Hein (D)
Bulletin Deadline August 28th bulletin-due by 5pm August 19th. Pulpit Announcement –August 21st MassesDue by August 17th at noon. Please see directory on pg 9 for where to send information.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
See Page
August 15
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 18
1st day of school for OLA
Aug 21 & 28, Sept 11
Religious Education Registration
September 17
OLA Outdoor Mass
Sept 11 & Sept 18
Confirmation Year 2 begins - Confirmation Year 1 begins
Parish News
If you are visiting or are joining us for the first time, we are
glad you came! All are welcome at OLA and received with
love. If you are ready to join our parish, we encourage you
to fill out the Registration Form and bring it to the Parish
Office. Registration forms are available at the Parish Office
or on the church website If you have
any questions, please come by the Parish Office, the Welcome Table at Friendship Sunday, or call us at 642-7966.
Si nos visita o nos acompaña por primera vez, ¡nos da gusto
que este aquí! Todos son bienvenidos a OLA y recibidos con
amor. Si desea ser parte de nuestra parroquia, le recomendamos que llene el Formulario de Registración y lo traiga a la
Oficina Parroquial. Los formularios están disponibles en la
Oficina Parroquial o en la página web de la parroquia, Para cualquier pregunta por favor pase
por la Oficina Parroquial o llámenos al 642-7966.
Our Lady of the Assumption Church
Parish Office Hours
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
Horario de la Oficina Parroquial
Monday through Thursday 8:30am to 7:00pm
Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm,
Saturday 8:30am to 12:00pm
Sunday 9:00am to 2:00pm
Wednesdays & Fridays closed from noon - 1pm
Lunes a Jueves ~ 8:30am. a 7:00pm
Viernes ~ 8:30am a 5:00pm
Sábado ~ 8:30am a 12:00pm
Domingo ~ 9:00am a 2:00pm
Miércoles y viernes cerrados desde el mediodía - 1pm
Weekly Offerings
Ofrenda Semanal
Thank you for your continuing support of Our Lady of the
Assumption Parish. For the month of July 2016 our parish
budget calls for $21,484.16 to be donated weekly at the
Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, July 31,
2016 was $16,265.25. This collection is not only used for
operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing
repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. There
are many ways to contribute; credit card and automatic
debit are available. Please visit www.olaventura.c
Gracias por su continuo apoyo a la parroquia de Nuestra
Señora de la Asunción. Para el mes de julio 2016
nuestro presupuesto parroquial pide que cada semana
sean donados $ 21,484.16 en la colecta dominical. La
colecta para el domingo, 31 de julio 2016 fue de
$16,265.25. Esta colecta no sólo se utiliza para los
gastos de funcionamiento de cada semana, sino también
para cualquier trabajo en curso de reparación, mejoras,
etc. A las instalaciones de la parroquia. Hay muchas
maneras de contribuir; tarjeta de crédito y débito
automático están disponibles. Por favor, visite y haga clic en Online Giving o
póngase en contacto con Lauren Burns, gerente de
negocios para obtener más información al 642 a 7966
ext. 101.
TIM Update
TIM actualización
Amount Pledged:
$ 93,326.00
Amount Paid:
$ 86,566.02
$ 35,533.98
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Together
In Mission campaign.
- 4-
$ 122,100.00
Total Prometido:
$ 93,326.00
Cantidad pagada:
$ 86,566.02
$ 35,533.98
¡Gracias a todos los que contribuyeron a la campaña
Juntos en la misión.
Religious Education
Parish News
Our Lady of the Assumption
We Celebrate
Our Patron:
Mary the Beloved of
It’s time for school to start again! We
welcome new students and welcome
back our returning students and families!
Our Lady of the Assumption School's first
day for the 2016-2017 school year will be on Thursday,
August 18. This will be a noon dismissal day for all
grades. Friday will be a full day of school for grades 2 8, with K and 1st continuing with half days for another
week. After school care begins
on the first day of school, and
Choice Lunch service will start
on Friday. Mrs. Groff will host a
New Parent Meeting on Monday, August 22 at 7 PM in Mulcahy Center. Back-To-School
Night for all parents will be at
6:30 PM on Wednesday, August 24, beginning in the
It is not uncommon for an
artist to find a patron who will
support their craft. The patron offers the necessary resources for the artist to be
creative in order to produce
great art. The greatest artists of the Renaissance, Da
Vinci, Michelangelo, and Rafael relied on the support of
their patrons and a community of fellow artists to produce
their masterpieces.
During this month of the
Mary’s Assumption, we celebrate as a community, our
patronal feast. This is a time
for all in our parish family to
re-discover Mary’s singular gift for us as “one specially
favored by God” and blessed by God’s grace to receive
the ultimate reward of life-everlasting in heaven. We set
our sights on this goal because we believe that through
God’s grace in our own lives we are destined for reunion
with God our loving Creator.
During every Eucharistic celebration, we remind ourselves that we are joined together to offer simple gifts of
bread and wine. These represent us, all our efforts and
desires, in union with Jesus. In the words of blessing we
hear, “Blessed are you Lord God of all creation, through
your goodness we have this bread, and wine we offer
You, fruit of the earth and the work of human hands«”
Just as Mary was fashioned by God to be the “Handmaid
of the Lord”, so we are fashioned, for very special service
in the Kingdom of God. We are the precious fruit of
God’s creative grace and the work of human desires.
We are fashioned by the hand of God and by the hands
of so many others who walk the journey of life with us.
What better way to do this than to first realize that we
have been created and called by name as God’s beloved. We walk in imitation of Mary by pondering the
great Mysteries of Faith and being renewed as God’s
Faithful People. Our patron, Mary, shows us how we
bring Christ into the world through acts of charity and
mercy. As we celebrate our patronal Feast of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, may we never take our eyes off
the eternal prize of life everlasting with God, our Father
and Creator. As we prepare for the upcoming Outdoor
Parish Mass on September 17th, we will have an opportunity to witness the power of this special relationship as
the Body of Christ. May Our Lady of the Assumption
lead us to her Son and show us the way to heaven.
Fr. Leon
2016/2017 R.E. Registration
First day of session
Elementary, Grades 1-5
First Day: Tue. / Wed. Sept. 20/21
The Edge, Grades 6-8
First Day: Wed. Sept. 21
Confirmation, Grades 9-11
First Day: YEAR 2 - Sept. 11th
First Day: YEAR 1 – Sept. 18
Registration dates & times are:
9:00AM – 2:00PM, Sunday, 8/21, 8/28 &
9/11/16 In Mulcahy Center
If your child will be receiving the Sacrament of First
Holy Communion or Confirmation in May 2017,
please bring a copy of their Baptismal Certificate to
Youth Ministry
A big thank you to all in the parish
for your help, prayers, blessings,
donations & good will for all of our
summer adventures! Registration
for confirmation ad EDGE are
right around the corner. If you are interested in being
part of the core team
please contact Gabe Rivera at 642-7966 ext 121 or
email [email protected].
- 5-
Safe Environment
Religious Education
RCIA – Right of Christian Initiation of Adults
We offer a warm welcome for anyone looking
for a faith-filled Christian community within
the Roman Catholic tradition. We invite all
who are interested in a Catholic way of life to
participate in the RCIA experience. RCIA is a
1 year experience where people learn what it means to be
Catholic by living our faith and worshiping as a part of our
parish community. We prepare non-baptized adults for
sacraments of initiation, as well as adults already baptized who are interested in receiving the sacraments of
1st Eucharist and Confirmation (also available to Catholics who have been away and are considering returning to
active participation). We’ll begin with a night of inquiry
and information on Tuesday,8/23 at 7:00pm. in the Santa
Cruz room. Come meet members of the RCIA team and
have your questions answered. For more info, stop by the
information table at Friendship Sunday on 8/14 and 8/21
in the Mulcahy Center after morning Masses, or contact
Dn Don at [email protected] or (805) 642-7966 x123.
The door is open, welcome home!
Safe Environment
August 2016 Fingerprint Schedule
Santa Barbara Region
Monday, 8/19, Ventura
Sacred Heart Church
10800 Henderson Rd Ventura 93004
Call for appt 805-647-3235 x 304
For additional fingerprint information please visit:
Adult Ministries
Saints & Salad Bar
In preparation for her canonization on 9/4, we will present
Mother Teresa starring Olivia Hussey on Thursday, 8/18Part I & Thursday, 8/25, Part II. We meet in the Santa
Cruz Room at 12:15 and the cost is $5.00/person which
includes lunch and the film. For more info contact Mary
Kielas 805-650-7870
Men’s Ministry Kick-Off Dinner
VIRTUS Training
Calling all men of OLA. Join the men of the
parish as we kick off a new season of the
men’s ministry. Dinner will be held on Tuesday
evening 8/23 at 6:00 PM in Mulcahy Center. Cost is $8.00
per man. Our speaker is Ron Matthews, Chaplin for the
Ventura PD . For more information contact Jerry Deal at
(805) 339-0260.
The following VIRTUS Sessions have been scheduled for
July 2016 at OLA
Protecting God’s Children
St. Jude Catholic Church (Westlake Village)
Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 6:30 PM
call (818) 889-0612 to reserve a place
Keeping the Promise Alive
Spirituality & Fellowship
(VIRTUS recertification)
Old Mission Santa Ines (Solvang)
Saturday, August 27, 2016, 10:30 AM
call (805) 686-0245 to reserve a place
Faith In Action- One Minute Meditation
To register for a session or for questions, call
Dea Boehme at (805) 390-1260. Participants must be on
time in order to be admitted to a session.
Did you Know?
Road to priesthood involves a rigorous formation process
Seminary formation involves much more than academic
study. Prior to ordination, a candidate for priesthood goes
through a lengthy evaluation period, including an internship during which he lives in a rectory and works with
priests, staff and parishioners. During this time, the candidate is evaluated as to his suitability to be a priest. No
one is ordained unless the staff of St. John’s Seminary,
including the lay faculty and formation advisers, concludes that the candidate has attained an emotional, psychological and sexual maturity appropriate for his age and
for the celibate life of a priest. For more information,
please visit or call the Office for Vocations at (213) 637-7248.
- 6-
Each day find a quiet place where there are no
distractions and then be still before God. Read
the prayer of the day: Remind us, Creator, of
the humanity we share with every other person
on this Earth. Close your eyes, slow down your breathing
by breathing God’s Spirit in deeply«.Holding your breath,
you hold your sense of the indwelling Holy Spirit, then
slowly exhaling«you share God’s loving presence with
others (family, friends and strangers).
Please visit our website to view the complete month
of daily meditations.
Eucharistic Adoration in St. Julie’s Chapel
Adorers are always welcome. Would you consider being
ADORER? Our Lord is waiting for you.”
There is a special need for the following hours:
Friday 10:30 to Midnight & Sunday 4 to 5 am
Call Mary Ann at 644-2160 or Elizabeth at 644-8395
Service & Outreach
Spirituality & Fellowship
Attention All OLA Crafters & Artisans
Respect Life
Our parish will be having a Christmas Boutique in the Mulcahy Center on November 5
and 6, 2016 (after the Saturday vigil mass,
and the Sunday morning masses). This will
be a festive event and wonderful opportunity for parishioners to get an early start on their Christmas
shopping. Space is limited. If you are interested in participating as a vendor, please contact Debbie Harvey at
[email protected] for more information.
The Catholic Church is a Pro-Life Church
from Conception to Natural Death. Resources
and contact information can be found in our directory
page under “In the Community”. For more information
please contact Patty Berry, Respect Life Parish Coordinator at 642-4928
Many Meals
Service & Outreach
Single Again Support Group
A group for Separated and Divorced Parishioners, Wednesdays, 6:30 pm - 8:00
pm. Next Meeting 8/17, Location: Parish
House - Kitchen Area (21 N. Dunning Street, Ventura). If
you are alone, lonely, separated or divorced and you are
wondering how to move through the bitterness, maybe
some anger, fear, perhaps betrayal. If you are questioning where do you fit in the church, what to do with the children? Than this meeting is for you. In a confidential and
safe environment with others who understand, we work
with these feelings and questions. Join us, it is a healing.
For more information contact Rochida McClure at (805)
746-0727 cell/text.
Many Meals serves our parish family
and the community as a whole. Guests
come each Wednesday for a hot meal
and fellowship free of charge. We serve at College United Methodist Church, 4300 Telegraph Road from 6-7pm.
The program is self-supporting and thus relies on our
dedicated volunteers and donations by our generous
parishioners. For more information or if you would like
to volunteer, please call (805)642-7966 .
“As missionary disciples, the Many Meals Ministry
provides a weekly meal and fosters fellowship to the
people in our community.”
Ministerio Hispano
Camino Hacia el Sacerdocio Implica Un Proceso
de Formación Rigurosa.
Formación en el seminario implica mucho más que los
estudios académicos. Antes de la ordenación, el
candidato al sacerdocio debe pasar a través de un largo
proceso de evaluación, incluyendo un internado en el que
vive en la rectoría y trabaja con sacerdotes, empleados y
feligreses de la parroquia. Durante este tiempo, el
candidato es evaluado en cuanto a su competitividad
para ser un sacerdote. No es ordenado sin que el
personal del Seminario de St. John, incluyendo el
personal laico y los asesores de formación, lleguen a la
conclusión de que el candidato haya alcanzado una
madurez emocional, psicológica y sexual apropiada para
su edad, y para la vida de celibato de un sacerdote. Para
más información visite la página de Internet y oprima el botón de “Vocaciones”. Para
obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de
Asistencia al (213) 637-7650.
OLA Cancer Support Group
There are 14.5 million survivors of cancer in the United States according to the
American Cancer Society. Are you prepared to be among that number? With
prayer, faith and support you can be. If you are in the process of being diagnosed, recently diagnosed, or in treatment for cancer come to this meeting where feelings of
fear, anger, hope, despair, pain, fatigue, and disbelief are
understood. In a confidential and safe environment with
others who are in treatment or are in remission, we listen
and provide hope through words, actions and prayer.
Next meeting: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 – 6:00-7:30
pm Parish House, Kitchen Area. For more information
contact Rochida McClure at (805) 746-0727 cell/text.
Grief Support Group
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos
This group is open to any adult who has
lost a loved one through death, whether
recent or many years old. We meet on the
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month in the
Parish House (21 N, Dunning St.) from 6:30 - 8:00
p.m. Go down the driveway, through the gate, in the
backdoor and through the kitchen. Our next meeting is
8/16 For more information please call Ken's cell at 310
720 9943 or send an email to [email protected].
El RICA es el proceso para los adultos que
desean prepararse para los sacramentos de
iniciación: El Bautismo, La Primera
Comunión y/o la Confirmación. Aquí en OLA
ofrecemos esta formación en español y se
ofrece también para las personas que teniendo sus
sacramentos desean aprender mas sobre su fe Catolica.
Este proceso inicia el martes 23 de agosto, para más
información llame o haga una cita con el Diacono Raul
- 7 - 642-7966 ext. 149 o por email [email protected].
Ministerio Hispano
In the Community
La Fe en Acción
Faith In Action
¡A los católicos nos importa! ¡Los católicos
votamos! Una Conciencia Bien Formada
Catholics Care! Catholics Vote!
A Well-Formed Conscience
The Church equips its members to address political questions by helping them develop well-formed consciences.
“Conscience is a judgment of reason whereby the human
person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act. . . .
[Every person] is obliged to follow faithfully what he [or
she] knows to be just and right” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1778). Catholics have a lifelong obligation
to form our consciences in accord with human reason,
enlightened by the teaching of Christ as it comes through
the Church.
catechism/index.html to access the Catechism of the
Catholic Church online.
La Iglesia ayuda a sus miembros a que formen bien su
conciencia y poder así responder a las preguntas
políticas. “La conciencia moral es un juicio de la razón
por el que la persona humana reconoce la cualidad moral
de un acto concreto « [toda persona] está obligado a
seguir fielmente lo que sabe que es justo y recto.” para
formar nuestra conciencia según la razón humana,
iluminados por las enseñanzas de Cristo que nos llegan
por medio de la Iglesia. Visite
catechism_sp/index_sp.html para ver más información en
el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter.”
"Nuestras vidas empiezan a terminar el día nos
convertimos silencio sobre las cosas que
importan ".
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Weekend
for Healing after Abortion
Catecismo 2016/2017
Rachel's Vineyard retreat is for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The
retreat is designed to help participants work through repressed grief and anger in a safe, nonjudgmental setting
and come to acceptance, healing, and hope for the future.
All inquiries and registrations are confidential. 10/7-9 in
Duarte, CA. Cost: $215. per person. For registration or
more info call 866-272-2435 or
Primer Día de Clases
Primaria, grados 1-5
Primer día: martes/miércoles Sept. 20/21
Edge, grados 6-8
Primer día: miércoles 21 de sept
Confirmación, grados 9-11
Primer día: AÑO 2 – sept 11
Primer día: AÑO 1 – sept 18
Fechas y horario de registración:
9:00AM – 2:00PM, domingo, 8/21, 8/28 &
9/11/16 en el Centro Mulcahy. Si su hijo/hija recibirá el
Sacramento de la Primera Comunión o de Confirmación
en mayo 2017, por favor traiga una copia del Certificado
de Bautismo a la registración.
Labor Day Harvest
La Misa al Aire Libre y Picnic 2016
¡Acompáñenos a La Misa al
Aire Libre y Picnic 2016!
septiembre. 3:30 Preludio
y procesión, 4:00 Inicia la
Misa. ¡Seguimos con el
ordenar comida o traer su picnic. Los boletos para la
comida están disponibles en la oficina parroquial o en la
página web
Let’s all join together to harvest fresh
vegetables for Food Share on Labor
Day 2016 at the Abundant Table Farm
in Camarillo. And then we’ll celebrate together with a
farm fresh picnic on the farm! We’ll all join together on
Monday, 9/5 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for “The Abundant
Table Farm “ at the McGrath Family Farms 1012 W. Ventura Blvd., Camarillo, CA 93010. The event is free.
Please register at Bring
hats, sunscreen, water, gardening gloves and a picnic
blanket or lawn chair. For those unable to harvest, we
need volunteers for less physically demanding work.
For more information, please contact Rev. Julie Morris at
[email protected] or 805-312-1978
“Beginning Experience” Retreat
9/16-18/16: A “Beginning Experience” Weekend will be
held at Holy Spirit Retreat Center (Encino) for those who
have experienced the loss of a spouse through death or
divorce/separation. This program helps a person move
from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning
with renewed hope. For info/registration, call Peg (818)
767-1007 or Brenda (818) 352-5265 or Maria Rojas
(Spanish) at 310-365-0186 or
[email protected]
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Parish Directory / Directorío de la Parroquia
Parish Phone Number/Numero de Teléfono de la Parroquia (805)642-7966
CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: Rochida McClure, MFTI, 746-0727 or
[email protected]
FOOD BASKETS: Jerry Deal, 339-0260 or [email protected]
RESPECT LIFE: Patty Berry, 642-4928 or [email protected]
Dea Boehme, [email protected]
RIDES TO MASS: John Stebbins, 644-4674 or [email protected]
MANY MEALS: KEVIN KLIER 856-8850 OR [email protected]
GRIEF SUPPORT: KEN LYNCH (310)720-9943, [email protected]
WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Kati Escallier, ext. 142 or
[email protected]
MEN’S MINISTRY : KEN LYNCH (310) 720-9443, [email protected]
LIVING MATRIMONY: Michael Aguilar [email protected]
OLA Classics: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 or [email protected]
University: Dn Dan Bojorquez ext. 146
DN RAUL GONZALES, EXT.149 or [email protected]
Pastoral Council (en Español):
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Elizabeth Wurts, 644-8395
Mary Ann Decaen, 644-2160
FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY: Dn Phil Joerger ext. 148
INFANT BAPTISM PREP: English: Deacon Phil Joerger, ext.148
S panish: Deacon Raul Gonzalez, ext. 149
MOM’S GROUP: Jeanine Walker, 407-0668
M.O.M.S. MORNINGS: Jamie Kuske, 510-681-4259,
[email protected]
MOTHER’S PRAYER: Lisa O’Brien, 340-7024, [email protected]
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Aaron and Lee Ann Sanchez, 650-6734
PARISH PRAYER CHAIN: Juanita Trine, 644-5967,
[email protected]
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Jan Parrone, 658-1904
ROSARY MAKERS: Aurora Gonzales, 654-0316
VOCATIONS: Father Leon, ext. 106
WELCOME COMMITTEE: Alton & Virginia Lewis 642-7966
ALTAR SERVERS: Deryl & Margaret Franzel, 644-5449
[email protected]
BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: George and Jan Standing-Roberts, 648-1782
DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Charlie Kim, ext. 122
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Diana Huntley, ext. 123 or
[email protected]
ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY: Ana Miller, 620-0873
LECTORS: Tim Noonan 290-3720, [email protected]
MARRIAGES: Andrea Rooney ext 129 or [email protected]
SACRISTANS: Nikki Noonan 290-2278, [email protected]
USHERS: Larry & Barb Gadbois 320-3819, [email protected]
COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: John Ridout 340-6382 or
[email protected]
A.C.C.W: Leslie McGiven 701-2877
CUB SCOUTS: Dan Jordan 415-2771
DEFENDERS OF LIFE: Anna Murphy, 218-3093 or Carol 765-4293
DETENTION MINISTRY: Margaret Oberon, 794-0267
FAMILIES OF NAZARETH: Phyllis Crews, 643-5361
HERMITS OF ST GILES: Mark Dextraze, 647-9089 or
[email protected]
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Patrick Cunningham 650-9492
LIFE CENTERS OF VENTURA CO.: Michele Loughman , 486-2721
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Russ & Jeanine Walker, 648-4244
RETROUVAILLE REDISCOVERY: Paul & Marisa Montgomery, 642-4023
SECULAR FRANCISCAN: Pauline Riendeau, 339-9446
VICTIMS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY: Suzanne Healy (213)637-7650
YLI-CATHOLIC WOMEN’S ORG.: Mary Ann Foushee, 382-7457
BULLETIN: ext. 128 or [email protected]
BUSINESS MANAGER: Lauren Burns, ext. 101
FINANCE COUNCIL: Tim Noonan, 642-7966
PASTORAL COUNCIL: Dan McGrath, [email protected]
SCHEDULING: Terri Rojo [email protected], ext. 109
CONFIRMATION:YOUTH: Gabriel Rivera, ext. 121 or
[email protected]
ADULT: Dn. Dan Bojorquez, ext. 146
MIDDLE (THE EDGE) & HIGH SCHOOL : Gabe Rivera, ext. 121
NURSERY: Mari Joerger, ext. 125
RCIA: Dn. Don Huntley ext. 123 or [email protected]
SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: Dea Boehme 390-1260,
[email protected]
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Mari Joerger at ext.125 or
[email protected]
DN ED MILLS, EXT. 152 OR [email protected]
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Our Parish In Pictures
OLA Youth summer of fun & worship 2016